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represe:n^tative members.
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1896, by
Albert C. Stevens, in the OflBce of the Librarian of Congress
Dicitis omnis in imbecilitate est et graiia, et caritas. — Cicero.
Reason, it is certain, would oTjluje every man to inirsue
the general liamnness as the means to procure and establish his
own ; and yet, if, besides this consideration, there were not a
natural instinct 'promiAing men to desire the welfare and satis-
faction of others, self-love, in defiance of the admonitions of
reason, would quichly rtm all things into a state of war and
confusion. — The Spectator, Sept. 1, 1714.
Ix the Cyclop^i::dia of Fraternities
the first attempt is made, so far as known,
to trace, from a sociological point of view,
the development of Secret Societies in the
United States.
Freemasonry, of course, is shown to be
the mother fraternity in fact, as well as
in name; but particular interest will attach
to details connecting many of the more
important fraternities with Freemasonry.
Broader, and fully as interesting{is the fact
that in free and democratic America there
are more secret societies and a larger ag-
gregate membership among such organiza-
tions than in all other civilized countries!^
The probable extent of the influence of
secret society life may be inferred from the
fact that more than 6,000,000 Americans
are members of 300 such organizations,
which confer about 1,000 degrees on 300,000
novitiates annually, aided, in instances, by
a Avealth of paraphernalia and dramatic cere-
monial which rivals modern stage eflPects.
More than 30,000 members are annually
added to the rolls of Masonic Lodges in the
United States; quite as many join the Odd
Fellows, and one-half as many the Knights
of Pythias; more than 100,000 join other
secret societies, the lodges, chapters, or
councils of which dot the country almost
coincidently with the erection of churches
and schoolhouses.
C^It is rarely that one in ten of the active
members of secret societies is familiar with
the origin and growth of his own fraternity,
and not one in a hundred has a fair con-
ception of the relation of his own organiza-
tion to like societies, or of the origin and
evolution of leading organizations which
form the secret society world-J For this
reason not only the 200,000 new members
of such societies each year, but older breth-
ren as well, should find in the Cyclop.-edia
OF Fraternities a valuable supplement to
all previously acquired information on the
subject. So much that is not true has
been written about secret societies by their
friends, as well as enemies, and so much
that is of doubtful authenticity regarding
them appears in what have been considered
standard works, that an analytical supple-
mentary treatise becomes a necessity.
]\Iore than half the secret societies in the
United States pay death, sick, accident, dis-
ability, funeral, or other benefits. They are
an outgrowth of the old English friendly
societies and of Masonic influences, and are
generally described as beneficiary and char-
itable organizations, sometimes as fraternal
orders. Their total membership is enor-
mous and is growing rapidly. The move-
ment represents a system of cooperative in-
surance, usually characterized as "protec-
tion," and is attracting the attention of not
only old line insurance companies, but of
legislatures as well.
So important has this branch of secret
society life become, that it has been given
extended treatment under " National Fra-
ternal Congress," which chapter is contrib-
uted by Major N. S. Boynton of Port Hu-
ron, Mich. Returns as to the nature of the
protection or benefits given, and methods of
collecting the same, with costs per capita
at various periods, have been furnished by
nearly all the large beneficiary societies,
and are published in full. The accompany-
ing analysis and comparison are by Mr.
Frank Greene, managing editor of Brad-
street's. This feature should prove of ex-
ceptional interest to members of beneficiary
One of the revelations of the book is found
in the reference to secret sisterhoods at-
tached to beneficiary fraternities, as well
as separate societies of women, relatives of
members of brotherhoods, numbering alto-
gether about half a million women. Among
the larger are the Daughters of Eebekah,
the Order of the Eastern Star, Ladies of the
Maccabees, the Eatlibone Sisters, Pythian
Sisterhood, the Daughters of Liberty, the
Daughters of America, and others. In ad-
dition, there are many beneficiary societies
which admit both men and women.
The results of an examination of standard
histories of Freemasonry, condensed for the
Cyclopaedia of Fkaternities, ignore un-
corroborated traditions as to origin and
growth, but embody the conclusions of the
ablest modern Masonic historians. Supple-
mentary chapters on Freemasonry contain
much that is published for the first time.
In all of them the view-point is that of the
inquiring Freemason, young or old. Too
much is left nowadays for the newly-made
Master Mason to find out by studying the
thousand and one books, good, bad, and
indifferent, truthful and traditional, with
which the shelves of Masonic libraries are
filled. The results of prolonged investi-
gation are embodied in special chapters
on "Freemasonry among Negroes," includ-
ing the English, American, and Scottish
Eites; " Freemasonry among the Mormons,"
containing original matter contributed by
brethren familiar with the work of the Mor-
mon Lodge at Nauvoo, 111., fifty years ago;
and " Freemasonry among the Chinese/'
which phrase acquires a new meaning. Ma-
sonic Eites, their origin, growth, and dis-
tribution of membership throughout the
world, their present condition, relationship,
and modes of government, are presented
more clearly, perhaps, than ever before.
Scottish Eite Freemasonry, the discussion
of which includes a list of the names and
addresses of all thirty-third degree Free-
masons in the United States, is dealt with
so as to make plain much that is misunder-
stood. The work involved in preparing this
chapter necessitated retracing the steps of
many who had gone that way before. Mas-
ter Masons will find the story a brief and
clear exposition of what has often been
Modern Occult Societies are nominally
more numerous than their following would
seem to warrant, Nearly all have been
based upon Masonic degrees or legends.
The only noteworthy survivor is the Theo-
sophical Society, Mrs. Annie Besant, suc-
cessor to Madame Helen P. Blavatsky,
writes interestingly regarding this Society
for the Cyclopaedia of Fraternities,
making several points which will attract the
attention of Masonic students.
As very few among those who have here-
tofore treated of events during the period
1827 to 1845 have appreciated the part the
anti-Masonic agitation pla3'-ed in peopling
what may be called the secret society world,
this interesting topic is quite fully discussed
under the heads, "Anti-Masonry," "Col-
lege Fraternities," " Patriotic Orders," and
"Independent Order of Odd Fellows."
The extent to which the Eoman Catholic
Church has antagonized secret societies in
America is referred to, in part, under
"Anti-Masonry;" bnt its later attitude,
looking without disfavor on the formation
of private beneficiary and charitable organ-
izations, does not appear to have received
treatment elsewhere. The movement is sig-
nificant in that it constitutes the revival of
"a little Freemasonry" wholly within the
Among the original charts, maps, family
trees, and other diagrams, prepared for
the Cyclopaedia of Fraternities are the
following :
1, Secret Society Membership Map of the
United States;
2, Masonic Map of the World;
3, Spread of Freemasonry from England
throughout the World ;
4, Number of Freemasons in Various
5, Number of Master Masons in each of
the Leading Masonic Eites;
6, Eelationship of the English, American,
and Scottish Eites of Freemasonry;
7, Legitimate and Illegitimate Scottish
Eite Masonic Bodies;
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8. Odd Fellowship, its Branches and
9. Orders of White and of Negro Odd Fel-
lows and their Branches;
10. Origin and Relationship of Orders of
Foresters ;
11. Patriotic and Political Societies, 1TG5
(Sons of Liberty) to date (American
Protective Association);
12. American College Fraternities and their
13. Relationship of Temperance Secret So-
14. Hebrew Secret, Charitable Organiza-
15. Railroad Employes' Brotherhoods, and
16. Labor Organizations.
Stndents of the curious will be interested
in the discussions of anti-Roman Catholic
secret societies, societies which favor a
silver monetary standard, mystical organi-
zations to teach economics, for the encour-
agement of recreation, enforcing law and
order, for carrying out revolutionary de-
signs, for indulging in eccentricity, and for
subverting law and order. The list is not
a long one, but is interesting as a sociologi-
cal record.
The labor entailed in compiling the
Cyclopaedia of Fkaternities has been
lightened by the cooperation of members of
the societies named ; and for much that is
meritorious herein, particular credit is in
part due to those whose names are appended,
to whom the warmest acknowledgments are
extended :
Adelubehagen, Paul, A. F. and A. M.,
Hamburg, Netherlands.
Allan, F. W., A. F. and A. M., Glasgow,
Arthur, P. M., Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, Cleveland, 0.
Backus, Rev. J. E., Independent Order of
Good Templars, Rome, N. Y.
Bangs, Algernon S., United Order of the
Golden Cross, Augusta, Me.
Baskett, S. R., A. F. and A. M., Evershot,
Dorchester, England.
Bates, John L., United Order of Pilgrim
Fathers, Boston, Mass.
Bayley, J., Independent Order of Foresters,
Toronto, Ont.
Beck, Charles F., A. F. and A. M., De-
troit, Mich.
Bellamy, Marsdeu, Knights of Honor, Wil-
mington, N. C.
Bernstein, Paul, American Star Order, New
Besant, Mrs. Annie, Theosophical Society,
London, England.
Bien, Julius, B'nai B'rith, New York.
Bierce, C. A., Order of the Golden Rod,
Detroit, Mich.
Bigelow, Joseph Hill, College Fraternities,
College City New York.
Biggs, D. S., American Legion of Honor,
Boston, Mass.
Bloss, J. M., Equitable Aid LTnion, Titus-
ville. Pa.
Bolton, DeWitt C, Knights of Pythias,
Paterson, N. J.
Boughton, J. S., Order of Select Friends,
Lawrence, Kan.
Bowles, G. F., The Universal Brotherhood,
Natchez, Miss.
Boyd, W. T., A. F. and A. M., Cleveland, 0.
Brown, F. L., Improved Order of Hepta-
sophs. Scran ton, Pa.
Buchanan, James Isaac, A. F. and A. M.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Bundy, William E., Sons of Veterans,
U. S. A., Cincinnati, 0.
Burmester, Charles E., Adjutant-General,
G. A. R., Omaha, Neb.
Burnett, D. Z., Knights of Pythias, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Burton, Alonzo J., Order of the Eastern
Star, New York, N. Y.
Burton, John R., Modern Order of Crafts-
men, Detroit, Mich.
Campfield, George A., Independent Order
of Foresters, Detroit, Mich.
Carlos, James J., St. Patrick's Alliance of
America, Newark, N. J.
Carnahan, Major-General James R., Knights
of Pythias, Indianapolis, Ind.
Carson, E. T,, A. F. and A. M., Cincin-
nati, 0.
Carter, John M., A. F. and A. M., Balti-
more, Md.
Chase, Ira J., Tribe of Ben Ilur, Crawfords-
ville, Ind.
Churchill, C. Kobert, College Fraternities,
New Orleans, La.
Clancy, J. J., Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Trenton, N. J.
Clare, Ealph B., Knights of the Mystic
Chain, Philadel^ihia, Pa.
Clark, E. E., Order of Kailway Conductors,
Cedar Rapids, la.
Clark, Miss F. M., New England Order of
Protection, Boston, Mass.
Clarkson, Thaddeus S., G. A. R., Omaha,
Clendenen, G. W., Mystic Order of the
World, Fulton, 111.
Clift, J. Augustus, A. F. and A. M., .St.
Johns, N. F.
Coffin, Selden J., College Fraternities, La-
fayette College, Easton, Pa.
Colby, Arthur W., College Fraternities,
Cleveland, 0.
Congdon, Joseph W., A. F. and A. M.,
Paterson, N. J.
Cotter, Frank G., Actors' Order of Friend-
ship, New York.
Cowen, Thomas B., College Fraternities,
Williamstown, Mass.
Cruett, John AV., Improved Order of Hep-
tasophs, Baltimore, ^Id.
Culbertson, William, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cummings, Thomas H., Catholic Knights
of Columbus, Boston, Mass.
Daniels, William P., Order of Railway Con-
ductors, Cedar Rapids, la.
Dase, William H., Knights of the Red Cross,
Springfield, 0.
Day, Fessenden I., United Order of the
Golden Cross. Lewiston, Me.
De Leon, Daniel D., Knights of Labor, New
Devo, John H., A. F. and A. M. (negro),
" Albany, N. Y.
Donnelly, T. M., Woodchoppers' Associa-
tion, Jersey City, N. J.
Dore, John P., Massachusetts Catholic Or-
der of Foresters, Boston, Mass.
Dorf, Samuel, B'rith Abraham, New York.
Doris, T. C, Ancient Order of the Sanhe-
drim, Richmond, Va.
Dorwell, R. R., Good Samaritans and
Daughters of Samaria, Stamford, Conn.
Douglicrty, John, Switchmen's Union, N.
A., Kansas City, Mo.
Eavenson, Marvin M., Sons of Temperance,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Edelstein, John, A. F. and A. M., Jersey
City, N. J.
Edmunds, G., A. F. and A. M., Carthage,
Eidson, W. R., American Benevolent As-
sociation, St. Louis, Mo.
Ellinger, M., B'nai B'rith, New York.
Engelhardt, August, Benevolent Order of
Buffaloes, New York.
Everett, D., Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, Cleveland, 0.
Failey, James F., Order of Iron Hall, In-
dianapolis, Ind.
Farrell, J. H., Royal Arcanum, Paterson,
N. J.
Fields, M. F., A. F. and A. M. (negro),
St. Louis, Mo.
Fowler, George W., Ancient Order of United
Workmen, Detroit, Mich.
Frantzen, C. J., Royal Benefit Society, New
Frost, D. M., Knights of Reciprocity, Gar-
den City, Kan.
Galami, M., A. F. and A. M., Athens,
Gans, William A., B'nai B'rith, New York,
N. Y.
Garwood, S. S., Order of Home Builders,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Gaston, Frederick, The Grand Fraternity,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Gerard, D. W., Tribe of Ben Hur, Craw-
fordsville, Ind.
Gildersleevc, Charles E., Order of United
Americans, New York.
Glenn, G. W., Independent Order of Reclia-
bites, Sykes, Va.
Goodule, H. G., A. F. and A. M., Jamaica,
Queens Co., N. Y.
Gorman, Artliur P., A. F. and A. M., Bal-
timore, Md.
Graham, Rev. George S., Order of Iron
Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gretzinger, William C, College Fraternities,
Lowisburg, Pa.
Griest, W. C, The United States Benefit
Fraternity, Baltimore, Md.
Griffin, Martin I. J., Irish Catholic Benev-
olent Union, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gross, F. W., United Brothers in Friend-
ship, Victoria, Tex.
Gwinnell, John M., American Legion of
Honor, Newark, N. J.
Hahne, Irvin A., Independent Order of
Mechanics, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hamilton, W. R., A. F. and A. M., Car-
thage, 111.
Hammer, H. H., Adjutant General, Sons
of Veterans, U. S. A., Reading, Pa.
Harburger, Julius, Independent Order,
Free Sons of Israel, New York.
Harper, G. S., Order of the World, Wheel-
ing, W. Va.
Harrison, H. Leslie, Knights of St. John
and Malta, New York.
Harte, H. M., Knights of Honor, New York.
Hassewell, J. N., Patriotic Order, Sons of
America, Scranton, Pa.
Hayes, John W., Knights of Labor, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Heller, S. M., Home Palladium, Kansas
City, Mo.
Hennessy, J. C, National Reserve Associa-
tion, Kansas City, Mo.
Henry, William, Order of Amaranth, De-
troit, Mich.
Herman, L., Ahavas Israel, New York.
Herriford, Joseph E., International Order
of Twelve, Chillicothe, Mo.
Hibben, E. H., Northern Fraternal Insur-
ance Association, Marshalltown, la.
Hinckley, George C, College Fraternities,
Providence, R. I.
Hitt, George C, Order of Iron Hall, In-
dianapolis, Ind.
Holden, S. F., Knights and Ladies of
America, New York.
Holman, Oliver D., Order of United
Friends, New York.
Holmes, M. B., Ancient Order of Hiber-
nians, New York.
Hopkins, A. W., International Order of
Twelve, Leavenworth, Kan.
Hucless, Robert, A. F. and A. M. (negro),
New York,
Hughes, James L., The Loyal Orange As-
sociation, Toronto, Ont.
Irving, E. B., A. F. and A. M. (negro),
Albany, N. Y.
Jackson, Thornton A., A. F. and A. M.
(negro), Washington, D. C.
Jones, C. C, Adjutant-General, G. A. R.,
Rockford, 111.
Jones, Charles R., Order of Equity, In-
dianapolis, Ind.
Johnston, John G., Order of Rente, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Johnston, Thomas E., Order of Knights of
Friendship, Philadelphia, Pa.
Keliher, Sylvester, American Railway
Union, Chicago, 111.
Kimptou, Carl W., Order of Unity, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
King, Charles M., Benevolent and Protec-
tive Oi'der of Elks, Paterson, N. J.
Kittrell, L. A., Knights of Pythias (ne-
gro), Macon, Ga.
Krape, William W., Knights of the Globe,
Freeport, 111.
Kuhn, John R., Catholic Benevolent Le-
gion, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Lamb, E. F., Order of United Friends of
Michigan, Flint, Mich.
Lander, W. F., Knights and Ladies of
Azar, Chicago, 111.
Laurence, R. D., A. F. and A. M., Spring-
field, 111.
Lawler, Thomas G., G. A. R., Rockford,
Lawrence, G. ^., National Farmers' Al-
liance, Marion, 0.
Leahy, John P., Union Fraternal Alliance, Mann, Dr. D. IL, Independent Order Good
Boston, Mass. Tcnii)lars, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Leahy, Thomas, A. F. and A. M., Roch- Markey, D. P., Knights of the Maccabees,
ester, N. Y. Port Huron, Mich.
Lee, J. P., St. Patrick's Alliance of Anier- Mason, E. C, Royal Tribe of Joseph, 8e-
ica. Orange, N. J. dalia, Mo.
Leisersohn, Leonard, B'rith Abraham, New Mason, Joseph, Foresters of America, Pat-
York, erson, N. J.
Lenbert, J. G., Grand United Order of Mason, J, J., A. F. and A. M., Hamilton,
Odd Fellows (negro), New York. Ont.
Lerch, George L., College Fraternities, Mason, J. W., Protected Home Circle,
Clinton, N. Y. Sharon, Pa.
Levy, Ferdinand, Sons of Benjamin, New Maulsby, D. L., College Fraternities, Tufts
York. College, Massachusetts.
Levy, Magnus, Independent Order of Amer- May, William H., Jr., A. F. and A. M.,
ican Israelites, New York. Washington, D. C.
Lockard, L. B., Knights and Ladies of Mendenhall, B., A. F. and A. M., Dallas
Honor, Bradford, Pa. City, 111.
Loewenstein, E., A. F. and A. M., New Mills, A. G., Military Order of Loyal Lc-
York. gion, New York.
Lunstedt, Henry, Native Sons of the Gold- Miner, S. L., National Fraternal Union,
en West, San Francisco, Cal. Cincinnati, 0.
Lnthin, Otto L. F., Royal Society of Good Mitchell, C. W., Knights of the Golden
Fellows, Boston, Mass. Eagle, Mansfield, 0.
Lyon, D. Murray, A. F. and A. M., Edin- Monahan, James, Irish National Order of
burgh, Scotland. Foresters, New York.
McCarroll, F. Liberty, Shepherds of Beth- Moore, E. T., College Fraternities, Swath-
lehem, Newark, N. J. more College, Swathmore, Pa.
McClenachan, Charles T., A. F. and A. M., Moore, R. B., A. F. and A. M., Elizabeth,
New York. N. J.
McClintock, E. S., Ancient Order of the Moorman, Gen. George, United Confed-
Pyramids, Topeka, Kan. erate Veterans, New Orleans, La.
McClurg, John, Jr., Templars of Liberty Morse, H. H., Order of Chosen Friends,
of America, New York. New York.
McLaughlin, James J., Massachusetts Mott, J. Lawrence, Workmen's Benefit So-
Catliolic Order of Foresters, Boston. ciety, Boston, Mass.
McLean, Alexander, Illinois Order of Mu- Mott, Dr. Valentine, A. F. and A. M., New
tual Aid, Macomb, 111. York.
Mackery, L., A. F. and A. M., Edinburgh, Mulford, John M., American Insurance
Scotland. L'nion, Columbus, 0.
Magill, Joseph R., Grand United Order of Mull, George F., College Fraternities,
Odd Fellows (negro), New York. Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pa.
Mahoney, John R., Independent Order of Mulligan, John, Knights of Honor, Yon-
Rechabites, Washington, D. C. kers, N. Y.
Malcolm, Samuel L., Order of United Mulligan, Ralph R., Knights of Honor,
Friends, New York. Yonkers, N. Y.
Mallard, Rev. Robert Q., College Fraterni- Mundie, P. J., National Union of Iron and
ties, New Orleans, La. Steel Workers, Youngstown, 0.
Muiiger, Frank E., Empire Knights of Ee-
lief, Buffalo, N. Y.
Myers, Allen 0., Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks, Cincinnati, 0.
Myrick, Herbert, Patrons of Industry,
Springfield, Mass.
Nason, Edwin H., Shield of Honor, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Keedham. James F., Grand United Order
of Odd Fellows (negro), Philadelphia.
Nichols, John, Templars of Liberty, New
Nicholson, General John P., Military Or-
der of Loyal Legion, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nicholson, James B., Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nielsen, Eennus, A. F. and A. M., Copen-
hagen, Denmark.
Nisbet, Michael, A. F. and A. M., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Noeckel, A. G., The Columbus Mutual
Benefit Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Northcott, William A., Modern Woodmen
of America, Greenville, 111.
Oakes, Henry W., New England Order of
Protection, Auburn, Me.
O'Connell, James, International Associa-
tion of Machinists, Richmond, Va.
O'Connor, P. J., Ancient Order of Hiber-
nians, Savannah, Ga.
Oddi, J. S., A. F. and A. M., Alexandria,
Oliver, Edward, Order of Sons of St. George,
San Francisco, Cal.
Oronhyatekha, Dr., Independent Order of
Foresters, Toronto, Ont.
O'Rourke, William, Catholic Knights of
America, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Palmer, Alanson, Eclectic Assembly, Brad-
ford, Pa.
Palmer, George W., Templars of Liberty,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Pancoast, E. H., Shield of Honor, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Parker, B. F., Independent Order of Good
Templars, Milwaukee, Wis.
Paton, Andrew H., Improved Order of Red
Men, Dan vers, Mass.
Pearson, A. L., Union Veterans' Legion,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Peckinpaugh, Thomas E., Improved Order
of Red Men, Cleveland, 0.
Pellin, J. F., A. F. and A. M., Havana,
Perkins, E. C, Iron Hall, Baltimore,
Perry, John A., A. F. and A. M., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Peters, A. C, A. F. and A. M. (negro),
Newark, N. J.
Petter, Frank S., Loyal Additional Benefit
Association, Jersey City, N. J.
Phillips, Rev. E. S., Ancient Order of Hi-
bernians, Plains, Pa.
Popper, H., Independent Order Free Sons
of Judah, New York.
Porter, E. H., College Fraternities, Beloit,
Post, August, National Farmers' Alliance,
Moulton, la.
Powell, J. B. R., Modern Knights Fidelity
League, Kansas City, Kan.
Powell, M. v.. Order of Railway Teleg-
raphers, Vinton, la.
Presson, G. S., A. F. and A. M., Berne,
Ramsey, Walter M., College Fraternities,
Lafayette, Ind.
Ray, Peter S., M.D., A. F. and A. M.
(negro), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Reeve, S. Lansing, D.D., American Patriotic
League, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Reynolds, Walter D., Sexennial League,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ridings, C. C, Patriarchal Circle of Amer-
ica, Morris, 111.
Riesenberger, A., College Fraternities, Ste-
vens Institute, Hoboken, N. J.
Robinson, Charles H., Order of ^gis, Bal-
timore, Md.
Robinson, W. A., College Fraternities,
Bethlehem, Pa.
Rodrigues, Francesco de P., A. F. and
A. M., Havana, Colon.
Ronemus, Frank L., Brotherhood of Rail-
way Carmen, Cedar Rapids, la.
Roose, F. F., Fraternal Union of America, Simons, W. N., Order of United American
Denver, Colo. Mechanics, Xorwalk, Conn.
Root, C. J., Woodmen of the World. Slattery, M. J., Ancient Order of Iliber-
Oniaha, Neb. nians, Albany, N. Y.
Rosenthal, B., Independent Order Free Smalley, Frank, College Fraternities, Syra-
' Sons of Judah, New York. cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.
Rosenthal, Henry, Improved Order, Smith, Adon, Veiled Prophets of the En-
Knights of Pythias. Evansville, Ind. chanted Realm, New York.
Rosenthal, Morris, Kesiier Shel Barzel, Smith, D. P., Order of United Friends of
New York. Michigan, Detroit, Mich.
Ross, James C, Knights of Pythias (negro). Smith, George K., Concatenated Order of
Savannah, Ga. Hoo-lloo, St. Louis, Mo.
Ross, Theodore A., Independent Order of Smith, General John C, A. F. and A. }>[.,
Odd Fellows, Baltimore, Md. Chicago, 111.
Rousell, Edward, Fraternal Aid Associa- Smith, T. J., Knights of the Golden Rule,
tion, Lawrence, Kan. Cincinnati, 0.
Rugh, W. J., Ancient and Illustrious Order Smitli, AV. J., American Glass Makers'
Knights of Malta, Pittsburg, Pa. Union, Pittsburg, Pa.
Russell. William T.,A. F. and A. M., Bal- Speelman, H. V., Adjutant-General, Sons
timore, Md. of A'eterans, L^. S. A., Cincinnati, 0.
Sanders, James P., Independent Order of Speth, G. W., A. F. and A. M., Bromley,
Odd Fellows, Yonkers, N. Y. Kent, England.
Sanderson, Percy, Order of Sons of St. Spooner, W. R., Royal Society of Good Fel-
George, New York. lows. New York.
Sargent, F. P., Brotherhood of Locomotive Stead, T. Ballan, Ancient Order of Fores-
Firemen, Peoria, 111. ters, England.
Saunders, T. W., Independent Order of Stearns, John B., College Fraternities, Bur-
Foresters of Illinois, Chicago, 111. lington, Vt.
Schaale, Charles F., Patriotic Order of Stebbins, John W., Independent Order of
America, St. Louis, Mo. Odd Fellows, Rochester, N. Y.
Schord, Louis G., United Ancient Order of Stees, F. E., Patriotic Order Sons of Amer-
Druids, San Francisco, Cal. ica, Philadelphia, Pa.
Scott, George, A. F. and A. M., New Stephenson, Mary H., G. A. R., Peters-
York, burg. 111.
Scott, George A., National Protective Le- Stevens, D. E., Order of the Fraternal Mys-
gion, Waverly, N. Y. tic Circle, Philadelphia, Pa.
Scottron, S. R., A. F. and A. M. (negro), Stevenson, A. E., Independent Order of
Brooklyn, N. Y. Foresters, Chicago, 111.
Sears, John M., Independent and Interna- Steward, C. C, Grand United Order of
tional Order of Owls, Nashville, Tenn. Galilean Fishermen, Bristol, Tenn.
Sendersen, W. C. College Fraternities, Stewart, James F., Indian Republican
Gambier, 0. League, Paterson, N. J.
Server, John, Order of United American St. George, Archibald. A. F. and A. ^L,
Mechanics, Philadelphia, Pa. Dublin, Ireland.
Shipp, J. F., United Confederate Veterans, Stolts, William A., L^nited Order of For-
Chattanooga, Tenn. esters, Chicago. 111.
Shirrefs, R. A., A. F. and A. M., Eliza- Stowell, C. L., A. F. and A. M., Rochester,
beth, N. J. N. Y.
Stringhain, LeRoy M., Templars of Honor
and Temperance, Ripley, N. Y.
Stubbs, T. J., College Fraternities, Wil-
liamsburg, Va.
Suleb, M., A. F. and A. M., Cairo, Egypt.
Sullavon, Emanuel, A. F. and A. M. (ne-
gro), New Bedford, Mass.
Sullivan, B. Frank, Order of Heptasoplis,
or S. W. M., Wilmington, Del.
Sullivan, Timothy F., Catholic Knights of
Columbus, Boston, Mass.
Taylor, Harold, Order of Iron Hall, Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Taylor,W. E., Molly Maguires, Pittsburg, Pa.
Terrell, George, College Fraternities, Mid-
dletown, Conn.
Thiele, Theodore B., Catholic Order of For-
esters, Chicago, 111.
Thompson, J. W., Knights of Pythias,
Washington, D. C.
Tipper, F. S., Jr., Order of United Ameri-
can Mechanics, Stamford, Conn.
Titcomb, Virginia C, Patriotic League of
the Revolution, Brooklyn.
Todd, Quinton, Knights of Birmingham,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Tompkins, Uriah W., Home Circle, New
Toomey, D. P., Catholic Knights of Colum-
bus, Boston, Mass.
Trimble, John, Patrons of Husbandry,
Washington, D. C.
Troutman, Charles E., Union Veterans'
Legion, Washington, D. C.
Tyler, C. W., Jr., Order United American
Mechanics, Richmond, Va.
Underbill, C. F., Royal Fraternity, Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Unverzagt, C. H., National Fraternal Alli-
ance, Baltimore, Md.
Upson, Irving S., College Fraternities,
New Brunswick, N. J.
Verticau, F. W., Patrons of Industry, Port
Huron, Mich.
Waite, G. Harry, Knights of the Mystic
Chain, Port Dickinson, N. Y.
Walkinshaw, L. C, College Fraternities,
Lewisburg, Pa.
Wallace, Colonel E. Bruce, Union Veterans*
Legion, Philadelphia, Pa.
Watkins, James S., Improved Order of
Ileptasophs, Baltimore, Md.
Weatherbee, J., Order of Railway Teleg-
raphers, Vinton, la.
Weeks, Joseph D., A. F. and A. M., Pitts-
burg, Pa.
Weihe, William, Amalgamated Association,
Iron and Steel Workers, Pittsburg, Pa.
Wende, Ernest, M.D., Order of the Iro-
quois, Buffalo, N. Y.
White, R. L. C, Kniglits of Pythias, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
W^ilson, J. W^., National Farmers' Alliance,
Chicago, 111.
Wilson, W. IL, Knights of Birmingham,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Wilson, W. Warne, Columbian League, De-
troit, Mich.
Wood, C. B., Knights of the Golden Eagle,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Wood, E. 0., Knights of the Loyal Guard,
Flint, Mich.
Woodruff, C. S., Templars of Honor and
Temperance, Newark, N. J.
Woodward, Rev. C. S., Temple of Honor,
Newark, N. J.
Woolsey, George F., L^nited Order of For-
esters, St. Paul, Minn.
Wright, George W., Order of Heptasophs,
or S. W. M., Norfolk, Va.
Wright, William B., Modern American
Fraternal Order, Effingham, 111.
Young, James, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, Baltimore, Md.
Where the origin of so many fraternities
has been largely or in part obscured through
the want of voluntary chroniclers, and some-
times by reason of the emphasis placed on
the legendary accounts of their beginnings,
it has often been difficult to arrive at all the
facts. The search for truth, however, has
been conducted without bias, in an honest
endeavor to collate as much as possible of
that which may be known concerning this
interesting phase of social life.
Very few among the six million members
of nearly three hundred secret societies,
fraternities, and sisterhoods in the United
States are familiar with the origin, history,
or function of these organizations. This
has been noted by the eminent English ]Ma-
sonic historian, Eobert F. Gould^ who, on
page 157, vol. ii., of his "History of Free-
masonry," says: "The members of a secret
society are rarely conversant with its origin
and history." Many have a fair knowledge
of the extent, membership, and the more
immediate objects of the societies to which
they belong; but the real histories of the
origin and development of many of the older
organizations have so often been enveloped
in myster}^ or founded on mythical inci-
dents, or traditions, that the average mem-
ber, unless i)articularly interested and will-
ing to devote time and study to the task,
seldom becomes a trustworthy source of in-
formation as to the fraternity of Avhich he
may be a conspicuous and honored repre-
Lengthy and exhaustive histories of some
of the older and larger secret societies in
the United States have been published, but
most of them are expensive and require
time and study to enable the reader to be-
come familiar with the details of their con-
tents. In the rush of our latter-day civili-
zation, the busy citizen finds little time to
pore over the wealth of incident with which
such works properly abound. It has, there-
fore, remained for the few to know of that
which the many have been struggling to
accomplish, to learn whence they came and
whither travelling.
Few who are well informed on the subject
will deny that the Masonic Fraternity is
directly or indirectly the parent organiza-
tion of all modern secret societies, good,
bad, and indifferent; but fewer still are able
to explain why or how. Those who have an
intelligent idea of the relationship of the
hundreds of secret societies which have left
an impress upon American sociological de-
velopment in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, may be numbered on the lingers
of one hand, if indeed there are as many as
that; and it is in order to remedy this, to
place it within the reach of practically every
member of every secret society to familiar-
ize himself with these important particulars,
that the task of compiling the Cyclopaedia
OF Fraternities was begun. The im))or-
tance of such a work may hardly be over-
estimated, including, as it does, prolonged
original investigation of hundreds of tradi-
tions and chronicles of many organizations;
the examination of all of the best and many
other official or authoritative historical and
other publications; and last, but not least,
the enlistment of the cooperation of hun-
dreds of the best-informed members of
nearly all existing and some extinct secret
societies, to the end that little if anything
may. remain undone to present, in projier
perspective, a panoramic view of the secret
society world in America, which will pre-
serve the sequence and relationship of such
"When it is known that more than 200,000
candidates for membership are initiated
every year into American secret fraterni-
ties and sisterhoods, 30,000 alone into the
Masonic Fraternity, and as many more into
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of
whom, as a rule, 60 per cent, become more
or less active members, the need for a com-
prehensive work Avhich Avill present the im-
portant facts concerning all secret societies
from a universal point of view becomes
Notwithstanding the century's extraordi-
nary development in agriculture, commerce,
manufactures, in tlie arts, in the dissemi-
nation of intelligence, in the machinery of
finance, and in good government, interest
in the older and better types of secret soci-
eties has grown with even greater rapidity,
if one may judge from the increase in mem-
be rsliii) and prosperity. This may come in
tlie nature of a surprise to many who know
little of the extent or importance of the
secret society world, and it gathers inter-
est for every student of mankind in that it
suggests an inquiry into the cause of this
attraction, and raises the question whether
the mystical side to our natures has not ex-
panded relatively more rapidly than that
which looks mainly to material comfort.
Daring the seventeenth century the specu-
lative successors to the ancient English
operative Freemasons added to their symbol-
ism, drawn from the workingmen's guilds
of the middle ages, many of the character-
istics of the older religious and mystical
societies. Thus, there may be found in
modern Freemasonry traces of the Egyp-
tian, Eleusinian, Mithraic, Adoniac, Cabi-
ric, and Druidic Mysteries, all of which,
when undefiled, taught jnirity, immortality,
and the existence of an ever-living and true
God. Their ceremonials were divided into
degrees in which were conferred secret
means of recognition, and each had a
legend which, by dramatic representation,
impressed upon the novitiate the lesson that
the Avay to life is by death. Masonic sym-
bolism and ceremonials show also the influ-
ence of the teachings of the Gnostics, the
Kabbalists, Pythagoreans, Druses, Mani-
cheans, and the earlier Rosicrucians. It
was between 1723 and 1740 that the parent
modern secret society spread from England
throughout Europe and into the British
colonies. After the American AVar of the
Revolution it became, with one or two
political secret societies founded by Free-
masons, the direct or indirect source of all
secret societies formed in America since
that time. With a few excej^tions, the like
is true concerning secret societies in Europe
formed since 1740.
One hundred years ago there were about
twenty-five hundred Freemasons in the
United States, perhaps five liundred mem-
bers of the St. Tammany (patriotic) secret
societies, and the few scattered members
of Phi Beta Kapjia at Yale, Harvard, and
Dartmouth Colleges. The Cyclop.-edia of
Fraternities traces more than six hun-
dred secret societies in the United States
since 1797, of which more than three hun-
dred and fifty survive, with a membership
amounting to 40 per cent, of the present
male population of the country who are
twenty-one years of age, in contrast with
less than one-quarter of 1 per cent, of the
adult male 2)opulation who were members
of secret fraternities one himdred years ago.
American Rite: Lodges, ChaiJters, Councils, and
Scottish Rite : Grand Lodges of Perfection, Coun-
cils, Chapters, Consistories, and Supreme Coun-
Concordant Orders : Koyal Order of Scotland ;
Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Non-3Iasonic Bodies to which only Freemasons are
Eligible : Modern Society of Rosicrucians ; Sov-
ereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees ; An-
cient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Slirine ; Mystic Order, Veiled Prophets of the
Enchanted Realm ; Independent, International
Order of Owls, and the "side degree,"' Tall
Cedars of Lebanon.
Dead or Dormant : Rite of Memphis ; Oriental Rite
of Memphis and Misraim ; Rite of Swedenborg ;
Order of Martinists.
Irregular or Spurious Masonic Bodies : 1. Amer-
ican and "Scottish Rite" bodies among ne-
groes ; 2. Cerneau and Seymour-Cerneau
" Scottish Rite" bodies.
Also, Clandestine Masonic Lodges ; Society of the
Illuminati and the Covenant ; Freemasonry
among the Early Mormons ; Chinese Freema-
sonry in America : Freemasonry among Amer-
ican Negroes ; Anti-Masonry at Home and
Abroad; Statistics of Freemasonry, and a list
of Distinguished Americans who are or were
Various American Military Orders and
secret societies, followed by Colonial and
Ancestral Orders, take their inspiration
from the Society of the Cincinnati, founded
%. '^<
% y^ .\
in 1783 by prominent American oflBcers of
the War of the Revolution, nearly if not
all of whom were Freemasons.
Society of the Cincinnati (War of Revolution).
Military Order of the Loyal Legion.
Grand Army of the Republic.
Sons of Veterans.
Union Veteran Legion.
Women's Relief Corps.
Ladies of tlie Grand Army of the Republic.
Aid Society of the Sons of Veterans.
Auxiliary to the Union Veteran Legion.
Loyal Ladies' League.
Soldiers' and Sailors' League.
Advance Guard of America, or Grand Army of
Progress, and
United Confederate Veterans.
The Sons of Liberty, composed largely
of and generally officered by Freemasons,
appeared before the War of the Revolution,
and was succeeded by the Sons of St.
Tamina and St. Tammany Societies, and
the latter in 1813 by the Society of Red
Men. The Improved Order of Red Men
(1834) was a further outgrowth, but with
charitable and benevolent rather than po-
litical features.
Sons of Liberty.
Sons of St. Tamina.
* Tammany Society, or Columbian Order.
Society of Red Men.
* Order United American Mechanics.
* Junior Order United American Mechanics.
Sons of '76 ; Order Star Spangled Banner (Know-
Nothing Party).
* Patriotic Order Sons of America.
* Patriotic Daughters of America.
Order of True Americans.
* Daughters of Liberty.
* Daughters of America.
United Sons of America.
* Junior Sons of America.
* Brotherhood of the Union.
Patriotic Order of True Americans.
American Knights.
Order United Americans.
Order of American Star.
Free and Accepted Americans.
Order Native Americans.
The Crescent.
National Order of Videttes.
Order of Red, White, and Blue.
Loyal Men of American Liberty.
Sons of the Soil.
* American Protestant Association.
* Junior American Protestant Association.
Loyal Knights of America.
Order of American Freemen.
Benevolent Order of Bereans.
Guards of Liberty.
* American Protective Association (A. P. A.).
* Women's Historical Society.
* Junior American Protective Association.
* Constitutional Reform Club.
* National Assembly, Patriotic League.
* Order Little Red School House.
* American Patriotic League.
* Daughters of Columbia.
* Order of American Union.
Order of American Shield.
* United Order of Deputies.
Minute Men of 1890.
* Knights of Reciprocity.
* American Knights of Protection.
* Templars of Liberty.
* Patriots of America.
* Daughters of the Republic.
* Silver Knights of America, and
* Silver Ladies of America.
* Patriotic League of the Revolution.
Indian Republican League.
Sons of Liberty (3d).
* Loyal Women of American Liberty.
Freemen's Protective Silver Federation.
Minute Men of '96.
Ladies of Abraham Lincoln.
*Lady True Blues of the World (Orange).
* Protestant Knights of America.
* Loyal Orange Institution.
* Women's Loyal Orange Association.
* Royal Black Knights of the Camp of Israel.
* National Farmers' Alliance.
* Order of the Mystic Brotherhood.
* American Order United Catholics (anti-A. P. A.).
The germ of American patriotic and po-
litical secret societies may be traced to
the Loyal Orange Institution, founded in
Ireland in 1795. The latter had Masonic
antecedents, and for a few years had
the cooperation of individual Freemasons.
Its cardinal principle was, and is, loyalty
* Societies marked with an asterisk are still in
to the occupants of the British throne and
opposition to the Roman Catholic Church.
It did not appear in the United States as an
organization until 1870, but Orangeism did,
and the members of earlier American patri-
otic secret societies (1840-1855) were pro-
nounced **' Native Americans^' and anti-
Roman Catholic. The Orders of United
American Mechanics (Senior and Junior),
Sons of America, Brotherhood of the Union,
American Protestant Association, the Know-
Nothing party (Order of the Star Spangled
Banner), and others, were conspicuous dur-
ing the period referred to, and all, except
the Know-Nothing party, exist to-day, with
others spreading into the American Pro-
tective Association movement, which has
been conspicuous in American politics.
American college secret societies, better
known as Greek letter fraternities, have an
indirect connection with the high grades of-
Freemasonry which were elaborated in the
eighteenth century, and in some instances a
more direct inspiration from the parent
secret society. They constitute a social and
literary aristocracy. There are nearly thirty "
important ones, and twice as many more of
consequence. Nearly all have Greek letter
titles, usually the initials of a motto. Phi
Beta Kappa, the oldest, was founded at the
College of William and Mary, Virginia, in
1776, whence it was taken to Yale and
Harvard, and thence to other colleges. Rival
Greek letter fraternities did not begin to
appear until 1825, since which time they
have multiplied rapidly. Rivahy between
them is keen, and college social life is char-
acterized according as a student is a mem-
ber of one or another, or of none of them.
Many of the best-known names in the ])ro-
fessions, in literature and in political life,
may be found in the lists of college alumni,
members of these fraternities.
Phi Beta Kappa (founded at William and Mary)— .
Chi Delta Theta (Yale).
Chi Phi (Princeton). —
^-\Kappa Alpha (Union). —
-VSignia Phi (Union). — ■
Delta Phi (Union).
I. K; A. (Trinity).
-\-A-lpha Delta Phi (Hamilton). —
. Skull and Bones (local, Yale).
'"\i*si Upsilon (Union). ——'
^* " Mystical 7 " (Wcsleyan).
H^eta Theta Pi (Miami). '
yC^'hi Psi (Union). —
Scroll and Key (local, Yale).
*"The Rainbow" (Univ. Mississippi),
.^^^elta Kappa Epsilon (Yale). - "^
■^^ta Psi (Univ. New York). -
Delta Psi (Columbia).
\;>^eta Delta Chi (Union). —
'><I|*hi Gamma Delta (Wash, and Jefferson).
Phi Delta Theta (Miami).
>Plii Kappa Sigma (Univ. Pennsylvania). —
Phi Kappa Psi (JelT., Pennsylvania).
)^i Phi (Princeton). ~
>-Sigma Chi (Miami). —
5-^igma Alpha Epsilon (Univ. Alabama). —
^..Chi Phi (Univ. Nortli Carolina). —
"^hi Phi (Hobart).
^"^Delta Tail Delta (Bethany). '^
' Alpha Tau Omega (Virginia Mil. Inst.). —
Kappa Alpha, Southern (Washington-Lee).
Kappa Sigma (Univ. Virginia). —
Pi Kappa Alpha (Univ. Virginia). —
->Si_gma Nu (Virginia Mil. Inst.).' —
' Wolf's Head (Yale).
Local Greek Letter, and other College Societies:
Phi Nu Theta (Wesleyan) ; Kappa Kappa
Kajipa (Dartmouth) : Delta Psi (2d) (Univ.
Vt.) ; Alpha Sigma Pi (Univ. Vt.); Alpha
Sigma Phi (Marietta) ; He Boule (Soph. Soc.
Yale) ; Eta Phi (Soph. Soc. Yale) ; Lambda
Iota (Univ. Vt.).
Professional: Alpha Chi Omega (music); Phi
Alpha Sigma (medicine) ; Phi Delta Phi (law) ;
Phi Sigma Kappa (medicine) ; Nu Sigma Nu
(medicine) ; Q. T. V. (agriculture).
Scientific: Berzelius ( Yale) ; Phi Zeta Mu (Dart-
mouth); Theta XI ; Sigma Delta Chi (Yale).
^Yomen's Societies : Alpha Beta Tau ; Alpha Phi ;
"Xappa Alpha Theta ; Beta Sigma Oraicron ;
"Gamnnj^ Phi Beta ; Delta Gamma; Delta Delta
Delta : Kappa Kappa (Jamma ; P. E. 0. ;
Sigma Kappa ; ^i Beta Phi.
\ Jlotiorary : Sigma Chi (local, Cornell)
* Extinct.
t Also Chi Delta Theta (local, Yale), previously
Extinct : Alpha Sigma Theta ; Delta Beta Xi ;
Delta Kappa (freshman) ; Kappa Sigma Epsilon
(freshman) ; Kappa Sigma Phi (sophomore) ;
Phi Theta Psi, all local Yale societies.
Non-Secret : Delta Upsilon (Williams) ; Gamma Nu
(local, Yale, extinct).
The earlier offspring of the Masonic Fra-
ternity included the Odd Fellows (England),
1739 ; Druids, 1761; and the Foresters,
1780, "friendly" societies, with Masonic
thumbmarks on their rituals and in their
ceremonials, but differing in that their
primary purposes were to pay to members
specified sick, disability, funeral, and other
benefits. They are conspicuous among hun-
dreds of other English friendly societies,
and are the forerunners of the American in-
surance or secret beneficiary societies, of
which there are more than one hundred and
fifty. The Odd Fellows were introduced
into the United States in 1819, the Forest-
ers in 1834 (later in 1864), and the Druids
about 1839. The Improved Order of Eed
Men, already referred to, is the oldest
friendly society of American origin. The
B'nai B'rith, a Hebrew friendly or relief so-
ciety, was formed at New York city in 1843,
and has several followers.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Improved Order of Red Men. .
Ancient Order of Foresters.
Foresters of America.
Knights of Pythias.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (negro).
United Ancient Order of Druids.
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Irish National Order of Foresters.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Sons of Herman.
German Order of Harugari.
Ancient and Illustrious Order, Knights of Malta.
Actors Order of Friendship.
Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo.
Artisans' Mutual Order of Protection.
Order of St. George.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Order of the World.
Order of Sanhedrim.
Ancient Essenic Order.
Knights of Pythias of North and South America,
Europe, Asia, and Africa (negro).
* Total Abstinence Friendly Societies : Independent
Order of Rechabites ; Sons of Temperance ;
Independent Order of Good Templars ; Royal
Templars of Temperance ; Independent Order
of Good Samaritans (negro), and others.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen,
founded in Pennsylvania by a Freemason
just after the Civil War, is the original
mutual assessment beneficiary (protection in
the nature of insurance) secret society, and
has had many successful imitators. The
total membership of these organizations is
about 2,000,000, the aggregate protection
is fully $4,000,000,000, and the approximate
annual sum paid relatives of deceased mem-
bers is about $30,000,000. The Knights
of Pythias, formed after the Civil War,
combines the features of both friendly and
the assessment beneficiary societies. Nearly
all the twenty-five secret labor organiza-
tions, all of which have some of the features
of friendly society and other assessment
beneficiary plans, were formed within a few
years after the organization of the Knights
of Labor, in 1868, but the older Total
Abstinence secret societies, out of a dozen
in that group, appeared about sixty years
Ancient Order United Workmen.
Knights of the Mystic Chain.
Knights of Honor.
Knights of the Golden Eagle.
Legion of the Red Cross.
Knights of Birmingham.
Order of the Golden Cross.
Knights and Ladies of Honor.
Royal Arcanum.
Shield of Honor.
American Legion of Honor.
Order of Chosen Friends.
Order of Sparta.
Order of the Red Cross.
United Order Pilgrim Fathers.
Iowa Legion of Honor.
Home Circle.
*In some instances with assessment beneficiary
Modern Woodmen of America.
Modern Woodmen of the World.
Home Forum Benevolent Order.
Loyal Knights and Ladies.
Order of United Friends.
National Union.
United States Benefit Fraternity.
Protected Home Circle.
Royal Society of Good Fellows.
Knights of the Maccabees.
Knights of the Golden Chain.
Independent Order of Chosen Friends.
Knights of the Golden Rule.
Royal League.
Northwestern Legion of Honor.
Grand Fraternity.
New England Order of Protection.
United Fraternal League.
Order of Unity.
Empire Knights of Relief.
United Friends of Michigan.
Fraternal Aid Association.
National Protective League.
Modern Knights Fidelity League.
Mystic Workers of the World.
Knights and Ladies of Security.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends.
National Fraternity.
Tribe of Ben Hur.
Columbus League.
Order of Iroquois.
Prudent Patricians of Pompeii.
Home Palladium.
Golden Star Fraternity.
Independent Order of Foresters.
Independent Order of Foresters of Illinois.
Canadian Order of Foresters.
United Order of Foresters of Minnesota.
Pennsylvania Order of Foresters.
Order of Heptasophs, or S. W. M.
Improved Order of Heptasophs.
Order of Continental Union.
American Insurance Union.
Independent Order Chosen Friends of Illinois.
Chosen Friends of Canada.
League of American German Friends.
Order of Select Friends.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Star.
Loyal Additional Benefit Association.
Knights and Ladies of the Fireside.
Knights of the Globe.
Knights of Sobriety, Fidelity, and Integrity.
Independent Order of Mechanics.
National Reserve Association.
Royal Tribe of Joseph.
Order of Mutual Protection.
National Fraternal Union.
Fraternal Mystic Circle.
American Benefit Society.
Order of Star of Bethlehem.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Precept.
Western Knights Protective Association.
Light of the Ages.
Order United Commercial Travelers.
Fraternal Union of America.
Ancient Order of Freesmiths.
Improved Order Knights of Pythias.
Patriarchal Circle of America.
Knights of the Loyal Guard.
Native Sons of the Golden West.
Royal Standard of America.
Ancient Order of Pyramids.
Hebrew : Independent Order B'nai B'rith ; Inde-
pendent Order Free Sons of Israel ; Order of
B'rith Abraham ; Independent Order Sons
of Benjamin ; Kesher Shel Barzel ; Improved
Order B'nai B'rith ; Independent Order Sons
of Abraham ; Free Sons of Judah ; Ahavas
Israel ; Independent Order of American Israel-
ites, and American Star Order.
Roman Catholic : Catholic Benevolent Legion ;
Knights of Columbus ; Catholic Knights of Illi-
nois ; Catholic Order of Foresters ; Knights of
Father Mathew ; Irish Catholic Benevolent
Union ; Catholic Mutual Benevolent Union ;
Catholic Women's Benevolent Legion ; St. Pat-
rick's Alliance of America, and others.
Negro : United Brethren of Friendship and Sisters
of the Mysterious Ten ; International Order
of Twelve, Knights and Daughters of Tabor ;
Grand United Order Galilean Fishermen.
Progressive Endowment Guild.
Sexennial League.
Eclectic Assembly.
Royal Benefit Society.
Order of Pente.
Order of Algi^.
Order of Iron Hall, Baltimore City.
Modern Order of Craftsmen.
International Fraternal Alliance.
Order of Home Builders.
Columbus Mutual Benefit Association.
Order of Equity.
National Dotare.
The assessment beneficiary fraternities
and sisterhoods have a sentimental as well
as a practical basis. In smaller cities they
usurp the club, and, where men and women
are admitted, form centres from which
emanates a vital social influence. Begin-
ning about 1840, after the subsidence of the
anti-Masouic agitation. Freemasonry in the
United States, as in England and many
other countries, has grown and prospered
beyond precedent, leaving in its wake more
than thirty occult, hermetic, theosophic, or
religious brotherhoods or societies. The
transplanted English friendly society finds
congenial soil here, but is outnumbered by
the assessment beneficiary fraternities, many
of which admit both men and women. The
latter variety of the modern secret society
has commercialized the mechanism of older
fraternities by carrying on a system of
cooperative insurance in brotherhoods de-
signed, in some instances, to advance social
or political objects, total abstinence, cooper-
ative buying and selling, the cultivation
of patriotism, the protection of the interests
of labor, and the propagation of partisan
political views. On the whole, it has en-
couraged the development of j^ractical
cooperation more, j)erhaps, than any other
one influence.
Order of the Omah Language.
Temple of Isis.
Society of Eleusis.
Brotherhood of the West Gate.
Order of the Magi.
Hei'inetic Brothers of Luxor.
Order of the S. S. S. and Brotherhood of Z. Z.
R. R. Z. Z.
Order of the Suii.
Brotherhood of the New Life.
Ancient Order of Osiris.
Esoterists of the West.
Rochester Brotherhood.
Order of S. E. K.
Fifth Order of Melchizedek and Egyptian Sphinx.
Order of the Wliite Shrine of Jerusalem.
Genii of Nations, Knowledge, and Religions.
Altruistic Order of Mysteries.
" The International."
Knights of Labor.
"Triangle Club."
" The Brotherhood."
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel
American Flint Glass Workers' Union.
International Association of Machinists.
National Union of Iron and Steel Workers.
Knights of St. Crispin.
Order of Commercial Telegraphers.
Railtvay Brotherhoods : Locomotive Engineers ;
Conductors ; Firemen ; Telegraphers ; Train-
men ; Switchmen ; Carmen ; American Rail-
way Union.
The Wheel.
Patrons of Husbandry.
Patrons of Industry.
Sovereigns of Husbandry.
Sovereigns of Industry.
Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth.
Universal Republic of the Earth.
New Order of Builders.
Crowned ReiDublic.
Commonwealth of Jesus.
Order of the Grand Orient.
Sons of Malta (extinct).
Oriental Order of Humility.
Sons of Adam (extinct).
Loyal Order of Moose.
Independent Order of Old Men.
Sons of Idle Rest.
The Orientals.
Order of Woodchoppers.
Independent Order of Gophers.
The several laAv and order, Irish and
other revolutionary societies, and various
lawless secret associations which have been
prominent for brief periods within the cen-
tury, do not require extended discussion.
Knights of the Golden Circle.
Ku Klux Klan.
Union League of America.
Fenian Brotherhood.
Knights of the Inner Circle.
Brotherhood of United Irishmen.
United Brotherhood.
Irish Republican Brotherhood.
Industrial Army.
Iron Brotherhood.
Order of Reubens (Patriot War).
League of National Armenian Race.
Order of Mules. The Mafia.
Tramp "Fraternities." White Caps,
The Camorra. Molly Maguires.
Here, in democratic America, we can
boast no Order of the Bath or Garter, no
ribbon of the Legion of Honor or Iron
Cross ; but there may well bo reason for
asking whether decorations of merit created
by 100,000 or 500,000 or 1,000,000 mem-
bers of an organization founded to alleviate
suffering, to inculcate good morals, loyalty
to country, and to do good unto others —
whether such an order of merit is not as
honorable as one created by prince or poten-
tate who links Iiis name with ribbon, cross,
or wreath ? The former are the outgiv-
ings of armies which meet in private, but
whose purposes of benevolence and peace
are known of all, mighty influences for the
spread of true fraternity. They are often
hardly less resplendent than decorations
conferred by royalty, but are often more
worthily bestowed.
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Altrurian Order of Mysteries. — Ke-
oently organized at the Soutli. Untraced.
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of
the ]>Iystic Shrine. — A social and benevo-
lent society with a ritual and history linked
to Arabic traditions, in which Oriental mys-
ticism, names, legends, and titles are freely
employed. It also has a secret purpose, made
known only to those who encircle the ]\Iystic
Shrine. None except Masonic Knights
Templars or those Avho have attained the
thirty-second degree. Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, are eligible
to membership. It is not a Masonic Order
and forms no part of Freemasonry, is in-
dependent in origin and government, and
is associated with the Craft only because
it was established by eminent Freemasons
and because none but Freemasons of high
degree may become acquainted with its
mysteries. Dr. Walter M. Fleming, 33°,
and William J. Florence, 32°, both of Xew
York, are responsible for the existence of
*' The Shrine," as the organization is fa-
miliarly called. In a letter Avritten by
Mr. Florence in 1882, he explains that
he was introduced into a meeting of the
Order at Marseilles, France, in 1S70, b}--
a banker's clerk who " knew him to be a
Mason " and could vouch for him as such,
where he found many distinguished visi-
tors and members who seemed absorbed in
learning ''how the French of Marseilles
had succeeded in getting possession of such
interesting secrets." Then follows a refer-
ence to the ceremonies of the evening, the
costumes, paraphernalia, and scenic effects,
and the explanation that Yusef Bey, tlie
Illustrious Potentate of Bokhara Shrine, at
Marseilles, on being begged for a coj^y of
the laws and ritual of the Order, gave them
to liim a day or two later, when he (Flor-
ence) sailed for Algiers. The inference is
that the Ancient Arabic Order abroad must
have been lax in its regulations twenty-five
or thirty years ago, if it permitted distin-
guished gentlemen who were not members
of the Order to visit its Shrines, and pre-
sented them with copies of its ritual and
laws when they went away. Be that as it
may, Mr. Florence went on to Algiers,
where, he says, he visited the Shrine of the
Mogribins and found another company of
Ara]}s, bankers, merchants, learned Mo-
hammedans, and others "who are passion-
ately fond of perpetuating ancient customs
which increase their social pleasures." As
he gives no account of being initiated into
the Ancient Arabic Order, and intimates
that his being a Freemason was sufficient
to gain admission to Bokhara Shrine at
Marseilles, the letter leaves much to be de-
sired. Other accounts of the Order add
that Florence returned to the United States
in 1871, and suggested to Dr. Walter M.
Fleming that they establish ''the Shrine"
at New York. The latter had already
" received detached and mutilated sections
of a translation of the ritual," whicli had
been " brought to America by a member," *
together with some vague history and ritu-
* The ritual now in use is stated to be "a trans-
lation from the original Arabic" found "in the
aifhivos of the Order, at Aleppo," whence it was
brought in 1860 to London by Rizk Allah Ilassoon
EfFcndee, and later placed in the possession of Dr.
Fleming, to whom jurisdiction over the Order for
America was given by the Arabic scholar named.
In Arabia this ritual is known as the "Pillar of
Society," and called the " Unwritten Law," in dis-
tinction from the Koran, or "Written Law."
alistic sections bronglit from Cairo by Sher-
wood C. Campbell of Xew York. But as
the Florence ritual "' came from Oriental
Europe" and "was marked with certain
sections of the Koran for notes and allu-
sions "' Avhich facilitated revision for use in
America, Dr. Fleming. Avith the assistance
of Professor A. L. Rawson, comj)iled the
work which became the foundation of the
Order in America. Dr. Fleming recounts
the incidents connected with organizing the
Shrine in the United States, as follows :
31 r. Florence was entertained as a Mason at
Marseilles, in Bokhara Temple of the Arabic Bek-
tash. lie at this time simply witnessed the open-
ing session of the exoteric ceremonials which char-
acterize the politico-religious order of Bektash of
Oriental Euroj\e. A monitorial, historic, and ex-
planatory manuscript "lie i»,l'^T received there. It did
not embrace the esoteric Inner Twnple exemplifica-
tion or obligation, nor the " Unwritten Law,"which
is never imparted to anyone except from mouth to
ear. Shortly afterward ]Mr. Florence was similarly
favored in Algiers and Aleppo. Through letters and
conunendations he finally secured the manuscript
monitor, history and descriptive matter from Avhich
sprang the Order in this country. It was in Algiers
and Aleppo that he was received into the Inner Tem-
ple luider the domain of the Crescent and first be-
came possessor of the esoteric work, the " Unwritten
Law " and the Shayk's obligation. Subsequently he
visited Cairo, Egypt, and was admitted, and col-
lected more of Oriental history and the manuscript
of " Memorial Ceremonials." But ]\Ir. Florence was
never fully recognized or possessed of authority until
long after his return to America. All he possessed
was a disconnected series of sheets in Arabic and
French, with some marginal memoranda made by
himself from verbal elucidation in Aleppo. Through
Professor Albert L. Rawson these, with others re-
ceived afterward through correspondence abroad,
comprised the translations from which the Order
started here. Mr. Florence and myself receiA'ed
authority to introduce the Order here.
On June IG, 1871, at Masonic Hall, Xo.
114 East Thirteenth Street, Xew York City,
Messrs. Fleming and Florence conferred
the "new Order" upon the following Scot-
tish Rite Freemasons : Edward Eddy, 33°;
Oswald Merle d'Aubigne, 32°; James S.
Chappell, 32°; John A." Moore, 32°; Charles
T. McClenachan, 33°; William S. Paterson,
33°; George W. Millar, 33°; Albert P. Mo-
riarty,.33°; Daniel Sickels, 33°; John W.
Simons, 33°; Sherwood C. Cami^bell, 32°;
who, together with Albert L. Rawson, 32°,
"Arabic translator," September 26, ] 872,
instituted ^lecca Temple, A. A. 0. X. M. S.,
the first or parent Temple in the United
States. As "'the next session'' was held
January 12, 1874, it may be seen that the
Order did, not grow rapidly in the first few
years. On January 4, 1875, Damascus
Temj)le, Rochester, N. Y., was organized,
which gave soiue impetus to the Order, and
Dr. Fleming, Potentate of Mecca from 1871
until 1886, invested the following thirty-
third degree Freemasons with the preroga-
tives of Past Potentates, to enable them to
cooperate actively in establishing subordi-
nate Temples: OrrinWelch, Syracuse, X.Y. ;
John D. Williams, Elmira, X. Y. ; Charles
H. Thomson, Corning, X. Y. ; Townsend
Fondey, John S. Dickerman, and Robert
H. Waterman, Albany, X. Y. ; John F.
Collins, Xew York, X. Y. ; John L. Stet-
tinius, Cincinnati, 0.; Vincent L. Hurl-
burt, Chicago, 111. ; Samuel H. Harper,
Pittsburg, Pa.; and George Scott, Pater-
son, X. J. In June, 1876, an Imj^erial
(governing) Council was organized at Xew
York City, with the following list of offi-
cials : Walter M. Fleming, Xew York, Im-
perial Potentate; George F. Loder, Roches-
ter, Deputy Potentate ; Philip F. Lenhart,.
Brooklyn, Chief Rabban ; EdAvard M. L.
Elder s, Xew York, Assistant Rabban ;
AVilliam H. Whiting, Rochester, High
Priest ; Samuel R. Carter, Rochester, Orien-
tal Guide ; Aaron L. Xorthrop, Xew York,
Treasurer ; William S. Paterson, Xew York,
Recorder ; Albert P. Moriarty, Xew York,
Financial Secretary ; John L. Stettinius,
Cincinnati, First Ceremonial Master ; Ben-
son Sherwood, Xew York, Second Cere-
monial Master ; Samuel Harper, Pittsburg,
Marshal ; Frank H. Bascom, Montpelier,
Captain of the Guard ; and George Scott,
Paterson, Outer Guard. Meetings of the
Imperial Council have been held annually.
and officers elected triennially. At the
fifth session of Mecca Temple, January 16,
1877, there was a large increase in mem-
bership, and it was announced that the
Imperial Council had perfected its ''ritual,
statutes, history, diplomas, dispensations,
and charters ;'' that "members, Temples,
deputies, and representatives now extend
from the extreme east to the west, and
from the north to the south of our juris-
diction,^' and tliat the Order was destined
to become, what has proved to be the case,
"a most popular and powerful one in
America." In that year there were four
Temples represented at the Imperial Coun-
cil, and dispensations were granted to form
others. In 1879 Mecca Temple took on
new life, largely through the efforts of
Augustus W. Peters, Charles H. Ileyzer,
and Joseph B. Eakins, who laid the founda-
tions for the elaborate ceremonial, gorgeous
scenic effects, and realistic dramatic rendi-
-tions of the ritual of the Order, Avhich have
since distinguished it. By the end of 1879
there were reported thirteen Temjjles, with
a total membership of 4:38 Nobles, since
which time the progress of the Order has
been one of uninterrupted prosperity. At a
public installation ceremony at Mecca Tem-
ple in 1884, many ladies were present, and
so great was the interest that ladies' receji-
tions have since been a feature among
entertainments for which the Shrine is
noted. To give them permanence they
have been invested with a ceremonial, and
gatherings of this character are now known
as Courts of the Daughters of Isis. This
organization was formed October 30, 1888,
to cultivate social relations between ladies
of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Its
government is independent, under the
jurisdiction of Mecca Court, from which
other Temples may receive charters en-
abling them to establish Courts.
The extension of the Mystic Shrine dur-
ing the past ten years has exceeded all
precedent among like societies. Temples
have been established at leadinsr centres ui
all States, each with a distinctive Arabic or
other Oriental name and form, rallying
points not only for prominent Freemasons
who reside at those cities, but veritable
Meccas of hospitality, good fellowshii), and
true brotherhood for all visiting Nobles.
Not the least characteristic among agree-
able features of the Order are the pilgrim-
ages by members of one or more Temples
to sister Temples, or to distant points of
general interest, which, with sight-seeing,
and the extension and reception of Shrine
hospitality, usually provide enjoyable ex-
cursions of a week or a fortnight's dura-
tion. Pilgrimages from all over the country
to sessions of the Imperial Council, by spe-
cial trains bearing Nobles decorated with
fezzes and crescent tiger-claws, constitute
invasions of objective points which the in-
habitants thereof seldom, if ever, forget.
It is likewise an amiable custom to organize
family theatre parties at least once eacli
year. In some instances the Nobles, who
are decorated with fezzes and claws, and are
accompanied by wives and families, require
the entire seating capacity of theatres, and
it is not infrequent that one or more of
those behind the footlights on such occa-
sions are entitled to, and do wear, the mystic
symbols of the Order. These entertain-
ments are supplemented annually by carni-
vals, at which only children of the Masonic
"nobility" are admitted, to be entertained
by members of the Order. With the annual
public receptions and carnivals, where the
decorations include scenes from Arab life
and a wealth of Oriental ornamentation, the
general public at larger cities is familiar.
It is difficult to analyze and reconcile the
somewhat fragmentary accounts of the
origin and development of the Arabic Order
of wiiich the Shrine is said to be a de-
scendant, and it may well be doubted
whether such a task can be successfully
performed. The "Origin and History of
the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine," compiled and collated
bv Dr. Walter M. Fleming and William S.
Paterson, copyright, 1894, by Andrew H.
Kellogg, New York City, states that it was
instituted by Kalif Alee, "^cousin-german
and son-in-law " of Mohammed, in the year
644 A.D., at Mecca, Arabia, ''as an Inqui-
sition or Vigilance Committee to dispense
justice upon criminals who escajied their
just deserts through the tardiness of the
courts, and also to promote religious tolera-
tion among cultured men of all nations ; "
evidently- a sort of Arabic Vehmgerichte, or
twenty-first degree. The ceremonial in
this organization was crude, membership
being acquired on taking the "Arab oath/'
It is declared to have had a continuous
existence in Oriental countries, and " now
gathers arouiid its Shrines the best educated
and most cultivated classes among Moham-
medans, Hebrews, and Christians." Dr.
Fleming writes that ''it is derived from a
politico-religious order of the Arabic Mo-
hammedans which extends all over Europe,
termed the Bektash ;" but in the " Origin
and History " it is stated that the Bektash
are merely among the " most honored pa-
trons of the Nobles," whom it protected
''in a time of great peril." The Bektash
are said to number several hundred thou-
sand, and to have headquarters at Cairo,
Damascus, Jerusalem, Smyrna, Constanti-
nople, Adrianople, Teheran, Benares, Tan-
gier, Oran, Mecca, and at other cities in the
far East. The chief of these dervishes at
Mecca is declared to be the principal officer
of the Arabic Mystic Shrine. It will justly
surprise many students of " Secret Societies
of All Ages" to learn that Adam Weis-
haupt, the founder of the Illuminati in
Bavaria, in 1776, is claimed " among the
modern promoters of the principles of the
Order" of the Mystic Shrine in Europe, as
well as Frederick the G-reat, Mirabeau,
Groethe, Spinoza, Kant, Lord Bacon, Ca-
vour, Mazzini, Garibaldi, Victor Emanuel,
and others, most of whom are known to have
been Freemasons. It would seem as if this
discovery would have been sufficient to en-
able the founders of the American Order to
have explained why the Society abroad had
long been carried within the Masonic bod}^,
and to have given it, had they so desired, a
distinctly Masonic alliance. Some of the
recognized Orders appendent to Free-
masonry have had less right to claim that
honor. But as membership in the Order of
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in America is
confined to Freemasons, its founders here
may be regarded as having builded with dis-
cretion, ingenuity, and Avisdom.
The jewel of the Order is a crescent, gen-
erally made of the claws of the Bengal tiger,
united at the bases with a gold setting.
The sphinx is engraved on one side, and a
pyramid, urn and star on the other. The
emblem may also bear the date of the
owner's initiation into the Order and an
Arabic motto, " Kuwat wa Ghadab ; " or in
Latin, "Eobur et Furor ;" and in English,
" Strength and Fury." The crescent is
usually suspended from a scimitar, and
holds a star pendent between its drooping
horns. The crescent has been a religious
emblem in all ages in the East, and in some
countries is a political ensign. The ancient
Greeks used the crescent as "an emblem
of the universal Mother of all living things."
The Shrine for esoteric reasons employs
the crescent with its horns pointing down-
ward: " The setting moon of the old faith at
the moment of the rising sun of the new
faith in the brotherhood of all mankind."
The origin of the universal use of the fez
among Moslems, whence, of course, Shrine
members get it, is told as follows :
When pilgrimages to Mecca were interrupted by
the Crusades, about a.d. 980, the Mohammedans
west of the Nile journeyed to Fez (or Fas), in Mo-
rocco, as to a holy city. Among the flourishing
manufactures of the city was a head-covering called
tarboosh, now known as a fez, which was dyed scar-
let, for the students in a great school at that city.
In that way it became a mark of learning, and
gradually displaced other forms and colors of hats.
It was carried in all directions by caravans, and
thus became the distinguishing head-dress of Mos-
lems in every part of the empire.
During the past eight years the Order
in the United States lias grown at the rate
of fully 4,000 members annually. On
January 1, 1899, its total membership was
about 50,000, distributed among seventy-
nine Temples at as many cities.* Its Christ-
mas donations to the poor and to benevolent
institutions recently amounted to over
* Temples of the Mystic Shrine. — Alabama : Bir-
mingham, Zaraora Temple, First Wednesday,
March, June, September. Arizona : Phoenix, El
Zaribah Temple, First Monday, November, Decem-
ber, January, February, March, April. Arkansas :
Pine Bluff, Saliara Temple, First Wednesday. Cal-
ifornia : Los Angeles, Al jMaluikah Temple, Third
Friday ; San Francisco, Islam Temple, Second
Wednesday. Colorado : Denver, El Jebel Temple,
March, June, September, December. Connecticut :
Bridgeport, Pyramid Temple, Second Wednesday,
except July and August ; Hartford. Sphinx Tem-
ple, Second Thursday. District of Columbia :
Washington, Almas Temple, Call of Potentate.
Florida : Jacksonville, Morocco Temple, First Fri-
day after Third Tuesday. Georgia : Atlanta, Yaa-
rab Temple, Third Wednesday ; Savannah, Alee
Temple. Call of Potentate. Idaho : Boise City, El
Korah Temple, Second Thursday. Illinois: Chi-
cago, Medinali Temple, Monthly ; Peoria, Mo-
hammed Temple, Second Tuesday : Rockford, Te-
bala Temple, Fourth Wednesday. Indiana : Indi-
anapolis, Murat Temjjle, Fourth Friday. Iowa :
Cedar Rapids, El Kahir Temple, on call ; Daven-
port, Kaaba Temple, First Tuesday. Kansas :
Leavenworth, Abdallah Temple, First and Third
Friday ; Salina, Isis Temple, Third Tuesday. Ken-
tucky : Louisville, Kosair Temple, Second Monday.
Louisiana : New Orleans, Jerusalem Temple, Quar-
terly. Maine : Lewiston, Kora Temple, Fourth
Thursday, January, i\Iay, September, Novembei',
December. Maryland : Baltimore, Boumi Temple,
29th, 30th, or 31st. Massachusetts : Boston, Aleppo
Temple, Call of Potentate ; Springfield, Melha
Temple, Fourth Thursday, except July and Aug-
ust. Michigan : Grand Rapids, Saladin Temple,
Call of Potentate ; Detroit, Moslem Temple, First
Tuesday ; Marquette, Alimed Temple, First
Wednesday. Minnesota : ^Minneapolis, Zuhrah
Temple, Fourth Friday ; St. Paul, Osman Temple,
May 2ith, October 20th, January 19th. Missis-
sippi : Meridian, Ilamasa Temple, Fourth Thurs-
day. Missouri : Kansas City, Ararat Temple, First
Wednesday ; St. Joseph, Moila Temple, Fourth
Wednesday ; St. Louis, Moolah Temple, Third
Wednesday. Montana : Helena, Algeria Temple,
Second Tliursdav. Nebraska : Lincoln, Sesostris
$26,000, in which none of the secret relief
extended to sick or distressed Nobles is in-
cluded. One of the most important and
characteristic features of the Order is found
in its generous donations to Freemasons in
need of assistance, which is done so secretly
that the world never hears of it, and few
Temple, Second Saturday ; Omaha, Tangier Tem-
ple, Fourth Friday. New Mexico : Albuquerque,
Ballut Abyad Temple, Second Monday. New
York : Albany, Cyprus Temple, subject to call ;
Brooklyn, Kismet Temple, on call ; Buffalo, Is-
mailia Temple, 29th ; New York, Mecca Temple,
Call of Potentate ; Rochester, Damascus Temple,
four times a year ; Troy, Oriental Temple, Third
Friday ; Utica, Ziyara Temple, First Wednesday ;
Watertown, Media Temple, Second Monday. North
Carolina : Charlotte, Oasis Temple, no stated time.
North Dakota : Fargo, El Zagal Temple, every
Thursday. Ohio : Cincinnati, Syrian Temple, Call
of Potentate ; Cleveland, Al Koran Temple, Pleas-
ure of Potentate ; Columbus, Aladdin Temple,
Second Thursday ; Dayton, Antioch Temple, un-
certain. Oklahoma : Oklahoma, India Temjile,
Third Thursday. Oregon : Portland, Al Kader
Temple, Fourth Wednesday. Ontario, Canada :
Toronto, Rameses Temple, August, November,
April. Pennsylvania : Erie, Zem Zeni Temple, Call
of Potentate ; Philadelphia, Lu Lu Temple, First
Wednesday ; Pittsburg, Syria Temple, Call of Po-
tentate ; Reading, Rajah Temple, Fourth Wednes-
day, except July and August ; Wilkesbarre, Irem
Temple, Third Wednesday. Rhode Island : Prov-
idence, Palestine Temple, Fourth jMonday, Decem-
ber, March, June, October. South Dakota : Dead-
wood, Nuja Temple, First Saturday, March, June,
Septendier ; Sioux Falls, El Riad Temple. Third
Wednesday. Tennessee : Chattanooga, Alliambra
Temple, Third Friday ; Mempliis, AlChymia Tem-
ple, December and March. Texas : Austin, Ben
Ilur Temple, Friday after appearance of Crescent
in the West ; Dallas, Ilella Temple, Third Thurs-
day. Utah : Salt Lake City, El Kalah Temple,
Third Wednesday. Vermont : Montpelier, Mount
Sinai Temple, Second Friday, March, June, Sep-
tember, December. Virginia : Richmond, Acca
Temple, Fourth Thursday, except June, July, Au-
gust. Washington : Spokane, El Katif Temple,
First Wednesday ; Tacoma, Afifi Temple, Third
Wednesday. West Virginia : Charleston, Bcni
Kedem Temple, Second Thursday ; Wheeling. Osi-
ris Temple, Second and Fourth Friday. Wiscon-
sin : Milwaukee,Tripoli Temple, Second Wednesday.
Wyoming : Rawlins, Korein Temple, Last Friday.
beyond those iu immediate interest ever
know of it. Mohammedanism is not advo-
cated by the ritual of tlie American Order,
but the same respect is inculcated for Deity
as in Arabia and elsewhere.
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of
the Mystic Slirine of North and South
America. — This is a social and fraternal
organization of negroes, which seeks to
jiarallel the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine. (See the latter.) As
the A. A. 0. N. M. S. admits only Freemasons
who are Knights Templars or have received
the thirty-second degree. Ancient and Ac-
cepted Scottish Kite, so the A. A. 0. N. M.'
S. of North and South America receives
only those who have taken the higher de-
grees conferred in negro Masonic bodies.
(See Freemasonry among Negroes.) The
Grand Council of the A. A. 0. N. M. S.
of North and South America was insti-
tuted at Chicago, June 10, 1893, by John
G. Jones and others. It is declared that Mr.
Jones is the first negro in the United States
to receive the Shrine degree, and that it was
conferred upon him by '^^ several members
of the Grand Council of Arabia" who were
in Chicago ''in attendance at the World's
Fair." It is likely that Jones and associate
negro Nobles received their Shrine ritual
in the same manner as the negro Knights
Templars obtained theirs. In 1895 a meet-
ing of the Grand Council of the A. A. 0. N.
M. S. of North and South America Avas
held at Chicago. Its officials were some
of the more active negro Freemasons in
the United States. The list is as follows :
John G. Jones, Chicago, Avho presided ;
Joseph H. Sbreve, Chicago ; D. W. Demp-
sey, Chicago ; Robert II. Ilucless, New
York ; J. W. Dunmore, Chicago ; W. W.
Madden, Baltimore ; W. P. Floyd, Indian-
apolis ; D. F. Seville, Washington, D, C. ;
Thomas W. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. ; B.
M. Shook, Cleveland ; Eev. Dr. J. B. Stans-
berry. New York ; James H. Lewis, New
York ; M. L. Hunter, New York ; J. F.
Scott, Chatham, Ont. ; E. A. Williams,
New Orleans ; S. S. Scott, Pueblo, Col. ;
Thomas P. Mahomet, Omaha; Joseph S.
Custis, New York; J. D. Scott, Fort Worth,
Tex., and John Coleman, Water Valley,
Miss. At the same meeting it was planned
to organize a women's auxiliary, to be known
as the Daughters of the Pyramid. There
were twenty-three Temples represented and
more were to be instituted.
Ancient Order of Freesmiths (Der
Alte Orden der Freischmiede). — According
to old charters which are alleged to be
still in existence in the Supreme body
in Germany, this German secret so-
ciety carries its organization back more
years than almost any other similar body.
The extreme secrecy with which its pro-
ceedings and traditions are surrounded
renders it somewhat difficult to obtain de-
tailed information concerning it. Various
23ublislied accounts profess to trace its ori-
gin as far back as the eighth century, to
Westphalia, which, at that time, included
the region between the Elbe and the Rhine,
and the present Republic of Switzerland.
It will interest Scottish Rite Freemasons,
as well as other students of the subject of
secret societies in the Middle Ages, to
learn that this brotherhood is said to have
originated in the Vehmic Courts, and that
the claim is made that this secret organiza-
tion, the Freesmiths of to-day, has had a
continuous existence ever since. Whether
it lias or not, it presumes, like some
other and better known secret societies,
to supply the links between the time of
the Vehmgerichte and to-day. The Amer-
ican branch of the society declares that the
Vehmgerichte flourished from the reign of
Charlemagne, mostly iu Germany, where it
exercised a considerable influence between
the twelfth and sixteenth centuries, in put-
ting down the lawlessness and disregard
for authority which prevailed there. It
constituted courts for the protection of the
innocent and oppressed, which were as
easily approached by the humblest as high-
est. The Vehmgerichte became an immense
power, not only tlirougliout Westphalia, but
elsewliere in Germany; and while, from the
point of view of the present time, it was a
lawless organization, it was, as a matter of
fact, a society, of the most law-abiding of
that time, designed to bring to justice the
evil-doer of whatever rank in society, and
to see that punishment was meted out.
The Freesmiths, while claiming direct de-
scent from these Vehmic courts, carry their
existence far enough back to date froin the
period when the courts were used for the
execution of justice, ignoring the period
when they became, as they afterwards did,
in the hands of the nobility, instruments for
unworthy purposes. One of the latest of
the Vehmic courts was that held at Celle,
in Hanover, in 1568, although it has been
heard of at later dates. It is related that
Jerome Bonaparte in 1811 abolished one of
the later forms of the Vehmgerichte in Aus-
tria, at which time it was known as Der
Alte Orden der Freischmiede. But the
Order was in existence in other portions of
Germany at the time, where it is still con-
tinued, and had a large membershiji. A
candidate for initiation into the Order was
required to be a Christian, never to have
been excommunicated or outlawed, and not
a party to any trial before the Vehme. He
was required to take a solemn oath to sup-
port the Holy Vehm, to conceal its pro-
ceedings ''from wife and child, father and
mother, sister and brother, fire and wind,
from all that the sun shines on and the
rain wets, and from every being between
heaven and earth, and to bring before the
tribunal everything within his knowledge
that fell under its jurisdiction." He was
then invested with the signs by which the
members recognized each other, and pre-
sented Avith a rope and a knife, upon the
latter of which were the letters S. S. G. G.,
supposed to mean Strick, Stein, Gras, Grein,
or Rope, Stone, Grass, Grain. One variety
of Vehmic court held its meetings openly,
while the proceedings of the other were
secret. The former took jurisdiction in
civil suits and otiiers of trivial cliaracter,
while the latter took charge of crimes of
more serious nature. The accused in the
procedure of these courts was cited by hav-
ing the summons nailed over his door at
night, or, if it was not known where he
lived, by fastening four copies at a cross-
road near his sujjposed residence. Xone
but the initiated was admitted during the
sessions of the secret court, and any one
found present who was not a mem])er was
init to instant death. The only punish-
ment inflicted by the secret court was
death ; and in case the convicted accused
was not present, the first of tlie initiated to
meet him was bound to put him to death
and leave the knife with the cabalistic let-
ters beside the body, to show the deed was
not a murder. With the revival of law
and order and legal procedure, Der Alte
Orden der Freischmiede is declared to have
taken the place of the Vehmgerichte, with
some of the more deadly characteristics of
the latter left out, and some of the benevo-
lent features of more modern secret socie-
ties incorporated.
The first Lodge of the Freischmiede in
the United States was organized in Bal-
timore in 1865, and a second one was
formed in Washington iu 1866. After
the organization of the third Lodge in
this country, which was in Philadelphia in
1867, the Order took on a rapid growth.
There are thousands of members of the so-
ciety in this "country to-day, but compara-
tively little is kno\Vn about the institution,
and members thereof appear chary about
giving information. It apparently avoids
publicity, not only regarding its affairs, but
regarding its membership and location.
Lodges are believed to be established in al-
most every State in the Union, which are
governed by State or Grand Lodges, and the
latter are controlled by the Supi'eme Lodge
of the United States, which is said to meet
regularly "on the first hour of every leap
year." The Lodge rooms are called Smith-
ies, and represent the firmament, the
presiding officer being the Sun, the second in
command tlie Moon, and the third, etc., re^)-
resenting other phmets or lieavenly bodies.
The ritual of the Order has no religions
characteristics, a recognition of a higher
power being the only requisite from those
seeking admission. The objects of the
society are intellectual development, the
extension of wisdom and toleration, sick
benefits and life insurance. The lower body
in the organization is entitled the Free Mas-
ters and contains six degrees. The regalia
is composed of a red sash with three stars.
After an honorable career in the Order for
a year, the degree of Grand Marshal is
conferred, with a black sash and seven
stars. After that comes the Grand Master
degree, with the blue sash and seven stars,
when the member is entitled to wear his
sword. The highest degree bestowed is en-
titled Cavalier, and is conferred after three
years and an examination in astronomy and
the sciences. Only a Cavalier may become
President of a Supreme Lodge, the emblem
of which degree is the Cross of the Knights,
a sasii of red, black, and blue with all the
stars, and a sword and a dagger. These
officials exercise somewhat the same pre-
rogatives as Sovereign Grand luspectors
General of the thirty-third and last degree
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, having access to all the bodies
and their archives, and being entitled to
special honors at all visits. Like so many
younger secret societies, this one possesses
a motto in three words — Truth, Fidelity,
and Secrecy (Wahrheit, Treue, unde
Schwiegen). The obligations of the Order
recpiire every member to assist unfortunate
or distressed brethren. Lodges pay five
dollars weekly in case of sickness of mem-
bers, 1125 in case of the death of a member's
wife, and 1500 to the heirs of a member in
case of his death, A recently published list
of officials of the Supreme Lodge of the
United States included the followins: :
Grand Honorary President, William
Schlumpf of New York ; Grand Marshal,
William Drexler of Paterson, N. J. ; Grand
Counsellor, Jacob Himmelsbach of New
York ; Grand Secretary, William Mertz of
Paterson, N. J. ; and Grand Treasurer,
Emil Baumgarten of Paterson, N. J.
It is only fair to state that there are no
reasons for believing that the Ancient Order
of Freesmiths have had any more direct
connection with the Yehmgerichte of the
Middle Ages than have any of the haute
grades of the Ancient and Accepted Scot-
tish Rite of Freemasonry, and there are
several external evidences that the found-
ers of the Freesmiths have patterned after
some of the emblems and ceremonials of the
Bite Ecossais. There are, however, rea-
sons for crediting the inspiration of the Free-
smiths to some of the earlier workingmen's
guilds in Germany.
Ancient Order of Osiris. — In the his-
tory, objects, and aims of this modern
American Order, published in 1887, no
mention is made of its headquarters. It is
governed by a Supreme Tribunal, and deals
in Lesser and Greater Mysteries, all of
which are declared to have been instituted
in virtue, with the noblest objects in view.
Its watchwords are Truth, Justice, and
Equity, and it seeks to clothe the naked,
feed the hungry, educate the orphan, and
'*to know each other and ourselves."
Anti-Masonry. — Organized opposition
to Freemasonry has shown itself in three
forms since the revival in 1717, when the
four London Lodges united to form a Grand
Lodge. The first came and still emanates
from the Roman Catholic Church ; the
second, from one or more offshoots of the
Scotch Presbyterian Church ; and the third
was conspicuous in the United States for
a decade after the disappearance of William
Morgan of Batavia, N, Y., who, it was said,
was about to disclose the secrets of the Fra-
ternity. Almost all political antagonism to
Freemasonry in Europe may be traced to the
influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
During the seven years from 1717 to 1724
the Fraternity attracted the attention of
many Englislimen of learning cand title,
when, on September 3, 1724, the London
'' Daily Post" announced tiie appearance in
that city of a secret society described as tlie
Ancient and Noble, or, the August and
Noble Order of Gonnogons. It was declared
to be of Chinese origin, founded " thousands
of years" prior to Adam, and the printed
account set forth that a Chapter would be
held at Castle Tavern, Fleet Street, where
" no Mason " would be received as a member
"■ till he had renounced " his " novel Order "
and been '^ properly degraded." Six weeks
later the same paper stated that ''many
eminent Freemasons" had "degraded"
themselves (renounced their Fraternity and
burned their gloves and aprons) and joined
the Gormogons.
Several theories have been advanced to
account for the existence of the Gormogons,
The first, that it was a creation of the Cheva-
lier Ramsey, an ardent Freemason and a
Roman Catholic, and another, that it was
the beginning of what took shape as the
schismatic branch of English Freemasonry
about the middle of the last century, are
both regarded as unworthy of consideration.
The third theory, that it was a " Jesuitic,"
that is, Roman Catholic, invention, designed
to offset the growing j^opularity of Freema-
sonry,was, and still is, believed to be the true
explanation, particularly as the Society of
Gormogons disappeared in 1738, the year in
which Pope Clement XII. issued his famous
bull against Freemasonry. It was on April
28, 1738, that Pope Clement XIT. published
his bull, entitled In Eminent i Apostolatus
Specula, containing the following words :
For which reason the temporal and spiritual
coininnnities are enjoined, in the name of holy
obedience, neither to enter the society of Free-
masons, to disseminate its principles, to defend it,
nor to admit nor conceal it within their houses or
palaces or elsewhere, under pain of excommunica-
tion ipso facto for all acting in contradiction of this,
and from which only the Pope can absolve the dying.
On January 14, 1739, a still more stringent
edict was issued for the Papal States, death
and confiscation of property, without hope
of mercy, being the penalty. De Cormenin,
in his " History of the Popes," refers to the
''l^leiad of philosophers" which had ranged
itself around Voltaire, ''battling in the
breach against the civil and religious au-
thority of popes, bishops and priests," Mon-
tesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot, d'Alembert,
and others compelling " tlie third estate,
the nobility, and even a great part of the
French clergy to march in their progressive
route to the conquest of a new order of
things." The political movement, he de-
clared, "though less apparent than the re-
ligious, was not the less real. Secret associ-
ations were everywhere organized to labor
for the overthrow of kings and priests," and
" Rome was so moved " by this revolution-
ary tendency that " Clement XII. declared
war on secret societies and fulminated a
terrible bull against the Freemasons who
had established Lodges in England, Scot-
land, France, Germany, and Italy."
These statements indicate that Clement
was unable to distinguisli between a secret,
pacific, non-political, benevolent brother-
hood and secret political associations. De
Cormenin relates that Pope Clement's bull
against Freemasonry prohibited "his sub-
jects" from affiliating with or being present
at Masonic assemblies, from inducing any-
one to join the Fraternity, and from "ren-
dering aid, succor, counsel, or a retreat" to
a Freemason "under penalty of death;"
which, in part, refers, probably, to the sup-
plementary bull of 1739, applying to the
Papal States. " These proscriptions," De
Cormenin says, gave Freemasonry an "ex-
traordinary lustre, and Europe was soon
covered by a prodigious Jiumber of Lodges."
The reasons for issuing this, the first of
a long list of bulls against Freemasonry,
are thus set forth in the document itself :
We have learned, and public rumor docs not per-
mit us to doubt the truth of the report, that a cer-
tain society has been formed under the name of
Freemasons into whicli persons of all religions and
all sects are indiscriminately admitted, and whose
members have established certain laws which bind
themselves to each other, and which, in particu-
lar, compel their members, under the severest
penalties, by virtue of an oath taken on the Holy
Scriptures, to preserve an inviolable secrecy in re-
lation to everything tliat passes in their meetings.
The bull further declares tliat these soci-
eties had become siispected of being hurtful
to the tranquility of the state and to the
safety of the soul ; that if the actions of
Freemasons were irreproachable they would
not so carefully conceal them from the
light; and all bishops, superiors, and ordina-
ries were enjoined to punish the Freemasons
" with the penalties which they deserve, as
people greatly suspected of heresy, having
recourse, if necessar}^, to the secular arm."
Three years before this, in Amsterdam
(1735), a Masonic Lodge room was forcibly
entered and its furniture destroyed by "a
crowd of fanatics''' whose zeal had been
kindled by " some of the clergy." Although
Clement's bull did not meet Avith a favor-
able reception in France, in Italy many sus-
pected of being Freemasons were arrested
and i^laced in dungeons, as well as some ac-
cused of having furnished an asylum to
Masonic Lodges. Like measures to crush
the Fraternity were resorted to in Spain and
in Portugal, and in 1745 Masonic assemblies
were prohibited throughout Switzerland
under the severest penalties. In 1748 a
Masonic Lodge at Constantinople was de-
molished and its members were arrested,
but ultimately discharged through the in-
terposition of the British Minister. In
Scotland, in 1757, the Synod of Stirling de-
barred all adhering Freemasons from the
ordinances of religion, whence, possibly, may
be found the origin of some of the opposition
to the Fraternity in one or more branches
of the Scotch Church. The Papal bull of
1738 was confirmed and renewed by Bene-
dict XIV. in 1751, and by Pius VII. in 1821.
Leo XII., in his Apostolic Edict, Quo Gra-
viora, 1826, included the acts and decrees
of the earlier popes on this subject, and
ordered them to be ratified forever. As
noted by Gould, in his ''History of Free-
masonry," Pius VII. spoke to the same effect
in 1829, Gregory XVI. in 1832, and Pius IX.
in 1846, 1864, and at other dates. Leo XIII.
again confirmed these decrees of his prede-
cessors in 1884, and extended the o^iposition
of the Eoman Church to the Odd Fellows,
the Knights of Pythias, and the Sons of
Temperance. About ten years ago the
Cardinal at Quebec took steps to prevent
Eoman Catholics in his jurisdiction from
joining the Knights of Labor, a secret labor
and socialist society, founded by a Free-
mason, which has some of the outward forms
and c^iaracteristics of Freemasonry. But so
much opposition was excited that, on an ap-
peal to Eorae, the action was not sustained.
A reply to an inquiry directed to Cardinal
Gibbons states that the Fenian Brotherhood
and its successor, the Clan-na-gael, are not
approved by the Church, in reference to
which no explanation is necessary. On
January 6, 1895, the Eoman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Cincinnati, on the authority of the
Holy See, announced the position of that
Church with respect to the Odd Fellows,
the Knights of Pythias, the Sons of Tem-
perance, and, incidentally, Freemasonry, in
part as follows :
All the ordinaries of the various dioceses of the
United States must use their exertions to keep the
faithful away from all and each of the three socie-
ties called the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias,
and the Sons of Temperance. And the faithful
themselves must be admonished of this ; and if,
after the admonition, they still adhere to these so-
cieties, and will not leave them effectually, they
must not be admitted to the Sacraments. . . .
First, these societies seem to have a decided in-
fluence to lead Catholics toward Freemasonry, and
Freemasonry is under the absolute condemnation
and excommunication of the Church. I will not
stop to consider the reasons for this, except to draw
your attention to the declared and implacable hatred
of Masons against the Church and against all reli-
gious interests. This is openly and angrily avowed
by the leading Masons of Eui'ope, and manifested
by their satanic warfare against everything Chris-
tian, particularly in Italy and France. In our
country this spirit does not seem to prevail ; yet
there has been no action by the Masons of this
country sufficient to satisfy the Church that they
are secured agjiinst the infusion of the spirit of their
brethren. . . . Now, it is often seen that the
active promoters of these societies, now condemned,
are also zealous Masons; and if a Calliolic is
drawn into one of them, he is in continual and
familiar association with the admirers of Masonry,
and imuiediatcly exposed to imbibe their senti-
ments, consciously or unconsciously. Again, more
positively and more strongly do these societies tend
to weaken a Catholic's regard for the doctrines of
the Church and for her Sacraments and other
administrations. . . . They do not, I believe,
expressly antagonize the Church's teachings and
practices ; and Catholics who are in them may
probably say very honestly that they have not seen
or heard anything opposed to the Church. But
these societies do profess to inculcate morality with-
out the help of the Church. They intentionally or
unintentionally dispose a man to believe that if he
practises the natural virtues — of honesty, truthful-
ness, sobriety, philanthropy, etc. — then he is all
that a man ought to be ; and also to believe that
he can practise these virtues quite sufficiently by
the force of his own will ; that he does not need
the special helps which our Lord furnishes through
His Church. This is called natin-al religion ; that
is, such knowledge of God and such practice of a
good life as a man can reach by his own natural
reason and strength. It leaves out revealed re-
ligion ; that is, the other truths which God has
revealed to man through the sacred Scriptures,
through our Lord Jesus Christ and Ilis Apostles.
It leaves out the necessity of grace, our redemp-
tion from sin through the life and death of the
Son of God nuide man. It leaves out the means
of grace given us by God in His Sacraments, the
Holy Sacrifice of tlie Mass, and the other ministra-
tions of the Church. In a word, it leaves out the
supernatural end of man and the supernatural
means given him to reach that end. Of course,
the natural tendency of such an association is to
dispose men to think less earnestly about Christian-
ity. And it has, too, been observed, that Catholics
frequenting these societies gradually cool in their
love for the Church, becoming indifferent to her
doctrines and careless of observing her precepts.
Some may resist this tendency, but too many yield
to it. And the very fact of tlieir seeing nothing in
the Lodge to disturb their religion makes them all
the more liable to drift down unconsciously. . . .
Keferring to tlie nature of the alleged
obligation of one of the condemned socie-
ties, the Archbishop continued :
This oath and these penalties apply to all
"mysteries which he may hereafter be instructed
in." lie has no guarantee as to the character of
these mysteries. Tiiey may Ix; blusphemies against
God, or treason against his country, or injustice
against his neighbor. Of course, he hopes it will
not be so, and the members nuiy say it will not be.
But how can a man conscientiously put himself
under such an oath and such penalties, with no
other protection but their saying ? His oath is on
record. Their saying is a passing word. . . .
Such obligations of bliiul obedience are contrary to
the natural conscience of man.
The formation of a Post of the Grand
Army of the Kepublic at Xotre Dame, In-
diana, in July, 189T, tlie membership of
which "was composed wholly of Iloman
Catholic priests," shows striking contrasts
in the views of that Church concerning
various secret societies. Archbishop Ryan,
in replying to a vote of thanks from a
Philadelphia Post, Grand Army of the Re-
l^ublic, in 1896, was quoted in the daily
papers in jiart as follows :
I do not believe there was ever any general con-
demnation of your Order by the Church, although
individual bishops may have misinterpreted your
constitution. It has no objectionable features that
I can see, and is universally acknowledged by the
Churcli at large in the country to-day. Your Order
is founded on charitable and fraternal fellowship
and patriotism. Patriotism is from God, and the
Catholic Church should, therefore, be the first to
nurture it.
One significance of this lies in the fact
that the Grand Army was organized b}' Odd
Fellows and Freemasons and is largely made
up of them ; like them, it is '* founded on
charitable and fraternal fellowship and pa-
triotism,''and is secret, has grips, passwords,
obligations, and an initiatory ceremony.
The refusal of the Church of Rome to con-
demn the Knights of Labor and the Grand
Army of the Republic is, therefore, an ap-
parent triumph of diplomacy. A Roman
Catholic Anti-Masonic International Con-
gress was held at Trient, Austria, in
September, 1896, ''to make known to
everybody the immense moral and material
evil done by Freemasonry to the Church
and to society, and to seek remedy by way
of a permanent, international organiza-
tion against the Craft." In a published
letter to the clergy approving tliat meeting,
the coadjutor to Cardinal Taschereau at
Quebec denounced Freemasonry as an ''in-
fernal sect " and a " diabolical organiza-
tion." The London "Times" said of the
Congress that about eight hundred persons
attended it, of whom six hundred were
clergymen ; and that, Avhile the speeches
were moderate, Freemasonry was "attacked
as being opposed to the divine law and the
Cliurcli." Whatever objection the Churcli
of Rome may have to Freemasonry in
France or elsewhere on the Continent, where
the Bible has been removed from Masonic
altars, or where Freemasons have been ac-
cused of conspiring against the Pope, it is
evident that Pope Clement's bull against
Freemasonry in 1738 (renewed and con-
firmed by all his successors) is feebly en-
forced to-day, Tlie consequences of an at-
tempt in tlie United States and the United
Kingdom to have it carried out literally
would suggest a problem in which a resist-
ible body meets an immovable body.
The Pennsylvania Christian Reform Con-
vention, o])posed to secret societies, held at
the First United Presbyterian Cliurch,
Philadelphia, February, 1894, declared Free-
masonry, so-called, the Society 6i Jesuits,
and all societies which impose an oath on
members to obey unknown laws, unscrip-
tural, un-Christian and un-American, and
membership in them degrading, and im-
plored the State and Nation to declare
members of all such societies outlaws.
At a session of the Synod of the Re-
formed Presbyterian Church, in Phila-
delphia, in June, 1894, a report was adopted
condemning secret societies as being "or-
ganized on the principle of secrecy and for
the purpose of concealment without previ-
ous knowledge of the things to be con-
cealed. . . ."
Such a society is contrai'y to the spirit and letter of
the religion of Jesus Christ. The grip, the pass-
word, the darkened window, the guarded door are not
Christlike ; and the Christian, especially the minister
of Christ, is out of place in such surroundings.*
Organized secrecy invites suspicion. Organized se-
crecy is a menace to society. It naturally leads to
ends and means and invites persons that need con-
cealment. Whoever calls any man " Grand Master "
makes himself a grand slave. Secret orders not
only lord it over their own members, but undertake
to dictate on terms of death the conduct of those
outside their organization. Let everyone who enters
a secret society know that he parts with his liberty,
puts his neck under a yoke, and fetters his feet. He
virtually says : " I am your beast, drive me ; I am
your slave, command me ; I yield my own will and
judgment to others."
Organized opposition to Freemasonry
among Protestant religious bodies has not
been of sufficient importance to attract
public attention during the past fifty years,
being largely confined to a few of the minor,
schismatic sects. When delegates from
several of these bodies meet to fulminate
against the Craft, they sometimes call them-
selves a "Christian Association, Interde-
nominational, Anti-Secret Convention."
Such a gathering was held at Minneaj)olis,
November, 1895, and resolved :
That, in our opinion, secret societies are con-
demned by the example and the word of Jesus Christ ;
that such societies must injure men who compose
them, uniting in fraternal fellowship believers and
non-believers, and thus tending to separate them
from the Saviour of men ; that such orders are hos-
tile to the home life, depriving wife and children of
the companionship and help of husband and father,
and tending to destroy the confidence and sympathy
which should be the foundation of home life ; that
the churches of Jesus Christ are the God-aiDjJointed
agency for the redemption of the world, and that
secret societies tend to destroy them by rivalry and
substitution ; and that the Lodge oaths are incon-
sistent with good citizenship, and that good citizens
should withstand and oppose them.
Though political persecution of Free-
masons and opposition to Freemasonry in
* In 1891 the total number of ordained ministers
in the State of New York who were affiliated Free-
masons was as follows : Methodist, 288 ; Episcopal,
146 ; Baptist, 112 ; Presbyterian, 59 ; LTniversalist,
31 ; Congregational, 21 ; Dutch Reformed, 13 ;
Christian, 13 ; Lutheran, 11 ; Jew, 7; Unitarian,
1 ; Reformed Jew, 1 ; total, 703.
Europe, South America, and elsewhere
abroad have generally been due to Roman
Catholic influence, there is an exception in
the prohibition of meetings of the society
in Russia.
In the United States an Anti-Masonic
political party made its appearance in
1827, and was active in some or all of
the Middle and New England States
for the next ten years. It was the out-
growth of what was known as the " Morgan
iiffair." William ]\[orgau of Batavia,
Oenesee County, N. Y., who claimed to be
but is not known to have been, a Free-
mason, had a book in press which was said
to reveal the secrets of the Masonic Fra-
ternity. He was arrested on September
11, 182G, on a charge of petit larceny, and
put in Jail at Canandaigua, N. Y. The
story goes that he was released on the
night of September r2tli on the jaayment of
the amount of the execution to the jailer's
wife, the jailer being absent, and, guarded by
several men, was taken in a closed carriage
to Fort Niagara, on Niagara River, where all
trace of him was lost, so far as liis relatives
and the public were concerned. More than
a year afterwards, in October, 1827, a much
decomposed body of anuxn was found on the
sliore of Lake Ontario, not far from the
mouth of Niagara River. Morgan's wife,
Thurlow AVeed, and others wlio knew Mor-
gan, declared that the body was Morgan's,
notwithstanding the family of Timothy
Munroe, a Canadian fisherman who was
drowned a few months before, were posi-
tive that the body was Munroe's. Thurlow
Weed, it will be recalled, first rose into
political prominence through his connec-
tion with the Morgan affair. Both he
and William H. Seward, members of the
National Republican party, were keenly
alive to the opportunity to ride into power
through a political party to be created out
of the storm to which Morgan's disajipear-
ance gave rise. The Masonic Fraternity
suffered severely from the outcry against it,
and so fierce was the sentiment on both
sides that in New York, New England,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Miciiigan political
parties, church congregations, families,
and friends were divided on the issue. The
Masonic Fraternity repudiated the acts of
individual Freemasons accused of Mor-
gan's abduction, and cooperated with the
authorities in an effort to bring the guilty
ones to justice ; but a whirlwind of public
condemnation was aimed at the Craft in
general, and would not be stayed. Tiie re-
sult was, that during the next few years
hundreds of Masonic Lodge warrants were
surrendered. The insistence by Weed and
others that the body found in October,
1827, was that of Morgan (supposed to
have been drowned in September, 1826),
helped to fan the political flame which re-
sulted in the formation of the Anti-Masonic
party, in which Weed, Seward, and their
friends were leaders. When Weed was
confronted with the inconsistency of his
claim that the body was Morgan's, he is
credibly reported to have replied : " It's a
good enough Morgan until after election,"
which has become a stock political phrase
to tills day. Morgan was never seen, dead
or alive, after his abductors left him. In
Weed's autobiography he says that John
Whitney, one of Morgan's abductors, con-
fessed to him at Albany, in 1831, that
Morgan was carried to Fort Niagara with the
understanding that Canadian Freemasons
would furnish him a retreat in the Do-
minion, but that they refused to do so,
whereupon Morgan was thrown overboard
from a rowboat in Niagara River. Weed
says he promised the secret would not be
divulged while any of the abductors lived.
In 1809 Weed says he wrote Whitney, ask-
ing for a written account of the affair for
pu1)lication after Whitney's death, when
he learned that Whitney had just died.
Weed's account of this did not appear until
1883. Several persons were apprehended
for the abduction of Morgan, but none
were convicted. The Anti-Masonic party
appeared in western New York early in
1827; and in 1828, aided in part by the
"good enough Morgan until after elec-
tion," polled 33,305 votes for Governor
of New York State, out of a total of
276,583 ; and, as Charles M. Harvey, St.
Louis, states, ''two years later it made
such inroads on the New York State Na-
tional Eepublican organization that the
latter virtually vanished," and the Anti-
Masonic party became, for the time being,
the only oj^ponent of the Democracy in
that State. In Vermont and Pennsylvania
it also displaced the National Republican
organization, and it secured a strong foot-
hold in Ohio, Massachusetts, and a few
other States. The Anti-Masons entered
the national field for the Presidential can-
vass of 1832, by nominating William AVirt
of Maryland for President, and Amos
Ellmaker of Pennsylvania for Vice-Presi-
dent, by national convention, as early as
September, 1831, the first national Presi-
dential convention in our history. Thir-
teen States, all northern, except Delaware
and Maryland, were represented. They
met early, to compel the National Repub-
licans to withhold the candidacy from
Henry Clay, who was a Freemason. The
National Republicans nominated Clay,
however, who was badly beaten by Andrew
Jackson, who was also a Freemason. Only
one State, Vermont, was carried by the
Anti-Masons. As a distinct party the
Anti-Masons never took part in another
Presidential campaign, being absorbed by
the AVhigs, which succeeded the National
Repnblican party in 1834. In State can-
vasses in Vermont and Pennsylvania the
Anti-Masons remained a factor for several
years, electing Joseph Ritner Governor of
Pennsylvania in 1835. Some of the or-
ganizations known as '^' American parties"
in the past twenty years have had anti-
Masonic planks in their platforms, but
their votes have been too few to be
Individual prejudice against or objection
to Freemasonry, merely because of the secret
character of the society, does not call for
extended reference, except with respect to
such publications as have had sufficient
weight to attract general attention. Per-
haps the earliest of these was " The Natural
History of Staffordshire," by Robert Plot,
published at Oxford, England, in 1686,
which admitted that ''persons of the most
eminent quality did not disdain to be of
the fellowship." " Masonry Dissected," by
Samuel Prichard, was irablished at London
in 1730, and replied to in "A Defence of
Masonry," by James Anderson, London, in
1738. Between 1762 and 1768 there was a
flood of books attacking the Fraternity, nota-
bly "Jachin and Boaz " (1762), "Hiram,
or the Grand Master Key" (1766), "The
Three Distinct Knocks" (1768), and in the
year last named a sermon, also published at
London, entitled " Masonry the Way to
Hell, . . . Wherein is Clearly Proved
both from Reason and Scripture that all
who Profess the Mysteries are in a State of
Damnation." The final English work of
this character apjieared a century ago, in
1797, written by John Robison, Professor
of Natural Philosophy, and Secretary of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh. It was en-
titled "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all
the Religions and Governments of Europe
carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-
masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies,"
and owes preservation solely to the perma-
nency of the institution it sought to destroy.
The earliest antagonistic publication in
France was "La Grande Lumiere," the
author of which had several imitators, the
best known of whom was the Abbe Barruel,
who wrote " Memoires pour servir a I'his-
toire du Jacobinism." Barruel was a priest
and a royalist, and was so affected by the re-
sults of the French Revolution that he in-
sisted the consequences of that movement
were the outcome of the machinations of the
Freemasons or Jacobin clubs. But where
Robison was calm and dispassionate, Bar-
ruel became abusive. Anti-Masonic publica-
tions in Spain and Italy have been confined
principally to the bulls of the popes and
edicts of the Iiuiiiisitiou. In defence of the
edict of the Council of Dautzic against the
Fraternity, a book appeared in 1764 with the
name, "Proofs that the Society of Free-
masons in every Country is not only Use-
less, but, if )iot Restricted, Dangerous, and
ought to be Interdicted." Subsequent
anti-Musonic German publications Merc
mostly pamphlets. In the United States
like literature began with Morgan's book in
1828, a paraphrase of similar early English
books, and was followed by many others
with no special claim to attention. An ex-
ception is found in ** Letters on Masonry
and Anti-Masonry addressed to lion. John
Quincy Adams," by AVilliani L. Stone, Xew
York, 1832, a Freemason, during a period
of intense political excitement, uiul desigiied
solely to advance the interests of the Anti-
Masonic party. The Anti-Masonic party
had declared that the jMasonic Institution
was subversive of good government, and in-
tended for the political aggrandizement of
its leaders ; yet Stone had the fairness to
admit that " the fact is not to be disguised
— contradicted it cannot be'' — that anti-
Masonry had become so thoroughly political
that "its spirit Avas vindictive toward the
Freemasons withoiit distinction as to guilt
or innocence." Mackey has pointed out
that Stone condemned Freemasonry because
of the acts of the abductors of Morgan,
whereas, "as well might the vices of the
Christians of Corinth have suggested to a
contemporary of St. Paul the propriety of
suppressing Christianity." "Letters on
the Masonic Institution," by John Quincy
Adams, ex-President, which appeared in
the public journals between 1831 and 1833,
Avere collected and published in book form
in 1847. The severest competent Masonic
criticism of Adams may be found in ]\Iac-
key's "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry" : that
he Avas "a man of strong points a7id weak
ones, of vast reading and wonderful mem-
ory, of great credulity and strong pre-
judice " — dAvelling continually, ia his anti-
Masonic Avri tings, on " the oath " and " the
murder of ^Morgan " — a victim of the mis-
representations of the Masonic Fraternity.
It is hardly necessary to more than refer to
the compilations of anti-Masonic documents
published by James C. Odiorne and by
Henry Gassett at Boston, in 1830 and 1831,
The recovery of the Masonic Fraternity
from the shock of the inquisition instituted
by the Anti-Masonic party Avas sIoav. So
violent was the persecution of adhering Free-
masons that many Avere driven to renounce
the society in order to live in peace. Itin-
erant lecturers found a neAv source of rev-
enue l)y pretending to give j-jublic repre-
sentations of Masonic ceremonies; almanac
makers filled their publications with cor-
roborative details as to the essential Avick-
edness of Freemasonry ; and jiretended rev-
elations of the secrets of Lodge, Chapter,
Conimandery, and of some of the Scottish
Kite bodies Avere ])eddled about the country
by thrifty Anti-Masons. This was from 1830
to 1835, Avhen to confess sympathy or con-
nection Avith Freemasonry meant social, ])o-
litical, and often religious ostracism. It is
of exceptional interest to note (as may be
seen by reference to articles under those
titles) that during this period the Indepen-
dent Order of Odd Fellows Avas practically
reorganized and began a more active career;
that the Ancient Order of Druids and the
Ancient Order of Hibernians Avere intro-
duced into the United States from Eng-
land and Ireland, res])ectively ; that the Im-
l^roved Order of Red ^len Avas organized
and reestablished as at present constituted;
that the college fraternities Kapjm Alpha.
Sigma Phi, and Delta Phi, founded at
Union College, Schenectady, X. Y., a few
years before, took on rather more conven-
tional secret society forms; that Alpha Delta
Phi was founded at Hamilton College, Clin-
ton, X. Y., in 1832, and Psi Upsilon at
Union College, in 1833, all leading Ameri-
can college secret societies. In 1831, the year
that Thurlow Weed, "William II. Seward,
and Thaddeus Stevens went as delegates to
the Anti-Masonic, the first national Presi-
dential convention, John Quincy Adams,
Edward Everett, Joseph Story, and other
leading Harvard representatives were so
overcome with the anti-secret society feeling,
that they indnced members of the Harvard
Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa to violate their
pledges of secrecy as to the '' mysteries " of
the mother of American college fraternities,
and make that organization non-secret.
There is food for thought in the fact that
none of the members of the two dozen imi-
tators or offspring of the secret society Phi
Beta Kappa ever imitated it by formally re-
vealing their secrets on the college campus,
and in the further fact that the two college
fraternities, founded respectively in 1832
and 1833, one year and two years after the
Harvard Phi Beta Kappa affair, were estab-
lished as secret societies, and remain among
the strongest and best of like organizations
to this day. From 1832 to 1845, or during
the period of greatest excitement due to the
anti-Masonic agitation, and for half a dozen
years thereafter, the college secret societies
continued to multiply and to establish new
Chapters, from which an inference is fair
as to the probable origin of the Masonic cast
given the earlier rituals of some of them —
all of those named, and afterward the " Mys-
tical Seven." Late in the thirties and
early in the following decade Freemasons
began to gather and Lodges to open and do
work. The recovery was not rapid, but was
steady, and during the ten years prior to the
outbreak of the Civil War the Craft regained
what it had lost between 1828 and 1840.
Since the Civil War the progress of the Fra-
ternity has been so great that all opportunity
for successful opposition based on bigotry,
ignorance, or prejudice has been removed.
One-half the Freemasons in the world are
Americans; one man in every thirteen in the
country is a member of the Fraternity, and
its membership, as a whole, includes rejDre-
sentatives of all ranks of society. They are
found in general business and in political,
professional, and military life; as President
or the humblest office-holder; the executive
head of a continental system of railways, or
signalman ; in the bishop, priest, clergyman,
lawyer, editor, and physician or the ordinary
wayfaring man of commerce, whether propri-
etor or clerk; as admiral or marine, as gen-
eral or private. Freemasons constitute a
dominant seventh as well as an influence
in all other reputable secret societies in the
United States. The total membership of all
of them, allowing for a proportion belonging
to several organizations, cannot be fewer
than six million, one-third the total adult
population of the country. To such pro-
portions have Freemasonry and like soci-
eties grown, that were a tithe of the allega-
tions true which are made against the parent
organization by its detractors, society at
large would be reaping a whirlwind.
Brotherhood of the New Life. —
A mystical, religious, communal society
founded by Thomas Lake Harris, at Moun-
tain Cove, N, C, in 1851. It disbanded in
1853, owing to internal dissensions. He
formed a second community, in 1858, at
Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y., which
shortly after removed to Brockton, Chautau-
qua County, in the same State. Croups of
three or four persons were formed in the
Brotherhood, but if affection resulted, the
group was broken up. Parents were separated
from children, and husbands from wives.
Harris was born in England in 1824, but
most of his early life was passed at or near
L'"tica, N. Y. He was evidently impressed
by the Mormon movement, which began at
Palmyra, and by the Fox Sisters' phenomena
at Kochester, N. Y. He became a Swe-
denborgian and a spiritualist. He declared
that his journey to North Carolina and the
founding of the Brotherhood were direct re-
sults of communications from the Lord, and
that it was as the direct representative of
the latter that he remained at the head of
the movement, and held titles to property
in trust for the discif)les and the commu-
nity. His followers lived in separate houses
and dressed as did people generally, but
they Avore their hair long, observed the fifth
day of the week as a day of rest, opposed
marriage, and advocated Platonic love.
None of the critics of the Brotherhood has
charged them with immorality. Harris's
most distinguished disciple was Lawrence
Oliphant, over whom, from 1867 to nearly
the time of the latter's death in 1881, he
exercised a remarkable influence. In 1875
Harris and many of his followers reestab-
lished the Brotherhood at Santa Kosa, Cali-
fornia. There he is said to have overcome
his asceticism, and in 1891 was declared to
have announced that he had discovered the
secret of perpetual youth. In 1892 he left
his luxurious home in California, came to
New York City, married, and settled down.
Some members of the Brotherhood are re-
ported to still live in California and some in
Brotherhood of the West Gate. — A
brotherhood seeking to solve '"the esoteric
mysteries of the microcosm," the restora-
tion of ''inner harmony," in the face of
which " wealth, fame, and power . . . sink
into nothingness." It publishes '' The Ora-
cle " at Bridgeton, Maine.
E-soter-ists of the West. — Little is
learned of this brotherhood beyond its name,
its excessively secret character, and the ex-
planation that the word " west " refers to the
Americas. The division of the word " Esoter-
ists " in the title evidently has some partic-
ular significance.
Freemasonry. — The Ancient and Hon-
orable Society of Free and Accepted Masons,
usually referred to as Ancient, Free, and
Accepted Masons, sometimes as Free and
Accepted Masons (A, F. & A. !M. or F. &
A. M.), is a secret fraternity, founded upon
man's religious aspirations, which, by forms,
ceremonies, and elaborate symbolism, seeks
to create a universal brotherhood, to relieve
suffering, cultivate the virtues, and join in
the endless search for truth. It is the oldest
and most widely distributed secret society,
having an active membership of 1,400,000
in the more than 25,000 Lodges which, ex-
cept in Austria and Russia, mark the paths
of commerce and civilization throughout the
The student of the history of the Craft
may be glad to know that Benjamin Frank-
lin, who was a Freemason, wrote of the
Fraternity as follows :
It lias secrets peculiar to itself; but of what do
those principally consist? They consist of signs and
toiccns, wiiich serve as testimonials of character and
qualifications, which are only conferred after a due
course of instruction and examination. These are
of no small value; they speak a universal language,
and act as a passport to the attention and su[)port
of the initiated in all parts of the, world. They can-
not be lost so long as memory retains its power. Let
the possessor of them be expatriated, shipwrecked,
or imprisoned; let him be stripped of everything he
has got in the world; still these credentials remain
and are available for use as circumstances require.
The great effects which they have produced are
established by the most incontestable facts of his-
tory. They have stayed the uplifted hand of the
destroyer; they have softened the asperities of the
tyrant; they have mitigated the horrors of cap-
tivity; they have subdued the rancor of malevo-
lence, and broken down the barriers of political
animosity and sectarian alienation. On the field of
battle, in the solitude of the uncultivated forests, or
in the busy haunts of the crowded city, they have
made men of the most hostile feelings, and most
distant religions, and the most diversified condi-
tions, rush to the aid of each other, and feel social
joy and satisfaction that they have been able to
afford relief to a Ijrother Mason.
"^rhe Fraternity as now organized dates
from 1717, wljen the four old Lodges in Lon-
don met and formed a Grand Lodge. The
most ancient Freemasons referred to in trust-
worthy historical records were the opera-
tive stone masons or builders of the ^Middle
Ages, referred to in England as far back as
the eighth century. About three hundred
years ago the operative Craft in England,
France, and Germany began to disintegrate.
This Avas the natural consequence of not
only the Reformation and the Thirty Years'
AVar, but of the completion of the churches
and cathedrals upon which the stone ma-
sons' guilds had been engaged for several
centuries, originally with the assistance of
the Church. These bands of traveling
builders held a general assembly at Stras-
burg in 1275, and another nearly one hun-
dred years later, at whicli laws were framed
and a fraternity formed. Guilds were com-
posed of apprentices, craftsmen, and masters,
had an initiatory ceremony and a sign.
Traveling from city to city throughout Cen-
tral and Western Europe, they constituted
the first, or operative Free Masons, so-called
because they enjoyed privileges granted by
the Church and civil authorities, OAving to
their skill in architecture and the charac-
ter of the edifices they built. When the
churches and cathedrals were completed, the
guilds began to disappear. In France the
guilds, which were more directly the out-
come of the Eoman occupation of the coun-
trv, and of the colleges of artificers which
accompanied the Eoman legions, were abol-
ished about 153G-39. Upon their ruins
there arose a new type of workingmen's
guilds known as the Companionage. By
1655 this had spread throughout France,
'divided into three separate fraternities com-
posed of various trades, or, as we would say,
unions, the oldest being known as the Sons
of Solomon. The other two sprang from
the Sons of Solomon, and were bitter rivals.
One was known as the Sous of Maitre
Jacques. Its traditions carried the society
back to King Solomon's Temple, and in the
untimely death of Maitre Jacques is found
a striking parallel to the story of Hiram.
The Sons of Soubise, an offshoot of the Sons
of Maitre Jacques, possessed many of the
characteristics of the latter. No description
of the Companionage was made public until
1841, nearly one hundred and twelve years
after the introduction of Freemasonry into
France from England, notwithstanding the
story of the building of King Solomon's
Temple and the death of Iliram formed a
part of the legends of the Companionage.
The foregoing, as pointed out in Gould's
"History of Freemasonry," appears to be
the earliest account of the death of the mas-
ter builder, for there is no reference to the
Hiramic legend in Freemasonry until after
the formation of the Grand Lodge at Lon-
don in 1717, more than sixty years after the
French Companionage had reached the
height of its career.
Among various theories as to the origin
of modern Freemasonry, the following have
had many advocates: (1) That which car-
ries it back through the mediaeval stone ma-
sons to the Ancient Mysteries, or to King
Solomon's Temple; (2) not satisfied with
the foregoing, that which traces it to Noah,
to Enoch, and to Adam; (3) the theory that
the cradle of Freemasonry is to be found in
the Eoman Colleges of Artificers of the ear-
lier centuries of the Christian era; (4) that
it was brought into Europe ,by the return-
ing Crusaders; (5) that it was an emanation
from the Templars after the sujipression of
the Order in 1312; (G) that it formed a vir-
tual continuation of the Eosicrucians; (7)
that it grew out of the secret society crea-
tions of the partisans of the Stuarts in their
efforts to regain the throne of England; (8)
that it was derived from the Essenes, and
(9) from the Culdees.
Whatever may have been believed as to
Freemasonry being traceable to any of the
foregoing, the results of the investigations
of E. F. Gould, W. J. Ilughan, and Eev.
A. F. A. Woodford of England, D. Mur-
ray Lyon of Scotland, Albert Pike, G. F.
Fort, Albert G. Mackey, Charles T. McClen-
achan, E. T. Carson, T. S. Parvin, Josiah
H. Drummond, and others in the United
States, '' Masonic authors of repute and dili-
gent students of Masonic records,'' make it
j)lain that while the rites and symbols of
Freemasonry have great antiquity, specu-
lative Freemasonry, as an organization, is
modern, probably not over three hundred
years old.
The Essenes, the only one of the three
ancient Jewish sects mentioned in the Bible
which was not referred to unfavorably, has
been regarded by some as the cradle of an-
cient Freemasonry. It had existed "from
time immemorial," but disappeared about
400 A.D. The Essenes are said to have per-
fected the Jewish Kabbala, to have believed
in miraculous cures, to have regarded them-
selves as temples of the Holy Ghost, and to
have been '"forerunners of the ^reesiah."
They had secret means of recognition, and
taught that all things were not for all men,
but there has been no more connection sliown
between the ancient Essenes and modern
Freemasonry than that Masonic scholars and
ritualists may have found something in al-
leged Essenic rites worthy of assimilation
in latter-day mysteries. The Culdees were
Apostolic Christians, monks of Eastern ori-
gin. They were encountered in Ireland
about the fifth century, and later in Scot-
land. They were opposed by 8t. Augus-
tine, and virtually disappeared in the four-
teenth century. They were teachers of civ-
ilization, church architects and builders,
and it has been claimed they were connected
with early Scotch and Irish operative Free-
masons. The partisans of tlie Stuarts were
active, and some were prominent Freema-
sons ; but while they contributed something
to the rituals of so-called higher degrees,
they had no permanent influence upon the
institution. The real Rosicrucians were
mystics who flourished in Germany, France,
and England in the latter portion of the
seventeenth century. Contrary to views
Avhich have been held, it Avas not a society,
and was not concerned merely in an efi^ort
to transform baser metals into gold and to
discover the secret of perpetual youth, which
synibolized a search for divine truth and
immortal life. The IJosicrucians were un-
doubtedly in advance of their time, but not
too much so to borrow freely from the sym-
bolism of the ancient mysteries and of the
Gnostics. A number of eminent Rosicru-
cijins were Freemasons, notably Elias Ash-
mole, the antiquary. What Freemasonry
owes to the Rosicrucians may never be
known, although something may be inferred
by students who are familiar with both
societies. (See Freemasonry, Rosicrucians,
etc.) Gould (R. F. ) thinks Freemasonry
may have been tinged with Rosicrucianism
through the influence of Ashmole and
others, but points to there being no real
evidence of it aside from the fact that Free-
masonry presents the double and single tri-
angles, the hexagon, the point within a cir-
cle, a magical aljjhabet, and a searcli for
light. The ignorance and superstition of
the mass of the people in the seventeenth
century led them to regard the brethren of
the Rosy Cross, who were theosophists first,
and Kabbalistsand alchemists afterwards, as
dealers in magic and in league with the
devil. Those who have favored the theory
that modern Freemasonry was the outgrowth
of Rosicrucianism have added that so much
were the i)ublic inflamed against the Rosi-
crucians that the latter were obliged to shel-
ter themselves under the cloak of Fi-ee-
masonry, when they gave to the latter a
Christian interpretation. By the end of
the seventeenth century Europe Avas covered
with pretended Rosicrucians offering to com-
municate the occult for money. The theory
that Freemasonry appeared in Europe upon
the return of the Crusaders has long been
abandoned, but its successor was a French
Templar theory of the origin of the institu-
tion, and in some portions of Europe it still
finds advocates. It I'ests on a legend that
the Knights Templars, at the destruction of
the Order and the burning of Jacques de
Molay, fled to Scotland, Avhere they became
Freemasons and propagated the rite. The
French Ordre du Temple is based upon a
modification of this theory, as were the
Strict Observance in Germany, and other
rites. There is, however, nothing in this
except the legend, for Freemasonry a.s it
existed in England in 1717 has been shown
to be the result of the evolution of guilds of
operative stone masons, who, it is needless
to add, could never have derived their rites
and formuhe from the original Knights
Templars, who were men of rank. The
story that the Fraternity was founded at the
building of King Solomon's Temple, and
has enjoyed an uninterrupted existence ever
since, is one of the myths of the organiza-
tion which has been innocently believed by
many, but which does not merit serious at-
ten tion . The mystical meanings of Masonic
references to King Solomon's Temple, not
only in the symbolic degrees, but also in the
haute grades, have not always been under-
stood, even by members of the Craft. The
carrying back of the Fraternity to the ante-
diluvian age has been due to an inability to
distinguish between an idea and a fact. So-
cieties have existed in all ages of the world
for the propagation of truth, morality, and
the practice of that which is involved in a
universal brotherhood; have risen, flour-
ished, and died. Others have been born,
have borrowed from those which went be-
fore, and they in turn have died. But he
is bold, indeed, who professes to trace an
uninterrupted succession or an identity of
organization for them all. The earlier Eng-
lish associations of operative builders, who
were first called Free Masons in the four-
teenth and fifteenth centuries, because of
the freedom granted them to work and to
sell the products of their labor, may or may
not have been the offspring of German stone
masons' guilds who built the churches and
cathedrals erected in the Middle Ages. The
Roman Colleges of Artificers who accompa-
nied the imperial armies on their excursions
throughout Europe naturally had an influ-
ence on not only the English guilds at the
time of the Roman occupation of Britain,
but upon the French and German guilds as
well. But the Freemason knows of that
which could not well have been derived from
the medigeval guilds, or from the Roman
Colleges, and naturally inquires as to its
source. During the sixteenth century the
German and French fraternities of travel-
ing builders virtually disappeared. The
French Compaiiionage (trades unions) was
founded upon the ruins of the latter, but
had no known connection with the forma-
tion of speculative Freemasonry, so that in
the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth
century speculative Freemasonry as distinct
from the operative Craft, that which in-
dulged only in the symbolism of the work
jierformed by the earlier Free Masons, was
confined to Great Britain alone. Nowhere
else iu the world was it to be found, and
whether the association of learned men with
the earlier English operative Free Masons
was due to an effort on the part of the lat-
ter to interest others than those of the Craft
to secure immunity at the hands of the no-
bility or not, it remains true that profes-
sional and literary Englishmen, some learned
in astrology, alchemy, and Kabbalistic lore,
theoretic geometricians, and architect ma-
sons, identified themselves from time to
time with the declining operative frater-
nity. A notable instance was the initiation
of Elias Ashmole, the antiquary, in 1746,
and it is not a mere inference that his join-
ing the society was not the only instance of
the kind. This class of membership was
honorary at first, whence the term Free and
"Accepted" Masons. In 1703 a formal
effort was made to change the organization
from an operative to a speculative fraternity,
as the old English lodges were dying out,
only seven surviving the eighteenth century
in the city of London. The professed de-
sire was to found a brotherhood which would
build spiritual instead of material temples,
to become Freemasons as distinct from Free
Masons who were workmen or ordinary la-
borers. When a Grand Lodge was formed
at London in 1717, there was, so far as
known, only a single ceremonial or degree ;
but within six or seven years, or by 1724,
the three symbolic degrees, Entered Appren-
tice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, had
made their appearance. The craft guilds
had contributed the square and compasses ;
their patron saint, St. John the Baptist ; a
reference to King Solomon's Temple ; the
two famous pillars ; the mystical numbers
five, seven, and nine ; words and grips and
a long and honorable record as builders of
English churches and cathedrals under codes
of laws for their government, which oral and
manuscript tradition carried back prior to
the teuth century, when, in 93G, it was said
that ii generul assembly of Masons was held
at York under the patronage of Edwin,
brother of Athelstan, where a code of laws
was adopted which became the basis of sub-
sequent English craft constitutions. Not-
withstanding allegations that general Ma-
sonic assemblies Avere periodically held at
York thereafter, Gould says there is no sub-
stantial reason for believing that more than
one general assembly (the prototype of the
Grand Lodge) was held at York prior to
1717. The English operative Free Masons
may be admitted to have preserved traces of
the influence of the teachings of the Druids
(which see) ; the Culdees, who also claimed
to have been granted a charter by Edwin;
of the Roman Colleges, and of the English
Church, with the Holy Bible and altar lights;
but details of the introdiTction of the Hi-
ramic legend will probably forever remain a
mystery. Y"et, Avith the foregoing in mind,
it is evident that Freemasonry includes
much that Avas not in possession of the four
old London Lodges in 1717.
The oldest of the ancient mysteries, those
practised at Memphis in Egypt, centred
about Isis, Serapis, and Osiris, and the
lesson taught Avas that of regeneration
through death. Like those Avhich followed,
they presented a dialogue, ritual, and con-
trasts betAA^een liglit and darkness, death
and regeneration. The candidates had
to undergo purification, trial, failure, and
even death before being regenerated amid
rejoicings. The Grecian or Eleusinian
mysteries (1800 B.C.) represented Demeter
(Ceres) and Persephone, and depicted the
death of Dionysus Avith an elaborate ce-
remonial Avhicli led the neophyte from
death into life and immortality. Initiates
were taught the existence of a Supreme
Being and invested Avith the signs of and
membership in a fraternity. The Mithraic
or Persian mysteries celebrated the eclipse
of the sun god, introduced the signs of the
zodiac, the procession of the seasons, the
death of nature in winter, and its birth in
spring. They Avere popular in Home in the
earlier centuries of the Christian era, and
are said to have had an influence on the
Roman Colleges of Artificers, by Avhom they
may have been disseminated. The Adoniac
or Syrian mysteries Avere similar, those in
Avhicli Venus, Adonis, and Proserpine fig-
ured, in Avhich Adonis Avas killed, but revived
to point to life through death. The Cabiric
mysteries (1000 li.c), Avhich disappeared
shortly after the Christian era, Avere prac-
tised on the island of Samothrace. 'J' he
Cabiri Avere gods, and, in the ceremonial,
Atys the Sun Avas killed by his brothers the
Seasons, and at the vernal equinox was re-
stored to life. So, also, the Druids taught
of one God and the lesson of the procession
of the seasons, and conducted the initiate
through the valley of death to everlasting
life. The Gnostics are supposed to have in-
cluded some of the earlier Christians, for
their doctrines contain a mixture of Chris-
tianity and the Persian religion. They
taught by means of symbols, many of wliich,
including a secret reference to Deity, the
double triangle, the lion, serpent, etc., are
familiar to Freemasons. It Avill be seen
that the Rosier ucians Avere indebted to the
Gnostics even as they were to the Kabbal-
ists. The latter taught a mystical inter-
pretation of the Scriptures, a secret method
of treating sacred subjects by means of sym-
bols, and a peciiliar use of letters of Avords
based upon their A'alues. The student of the
ancient mysteries, all or nearly all of which
prior to their perversion taught purity,
morality, immortality, and the existence of
a Supreme Being, cannot fail to perceive,
if in a position to judge, that Freemasonry
stands as the successor or repository of
much of that Avhich Avas noblest and best in
them, liut he also knows of much Avhich
this theory does not account for, to explain
which one must go to Pythagoras and his
celebrated school at Crotona, in Greece,
founded a.d. 58G. Pythagoras, after being
initiated into the Egyptian and Eleusinian
mysteries, formed a secret society of his
own, with three degrees, in wliich, among
other things, he taught geometry, me-
tempsychosis, and the mystical power of
numbers. From these the Rosicrucians bor-
rowed, and from the forms and symbolism
of the Kabbalists, Gnostics, and Pythago-
reans as perfected by the Rosicrucians, from
the Greek, Egyptian, and Oriental philoso-
phy of the Alexandrian school of Neoplato-
nism, and from the ancient mysteries. Free-
masonry has taken enough to mark it with
the leading characteristics of all ancient and
mystical schools of religion and philosophy
— circumambulation, the use of aprons, the
forty-seventh problem of Euclid, a cipher,
and the lesson taught by the story of the
illustrious Tyrian substituted for legends of
Osiris, Adonis, Atys, and Dionysus. That
Masonic enthusiasts, antiquarians, and rit-
ualists superimposed these relics npon Free-
masonry as it had existed for about one hun-
dred years prior to 1717, there can be little
doubt. The Fraternity, therefore, presents
three classes of symbols : Pagan, derived from
the same source as Christianity obtained
them; those contributed by the operative
Masons, and the exclusively Christian sym-
bols. It also shows traces of the Vehmge-
richte, or secret society of Free Judges, which
was prominent in Germany in the thirteenth
century. The latter was formed to pro-
tect the innocent from injustice, held its
courts in the forest at night, and executed
its judgments without fear or favor. It
granted audience alike to noble and peas-
ant, and few were bold enough to ignore
its summons or treat its judgments with dis-
respect. Traces of the society in a modified
form were found as late as the present cen-
tury. (See Ancient Order of Freesmiths.)
Its oath was of a most solemn character,
binding the initiate to "conceal, hold, and
not reveal,"' etc. Its chief symbol was the
arrow, and for a violation of the vow the
penalty was death. The introduction into
the ritual of Freemasonry, about 1825, of
the story of Hiram was a master stroke.
If a like legend among the French trades
guilds, or Companionage, for sixty-five years
prior to 1717, does not explain where the
Freemasons of 1717-24 got it, it must be re-
garded as a most extraordinary coincidence.
Within ten years after the formation of
the Grand Lodge of England at London, in
1717, Freemasonry had spread throughout
the United Kingdom and the Continent of
Europe, to many of the British colonies,
and by 1730 to those in America. With the
ap2:)ointment of the Duke of Montagu as
Grand Master, in 1720, the impetus given
the growth of the institution became pro-
nounced, and, as one author points out, the
Fraternity almost lost its breath in the race
for popularity. Many men distinguished
in the professions, in politics, and as repre-
sentatives of the nobility, not only in the
United Kingdom, but on the Continent of
Europe, became members of the Fraternity,
and not a few of them were conspicuous
as its officers. With prosperity there natu-
rally came antagonisms, for some of which
see Anti-Masonry. As early as 1724 the
Grand Lodge of England granted a charter
for a subordinate Lodge at the ancient city
of York, which is presumed to have antag-
onized a Lodge of Freemasons which had
existed there since 1705, as shown by its
records, and with little doubt for a period
ranging far back into the seventeenth cen-
tury. The ancient Lodge thereupon consti-
tuted itself a "Grand Lodge of all Eng-
land " (1725), but does not appear to have
instituted more than one or two subordinate
Lodges prior to 1740, when it became dor-
mant, and remained so for twenty years or
more. But it does not appear to have ac-
tively opposed the Grand Lodge of England
at London, which had been and was still
engaged in chartering subordinate Lodges
at home and abroad. In 1761 the Grand
Lodge of all England, at York, became ac-
tive again, and chartered a number of sub-
ordinate Lodges in two counties in England.
Ten years before, in 1751, nine subordinate
Lodges holding allegiance to the Grand
Lodge of England seceded from that body,
on the ground that the latter suffered sub-
ordinate Lodges of its jurisdiction to depart
from the ancient landmarks and practise
that which had previously been unknown in
Freemasonry. The seceders organized a
" Grand Lodge of England, According to
old Institutions," describing themselves as
" Ancients," and the members of the orig-
inal Grand Lodge of England as " Mod-
erns." The animating spirit of the seced-
ing (Ancient) Grand Lodge was Laurence
Dermott, its Grand Secretary, Avho was an
able administrator and executive, but an
audacious antagonist. Dermott compiled
the '* Ahiman Rezon," or Book of Con-
stitutions of the Ancients, in 1756, which he
copied from the Constitutions of the orig-
inal or so-called Modern Grand Lodge, and
addressed it to "the Ancient York Masons
in England."' The rivalry between the two
London Grand Lodges, Ancient and Mod-
ern, was keen, and at times bitter. The
seceders granted many warrants to army
Lodges, which bore good fruit by making
Ancient Masons in many parts of the world
where the English army was stationed dur-
ing the latter half of the eighteenth century.
Dermott was made a Freemason in Dublin
about 1740, and testified to his appreciation
of the Lodge wherein he was raised by copy-
ing its by-laws and using them as the by-
laws of the Ancients. He received the
Koyal Arch degree in Ireland before com-
ing to Loudon, then an unsystematized de-
gree, borrowed presumably from the French,
and afterwards utilized it in the Grand Lodge
of Ancients. The Moderns likewise suffered
from the mania for higher or more degrees
which characterized the latter half of the
eighteenth century, and thus it was that at
the reunion of the Ancients under the Grand
Mastership of the Duke of Sussex with the
Moderns under the Duke of Kent, Ancient
Freemasonry was declared to consist of the
three symbolic degrees. Entered Apprentice,
Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, " including
the Holy Royal Arch."
After the revival of the Grand Lodge of
all England, at York, in 1701, it continued
neutral to the Grand Lodge of England and
that of the seceding body, the Ancients.
Late in the last century, after the death of
its several subordinate Lodges, the Grand
Lodge of all England was discontinued.
In 1779 an expelled faction of the Lodge of
Antiquity at London (one of the four Lodges
which united to form the Grand Lodge of
England in 1717), together with a deputa-
tion from the Grand Lodge of all England
at York, formed another Grand Body under
the title, ''Grand Lodge of England south
of the Trent." But in 1789 the expelled
members of the Lodge of Antiquity apolo-
gized to the Grand Lodge of England, and,
upon petition, were restored to good stand-
ing, whereupon the Grand Lodge of Eng-
land south of the Trent died. With this
and the final disappearance of the Grand
Lodge of all England, the way was clear for
the concentration of efforts of members of
the original and of the seceding Grand
Lodges looking to reunion. Negotiations
to that end were continued over a series of
years, and resulted, in 1813, as pointed out,
in a United Grand Lodge of England, since
which time the Craft in the United King-
dom has been undisturbed by schism or
other serious dissension. It is of interest
to American Freemasons to note that the
expression "York Rite Masons " has little
or no basis; that it is, in fact, a misnomer.
There was and is no York Masonic rite, and
the symbolic Freemasonry which the world
knows did not come from the Grand Lodge
of all England, founded at Yoi'k in 1725,
but from the Grand Lodge of England,
founded at London in 1717. The York
Grand Lodge outlived its several subordi-
nate Lodges, and died twenty years before
the union of the two great English Grand
Lodges from which the world received An-
cient Craft Masonry. The expression '* An-
cient York Masons" is probably derived
from Laurence Dermott's " Ahiman Re-
zon," which was addressed to " the Ancient
lod. Ter-y
8. Africa. .i^^__
Straits Settlements.
So, Australia.
and others.
The first Masouic Lodge in France had
an English warrant, as did the first Lodge
in Ireland, in Scotland, Spain, Germany,
etc. The charter of the first Lodge in
Sweden came from France, that of the first
in New South Wales, from Ireland, first
in Florida, from Spain, etc.
York Masons in England." The Free-
masonry of the English schismatics, or An-
cients, was more firmly established in Penn-
sylvania than in any other of the American
colonies, where that jieculiar type remains
without change or elaboration, a curiosity to
visiting brethren. In Pennsylvania, natur-
ally, much was formerly heard of '' Ancient
York Masons," and for that reason the ex-
pression acquired vogue. English Free-
masonry, consisting of the three symbolic
degrees, " including the Holy Royal Arch,"
forms the English, not the Y^ork rite. The
Grand Lodge of all England (Y^ork), like
the rival London Grand Lodges, conferred
not only the Royal Arch degree, but that of
Knight Templar, as well as detached cere-
With English commerce and the British
army, navy, and diplomatic service furnish-
ing currents of communication between Eng-
land and almost every civilized community,
it was not strange, when the jiopularity of
Freemasonry in England between 1823 and
1840 is considered, that the Fraternity
spread rapidly to almost every quarter of the
world. The dates, locations, and origin of
first Masonic Lodges in more important coun-
tries, states, and provinces, given in chrono-
logical order, enable one to trace its extension.
172.T France Paris Eni;laiul.
17'.iG Irt'latid Cork England.
1727 Scotland Edinburgh England.
1728 Spain Madrid England.
1730 (iermany Ilambuig.. England.
Pfnns.vlvania Pliiladclpliia England.
India Calcutta England.
1731 Notherlands Uaguc England.
Hus.><ia St. Poteri-burg. . . . iMigland.
1733 Ma.ssachusetts Boston England.
1735 Ncw^llampghire Portsnioutli Massachusetts.
Portugal Lisbon England.
Norway and Sweden. Stockholm France.
Italy Rome England.
Georgia Savannah England.
South Carolina Charleston England.
1736 Switzerland (Jcneva England.
I'oland Warsaw ICngland.
1737 .Moiitserrat England.
17:^8 Martinique France.
1739 Jamaica Kingston England.
Antigua England.
St. Christopher England.
1740 Prussia Charlottenburg (ierniany.
Malta Valetta .'. Enghuul.
Barl)adoe8 England.
1742 Austria Vienna England.
1743 Denmark Copenhagen (rermany.
1747 St. Eustatius Prance.
Transviuil Pretoria England.
1748 Turkey Constantinople England.
1749 Hayti Sau DoiuiDgo France.
749 Rhode Island New|)ort Massachusetts.
750 Connecticut New Haven Massachusetts.
Marj;land Baltimore MassachuBetta.
7.53 V^irginia York town England.
7.")4 New York New York lingland.
North Carolina Wilmington England.
7.'>5 French (iuiana Cayenne F'raiice.
7.")7 Curayoa Holland.
7W Virgin Islands England.
Hungary Presburg (Jermany.
701 Bermudas England.
New Jersey Newark New York.
762 Dominion of Canada. Quebec Massachusetts.
Maine Porilaiul Massacliusette.
763 Nicaragua Mosiiiiito Shore Englan(i.
Honduras St (Jeorge's (^uay . England.
764 Grenada Fort Royal Engl. & France,
765 Sumatra Bencoolen England.
Delaware Cantwell's Bridge . Pennsylvania.
7(!() Guadeloupe France.
7ii7 China Canton, Hong KongEngland.
7i;8 China Cochin France.
Florida St. Augustine Scotland.
769 Java Batavia Holland.
Dutch Guiana Paramaibo Holland.
771 Ceylon Colombo Holland.
British Guiana (ieorgetown England.
772 South Africa Cape Town England.
773 Dominica Roseau England.
781 Vermont Springfield Massachusetts.
783 Ohio Marietta A N. Y. Army L.
District Columbia . . .Alexandria Pennsylvania.
784 St. Lucia France.
78.5 Bahamas England.
788 Kentucky Lexington Virginia.
792 St. Thomas Pennsylvania.
793 Louisiana New Orleans
794 Michigan Detroit Canada.
796 Ten nessee Nashville North Carolina.
797 St. Bartholomew Sweden.
798 Trinidad Port D'Espagne . . .Pennsylvania.
800 St. Martin France.
801 Mississippi Natcliez Kentucky.
8— Venezuela Caracas Spain.
802 EgyiJt Alexandria France.
804 Cuba Havana Pennsylvania.
805 Illinois Kaskaskia Pennsylvania.
806 St. Vincent Ireland.
807 Missouri St. (ienevieve Pennsylvania.
Indiana Vincennes Kentucky.
Peru Lima France.
809 Grei'ce Corfu England.
Straits Settlements. .Penang England.
810 Mexico City of Mexico Spain.
811 Alabama Iluntsville Kentucky.
815 Brazil Rio de Janeiro . . . France.
816 New South Wales. . .Sydney Ireland.
Arkansas Post of Arkansas. . Pennsylvania.
823 Tasmania Ilobart Town Ireland.
824 Mexico (revival) City of Mexico Pennsylvania.
Wisconsin Green Bay New York.
825 Argentine Republic .Buenos Ayres Pennsylvania.
832 Uruguay Montevideo Pennsylvania.
Algeria Algiers France.
8.33 U. S. Colombia Cartha<'ena Spain.
834 South Australia Adelaide England.
Society Islands Tahiti France.
835 Texas Brazoria Louisiana.
840 Chili Valparaiso France.
841 Victoria Mell)ourne England.
842 West Australia Perth England.
Iowa Montrose Illinois.
843 New Zealand Akaroa France.
848 California Sacramento Dist. Columbia.
849 Minnesota St. Paul Ohio.
850 Oregon Oregon City California.
Sandwich Islands . . . llonoUihi ." France and Cal.
Marquesas Nukahiva France.
851 New Mexico Santa V6 Missouri.
8.52 Washington (Jlympia Oregon.
8.54 Kansas Wyandotte Missouri.
855 Nebraska ." Illinois.
Indian Territory. . . .Muscogee Arkansas.
8."7 Ecuador (iuavaquil Peru.
859 Roumania Bucharest France.
Queensland Brisl)ane England.
860 Porto Rico Mayaguez Cuba.
Tunis Tunis France.
8()1 Colorado (Jolden City Nebraska.
862 Nevada Carson City California.
Dakota Yankton Iowa.
1863 Montana Baunock Nebraska.
1863 Idaho Idaho City Oregon.
West Virginia Sep. f r. Va.
1864 New Caleaonia Noumea France.
1866 Japan Yeddo England.
I'tiUi Salt Lake City Nevada.
Arizona Prescott California.
1867 .Morocco Tanojiers France.
Lilieria Monrovia England.
Costa Kica San Jose Spain.
1868 Wyoming Cheyenne Colorado.
1875 Fiji Islands Levuka Scotland.
Bolivia Peru.
187- Servia Belgrade Italy.
1880 Philippine Islands ..Manila Spain.
1881 I'araguay Asuncion Brazil.
Uaatemala Carthagena U. S. Colombia.
1882 San Sal vator Costa Rica.
188:J Celebes Islands Macassar Ilolland.
1885 Borneo^ Elopuro England.
An accompanying chart makes plain the
importance of the work done by the earlier
English Grand Lodges and by the United
Grand Lodge of England in propagating
Freemasonry. The English Kite was car-
ried to France in 1725, where it became
quite as popular as in England ; to Ireland
in 1726, and to Scotland in 1727. In 1727 it
was also taken to Spain ; to Germany, Penn-
sylvania, and to India in 1730 ; to the Neth-
erlands and to Russia in 1731 ; to Massa-
chusetts in 1733 ; and to Portugal, Nor-
way, Sweden, Italy, and Georgia in 1735 ; so
that within ten years Masonic Lodges had
been established throughout the United
Kingdom, at nearly all the larger conti-
nental cities, at Calcutta, India, and at
Philadelphia, Boston, Charleston, Wil-
mington, N.C., and at Savannah, in the
American colonies. All this was the result
of the activity of the Grand Lodoe of Enaf-
land, with_ the exception of the Lodge at
Stockholm, which was instituted by French
Freemasons. Eeference to the chart shows
that next to English Grand Lodges,
French Grand bodies were most active in
creating Lodges abroad ; after which, in
the order named, rank parent bodies in
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ire-
land, Spain, the Netherlands, and Ger-
many. Prior to the present century, the
American Masonic doctrine of exclusive
territorial jurisdiction was practically un-
known ; and while an accompanying chart
indicates the sources of only the first Ma-
sonic Lodges, subsequent Lodges were fre-
quently of another allegiance. The Grand
Lodge of Ireland is responsible for the first
Lodges in New South Wales, St. Vincent,
and Tasmania, but has chartered many
other Lodges in foreign lauds and in Brit-
ish colonics, where some other Grand Body
had preceded them ; and the like is true of
Grand Lodges of England, France, Spain,
Ilolland, and Pennsylvania. A dispute as
to whether the first Masonic Lodge in what
is now the United States was opened at
Philadelphia or at Boston continued for
many years, but the weight of evidence is
declared, by those who are considered
authorities, to favor Philadelphia. The
first Lodge at Philadelphia, 1730-31, is
believed to have been a voluntary one, as
there is no record of its having been char-
tered until a year or two later. It was in
the same year, 1730, that Daniel Coxe of
New Jersey was appointed Provincial Grand
Master of New York, New Jersey, and Penn-
sylvania, but he is not known to have ever
exercised his authority as such. The first
Philadel^jhia Lodge assumed the preroga-
tives of a Provincial Grand Lodge of Penn-
sylvania in 1732, and in 1734 Benjamin
Franklin was elected Provincial Grand Mas-
ter, to which office he was also appointed in
1849 by Thomas Oxnard of Boston, Provin-
cial Grand Master of all North America.
In 17G4 the Grand Lodge of Ancients, in
London, chartered a Lodge in Philadelphia
and organized a rival Grand Lodge, which
was evidently possessed of more active
members than the older Pennsylvania Grand
body, which discontinued its labors about
1793. The Provincial Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, formed by the Ancients, was
responsible for the activity shown by Free-
masons of that colony in establishing
Lodges, not only in the colonies (later the
United States), but in other parts of the
world, and continues the governing body of
the Craft in Pennsylvania to this day. In
1786, following like action in Massachu-
setts, it declared itself an independent and
sovereign Grand Lodge. At Boston, in
1733, Henry Price, claiming authority from
the Grand Lodge of England, as Provincial
Grand Master of New England, opened a
Provincial Grand Lodge, and, witii the aid
of ten brethren, initiated eight candidates.
This Lodge and the Philadelpliia Lodge,
which initiated Benjamin Franklin in 1734
and subsequently met as a Grand Lodge,
became the Mother Grand Lodges of
America. The Price, or St. John's, Grand
Lodge had smooth sailing until 1752, when
several brethren in Boston instituted St.
Andrew's Lodge, according to the old
usage, without a warrant. This was op-
posed b}' St. John's Grand Lodge, and re-
sulted in a schism which lasted forty years.
Li 1760 St. Andrew's received a charter
from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which
widened the breach. In 1769 it united
with several Ancient military Lodges in
forming ^Massachusetts Grand Lodge, with
Joseph Warren as ''Grand Master of Ma-
sons in Boston, New England, and Within
One Hundred Miles of the Same." Li
1773 Joseph Warren was appointed, by the
Grand Master of Scotland, Grand Master
of Masons for the Continent of America.
The death of Warren, at Bunker Hill,
resulted in the Massachusetts Grand Lodge
declaring its independence and sovereignty,
thus becoming the first independent Grand
Lodge of Masons in America. In 1792 the
Grand Lodge for the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts was formed by the union of
St. John's and the Massachusetts Grand
Lodges, since which time the history of
the Craft in that State has not been
marked by dissension. (See Freemasonry
among the Negroes.) Successors to Dan-
iel Coxe, as Provincial Grand Master
for New York and New Jersey, did noth-
ing in an official capacity, so far as
has been learned, except to induct their
successors into office, until 1754, or 1757,
when a subordinate Lodge was established
in New York city. Tliis was about twenty
years after the Grand Lodge of England
had granted petitions for liodges at Savan-
nah, Ga., Charleston, S. C, and at Wil-
mington, N. C. A schismatic Grand Lodge
of New York ap^ieared in Albany in 1823,
the outgrowth of opposition to holding the
Grand Lodge exclusively at New York city.
Four years later, in 1827, the city and
country Grand Lodges compromised their
differences and united. H. C. Atwood and
others were expelled by the Grand Lodge
of New York in 1837, for violation of regu-
lations regarding public parades, which
led to the formation of a St. John's Grand
Lodge, all the members of which were
declared clandestine, and remained so
until the union of 1850. A number of
other Lodges seceded from the regular
Grand Lodge of New York in 1849, and
formed a third, known as the Phillip's
Grand Lodge. This schism was the out-
come of a disj)ute as to the right of Past
Masters to membership in the Grand
Lodge. The matter was amicably adjusted
in 1858, since which time the Grand Lodge
of New York has not suffered from dissen-
sion. South Carolina, like Pennsylvania,
suffered from the rivalry between the
Grand Lodges at London, when, in 1787,
an Ancient Grand Lodge was established at
Charleston. The breach continued until
1808, when the opposing bodies united,
only to separate again in 1809. It was not
until 1817, four years after the reunion of
the Ancients and Moderns in England,
that the warring South Caroliiui bodies
finally healed their differences. In Georgia,
where Freemasonry was also introduced
direct from England, there were rival
Grand Lodges between 1827 and 1839,
owing to a controversy growing out of t4ie
change of the capital of the State.
Russia is the only country in tbe world
in which Masonic Lodges are suppressed.
Austrian prohibition of Masonic gatherings
is not enforced in Hungary and only moder-
ately in Vienna. Spanish opposition to the
Craft has long since ceased to be active.
Representatives of the reigning family, or
of the government, in every European
country exce])t Russia, Austria, Belgium,
and Turkey are members of the Fraternity.
The removal of the name of Deity from its
lectures by the Grand Orient of France
more than twenty years ago, and of the
Holy Bible from its altars, was followed by
the refusal of English-speaking and other
Grand Lodges to recognize members of
Lodges chartered by the Grand Orient of
France. France, therefore, is outside of the
^lasonic family.
In the United Kingdom, during the
eighteenth century, the adoption of
'' higher '' or additional Masonic degrees
was limited to the Royal Arch, Knight
Templar, and Mark Master Mason ; but in
France, very soon after Freemasonry was
introduced there, many new degrees and
rites made their appearance, in peddling
which their inventors did a thriving busi-
ness. Between 1725 and 1775 hundreds of
what were called higher Masonic degrees
were evolved and hawked over the Conti-
nent. Some were meritorious, but many
soon fell into obscurity, while a few still
exist in collections of curious outgrowths
of that character. In 1754, at Paris, the
Chevalier Bonneville brought together and
systematized twenty-five of the older and
better productions among these high
grades, as the Rite of Perfection, under
the title, '^ ChaiJter of Clermont." Some
of them were called Scottish because their
legends traced their origin to Scotland.
It would have risked exposure to attribute
them to English ingenuity. They might
have been given an Irish origin, because
their authors had to go as far as possible
from England and France. But Ireland
evidently did not suit the purpose, and
so the degrees were called Ecossais or
Scotch, and were declared to have been
conferred for many years in the north of
Scotland. This, too, accounts for the al-
leged connection of the partisans of the
Stuarts with earlier Ecossais Freemasonry,
some of its traditions stating that they in-
troduced the degrees into France or were
responsible for their creation. In 1758 a
Council of Emperors of the East and
West was organized at Paris, with a system
of twenty-five degrees, and, as stated by
McClenachan, " in some way became pos-
sessed " of the Rite of Perfection, Chapter
of Clermont, "and became its successor/'
In 1761 the Council of Emperors of the
East and West granted a patent to Stephen
Morin to introduce this rite (of twenty-five
degrees) into the West Indies, after which,
in 1772, it united with a faction of the
Grand Orient (which controlled the first
three degrees of Freemasonry in France),
known as the " Old Grand Lodge," which
factional Grand Lodge died four months
later. In 1779, or seven years later, the
Grand Orient officially declared its j)ower
limited to the three symbolic degrees, and
that it had no official knowledge of so-
called high grades. In 1786 the Grand
Orient organized and promulgated the
French rite of seven degrees, adding to
the three symbolic degrees four from the
abundant material floating about the Con-
tinent. The importance of this is to show
that long prior to the French Revolution
the Grand Orient of France neither 230S-
sessed nor claimed to control the Rite of
Perfection of twenty-five degrees which
appeared in 1754 as a system under the title
" Chapter of Clermont," and disappeared
with the death of the factional or *''01d
Grand Lodge." In the Rite of Perfection,
Chapter of Clermont, one finds the origin
of the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite,
thirty-three degrees, which was created
and first ajDpeared at Charleston, South
Carolina, in 1801. Of this rite, Gould
(F. R.), in his '^History of Freemasonry"
(vol. iii., page 273), says : " Although one
of the youngest of the Masonic rites, it is
at this day (1886) the most j^opular and the
most extensively diffused. Supreme Coun-
cils or governing bodies of the rite are to
be found in almost every civilized country
of the world, and in many of them it is the
only Masonic obedience." The three sym-
bolic degrees of ancient Freemasonry
underlie all Masonic systems or rites, and
upon that fact is based the claim of the
universality of Freemasonry. The Eng-
lish Rite alone confines itself to the three
degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-
craft, and Master Mason, "'including the
Holy Eoyal Arch," but upon it have been
erected the many Masonic systems or rites
which daring the past one hundred and
sixty years have attracted the interest of
the Craft.
Students will find extended lists of the
more important Masonic rites or systems of
degrees, living and dead, in the works of
many Masonic historians ; but nowhere, so
far as learned, has there been given a brief,
chronological account of them and their
characteristics so as to enable the young
craftsman to distinguish between those
which have passed away and those which
are still practised. There are ten Masonic
rites in use to-day. Two of them, the Eng-
lish, which includes the first three or sym-
bolic degrees, and together with the Royal
Arch forms the basis of all systems or rites,
and the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite of
thirty-three degrees, are ranked as univer-
sal. The American Rite is next in impor-
tance, and is j^ractised in the United States
and the Dominion of Canada, where are
to be found three-fourths of all the Free-
masons in the world. The Rite of the
Grand Lodge of the Three Globes, Ger-
many, is third in importance, after which
follow the French Rite, the Swedish Rite,
or Rite of Zinnendorf, Schroder's Rite (in
use by a few German Lodges), the French
Order of the Temple, the Rite of Memphis
(in Roumania, Spain, and Egypt), and the
Rite of Swedenborg.
1724. The English, erroneously called
the York Rite, is composed of the degrees
of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and
Master Mason, the three ancient, symbolic
degrees which were practically perfected
and conferred as a system about 1724, or
shortly after, to which was formally ap-
pended the Royal Arch degree, in 1813, at
the reunion of the two English Grand
Lodges, the change involving a modification
of the degree of Master Mason.
1777. The Rite of the Grand Lodge of
Three Globes is practised by more than two
hundred German Lodges. It consists of the
three symbolic degrees and seven others,
which are modifications of the Gernum
Strict Observance Templar and various
Scottish Rite grades.
1777. The Swedish Rite exists only in
Norway and Sweden, Avhere it is under the
patronage of royalty. It is a mixture of the
English and French Rites, of the Templar-
ism of the Rite of Strict Observance, and of
1783. The Rite of Swedenborg is pre-
served in a few French Lodges. It is
founded on Peruetty's Rite of Avignon,
which appeared in France in 1769. It in-
volves, like Pernetty's system, much of the
mysticism of Swedenborg, who, by the way,
was not a Freemason.
1786. The French, or Modern Rite, as
exi:)lained, consists of the English system,
upon which are superimposed four degrees
formed from some of the many unsystema-
tized ceremonials practised on the Continent
of Europe in the latter half of tlie last cen-
1801. Schroder's Rite is still cultivated
by a few German Lodges, notably at Ham-
burg. It is confined to the three ancient
craft degrees and a Select Historical Union
of Master Masons for the study of the iihi-'
losophy of Freemasonry.
1801. The Ancient, Accepted Scottish
Rite, referred to elsewhere.
1810. The American Rite, substantially
as it exists to-day, may be said to date from
the first decade of the present century. It
is referred to under a separate liead.
1839. The Rite of Memphis, youngest of
living Masonic systems, is described under
that title.
There are more than 1,400,000 active
Freemasons in the world, all of whom, of
course, are practically familiar with the
three degrees of the English Kite. Of the
total, probably 125,000 are in possession of
the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite, and
118,000 of the American Rite us conferred
in Lodges, Chapters (Councils), and Com-
manderies. There are 27,000 members of
the French Rite, 4,000 of the Swedish Rite,
20,000 of the Rite of the Grand Lodge of
the Three Globes at Berlin, but only a very
few who practise Schroder's Rite, the Rite
of Swedenborg, or the French Order of the
The more important among extinct
Masonic Rites are twenty-two in number,
thirteen of which appeared in France, six
in Germany, and one each in England,
Belgium, and Italy.
1748. Rite of Vielle Bru, France, an in-
vention of the adherents of the Stuarts
while in exile. The Grand Orient of France
killed it by refusing it recognition.
1754. Rite of Perfection, Paris, France;
already referred to.
1754. Von Hund's Rite of Strict Observ-
ance, Germany, was based on the Templar
theory of the origin of Freemasonry, the
legend of which taught that every Free-
mason is a Knight Templar. This Rite,
whicli was drawn from the earlier French
Scottish Templar degrees, which ultimately
were formed into the Rite of Perfection,
into which Von Hund was received in
Paris, exercised considerable influence over
succeeding systems.
1758. Emperors of the East and West ;
already referred to.
1765. The Rite of Elected Cohens
(Priests), France, was based on the mysti-
cism of the Jewish Kabbala.
1766. The Rite of the Blazing Star re-
vived the legends and ceremonials of chiv-
1767. Rite of Chastenier, France, theo-
sophical and mystical, was introduced into
England, but did not live long.
1769. Pernetty's Rite of Avignon, France,
was a revel in mysticism. Pernetty is said
to have been the author of the degree of the
Knight of the Sun, now the twenty-eighth
of the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite.
His Rite of Avignon had great influence on
several which followed it.
1770. Rite of Martinism, France, a com-
bination of Scottish degrees with the specu-
lations of the mystics.
1772. Reformed Rite, a German modifica-
tion of the Rite of Strict Observance.
1773. Rite of Philalethes, France, based
on the Rite of Martinism. It lived about
twenty years.
1775. The Philosophic Scotch Rite,
France, was a revival of Pernetty's Rite of
Avignon, combined with Rosicrucianism
and suggestions from the Pythagoreans.
1776. The Rite of the Elect of Truth,
France, was jihilosophical.
1777. The Egyptian Rite, of Cagliostro,
was the work of that prince of adventurers
and impostors. Cagliostro was made a Free-
mason in London in 1776, and immediately
set to work to form a '' Masonic '' system of
his own, into which he introduced the search
for the philosopher's stone, and physical and
moral regeneration. He traveled through
Europe, establishing Lodges and selling de-
grees, often to princes, prelates, and philo-
sophers. After a career of monumental
effronter}^ decej^tion, and dishonesty, he
was sentenced to death in 1789 at Rome by
the Holy Inquisition, and his manuscript,
"Maconnerie Egyptienne," was publicly
burned. The Pope commuted his sentence
to imprisonment for life. He died in prison
in 1795.
1780. The Primitive Rite of Philadelphes
(Primitive Rite of Narbonne) was founded
at Narbonne, France, by pretended " Supe-
riors of the Order of Free and Accejjted
Masons." Its degrees were divided into
three classes, in which were treated the oc-
cult sciences and the rehabilitation and re-
integration of man in his primitive rank
and prerogatives.
1780. The Rite of Brothers of Asia, Ger-
man, was composed of a mixture of religious
faiths, science, and the reveries of the mystics.
Yr^ \<^^
RESENTS THE 1.400.000
1T82. The Beneficent Knights of the
Holy City, France, included some of the
mystical speculations for which the last cen-
tury was noted, and the early Scottish de-
gree of Templarism.
1783. Fessler's Eite, Germany, consisted
of nine degrees, based on the Golden Eose
Croix, the Eite of Strict Observance, and
the Eite of Perfection. It professed to be
abstrusely learned.
1784. The Eeformed Helvetic Eite, Ger-
many, was a modification of the Eeformed
Eite of 1772, and was used in Poland.
1787. The Eite of African Architects was
the successor of a rite with a similar name,
1767. It appeared in Germany and was
patronized by Frederick II. Its objects
were to rescue Freemasonry from innovation
and to study philosophy.
1805. The Eite of Mizraim is referred to
1818. Primitive Scottish Eite, thirty-three
degrees, Belgium, was based on the Eites of
Perfection and Strict Observance, and fol-
lowed the Adonhiramite theory as to the
principal officers at the building of King
Solomon's Temple, which characterized so
many of the Continental rites in the latter
part of the last century, and still has an in-
fluence in some of the minor living rites.
It never Avent beyond the city of its birth.
Freemasonry in the eighteenth century
was characterized by its rapid spread from
England throughout the world, by the avid-
ity with which able and learned men inter-
ested themselves in it, in many instances
only to extend, elaborate, or embroider its
ritual and ceremonials, and by the schism
in England which lasted from 1751 to 1813.
It met with the antagonism of pope and
pamphleteer, and the exiled Stuarts vainly
sought to use it in an effort to regain the
English throne. The Order of Odd Fel-
lows' made its appearance in London be-
fore 1740, a variety of democratized Free-
masonry, and was followed by the Druids
in 1760 and by the Foresters in 1780, types
of the sincerest form of flattery, when
judged from the point of view of the Free-
mason of that day. The Orange Institution
appeared at the close of the last century, an
open imitator of the Masonic Fraternity so
far as some of its forms and ceremonies are
concerned. American Provincial Grand
Lodges after the close of the War of the
Eevolution declared their independence of
English mother Grand Lodges, and at the
end of the century an effort was made to
form a Supreme Grand Lodge of the United
States with Washington as Supreme Grand
Master. Washington's death prevented the
success of the plan, and when the subject
was brought up again in 1822, it was re-
ceived with less favor. Between 1827 and
1840 the Craft suffered from political per-
secution and unreasoning warfare which
grew out of the " Morgan excitement ; ''' but
beginning in 1843, it grew and prospered
beyond all previous records until its growth
was checked by the Civil War. Since 1865
its popularity and prosperity in the United
States, Canada, Great Britain, the British
colonies, and elsewhere throughout the world
have been beyond all precedent.
Tlie American Eite. — Practised only in
the L^nited States of America and the Do-
minion of Canada. It adds to the three
symbolic degrees of the English Eite, first,
the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master,
Most Excellent Master, and Eoyal Arch Ma-
son, which are conferred in Eoyal Arch
Chapters federated into Grand Chapters,
and a General Grand Chapter of tlie United
States of America; second, the degrees of
Eoyal Master, Select Master, and of Super-
Excellent Master, conferred in Councils of
Eoyal and Select Masters, which have a sys-
tem of state and general government similar
to that of Eoyal Arch Chapters; and, third.
Companion of the Illustrious Order of the
Eed Cross, Knight Templar, and Knight of
St. John and Malta, under the authority of
chartered Commanderies of Knights Tem-
plars. There are no very marked differ-
ences between the Entered Apprentice and
Fellowcraft degrees as conferred in the
United States and in England; but while
the peculiarity which marks the third de-
gree is met w'itli in every Masonic Lodge,
American Lodges have taken marked liber-
ties with it. Several so-called essentials are
omitted altogether, and the one which
should be universal, if any ])ortion of the
degree is to be, is totally unlike anything
communicated under that name in many
foreign Lodges. American Lodges tend to
emphasize the dramatic possibilities of the
Master Mason degree, while in England and
on the Continent the greater portion of the
characteristic part of the degree is commu-
nicated. The claim of universality for the
English Rite rests on its substance rather
than form; for certain "accompanying"
words, the letter G, and a most important
sign are far from being universal. Where
this rite exists, it is recognized by Supreme
Councils of the Ancient, Accepted Scottish
Eite, which thereupon begin their labors
with the fourth degree. In countries Avhere
the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite pre-
ceded the English Rite, the former presents
the three symbolic degrees of a genuinely
universal type. In Germany and elsewhere
on the Continent the work in the third de-
gree has, in some systems or localities, been
abused by the infusion of the Adonhiramite
theory which made Adoniram rather than
Hiram the conspicuous figure. The growth
of this heresy in the eighteenth century was
due to a confusion of philological and his-
torical data and to the ignorance of those
responsible for it. But this alteration, like
American changes in the English Rite, has
become a part of the tree on which it
was grafted, and constitutes something in
the nature of local color. The arrangement
of the Words in the first and second degrees
was reversed by the Ancient, or schismatic,
Grand Lodge of England, in order to de-
tect visitors from the rival obedience. The
dominance of the Ancient Grand Lodge in
the American colonies naturally brought the
variation into Lodges here; but in Germany,
France, Norway, and some other countries
where Freemasonry was introduced prior to
1751, visiting American and English Free-
masons find a singular and, to some, inex-
plicable reversal of what they were taught.
The honorary degree of Past Master is con-
ferred only on Master Masons who have been
regularly elected and installed Masters of
Lodges. It did not take the form of a de-
gree until early in the present century in
the United States. It was conferred on
actual Masters of Lodges and on Past Mas-
ters early in the last century, merely as a
ceremonial, and in 1744 began to be referred
to as "passing the chair." Its place in
Royal Arch Chapters in the L^nited States
is referred to hereafter.
Chapters of Royal Arch Masons in the
United States confer the capitular degrees
of Mark Master, (virtual) Past JMaster, Most
Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason
upon such Master Masons as apply for and
are elected to receive them.* This system,
culminating in the Royal Arch, is a purely
American arrangement, and is found only
in the United States, the Dominion of Can-
ada, and in the relatively few Chapters in
Mexico and elsewhere abroad chartered
from the United States. The Royal Arch
degree in England was originally conferred,
probably as early as 1740, in some of the
seceding Lodges of 1739 wdiich united in
1751 and formed the Ancient Grand Lodge;
for, even in 1740, twenty-three years after
the formation of the Grand Lodge of Eng-
land in 1717, several rebellious Lodges
claimed to have secrets in reference to the
Master's degree which were unknown in
Lodges loyal to the mother Grand Lodge.
It must, therefore, have been in Lodges
which in 1751 formed the schismatic Grand
Lodge that the Master's degree was muti-
lated to form the Royal Arch, because as early
as 1735 all of the original essentials of the
Master's degree remained intact. While gen-
erally conferred in Lodges as a supplement
* The exception is in Pennsylvania, where the
Grand Chapter rejects the Mark and Most Excellent
Masters' degrees.
to the Master's degree for several years
after the schism, Royal Arch Chapters ulti-
mately came into existence, and afterward
a Supreme lioyal Arch Chapter. The An-
cients announced the existence of the Royal
Arch degree in its " Ahiman Rezon," or
book of constitutions, in 1750, but as late as
1758 the Moderns denied all knowledge of it.
Dunckerly, the celebrated ritualist, intro-
duced the Royal Arch degree to the Moderns,
or mother organization of modern Free-
masonry, in 1770, by which it was adopted
in 1779, together with a system of subordi-
nate Chapters afterward governed by a Su-
preme Royal Arch Chapter. At the union
of the rival English Grand Lodges in 1813
the Royal Arch of the Ancients was made
supplementary to the degree of Master Ma-
son, and in 1817 the rival Supreme Chapters
united. From that day to this the English
Rite has conferred the Royal Arch on Mas-
ter Masons elected to receive it, in contrast
with the American system, which requires
a Master Mason to first receive the degrees
of Mark Master, (virtual) Past Master, and
Most Excellent Master, prior to being '^ ex-
alted." Before the Moderns adopted the
Royal Arch degree the Ancients had been
conferring it only on Masters of Lodges; but
both the Moderns and Ancients, in order to
popularize the degree, admitted during the
latter portion of the eighteenth century, not
only actual Past Masters, but those made so
by dispensation of a Grand Master for that
purpose. This practice was brought to the
American colonies by British army Lodges
and explains the existence in the American
Royal Arch Chapter of the degree of virtual
Past Master.
The Mark Master's, or fourth degree of
the American Rite, is of undoubted English
origin, and while conferred only on Master
Masons, forms a graceful appendage to the
degree of Fellowcraft. It is based on the
practice of ancient operative Freemasons
of selecting particular marks which they
could no more alter or change than they
could their names, with which they marked
their work, and utilized, as otherwise related,
in legendary and historical records. The
degree is traced to Dunham, England, 1774,
when it was conferred in symbolic Lodges as
a side or unsystematized ceremonial. It be-
came popular and spread throughout the
Kingdom, but the United Grand Lodges of
England (1813) refused to recognize it.
Gradually it separated from symbolic Lodges
andAvas conferred in Mark Lodges. In 1856
the English Grand Lodge of Mark Master
Masons was formed, which maintains cor-
dial relations with American Grand Royal
Arch Chapters. In 1792-93 St. Andrew's
Royal Arch Lodge, Boston, incorporated
the Mark Master's degree, and the latter
soon after appeared as a detached degree
in other American Lodges.
The Past Master's degree, as such, which
is of American origin and forms the fifth
degree of the American Rite, did not ap-
pear until the second decade of the present
century. Prior to that time Past Masters
were those who had actually presided over
Lodges or who had received dispensations
from Grand Masters permitting them to
assume the title to render them eligible to
the Royal Arch degree. The advisability
of the introduction of the degree into the
American capitular system has often been
and still is seriously questioned.
The Most Excellent Master's, or sixth de-
gree of the American Rite, an American in-
vention, is supposed to have first appeared at
Albany, N. Y., in 1795 ; to have been the
invention of John Hanmer, an accomplished
Masonic, ritualist of England then visiting
the Craft, and to have been elaborated by
Thomas Smith Webb, Past Grand Master
of Rhode Island, the well-known Ameri-
can Masonic ritualist, who left so deep an
impress on the formation of what has be-
come the American Rite of Freemasonry.
It celebrates the completion and dedication
of the first Temple, and so supplies a link
between the Master JNIason and the Royal
Arch degree, of Avhich it is the immediate
The essentials of the original Master Ma-
son degree are believed to have appeared in
new form, in tliat which became the Royal
Arch, in France, between 1838 and 1840.
That the Master's degree prior thereto con-
tained something which gives the Eoyal
Arch its distinctive connection with it,
has been shown in many ways, notably
in an old French print illustrating an im-
portant ceremony in the third degree, in
which a Name appears. The origin of
the Royal Arch has often been erroneously
attributed to the Chevalier Ramsay, one
of the learned Freemasons of the first half
of the eighteenth century and an alleged
partisan of the exiled Stuart. The only rea-
son for believing that Ramsay had anything
to do with it was the fact that he had the
ability to construct such a ceremonial, and
Avas for a brief period associated with the
young Pretender. Beginning about 1738-40
French Masonic ritualists and others began
the construction of additional degrees called
Scottish, which they superimposed upon
the three symbolic degrees. The Chevalier
Ramsay, born at Ayr, Scotland, in 1786,
was made a Freemason at London about
1728. He was a tutor to the sons of the
Pretender in Rome for fifteen months, be-
tween 1725 and 1727, after which he re-
turned to England, and was prominent
among London Freemasons and literary
men until 1737, when he went to Paris. In
the same year he delivered his now famous
speech on Freemasonry, in which he merely
elaborated Anderson traditions as to the ori-
gin of the Fraternity. Nowhere did he
speak of Templary, but he did advance a
theory that some of the Crusaders under
Prince Edward, son of Edward IIL, who
had become Knights of St. John in the
Holy Land (not St. John of Malta), returned
to England, and, under the patronage of
the Prince, took the name of Freemasons.
He declared that a Lodge was established at
Kilwinning, in Scotland, in 1286, but that
it afterward declined, and that it was the
English Masonic Crusaders who perpetuated
Freemasonry. Gould presumes the refer-
ence to Kilwinning was a rhetorical flour-
ish due to his Scotch origin and familiarity
with Scotland, for the statement requires no
refutation. His theory as to the chivalric
origin of Freemasonry, whether or not a
delicate compliment to the distinguished
company he was addressing, was only a the-
ory, for it had no foundation. This address
had unlooked-for and somewhat remarkable
results. Its first effect was to furnish an
alleged authority for the legends of many
of the Scottish degrees Avhich appeared in
France within the next few years, for the
cultivation of the Templar theory of the
origin of Freemasonry which they presented,
and for their supposititious Scottish origin.
A second result was the charge that Ramsa}'
was himself the inventor of Scottish degrees,
owing to his friendship for the young Pre-
tender, and that the ulterior purpose of
those degrees was to draw adherents to, and
gain money for, the claimant of the British
throne. This was almost universally be-
lieved by otherwise well-informed students
of the origin of the Scottish degrees of 1739-
50, until Gould, in a careful examination
of the subject a dozen years ago, showed its
absurdity. Ramsay was a liberal Catholic,
and was antagonized by the Jesuits, who
were connected with the earlier fabrication
of some of the Scottish degrees. There is
absolutely no proof that Ramsay sympa-
thized with the Stuarts, and there is much
that he did not. That he ever invented any
Masonic degree has never been shown. That
his speech was used by French degree-
makers between 1740 and 1750 to give a
status to tlieir creations, and that his name
was used for the same purpose, require no ar-
gument. After writing two letters to Cardi-
nal Fleury, the French Prime ^[inister,
^larch 20 and 22, 1737 (see Gould's " His-
tory of Freemasonry," vol. ill., pp. 337,
338), ui-ging official protection of Free-
masonry, which might well be read, in all
sincerity, by Pope Leo XIII., Ramsay re-
turned to London and was not heard of
again publicly until his death in 1743. The
early Scottish degrees which appeared in
France, fabulously attributed to Scotland,
though dissimilar in one respect, had a
legend in common — that of the discovery of
a long lost and Ineffable AVord in a secret
vault by Scottish Crusaders. In this is
found the germ of the Eoyal Arch degree,
not only that of Enoch, the earlier Scottish
degree sublimated into the thirteenth of the-
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Eite of to-day,
but of the English or Royal Arch of Zerub-
babel. These (French) Scottish degrees,
with the vault and Arch, one or more of
them, were carried into England, and first
heard of at York, in the independent Grand
Lodge at that city, Avhence Kilwinning
Lodge, Dublin, received it at the hands of
a visiting brother prior to 1744. Laurence
Dermott was made a Freemason at Dublin
in 1744, and received the Eoyal Arch degree
there in 1746. He modified and introduced
it into seceding Lodges at London. The re-
sult was the English or Eoyal Arch of Zerub-
babel in distinction from the Eoyal Arch of
Enoch, now the thirteenth degree of the
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Eite, into which
the Eoyal Arch became incorporated through
having been absorbed into the French Eite
of Perfection in 1754, and by the Emperors
of the East and West in 1758, from which
we get the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Eite
of 1801. British army Lodges, most of
them hailing from the schismatic Grand
Lodge, brought this degree, as well as the
Mark, to the American colonies. The first
Eoyal Arch Chapter held here was under
that title, " No. 3," at Philadelphia, but the
degree was first conferred in St. Andrew's
Eoyal Arch Lodge, Boston, afterward St.
Andrew's Eoyal Arch Chapter, in 1769,
and soon after it was found in Xew York
city and at various points in Xew England.
The first Eoyal Arch Chapter in New York
city (independent) was chartered by Pro-
vincial Grand Master George Harrison in
1757. The Eoyal Arch degree, the seventh
of the American Eite, constitutes the sum-
mit and perfection of symbolic Freemasonry.
It is conferred on no more or less than three
persons at the same time, and treats of the
destruction of the first Temj)le at Jerusalem
and the building of the second Temple, to-
gether with important discoveries made on
the return of the Jews from the Babylonish
captivity. Prior to 1795, the Mark, Most
Excellent, and Eoyal Arch ceremonials were
conferred in America as detached degrees,
generally in Lodges, that last named some-
times in Chapters held under cover of Lodge
warrants. The Eoyal Arch Chapter was
convened at Philadelphia in 1795 by James
Molau, in which the four capitular degrees
were for the first time conferred as at j)res-
ent, in regular order, Mark Master, Past
Master, Most Excellent Master, and Eoyal
Arch Mason. In 1798 delegates from nine
Eoyal Arch Chapters, six from New Eng-
land, and three from New York State, met
at Hartford, Conn., and formed a Grand
Eoyal Arch Chapter of the Northern States
of America, which, in 1806, became the
General Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Ma-
sons for the United States of America,
which meets triennially to this day, and is
the governing body of American Grand
Eoyal Arch Chapters, except Grand Chap-
ters in Pennsylvania, where the Grand Chap-
ter is subordinate to the Grand Lodge; in
Virginia, founded in 1808, and in West Vir-
ginia (1871), where they remain indepen-
dent. In Virginia and West Virginia what
are known as the Council degrees, elsewhere
the eighth and ninth of the American Eite
(Eoyal Master and Select Master), are con-
ferred in Eoyal Arch Chapters. The hon-
orary Order of High Priesthood, first heard
of in Pennsjdvania in 1825, is conferred by
Past High Priests on Eoyal Arch Masons
who have been regularly elected to preside
over Eoyal Arch Chapters.
The eighth, ninth, and tenth, the Cryptic
degrees of the American Eite, are the Eoyal
Master, Select Master, and Super-Excellent
Master respectively, and are so called be-
cause the first two treat of a secret vault.
They are conferred in Councils of Eoyal and
Select Masters which are federated into
Grand Councils and a General Council of
the United States of America. With few
exceptions, Grand Commanderies of Knights
'I'emphxrs do not require the possession of
the Cryptic degrees by candidates for Orders
conferred in Commanderies. The Cryptic
degrees are also worked in Enghxnd andt
Canada, where they were taken from the
United States, and form interesting supple-
ments to the Master's and tlie IWal Arch
degrees. The Koyal and the Select Masters'
degrees, formerly unattached, honorary,
Scottish Rite degrees, were introduced into
America, probably at Albany, in 1767, by
Francken (see Ancient, Accepted Scottish
Kite); into Charleston in 1783 by Scottish
Rite Masons who received them from
Francken ; into Georgia in 1796 ; and into
Xew York in 1808, where in 1810 a Grand
Council was formed. They were originally
conferred at will upon Royal Arch IVIasons
by those empowered to do so, and after 1820
gradually found their way into separate
bodies called Councils, convened by Royal
and Select Masters for that purpose, al-
thougli the Supreme Council, Ancient, Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite, Southern Masonic Jur-
isdiction, United States of America, claimed
without exercising much jurisdiction over
the degrees, until 1870, when it relinquished
authority over them to Grand Councils of
Royal and Select Masters, which had grown
up inucli the same as did the earlier Crand
Chapters of Royal Arch Masons. In \\r-
ginia and Maryland both degrees are con-
ferred in Chapters prior to the Royal Arch
degree. The Royal Master's degree repre-
sents the search by the Fellowcraft Adoni-
ram, prior to the tragedy of the third de-
gree, for that which was to be the reward
of faithful craftsmen. In the following
degree the deposit is made by the master
builder which was brought to light at the
building of the second Temple. The origin
of the honorary degree of Super-Excellent
Master is unknown, but is believed to be
native. It has no connection with the two
which precede it, and is an elaboration of
tliat portion of the Royal Arch which re-
lates to the destruction of the first Temple
by Nebuzaradan.
There liave been various theories as to
the origin of Masonic Knights Templars,
and it is surprising that only within the last
thirty years have Knights Templars them-
selves made the necessary investigation to
learn that they never had any connection
with the Ancient Military and Religious
Order of the Temple. The like is true,
also, with reference to the Masonic Order of
Knights of St. John and Malta. Among
the theories to explain a direct connection
between modern Knights Templars and the
ancient order, the oldest is that having ref-
erence to the Charter of Larmenius. When
JacquQS de ]\Iolay, Grand Master of the
Templars, was in prison, he is said to have
sent for Larmenius just prior to his death,
and to have given him a charter ajipointing
him his successor with power to name his
own successor and so perpetuate the Order.
In 1682, three hundred and sixty-four, years
afterward, a society was organized at Paris,
called La Petite Resurrection des Templiers.
Its members were bo/i vivants among the
younger element at the French court, and
the organization became so luuch more con-
spicuous for the cultivation of licentiousness
than the knightly virtues, that it was sup-
pressed by the king. In 1705, perhaps
twenty years after its suppression, twelve
years before the revival of Freemasonry in
England, and twenty years before its intro-
duction into France, the society was revived
by Philip, Duke of Orleans, as a secret po-
litical organization, and declared a direct
continuation of the Order of the Temple
which was overtlirown and dispersed by
Pope Clement V. and Philip the Fair in
1314. The authority for this was the char-
ter of Larmenius, then first nuide public, Avith
a list of signatures following the name of Lar-
menius, as alleged succeeding Grand Mas-
ters. The Duke tried to obtain recognition
for his Order and for the charter from the
Portuguese Order of Christ, said to have
been formed by a number of De Molay's fol-
lowers wlio escai')ed to Portugal and secured
the protection of the king, with permission
to continue their Order under the new title.
Failing in this, the Orleans-Larmenius Order
of the Temple fell into obscurity. It was
last heard of as the Societe d'Aloyau (Beef-
steak Club) about 1789. The Revolution is
supposed to have finished it. In 1804-5
several clever, learned, but unscrupulous
men came into the possession of the cha^rter
of Larmenius through having purchased a
jDiece of antique furniture in which it had
been secreted. It was an easy matter to
bring the charter down to date, by adding
names of alleged Grand Masters, after which
the Order of the Temple was again revived
(or created), and exists to this day, claiming
to be the only true continuation of the orig-
inal Templars. Its progress was not rapid
in the first quarter of the century, and with
the introduction of Freemasonry into France
these French Templars incorporated the
three symbolic degrees as the foundation
of their rite. The German Rite of the
Strict Observance obtained its Templar Or-
der, as stated in its own legend, through
Peter Aumont, one of De Molay's associates
who fled to Scotland. This statement and
the fact that Von Hund, who founded the
rite, had received the earlier (French) Scot-
tish degrees in Paris, prior to establishing
his rite, are sufficient to show the fabulous
character of the Aumont story. The Swed-
ish Rite attributes its Order of the Temple
to Count Beaujeu, a nephew of De Molay,
who, it declares, became a member of the
Order of Christ in Portugal, went to Swe-
den, and there revived the true Order of the
Temple. This story also is its own author-
ity. The Scotch claim that the modern
Scotch Templars descended from Knights
of the ancient Order who fled to Scotland
after the death of De Molay, and joined the
ancient Masonic Lodge of working Freema-
sons at Stirling. This also is one of those
legends which have been repeated so often
as to finally gain credence. There was no
Knight Templary in Scotland when the
young Pretender went there prior to his
defeat at Culloden, although it has been so
often stated that he was elected Grand Mas-
ter of the Order of the Temple in Scotland
in 1745, that the story has been looked upon
as true. English modern Templary is said
to have been derived from Baldwyn Encamp-
ment at Bristol, which had existed "from
time immemorial," or from one or more an-
cient Encampments at London, York, Bath,
and Salisbury, where refugee Knights of the
ancient Order made their headquarters; but
in the light of modern historical evidence it
would be difficult to show that these English
centres of ancient Templarism shielded any
genuine Knights Templars four hundred
years after the death of De Molay; that the
haughty survivors of the ancient Order in
England united ^vitli the operative Free-
masons of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries, or that either as Knights or Free-
masons they survived until after the middle
of the eighteenth century, when Masonic
Templar degrees began to make their ap-
pearance from France.
The earliest recorded Temple degree at
Baldwyn Encampment is not traced beyond
1779 or 1780, ten years after some sort of
Templai'y had appeared in the United States
from Ireland. English Masonic Templary,
including the degree of Knight of St. John
of Rhodes, Palestine, and Malta (the union
of which Orders legend-makers have ex-
plained as due to the association of the early
Templars and Knights of Malta in Scotland),
took sliape in 1791, six years prior to the
first Grand Encampment formed in the
United States, a General Conclave having
been organized in that year by Dunckerly,
the well-known English ritualist. In 1809
the title was *' The Royal, Exalted, Reli-
gious, and Military Order of H. R. D. M.,
Grand Elected Masonic Knights Templars,
K. D. S. H. of St. John of Jerusalem, Pal-
estine, Rhodes, etc." This reference to
Heroclem and to Kadosch points quite con-
clusively to the absorption of earlier (French)
Scottish degrees. At that period, too,
" Lodges of Craft ^Easons and Chapters of
the Koyal Arch," it was declared by author-
ity of the Eoyal Grand Patron, " pretend, by
virtue of their respective Charters of Con-
stitution, to admit Knights of the several
Orders mentioned, and to confer the De-
grees of RosEe Crucis to the said Orders an-
nexed and thereon dependent; " and, says
Hughan, '"means were taken to prevent
such irregularity."
The clash between the English Supreme
Body, which chose to absorb the chivalric
degrees, and Lodges and Chajjters which,
as admitted, had long been conferring them
without special authority, would seem to
further show that these high grades were
derived from the early Scottish degrees and
their successors (from which it is admitted
English Lodges received the germ of their
Royal Arch), and not from surviving
ancient Templary in England or Scotland.
The Duke of Sussex became Grand Mas-
ter of the exalted Orders in 1812, and con-
tinued to act until his decease in 1843,
Colonel Kemeys-Tynte succeeding him in
1840. The Duke of Sussex was evidently not
satisfied with what he received in the way of
Masonic Templary from Dunckerly, for he
asked for and obtained the ritual of the
French Order of the Temple, which he used,
as ^lackey says, only once. He also applied
to Alexander II. of Russia, nominal head of
a surviving remnant of the ancient Knights
of Malta in Russia, and obtained authority
to create Knights of that rank in England,
which constitutes the nearest approach the
English body can claim to any connection
with the ancient Knights of Malta. The
revival of the English Language of the an-
cient Knights of St. Jolin, Malta, etc., in
England, in 1831, where it had been extinct
for nearly three hundred years, brought to
life an aristocratic social institution repre-
senting the fourth inroad of Maltaism into
the modern English Temple and ]\[alta asso-
ciation, the first being from the Dunckerly
ritual, the second that imported from the
French Order of the Temple, and the third
from Russia. In 1846 the Ancient, Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite having finally been in-
troduced into England, the Rose Croix and
Kadosch degrees were " gradually restored "
to that rite. The English Religious and
Military Order of the Temple spread
throughout the Kingdom, and in 1873 the
Prince of Wales was installed frraud Master
of the Convent General (founded in 1872),
since composed of the Great Priories of Eng-
land and AVales, Ireland, and Canada. The
Scottish f raters declined to join the new or-
ganization. Canada withdrew in 1883, and
still insists it represents a continuation of
the ancient Templars.
It was in the early (French) Scottish de-
grees of 1739-50, which multiplied and be-
came popular, that a second series of liigher
grades appeared, those in which Templar
and Malta degrees were revived. The
(French) Scottish Masters assumed preroga-
tives not possessed by ordinary ^Master Ma-
sons, such as to sit covered in Lodges, to con-
trol elections of officers of symbolic Lodges,
and even to usurp the functions of a Grand
Lodge; and with the fabrication of a ^la-
souic Knight Temjilary, in which the noviti-
ate was told that the Ancient Templars fled
to Scotland in 1314 and there became Free-
masons, was introduced another field of ex-
ploration for those who had already delved
dee]) into the arcana of symbolic and Scot-
tish degrees. As Gould says: '"Some of
these Scots Lodges would appear to have
very early manufactured new degrees con-
necting these very distinguislied Scots Ma-
sons with the Knights Templars, and thus
giving rise to the subsequent flood of Tem-
plarism." The Kadosch (Templar) degree
was invented as early ;is 1741 at Lyons,
France. It typified the revenge of the Tem-
plars, and a modification of it constitutes the
thirtieth degree of the existing Ancient, Ac-
cepted Rite. By 1745 Masonic Templary
had spread over Europe, finally securing
recognition in both the York, independent,
and the Ancient Grand Lodges of England.
It is to this source, then, rather than to
Larmenius, Aumont, Beaujeu, or survivors
of ancient Templars who fled to England
and Scotland that one must look for the
Masonic Order of the Temple as we have
it in the United Kingdom and the United
States to-daj. The Order appeared in Ire-
land prior to 1779, but just how long before
cannot be stated. It was only natural that
it should be popular in the Catholic city of
Dublin, when one considers the evolution
of symbolic Freemasonry, originally Chris-
tian, into a unitarian and cosmopolitan
institution. The definition of Masonic
Knighthood, by T. S. Parvin, in the Ameri-
can aj^iiendix to Gould's " History of Free-
masonry " (vol. iv., p. 557), is as follows: It
" is a society eminently Christian, purged
of all the leaven of heathen rites and tradi-
tions, and to which none are admitted but
members of a Masonic body, and such only
as profess themselves to be Trinitarian
Christians." Hugh McCurdy, Past Grand
Master of the Grand Encampment of
Knights Templars, United States of Amer-
ica, in an address at the Triennial Conclave
at Boston, in 1895, said:
Modern Templary is a Christian association of
Freemasons adhering sacredly to the traditions of
the military Orders of the Crusades, strictly follow-
ing, so far as possible, their principles and customs,
yielding obedience to their teachings, and accepting
laneonditionally their Trinitarian doctrine. The
teachings are founded upon the Bible, and a Temp-
lar must be a Christian; for, it is said, the practice
of Christian virtues is their avowed purj^ose of affilia-
tion. ^' Non noiis, Dotnine," is their motto, and
" In 7ioc signo vinces" is still their legend.
In Kilwinning Lodge, Dublin, the degree
was conferred on Eoyal Arch Masons under
the title "High Knights Templars," whence
it went to Scotland, and, strangely, long be-
fore 1779, the earliest record of it in Dublin,
to America, through an Irisli military Lodge.
The earliest known record of conferring this
Masonic Order anywhere is dated 1769, in
St. Andrew's Chapter, Boston. During the
next thirty years it is traced to Charleston,
Philadelphia, New York city, and to other
points in the United States, generally being
conferred under Lodge, sometimes Chapter
warrants. Prior to 1797, there were no
American Knight Templar associations
authorized to grant warrants for Encamp-
ments, as Commanderies were called prior
to 1856, so that nearly all earlier Templar
bodies here were self -created. There were
Knights Templars in New Y'ork city as
early as 1785, and in Philadelphia in 1794.
Temple and Malta rituals, as used in Amer-
ican Commanderies, are purely American,
and show something more than a trace of
the Eose Croix (eighteenth), the Knight of
the Brazen Serpent (twenty-fifth). Com-
mander of the Temple (twenty-sixth), and
the Knight Kadosch (thirtieth) degrees of
the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Eite, to
which the American Temple and Malta
rituals virtually owe their origin.
American records of the Eed Cross de-
gree, now the eleventh, and the Knight of
Malta, the thirteenth and last of the Amer-
ican Eite, are few and far between, jDrior to
the present century, but both are known to
have existed at Charleston as early as 1783.
The Eed Cross is a fabrication by chiefs of
the Scottish Eite of an earlier period from
what are now the fifteenth and sixteenth
grades of that rite. It was formerly prac-
tised under the title ''Babylonish Pass,'' has
a Jewish and Persian legend, and supple-
ments the Eoyal Arch. It has no place in
any Templar system and should not have
been incorjDorated in one.
The Malta degree is out of place in any
secret organization. The Ancient Knights
of Malta did not constitute a secret society
and Avere bitter rivals of Knights Templars.
In 1856 the Grand Encampment of Knights
Templars of the United States declared that
the incorporation of the Order of Malta with
that of Knights Templars, and the making
the one person the possessor of both degrees,
was a violation of historic accuracy, and the
Malta de2:ree was discarded; but in 1862 it
was restored, to be communicated after the
candidate luid been created a Knight Tem-
The earliest notice of a Malta degree or
ceremony in Scotland is that on ^two old
brass plates, said to have been in possession
of Stirling Ancient Lodge, but now lost.
One related to the first two degrees of Free-
masonry ; the other displayed Master's em-
blems on one side, and on the reverse, at the
top, the Red Cross or ark ; at the bottom
a series of concentric rings which suggested
a rainbow, except for a keystone, indicating
an arch ; the sepulclire, Knight of Malta,
and Knight Templar. The plates could
scarcely have dated back farther than the
middle of the eighteenth century, judging
from reference to the Red Cross. Scotch
Masonic Lodges became acquainted with
Templar and Malta ceremonies through
Irish brethren who belonged to regiments
serving in Scotland about the close of the
last century. These degrees were then
known as "Black Masonry," and were pro-
pagated through charters issued by the
High Knights Templars of Kilwinning
Lodge, in Dublin. From Dublin Kilwin-
ning arose the early encampments of L'c-
land, and subsequently tlie early Grand
Encampment, which chartered Lodges in
Scotland and England. The refusal of
Baldwyn Encampment, England, to confer
the Temple and Malta Orders on any but
Royal Arch Masons, which rule obtains in
like Masonic bodies to this day, has been
declared to have given rise to the formation
of Encampments in Ireland separate from
the influence of the Masonic Fraternity.
These Encampments became identified with
the Orange bodies early in this century,
and subsequently extended their influence
to America, through an "Imperial Parent,
Grand Black Encampment" of Scotland, u
"Grand Lodge," organized about 1844,
claiming supreme jurisdiction over a reli-
gious and military Order of Malta. (See
Non-Masonic Orders of Malta. )
That there was abundant material to en-
able this independent Scotch-Orange body
to produce an Order of Malta is evident
from the fact that in 1720 the "History of
the Knights of Malta," by De Vertot, was
published in Paris ; and that from 1495 to
1735 there were no less than thirty publica-
tions treating of the statutes, ordinances,
and ceremonies of the Hospitaller Order of
St. John of Malta. The dramas of the day
also characterized the ceremonies of the
Order, and in Beaumont and Fletcher's
"Knight of Malta" (1646), the ceremonies
at initiation and degradation are illustrated
and exemplified.
Masonic Knight Templary, tlien, is con-
nected with the ancient Templars only in
name, and tlirough its use of Temi)lar
emblems and the names of ancient Grand
Masters of the Templars, and of sites
rendered historical by them as titles for
Commanderies. The American Templar
ceremonial is exclusively Masonic in method
and arrangement, repi'esenting the second,
or Christian, in cratrast with the first, or
Jewish, dispensation. It docs not incorpo-
rate the ritual of the ancient or of English
Templars. It is doubtful whether there
was much of any ceremonial in American
Templar bodies until in the second decade
of the present century. Early American
Encampments are known to have had little
else than distinctive uniforms, emblems,
and an obligation. Bi\t in 1814 the Sover-
eign Grand Consistory of the ancient Scot-
tish Rite of Ilerodem, established at Xew
York city in 1807 by Joseph Ccrneau, a
spurious Scottish Rite body, whicli had no
more to do with the independent Templar
Encampments of that day than with the
New York Chamber of Conjmerce, pre-
sumed to, and actually did, constitute a
Grand Encampment of Knights Tem]>lars
and Appendent Orders for tlie State of New
York. It was the early Ccrneau Masons
who. without authority, constituted a Grand
Encampment of Knights Temjdars, a body of
which they officially knew nothing, and who
filclied from four Scottish Rite dcirrecs that
which, with modifications, gives an impres-
sive and sacred character to the American
Temple and Malta ceremonials. A Grand
Encampment of Pennsylvania was formed
in 1794, twenty years before that in New
York, and a second one in 1797, in which
State the Grand Chapter, as well as Grand
Commaudery, recognizes a higher authority
iu the Grand Lodge. The United States
Grand Encampment, that of Massachusetts
and Ehode Island, was formed in 1805. In
1816, two years after the formation of the
Grand Encampment of the State of New
York, which was not even recognized by
Encampments in that State for five or six
years, a convention of eight Encampments
(five from New England, and three from
New York State) was held at Hartford,
Conn., and the Grand Encampment of
Knights Templars, U. S. A., was organized.
There were also in existence at that time
six other Encampments, which did not take
part in the organization of what finally be-
came the Supreme Ameftcan Templar body,
one each at Philadelphia, Pittsburg, New
York, Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, and
Charleston. Prior to 1865 the growth of
the Order in America was slow, but since
the Civil War the organization has been
very popular, numbering forty-three Grand
Commanderies and 115,770 members in 1898,
out of about 120,000 in the United States,
United Kingdom, and in Canada. Eighty
years ago there were probably not more
than 500 Knights Templars in the fourteen
Encampments in existence iu the United
States, when the Grand Encampment of
the United States of America was formed.
An accompanying table of total mem-
bership of the American Eite, members
of Lodges, Koyal Arch Chapters, Councils
of Royal and Select Masters, and Command-
eries of Knights Templars, is presented
so as to show comparative statistics for
countries, provinces, etc. The American
Rite exists in its entirety only in the
United States. There are Royal Arch
Chapters on the American system in the
Dominion of Canada, as well as Encamp-
ments of Knights Templars, but no Coun-
cils of Royal and Select Masters, unless
the bodies in New Brunswick are active.
There are a few Councils of Royal and
Select Masters in the United Kingdom,
where the Order of the Temple is also
found, with a total membership of about
4,000, as comjjared with nearly 113,000 in
the United States. Out of 768,511 Master
Masons in the United States in 1897,
193,639, or 25 per cent., were Royal Arch
Masons ; and of the latter, 43,478, 5.6 per
cent, of the total number of Master
Masons and 22.5 per cent, of the Royal
Arch Masons, were Royal and Select Mas-
ters. The latter degrees are not generally
made essential to gain admission to the
Templar Order, which explains their com-
paratively small membership. Six Amer-
ican Royal Arch Masons out of ten, however,
are Knights Temj^lars, and one Master
Mason out of seven. The strongest Grand
Lodges numerically are those of New York,
including about one-eighth of all the Mas-
ter Masons in the country ; Illinois, one-
fifteenth ; and Pennsylvania, one-twentieth
— in all, 23 per cent, of the members of the
Fraternity in the United States and Terri-
tories. New York also reports the largest
number of Royal Arch Masons, about one-
tenth of the grand total ; Pennsylvania being
second, with one-twelfth ; and Illinois third,
with nearly as large a |)roportion. The
Cryptic Rite, including the degrees of Royal
and Select Masters, is most popular in
Massachusetts, where one-eighth of all who
have those degrees are to be found. Ohio
ranks next, with one-tenth; Michigan third,
with nearly as large a total, and New York
fourth in order. The Grand Commandery
of Massachusetts and Rhode Island reports
more than one-tenth of the total number of
Knights Templars in the United States,
Pennsylvania about one-tenth, and New
York a slightly smaller proportion, after
which rank Illinois and Ohio, with about
one-twelfth and one-fifteenth, respectively.
Active Membership,
New Hiimpsliire
Rlioile Island
New York
New Jersey
South Dakota
North Dakota
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
Alabanui ... .
Tennessee. . .
Arkansas . . . .'
District of Columbia.
Indian Territory
New Mexico
+ Attached to General
Grand Bodies
Totals, I'nited States
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Kdward Island.
N. W. Territory
British Columbia
Totals, Canada.
England and Wales
Victoria, Australia.,
Grand Total
o o
7 2i
Dorm 'I
No etat.
' " ':i82
t Attached to (inmil Encami)nient.
Ancient, Accepted Scottuh Rite, 33°. —
Mackey, in his " EncjclopEedia of Freema-
sonry '' (p. G97), says of the Rite : " Although
one of the youngest of the Masonic rites,
having been esta])lished not earlier than the
year 1801, it is at this day the most popular
and most extensively diffused. Supreme
Councils or governing bodies of the Rite are
to be found in almost every civilized coun-
try of the world, and in many of them it is
the only Masonic obedience." It was con-
structed at Charleston, S. C, in 1801, out of
the twenty-five degrees of the Rite of Per-
fection, Chapter of Clermont, Paris, 1754,
which were absorbed by the Emperors of
the East and West, 1758, which body
granted a patent in 1761 to Stephen Morin
to introduce the Rite of Perfection, twenty-
five degrees, into the West Indies and Amer-
ica. Reference to the rise and progress of
the fabrication of so-called higher Masonic
degrees in France and elsewhere on the
European Continent may be found in the
outline of Masonic rites and the discussion
of the origin of the Royal Arch and Knight
Templar degrees. McClenachan declares *
that Morin's patent was probably the first
Masonic document of the kind ever issued.
The best informed Masonic students admit
that such a document was issued. Accord-
ing to the existing copy, it empo^-ered Morin
to confer the twenty-five degrees and ap-
point Inspectors of the Rite of Perfection.
Morin was an Inspector and a Sovereign
Prince Mason (then the twenty-fifth, now
the thirty-second degree). The title In-
spector referred to an office and not a degree.
The Morin patent was signed by representa-
tives of the Council of Emperors of the
East and West and by officials of the
National Grand Lodge of France who were
members of the Council of Emperors. In
1772 the Council of Emperors united with
a faction of the Grand Lodge of France,
and died a few months later. The Grand
Lodge of France declared, in 1779, that it
* American Appendix to Gould's History of Free-
masonry, vol. iv., p. 626.
knew nothing of ''high degrees/' and in
1786 formed the French Rite by adding
modifications of four borrowed Scottish Rite
degrees to the three symbolic degrees, which
system it practises to this day. The impor-
tance of this, which is admitted by all
except partisan chroniclers who have axes
to grind, or are in need of dupes, lies in the
fact tliat existing spurious Scottish Rite
bodies in America claim authority for using
the Rite of Perfection from the Grand Ori-
ent of France. Morin landed in San Do-
mingo in 1762 or 1763, and in the same year
established a Council of Princes of the Royal
Secret, 25°, and created Henry Andrew
Francken Deputy Inspector for North
America, 25°, who, in 1767, organized a
Lodge of Perfection at Albany, N. Y., thus
introducing the Rite of Perfection on the
American Continent. This Lodge was dor-
mant from 1774 until 1821, w4ien it was
revived, and is still in existence, the oldest
high-grade Masonic organization in the
world. The next body to confer Sublime or
Scottish degrees in this country was a Lodge
of Perfection at Philadelphia in 1781. The
work of creating Inspectors, 25°, of the Rite
of Perfection, progressed rapidly, and by
the end of the century, in addition to nu-
merous representative American chiefs of
the Rite, introduced here by Morin through
Francken, there were some who were merely
peddlers of degrees, who traveled about
the country making twenty-fifth degree
Freemasons " at sight,"'' for a price. Ref-
erence to an accompanying chart shows
that the filiation of powers over the Rite
of twenty-five degrees coming from Morin,
took two courses in the Western world.
On the one hand it descended through
Francken to Hayes (1767-1770), with power
covering North America, and thence to
Spitzeras Deputy Inspector (1781), to Cohen
(1781), Jacobs (1790), Long and Mitchell (in
1795), and to De Grasse Tilly in 179G. On
the other, Prevost, who was created Deputy
Inspector by Francken (1774), conferred the
office on Du Plessis (1790), who made Hac-
quet an Inspector in 1798. From the latter,
Du Potet received the Rite in 1799, and Du
Potet made Joseph Cerneau Deputy Inspec-
tor, 25°, at Baracoa (1806), "for the north-
ern part of the Island of Cuba.'' In 1783
a third Grand Lodge of Perfection was estab-
lished at Charleston by Isaac Da Costa, who
had been made Deputy Inspector by Hayes,
and in 1792 a fourth like body was formed
at Baltimore by Henry Williams. In 1788
a Council of Princes of Jerusalem (fifteenth
and sixteenth degrees) was instituted at
Charleston by Joseph Myers, Deputy In-
spector with authority from Hayes, and
in 1799 the first Grand Council of Princes
of the Royal Secret, 25°, was formed at
Charleston by Hyman Long and others,
acting under authority of the chiefs of the
Rite at Kingston, Jamaica, which action
was approved by the latter in the same
year. In 1797 Huet La Chelle, Du Potet,
and others opened " La Trij^le Union "
Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix of H. R.
D. M., of Kilwinning, Scotland, at New
York city. This was not the Rose Croix
(eighteenth degree) of the Rite of Perfec-
tion, which is now the eighteenth degree of
the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite, but
the second degree of the Royal Order of
Scotland. La Chelle came to New York
from San Domingo and is not known to
have had any authority to establish a Kil-
winning Rose Croix Chapter, except by
virtue of some old ritual which may have
fallen into his hands.
At Charleston, S. C, May 31, 1801,
John Mitchell and Frederick Dalcho, as
Sovereign Grand Inspectors General,
opened a Supreme Council of the thirty-
third degree for the United States of
America. The Rite of Perfection, twenty-
five degrees, was used as a basis for the
new, the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite,
eight degrees being added. The twenty-
third degree in the old Rite, Knight of the
Sun, became tlie twenty-eighth in the new
one ; the twenty-fourth. Knight Kadosch,
became the thirtieth ; and the twenty-fifth.
Prince of the Royal Secret, became the
thirty-second. The added degrees (except
the thirty-third) Avere selected in part
from existing material, and now rank as
the twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-
fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-
ninth, and thirty-first. Members of the
thirty-third aud last degree constitute the
chiefs of the Eite. The new Supreme
Council recognized Morin's patent and cre-
ated Morin a Sovereign Grand Inspector,
33°. It also recognized the Grand Consti-
tutions of 1762, supposed to have been for-
warded to Morin after he left France, a copy
of which Morin gave Francken, and was left
by the latter in Albany in 1767 ; and the
Secret Constitutions of May 1, 1786, by
which Frederick the Great was made the
founder of the Aucient,Accepted Eite, 33°,
supreme power descending from the Em-
peror of Prussia to nine brethren of each
nation to act as Grand Commanders or Sov-
ereigns of Masonry. By these constitu-
tions it was provided that there should be
one Supreme Council, 33°, for each state or
kingdom in Europe, one for the West Indies,
one also for the French West Indies, and
two for (the United States of) North
America. In this one finds the origin
of the power in the rite possessed by active
thirty-third degree Freemasons. The Secret
Constitutions have frequently been at-
tributed to the Charleston creators of the
rite, and good reasons have been adduced
to show that Frederick of Prussia never
heard of them, although Pike makes a strong
argument in favor of their royal origin in
Prussia. AVhatever the facts, the legend
continues as virile and yet as innocuous as
that which attributes so much to our ancient
Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel, in
symbolic and Eoyal Arch degrees. By the
end of 1801 the full number of Sovereign
Grand Inspectors General was completed,
but the new rite was not formally an-
nounced to the world until 1803. In 1801
a Council of Princes of Jerusalem, subordi-
nate to the new Supreme Council at Charles-
ton, established a Lodge of Perfection. In
February, 1802, Count A. F. A. De Grasse
Tilly was granted a patent by tlie Supreme
Council A. A. S. E., 33° (mother Council
of the world), to constitute, establish, direct,
and inspect Masonic bodies in two hemi-
spheres. Under this he organized a Su-
preme Council A. A. S. E., 33°, in San
Domingo in 1802 (which did not live beyond
1803), and another, the third, at Paris, in
1804. The De Grasse Tilly French Supreme
Council continues to this day the governing
body of the A. A. S. E., 33°, in France.
It carried back to France the new rite of
thirty-three degrees, founded on the old
Scottish (French) Eite of Perfection, twenty-
five degrees, as something entirely new and
distinct, a Masonic Eite, as such, of which
France had no previous knowledge. De
Grasse Tilly, on his arrival in Paris, found
Germain Hacquet, 25° (see chart of powers
of filiation), who had established the Scot-
tish Eite of Herodem, an offshoot of the
unauthorized Kilwinning Rose Croix of
Herodem, founded in New York by La
Chelle and others in 1797, a degree of the
Eoyal Order of Scotland, having no connec-
tion with the Eite of Perfection, and, of
course, none with the A. A. S. E. of 1801.
To the founding of the new French Supreme
Council, Hacquet and his Eose Croix pro-
ject offered an obstacle and were promptly
absorbed. The old Eite of Perfection
had been forgotten in France, and came
back with eight more degrees — an absolute
stranger. The right of Mitchell, Dalcho,
and others to organize a new rite of thirty-
three degrees may hardly be called in ques-
tion. The old Eite of Perfection had no
governing body, had been forgotten in
Europe, and a new rite had been created aud
carried to France, where the Grand Orient,
governing a French system of seven degrees,
was the only Grand Body in existence. The
Grand Orient, alarmed at the prestige of
and the prospects for success of the new rite
of thirty-three degrees, a system containing
more degrees than had ever been constructed
before, made overtures for harmony, particu-
larly as it had utilized in its own system,
without warrant, a modification of the old
Kite of Perfection Kose Croix degree, the
eighteenth in both that and the A. A. S. R.
It certainly could have no claim to all of
the thirty-three degrees, seven of which it
knew nothing about oflBcially, and one,
nothing about whatever. The result was
a concordat, December 5, 1804, by which
the Grand Orient was to have the right to
confer the first eighteen degrees ; but in
1805 the Grand Orient broke the agreement
and claimed the right to control thirty-three
degrees. This was resisted, and a long
quarrel followed. In 1814, the Supi-eme
Council being weakened by the loss of many
influential members (Bonapartists), the
Grand Orient, by a coup d'etat, usurped
control of the thirty-three degrees, where-
upon the Supreme Council retaliated by
resuming control of all the degrees from
the fourth to the eighteenth, inclusive.
Political conditions in France resulted in
the Supreme Council becoming dormant
between 1814 and 1821, during which in-
terval and subsequent thereto the Grand
Orient claimed to control thirty-three de-
grees, until 1862, when peace was restored
and the Grand Orient retired to its proper
sphere. The action of the Grand Orient
between 1814 and 1862 may be likened to
an attemjit by the Grand Lodge of New
York State to confer the degrees controlled
by the Grand Chapter or by the Grand
In 1806 Antoine Bideaud, 33°, created
a Sovereign Grand Inspector General in
the Supreme Council instituted by Count
De Grasse Tilly at San Domingo, in 1803
(but without authority to act on the
continent of North America), organized a
Sovereign Grand Consistory, S. P. E. S.
32", at New York city, of which notice
was sent to the mother Supreme Coun-
cil at Charleston. Bideaud had no right
to organize a Masonic body in New York,
but he was a thirty-third degree Mason
under the authority of a Supreme Council
created by the Charleston mother Supreme
Council, and his New York Consistory was
afterwards made regular by the Charleston
body. In 1807 Joseph Cerneaii, a French
immigrant, who had received the twenty-
five degrees of the Rite of Perfection from
Mathieu du Potet at Baracoa, Cuba, in
1806, organized a " Grand Consistory of
Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret'" of the
''Scottish Rite of Herodem." Cerneau
utilized the Rose Croix Chapter '"'La Triple
Union " of 1797, which was not a Scottish
Rite body, in building up his Consistory.
Reference to an accompanying chart, and to
Cerneau's patent, shows that he had only
the twenty-five degrees of the Rite of Per-
fection when he did this. For that matter,
he did not, at that time, claim to have the
thirty-three degrees of the Ancient, Accepted
Rite. In 1808 the Bideaud body issued to
J. G. Tardy a patent as Illustrious Com-
mander, etc., under the statutes, etc., of the
Supreme Tribunal of Sovereign Grand In-
spectors General, which, while Bideaud was
not authorized to do so, is important as show-
ing that the sublime degrees, as created by
the A. A. S. R. Supreme Council at Charles-
ton, were being conferred in New York
city at that date. In 1812 Joseph Cerneau
organized at New York a Supreme Council
of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General,
33°, for the United States of America, its
Territories and Dependencies, with himself
as Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Com-
mander, and from this assumption on his
part grew the dissension in Scottish Rite
Masonry in the United States which marked
many succeeding years. Even a tyro at
controversy might well ask where did the
man of the twenty-five degrees of the Rite of
Perfection get his title, " Sovereign Grand
Inspector General," and his ''thirty-third
degi'ee" ? As a matter of fact, he assumed
them with the same effrontery that Cagli-
ostro, after receiving the three symbolic
degrees, invented his "ancient" Egyptian
Rite, with the sole difference that the Italian
impostoi' bad the decency to create some-
thing instead of pretending to possess de-
grees which did not belong to him and which
he did not have. Ccrneaii dupes, and others,
have declared that Cerneau received his
patent from one Martin, "a successor of
Morin,'' who, they allege, had his patent
recalled by the Emperors of the East and
West in 176G. Cerneau's patent itself is
sufficient refutation, but just what advan-
tage would have been gained by Cerneau if
it had been so, is not clear. Martin is un-
known to the Masonic world other than to
purveyors of Cerneau gold bricks. Cerneau
received his patent as Inspector, 25°, from
Du Potet, and Du Potet his from Du Plcs-
sis. Du Plcssis was made a thirty-third
degree Freemason b}" Du Grasse Tilly, in
1802, three years after he had created Du
Potet an Inspector, and fully four years be-
fore Du Potet gave Cerneau his patent. Why
did Du Plessis feel it necessary to get an-
other patent in order to secure the thirty-
third degree of the A. A. S. R. ? Yet Du
Plessis was the Masonic grandfather of
The chiefs of the Bideaud (New York)
body, among others, were J. G. Tardy, J. J.
J. Gourgas, and J. B. Desdoity, to whom
Bideaud gave the thirty-second degree ; yet
they soon found they Avere not regular, be-
cause of Bideaud's lack of authority in New
York, and were healed at Philadelphia, in
1807 and 1808, by Du Plessis, who received
the thirty-third degree in 1802, from De
Grasse Tilly. It was in 1813 that Emanuel
De la Motta, a Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of the mother Supreme Council,
A. A. S. R., 33°, at Charleston, S. C, arrived
in New York with full power from the
mother Supreme Council, when, with the
aid of those who had been connected with
the Bideaud body, he organized the Supreme
Council, A. A. S. R., 33° (the second in the
United States), for the Northern Jurisdic-
tion, with Daniel D. Tompkins, afterward
Vice-President of the United States, in the
Grand East.
The Cerneau body, a Sovereign Consistory,
at first produced its Supreme Council attach-
ment in 1812. It was more active than the
De la Motta body. It naturally ignored the
Charleston Supreme body, and corresponded
with the Grand Orient of France at a period
when that body was most anxious to recog-
nize a claimant of any Masonic rite, as it was
engaged in an effort to disrupt the Su])reme
Council of France and so monopolize the
latter's system of thirty-three degrees. The
character of the Cerneau body of 1814 is
illustrated by its presuming to organize the
Grand Encam])ment of Knights Templars
of New York. Notwithstanding neither
the Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdic-
tion, or the Cerneau body made much effort
to popularize the rite prior to 18C0, the latter
skilfully advertised itself, going so far as to
deceive De Witt Clinton into accepting of-
fice, a position which he held several years
without ever filling it or ever being present
at a meeting. Mackey explains that Clinton
became "unwittingly complicated" with
the spurious (Cerneau) "Consistory," and
states how, but "took no active part "in it,
and soon " withdrew from all connection
with it." A chronological synopsis of the
more important events in the careers of
Supreme Councils prior to 1863 is given as
follows :
A. A. S. R.— U. S. A.
Southern Jmisdiction .
Charleston, S. C, Supreme
Council of the I'uited States,
foriiK'd by Count A. F. A.
De (irasso Tilly, John Mitchell,
J. K. I)elaho>ru(', and Fred-
erick I)alcho ; Mitchell, Grand
Tableau that year showB
nine Sovereign Grand Inspect-
ors General.
Seven Sovereign Grand In-
spectors General.
New Orleans. Grand Con-
sistory P. K. S. ;£2°, oreanizc<l
hy^ regular Supremo Council at
Kingston, preceding Cerneau
invasion of the South.
A. A. S. R.-U. S. A.
Southei'n Jurisdiction.
. 1813.
Commissioned Emanuel De
la Motia to organize a Su-
preme Council at New York
city for Northern Jurisdiction,
wHicli was done.
Corresponded with Northern
Supreme Council through
Bouse and Holbrook. Commit-
tee on Correepomlence.
Frederick Dalcho, Grand
New Orleans. A Cerneau
Scottish Kite body appc:ucd in
1813 (two years after the Kings-
ton Rose Croix Chapter). After
a fight of forty years (during
which, in 1830, "it became in-
dependent), in which it antag-
onized the Grand Lodge of
Louisiana by assuming to war-
rant Lodges and confer the
three symbolic degrees, it
united with the regular Con-
sistory at New Orleans, formed
by the Supreme Council, South-
ern Jurisdiction, at Charleston.
G. F. Yates created a Sover-
eign Grand Inspector General.
Acknowledged receipt of
documents from Northern Su-
preme Council and partitioned
ITnited States between itself
and Northern Supreme Coun-
Corresponded with Grand
Orient of France until 1832.
(Dormant 1832 to 1844.)
Alexander McDonald, Grand
John Henry Honour, Grand
Albert Pike, Grand Com-
James C. Batchelor, Grand
Philip C. Tucker, Grand
Thomas H. Caswell, Grand
New Orleans. Poulhouze'e
spurious Consistory formed ;
A. A. S. R.— U. S. A.
Northern Jurisdiction.
New York city. Grand Con-
sistory, P. R. S. (by A. Bi-
deaud of San Domingo Su-
preme Council, established by
De Grasse Tilly of the Charles-
ton Supreme Council), after-
wards regularized by Southern
Supreme Council.
DEM— U. S. A.
New York city. Council,
Princes of Jerusalem, estab-
lished by Abraham Jacobs.
New York city. Aurora Grata
Grand Lodge of Perfection.
A. A. S. R.-U. S. A.
Noi'thern Jurisdiction.
New Orleans. Chapter of
Rose Croix, established by au-
thority from the Supreme
Council at Kingston.
DEM— U. S. A.
New York city. Bideaud
Consistory organized into the
Northern Jurisdiction Su-
premeCouncil Sovereign Grand
Inspectors General, 33°, by au-
thority of Charleston Supreme
Letter received from Com-
mittee on Correspondence of
Southern Supreme Council by
D. D. Tompkins of Northern
Supreme Council.
J. J. J. Gourgas, actineMost
PuissantSovereign GrandCom-
Northern Supreme Council
received oaths of fealty from
Camague, Lawrence, and
Southern Supreme Council
acknowledged receipt of docu-
ments from Nortliern Supreme
Southern Supreme Council
recognized States north of Ma-
son and Dixon line and cast of
the Mississippi River ae terri-
tory of the Northern Supreme
Northern Supreme Council
received oath of fealty from
G. P. Yates of Southern Su-
preme Council.
Alliance between the Grand
Orient of France and the
Northern and Southern Su-
preme Councils.
Cerneau's name struck from
the Tableau of the Grand Ori-
ent of France.
Supreme Council, Sovereign
Grand Inspectors Gteneral, 33°,
for United States of America,
their Territories and Depend-
encies, formed two years be-
fore hearing from the Grand
Orient of France, from which
Cerneau, after 1814, claimed to
have received the thirty-third
New York city. Joseph Cer-
neau opened a Sovereign Grand
Consistory, P. R. S., 25°, which
claimed to revive a preexist-
ing Rose Croix Chapter, Royal
Order Scotland.
Cerneau body became dor-
mant and was allowed to die.
Northern Supreme Council
revived ; J. J. J. Gourgas, Most
Puissant Sovereign Grand
Commander. (Met annually
Revived by A. Laurent of
France as United Supreme
Council, etc., for the Western
Hemisphere, and confederated
with Supreme Council of Bra-
zil. Elias Hicks, Most Puissant
Sovereign Grand Commander.
Alleged confederation with
Supreme Council of France.
A. A. 8. R— U. S. A.
Northern Jurisdiction.
Northern Supreme Council
issued charter for a Supreme
Council for England.
DEM-U. 8. A.
Gourgas resigned and ap-
pointecf Giles Fonda Yates
Most Puissant Sovereign Grand
G. F. Yates resigned and ap-
pointed E. A. Raymond Most
Puissant Sovereign Grand
Commander. The Grand East
was removed from New York
city to Boston.
Northern Supreme Council
recognized the Supreme Coun-
cil of V'enezuela.
Boston. Northern Supreme
Council (owing to dissensions)
declared closed sine die by
Raymond, August 25Jd.
Boston. Raymond (with
RobiuMon) rcorgiinizcs a North-
ern Siiprcnie Council.
Rjiyinoiid deposed as Sover-
eign Grand Coniniander by the
Provisional Supreme Conricil.
Van Rensselaer, Lieutenant
Grand Commander, elected
Sovereign Grand Commander,
vice Raymond deposed.
United Supreme Council dis-
solved ; went otit of existence,
and divided funds among four
out of the Ave remaining mem-
bers. (Genuine Cerneau bodies
terminate here.)
IT. C. Atvvood (an expelled
Master Mason, who claimed to
have receiveil thirty-third de-
gree patent from a traveling
Scottish Kite lecturer *) organ-
ized a Supreme Council, etc.,
for the United States of Amer-
ica, Territories, and Dependen-
cies, without cooperation of
any member of the Hicks
Atwood succeeded by J. L.
Cross of Southern Supreme
Council, who soon found him-
self misplaced and withdrew.
Atwood succeeded Cross and
changed the name to Supreme
Council, etc., for the Sovereign,
Free, and Independent State
of New York.
Name again changed to Su-
preme Council, etc., for the
United States of America, Ter-
ritories, and Dependencies.
Name changed for the fifth
time, to Supreme Council, etc.,
for Western Hemisphere.
E. B. Hays, by appointment
of Atwood, succeeds latter at
his death.
* William Sewall (Jardner, *}", Massachusetts, in appendix
to the Proceedings of the Northern Jurisdiction, on spurious
Supreme Councils in the Northern Jurisdiction, says that H.
C. Atwood (as well as K. B. Folger) went to Trenton, jjiior to
1840, among a p.'irty, all of whom paid ten dollars and got the
thirty third degree from Abraham .Jacobs (e.xpt'lled), who had
spent nearly forty years peddling Scottish Hile degrees il-
legally. They went to Trenton, because Jacobs had agreed
with the Cerneau i>eoi)le for a price not to peddle his desrrees
within sixty miles of New York. Atwood is said to have'- in-
herited " Jacobs' trunk of rituals. Here, then, is the probable
origin of the Cerneau Kite of 18f)0-180)i, for Atwood started it
as Its comniaiKler, without an officer of any preceding Cerneau
body to legitimatize him.
"Scottish CekneauRite, A. A. S. R. A. A. S. H.
Rites" AMONG "Scottish." Northern Southern
Negroes. Masonic .Masonic
Jurisdiction. Jurisfliction.
New York.
(Without au-
S. C.
o « o
" ME
o 1-1 *:;
f5 oO
New York.
o 2 =
18«.3. i
Rcor^ani- =
zatioii, 3
186*;. =
Cerneau Rite,
N.Y.City, 1879.
Neuro "Cekneai'"
"Scottish "Scoltisli
Rite "Bodies. Rite" Bodies.
(Irregular.) (Unauthorized.)
White and Negro Spurious
Bodies, recognized nowhere.
Anc. .\ccepted Scottish Rite.
Northern Southern
Jurisdictions, U. 8. A.
Regular Bodies, universally
Stephek Mohim, 25°,
Inspector for America, Rite 1 of Perfection, Paris, 1761.
Hekbt a. Franceen, 25', Jackmel, Jamaica, 1762.
Dep. Inspector (or North America.
M. M. Hays, 25\ Boston,
1767-70, Dep. Ids. for North America.
Aug. Prevost, 25°, Dep. Ins.,
Jamaica. 1774.
P. Le B. Du Plessis, 25°, Dep. Ins
PUlla. 1790.
• B. Spftzer, 25', Dep. for Georgia,
Pliila. I 1781.
' M. Cohen, S5°,'Phlla., 1781.
Abr. Jacobs, 25°, Jamaica," 1790.
John Mitchell, 25°, Dep. for S. C.
Charleston, 1795.
Germain Hacquet, 25°
Phila. 1798.
Mathieu Du Potet, 25°
Port Republic, 1799.
Hym. I. Long, 25°, Phila., 1795.
A. F. A. De Grasse TiUy, 25», Chwleston
Fred'k Dalcho, 33°, S. Q. I. G
CharlestoB, 1801.
A. F. A. De Grasse Tilly. 33°: S. G. I. G. •"■ ^- ^ ^" ^"^"''^Z'/- ,^- ^2,•,
Charleston, 1801. Charleston, 1801.
Joseph Cerneau, 25°,
Baracoa, July, 1806.
Antolne Bideaud. 33°, S. G. I. G.
Jamaica 1802,
n. O. Tardt, ^
J. J. J. GouRGAS, and
J. B. Desijoity, 32°.
Deo. Insp., , New York 1806.
P. Le B. Du Plessis, 38° S. G. I. G.
PhUa. 1 1802.
'Tardv, Gooroab, and Desdoity,
NewYork 1807-8.
M. L. M. PeUotto, 82°. N. Y., 1806.
In 1862 there were four Supreme Coun-
cils in the United States — that of the South-
ern Jurisdiction, at Charleston, the orig-
inator of the rite of thirty-tiiree degrees;
the Van Rensselaer and the Raymond rival
bodies, each chiiming to be the Supreme
Council for the Northern Jurisdiction ; and,
fourth, the Cerneau Supreme Council, "for
the United States of America, its Territories
and Dependencies." The first three held
fraternal relations with like bodies in Eng-
land, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium,
and in Central and South American coun-
tries. An active warfare was in progress
between the Van Rensselaer and Raymond
Councils, with the former apparently the
more successful in creating subordinate
bodies and obtaining new members. On
April 2, 1862, the Cerneau body made
overtures to the Raymond Supreme Coun-
cil looking to union, though some chron-
iclers (Cerneau members) say the Raymond
people made the advances. In any event,
each side appointed a conference committee,
which committees met and reported in favor
of union, whereupon the committees were
continued with full power to act. On
April 13, 1863, complete union was effected
under the title by which the Cerneau body
had been known. Supreme Council for the
United States of America, etc., with E.
B. Hays, who had been at the head of
the Cerneau body, as the Grand Com-
mander of the union Council. The contin-
uation of the name Supreme Council for
the United States of America, etc., with
Hays at the head of the new Supreme
Council, should not be regarded as an evi-
dence that the Cerneau organization swal-
lowed the Raymond body. This is plainly
shown by all the members of both the unit-
ing bodies taking an oath of fealty, and all
the subordinate organizations of the Cer-
neau and of the Raymond Councils sur-
rendering their old charters to, and tak-
ing out new charters from the new, or
united Supreme Council. More than this,
it will be recalled that offices of both the
Supreme Councils were then held ad vitam,
and that at the union those oflBces were va-
cated and refilled, after which the incum-
bents were duly installed. No more com-
plete or perfect action could have been
taken to emphasize the fact that the union
Supreme Council of 1863 was a newly
formed body. Whether its members then
regarded its authority as based on Cerneau's
assumption of power in 1806, or on De la
Motta's action at New York in 1813, is im-
material. By 1865 the Civil War had
ended, and the rival Supreme Councils at
the North — the Van Rensselaer and the
united Cerneau-Raymond bodies — were anx-
ious for recognition from the mother
Supreme Council at Charleston ; if for no
other reason, to secure regularity and ex-
clusive territorial jurisdiction. It was in
this year, too, that Harry J. Seymour was
defeated for office in the Cerneau-Raymond
Supreme Council and afterward expelled
for cause. Following this, two committees
were appointed, one to visit the Supreme
Council at Charleston, witli a view to secur-
ing recognition, and the other to consider
the advisability of changing the name of the
body from "for the United States of Amer-
ica,*' etc., to Northern Jurisdiction, for it was
realized that no overtures to the Supreme
Council, Southern Jurisdiction, would be re-
ceived from a body claiming jurisdiction
throughout the country. On October 22,
1865, the latter committee reported in favor
of that change in name, and the rejjort was
unanimously adopted. Hopkins Thompson,
who, in 1881, led a revolt over this very
point, was present. That the action was
taken in order to secure recognition from
the Southern Supreme Council, and thus
pave the way to self-preservation, is shown
by the united Supreme Council at its next
session receiving and welcoming a visi-
tor from the Southern Supreme Council.
Late in the same year the committee to
visit the Cluirleston Supreme Council re-
ported that the latter declined to recognize
Hays, who represented an illegal (the Cer-
iieau) boch', and that it did not regard the
union of 18G3 as legal, because Eaymond
(who had died in 18G4) had been illegally
deposed as the Sovereign Grand Commander
of the only legal Northern Supreme Coun-
cil (by the Van Eensselaer body in 1861),
and that Kobinson alone (Lieutenant Grand
Commander of the old Raymond body), now
Lieutenant Grand Commander of the united
Cerneau-Raymond body, could succeed Ray-
mond. Hays thereupon resigned his office,
and was succeeded by Robinson in the pres-
ence of a majority of all the officers and
members of the Supreme Council. But this
was not to suffice. The Van Rensselaer
schism was in existence and prosperous,
numbering among its officers several former
ad vitam officials of the Raymond Supreme
Council of 1860, the only Supreme Council
the Southern body could recognize. Com-
plete union was therefore necessary, and to
accomplish it, reorganization of the Cerneau-
Raymond body was necessary. Robinson,
therefore, as successor of Raj^mond, called a
special meeting of the old Raymond Council
at Boston, December 11, 1860. ]\rostof the
officers of the latter were members of the
Van Rensselaer Council, and naturally de-
clined to be present, where ajDon Robinson,
in strict accord with his prerogative, filled
the vacancies from among the twelve active
and ten honorary members of the united
Cerneau-Raymond Supreme Council who
were present. Men of whom the Avorld at
large has never heard, to whom self rather
than fraternity has been a creed, who have
hankered for Masonic office and the oppor-
tunity to peddle degrees and titles rather
than for the union and prosperity of the
Craft, have held that this action of Robin-
son at Boston amounted merely to the dis-
solution of the Cerneau-Raymond Council.
As a matter of fact, it was not only a disso-
lution of it, but a reorganization of the
Cerneau-Raymond body in order to make
the latter regular under the statutes and
regulations, the recognition of honesty in
fraternity politics as opposed to assumption
and deception. The reorganized Cerneau-
Raymond Council thus honestly acquired
what it had unanimously resolved to secure
the year before, the title "Northern Juris-
diction," in place of "United States of
America, its Territories and Dependencies,"
That the action at Boston in 1866 was not
regarded by those present as a coiqj, in order
to merely revive the old Northern,- or Ray-
mond, Supreme Council and swallow the
Cerneau-Raymond Council, is shown by the
fact that all the officers of the latter were re-
elected, and that no oaths of fealty were re-
quired. Overtures were then made looking
to a union with the Van Rensselaer Supreme
Council. Committees to consider the pro-
ject were appointed by each body, which met
at Boston in 1867, just prior to the annual
session of the Van Rensselaer Supreme Coun-
cil. After prolonged conference, during
which it seemed at times as if the outcome
could only be failure, a treaty of union was
agreed to, which Avas ratified by both Su-
preme Councils and approved by all the
honorary members. After rescinding acts of
expulsion based on former differences, the
two Supreme Councils ratified each other's
acts, and Josiah H. Drummond of Maine
was elected Most Puissant Sovereign Grand
Commander of the (consolidated) Supreme
Council, Northern Jurisdiction, by concur-
rent vote of the two bodies, which came to-
gether as one. The oath of fealty was then
taken to the consolidated Supreme Council
by eighty members present. The career of
this Sujireme Council ever since has been
one of harmony and prosperity, and it is
to-day the largest body of the kind in the
world, numbering more than 25,000 thirty-
second degree members, about one-fifth of
the total number of Scottish Rite Freemasons
in the world. Among Sovereign Princes of
the Royal Secret, 32°, and Sovereign Grand
Inspectors General, 33°, of the Northern and
Southern Jurisdictions, United States of
Abierica, are to be found many of the most
illustrious of those who re2)resent the pro-
fessions, the army and navy, and financial.
commercial, and industrial life. The two
Supreme Councils who now divide between
them the United States of America, its
territories and dependencies, hold amicable
relations with Supreme Councils of the A.
A. S. R. for England, Scotland, Ireland,
France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
Greece,. Switzerland, Brazil, Argentine Re-
public, Uruguay, Peru, United States of
Colombia, Chili, Central America, Cuba,
Mexico, the Dominion of Canada, Egypt,
and Tunis.
The degrees of the Ancient, Accepted
Scottish Eite, from the fourth to the thirty-
second, inclusive, are conferred in the North-
ern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of
America, in four bodies, and make of the
Master Mason a Sublime Prince of the Royal
Secret. Grand Lodges of Perfection, not
Grand Lodges in the ordinary sense of the
words, induct candidates into the mysteries
of eleven ineffable degrees, fourth to four-
teenth, inclusive, of which the first nine are
additions to and explanations and elabora-
tions of the second section of the Master's
degree, so familiar to all Freemasons. The
names of the thirty-three degrees of Scottish
Rite Freemasonry are given in full in an ac-
companying chart of the English, Scottish,
and American Rites. The thirteenth and
fourteenth degrees of the Scottish Rite, form-
ing the summit of work jierformed in Grand
Lodges of Perfection, correspond to, but are
in no sense identical with, the English Royal
Arch degree as worked in Royal Arch
Chapters in the American Rite. They are
founded historically on the royal arch of
Enoch instead of tiie royal arch of Zerub-
babel, which forms the basis of the English
royal arch degree. Many among those com-
petent to judge favor the theory elsewhere
outlined, tliat the English royal arch of
Zerubbabel was an outgrowth of the earlier,
continental royal arch of Enoch of about
1740, and that Laurence Dermott had as
much to do with the changes made as he
had with the introduction of this ampli-
fication of the old Master's degree among
British Freemasons. The Grand Elect, Per-
fect, and Sublime Mason, fourteenth degree,
is eligible to receive the historical degrees,
Knight of the East and Sword, and Prince
of Jerusalem, tlie fifteenth and sixteenth,
respectively, of the system. These relate to
the rebuilding of the second holy Temple at
Jerusalem under the authority of King
Cyrus and Darius his successor. From
them the modern framers of the ritual of
the degree of Companion of the Red Cross,
conferred in Commanderies of Knights Tem-
plars, have borrowed freely.
The philosophical degrees of the Scottish
Rite, Knight of the East and West, and
Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, or Rose
Croix, the seventeenth and eighteenth, are
conferred in Chapters of Rose Croix and
" relate to the building of the third Temple,
'one not made with hands,' within the
heart of man." In the Rose Croix degree,
Scottish Rite Freemasonry reaches its sum-
mit as a teacher of the sublime truths of
Christianity, and it is from this degree, as
well as others of the Rite, that the Ameri-
can Templar ritual draws some of its more
impressive ceremonials. The degrees from
the nineteenth to the thirty-second, inclu-
sive, historical and philosophical, are con-
ferred under the sanction of a Consistory or
Areopagus of Knights of Kadosch.
The thirty-third and last degree of An-
cient, Accepted Scottish Masonry is conferred
upon thirty-second degree Freemasons who
have rendered long or distinguished service
to the Craft. It is executive in its func-
tion, recipients being members of the Su-
preme Council, or governing body, of the
Rite. In the Southern Jurisdiction in the
L^nited States there is an intermediate grade
between the thirty-second and thirty-third
degrees, known as the Court of Honor, com-
posed of (a) Masters of the Royal Secret,
and (b) Inspectors General (thirty-third
degree), active, emeriti, and honorary.
There is also the rank of Knight of the
Court of Honor, consisting of two grades,
Knight Commander and Grand Cro^?s of
Honor. Sovereign Grand Inspectors Gen-
eral, by which title members of Supreme
Councils of the Kite are known throughout
the world, are classed, practically, as active,
emeriti, and honorary. Only those in the
first class are permitted to be present at ex-
ecutive sessions of Supreme Councils, and
''actives'' alone create thirty-third degree
members. The total number of active thirty-
third degree members is very small, probably
not exceeding one hundred in North Amer-
ica, and not exceeding three hundred in all
countries. There are fewer than fifty in
the Northern Jurisdiction in the United
States — north of the Ohio and east of the
Mississippi Rivers — and still fewer in the re-
maining States. The list of emeriti Sover-
eign Grand Inspectors General is very short,
and, as the title implies, includes the few
" actives " who have retired from the labors
of the governing body full of honors and
advancing years. The custom of creating
honorary Sovereign Grand Inspectors- Gen-
eral is one which has grown up within a
generation, as a means of advancing and
rewarding enthusiastic and active Sublime
Princes of the Royal Secret one step nearer
the goal which, of course, all may not reach.
There are nearly six hundred names of hon-
orary "thirty-thirds" in the Nortlieru and
nearly four hundred in the Southern Juris-
diction of the United States. A full list of
the names and places of residence of active
and honorary Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, 33°, in the United States, January
1, 1898, may be found in an accompany-
ing Masonic Directory. Official position in
a Supreme Council was formerly for life,
and in nearly all, except the Northern Ju-
risdiction, where the term is three years, it
continues so. But even in the Supreme
Council of the Northern Jurisdiction fitness
for the position insures continued reelection
at every triennial meeting, so that where
nothing transpires to make a change desir-
able, the kingly prerogative of life tenure in
office is still in force.
It remains to be related that there are two
spurious Supreme Councils "A. A. S. R."
in the United States, one of which is
founded on fraud and the other on misrep-
resentation and personal pique. Neither
numbers many adherents, and each is only
nominally or locally active. Both claim
the name, authority of, and regular descent
from Cerneau, and the founders of both
know that their claims are without founda-
tion. The older calls itself "the Supreme
Council of the thirty-third and last degree
of A. A. S. R. Masonry, organized by T. I.
Joseph Cerneau, M. P. S. G. C, October
27, 1807, for the U. S. A., its Territories
and Dependencies." Its real founder was
Harry J. Seymour, who was expelled from
the Cerneau-Raymond Council in 1865, for
reasons which should have caused his name
to be struck from the list of acquaintances
of every self-respecting Master Mason. Sey-
mour was once well-to-do, but afterward felt
compelled to follow in the footsteps of Abra-
ham Jacobs, whose name is on the chart of
filiated powers accompanying this sketch.*
Jacobs was a notorious peddler of degrees,
who was expelled for illegal assumption of
Masonic authority. Seymour was initiated
into the Rite of Memphis in Paris in 1862,
and after being expelled from the Scottish
Rite in the United States in 1865, started
out for himself by organizing alleged Scot-
tish Rite bodies in New York city, into
which well-meaning Master Masons were
inducted, at so much apiece, by himself as
hierophant and purveyor of regalia and para-
phernalia at cent-per-cent prices. Some
who were duped by him, who have since
joined regular Scottish Rite bodies, vouch
for this statement, and for the fact that at
one time he used a condensation of the Rite
of Memphis as his "Cerneau Rite." In
1879 he organized a Supreme Council, claim-
ing to have been constituted the head of the
Cerneau Rite by Hays, who died in 1874
member of the consolidated Northern Su-
* See footnote to chronological events in the
career of the Southern, Northern, and Cerneau
Supreme Councils.
preme Council. So transparent a fraud
would seem to have been apparent to an)^
sane man over twenty-one years of age.
Cagliostro found his victims, Jacobs his,
and Seymour evidently had several of his
own. The descent is precipitant but mani-
fest. Enough material in the way of new
members has been secured by Peckham,
Gorgas, Hibbs, and other successors of Sey-
mour to enable them to go through the mo-
tions of maintaining so-called Consistories
in New York city and Jersey City, and, in
former years, at a few other cities, and to
report having held annual sessions of a Su-
preme Council. The only regret is that a
few hundred innocent and honest Master
Masons have been taken advantage of and
induced to part with their money and inter-
est— for nothing. This Seymour-Cerneau
organization is repudiated by Supreme Coun-
cils throughout the world, and its adherents
must place themselves in the category with
those who find themselves deceived becaiise
they failed to examine before buying. A
large precentage of the Grand Masters of
Grand Lodges, Grand High Priests of Grand
Chapters, Very Eminent Commanders of
Grand Coramanderies of Knights Templars,
their asoociate officers, past and present,
and thousands of other members of the Craft
throughout the United States are members
of Scottish Rite bodies holding obedience to
the legitimate Supreme Councils, the North-
ern and Southern Jurisdictions. The unin-
formed Master Mason has only to inquire to
Not until 1881 was the second existing
spurious Supreme Council "A. A. S. R. "
formed, fourteen years after the union of
18f)T. It was organized at New York by
Hopkins Thompson (an emeritus thirty-
third of the Northern Supreme Council,
who was not ji resent at Boston when Rob-
inson reorganized the Cerneau-Raymond
Council, but who was present at and swore
fealty to the consolidated Council in 1867).
He was aided by a few honorary thirty-
third, and one thirty-second degree mem-
ber on whom the consolidated Northern
Supreme Council had refused to confer the
thirty-third degree, eleven in all. When
the full proceedings of the action of the
Cerneau-Raymond Council leading up to
the consolidation of 1807 were published in
1881, all of which had been known at the
time, these men claimed to have just dis-
covered that when Robinson dissolved the
Cerneau-Raymond Council at Boston in
18G6, and reorganized it under the name
Northern Jurisdiction, that they were there-
by absolved from their oaths of fealty to the
union Council of 1863. They, therefore,
with Hopkins Thompson as the alleged suc-
cessor of Cerneau, et ah, claimed to revive
the old Cerneau body, that which united
with the Raymond Supreme Council in 1863.
Their oaths of fealty to the consolidated Su-
preme Council of 1867 Avere repudiated be-
cause, as alleged, they were obtained by
keeping them in ignorance of all the facts.
Their antagonism to the Seymour organi-
zation is bitter. Naturally the Thompson
party repiidiates the Southern as well as the
Northern Supreme Councils, and continues
an existence on jiaper, isolated from all other
Supreme Councils in the Avorld. Its total
active membership does not number more
than a few hundred. Many who have joined
it have discovered they were deceived and
have retired. Its centres of activity are
at New York city, Columbus, 0., Washing-
ton, D. C, and ]\Iiuneapolis, Minn. In
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa,
and Nebraska, Master Masons render them-
selves liable to suspension by joining Cer-
neau Scottish Rite bodies, and the Grand
Lodge in Ohio has been sustained by the
courts in its position on this point.
Secretaries of Sovereign Grand Lodges of Free and
Accepted Masons in the Uiiited States.
Alabama H. C. Armstrong. .Montgomery.
Arizona G. J. Roskruge . . .Tucson.
Arkansas F. II. Hempstead .Little Rock.
California G. Johnson Sau Francisco.
District of Golum.
Indian Territory.
Massachusetts . . .
New Hampshire .
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina . .
North Dakota . . .
Pennsylvania. . . .
Rhode Island. . . .
South Carolina . .
South Dakota. . . .
West Virginia . . .
Ed, C. Parraalee.
John II. Barlow..
B. F. Bartram . . .
W. R. Singleton .
W. P. Webster . .
A. M. Wolihin. . .
Theop.W. Randall
J. H. C. Dill
W. H. Smythe. . . .
J. S. Murrow
T. S. Parvin
Albert K. Wilson. .
H. B. Grant
R. Lambert
Stephen Berry . . . .
J. H. Medairy . . . .
S. D. Nickerson . . .
J. S. Conover
T. Montgomery . . .
J. L. Power
J. D. Vincil
Cornelius Hedges .
W. R. Bowen
C. N. Noteware. . .
G. P. Cleaves....
T. H. R. Redway
A. A. Keen
E. M. L. Ehlers. .
John C. Drewry... .
F. J. Thompson . .
J. H. Bromwell. . .
J. S. Hunt
James F. Robinson
William A. Sinn .
E. Baker
C. Inglesby
G. A. Pettigrew. .
John B. Garrett. .
John Watson ....
C. Diehl
W. G. Reynolds..
G. W. Carrington
T. M. Reed
G. W. Atkinson..
J. W. Laflin
W. L. Kuykendall
• Wilmington.
.Boise City.
Cedar Rapids.
New Orleans.
St. Paul.
St. Louis.
Carson City.
New York.
.Eugene City.
Salt Lake City.
General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons,
U. S. A., General Grand Secretary, Christopher
G. Fox, Buffalo, N. Y.
General Grand Council of Royal and Select
Masters, U. S. A., General Grand Recorder, Henry
W. Mordhurst, Fort Wayne, Ind. •
General Encampment of Knights Templars,
U. S. A., Grand Recorder, Wm. H. Mayo, St.
Louis, Mo.
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite.
Supreme Council, Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction (south of Mason
and Dixon line and west of the Mississippi River),
U. S. A.
Thomas H. Caswell, 33°, Most Puissant Sover-
eign Grand Commander, San Francisco, Cal.
Frederick Webber, Illustrious Grand Secretary
General, 33°, No. 433 North 3d Street, Washing-
ton, D. C.
The complete list of active thirty-third degree
members of the Supreme Council, Sovereign Grand
Inspectors General, Southern Jurisdiction, 1897, is
as follows :
Adams, Samuel E Minneapolis, Minn.
Carr, Erasmus T Miles City, Mont.
Caswell, Thomas H San Francisco, Cal.
Chamberlain, Austin B Galveston, Tex.
Collins, Martin St. Louis, Mo.
Cortland, J. Wakefield Asheville, N. C.
Fellows, John Q. A New Orleans, La.
Fitzgerald, Adolphus L Eureka, Nev.
Fleming, Rufus E Fargo, N. D.
Foote, Frank M Evanston, Wyo.
Hayden, James R Seattle, Wash.
Henry, James A Little Rock, Ark.
Levin, Nathaniel Charleston, S. C.
Long, Odel S Charleston, W. Va.
McLean, William A Jacksonville, Fla.
Mayer, John F Richmond, Va.
Meredith, Gilmor Baltimore, Md.
Moore, George F Montgomery, Ala.
Nun, Richard J : Savannah, Ga.
Parvin, Theodore S .Cedar Rapids, la.
Pierce, William F Oakland, Cal.
Pratt, Irving W Portland, Ore.
Richardson, James D Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Sherman, Buren R Vinton, la.
Teller, Henry M Central City, Colo.
Todd, Samuel M New Orleans, La.
Webber, Frederick Washington, D. C.
The following is a complete list of honorary
thirty-third degree members of the Supreme Coun-
cil, A. A. S. R., Southern Jurisdiction of the United
States, for 1897 :
Billing, Fay McC Montgomery.
Kramer, Frederick Little Rock.
Rosenbaum, Charles E Little Rock.
Rickon, Frederick J. H Little Rock.
Freeman, Merrill P Tucson.
Kales, Martin W Phoenix.
Roskruge, George J Tucson.
Hobe, George J San Francisco.
Goodman, 'J'heodore II San Francisco.
Sherman, Edwin A Oakland.
Spaulding, Nathan W Oakland.
Daugherty, Charles M Oakland.
Buck, Silas M Eureka.
Stone, Charles E Marysville.
Merritt, James B Oakland.
Gillctt, Charles E Oakland.
Petrie, Williain M Sacramento.
Davies. William A San Francisco.
Waterhouse, Columbus San Francisco.
De Clairmont, Ralph San Francisco.
Rosenstock, Samuel W San Francisco.
Lloyd, Reuben H San Francisco.
Levy, Samuel W San Francisco.
Patterson, George Oakland.
Crocker, Charles F San Francisco.
Daniell, William H Northampton, Mass.
Cline, Henry A San F'rancisco.
Rader, Frank Los Angeles.
Lee, James G. C San Francisco.
Fletcher, LeRoy D Oakland.
Pallon, Charles L San Francisco.
Pierce, Charles L. J. W Oakland.
Davis, Jacob Z San Francisco.
Wagner, Charles W. A. San Francisco.
Lask, Harry J San Francisco.
Jones, Florin L Pasadena.
Langdon, Frederick S Los Angeles.
Greenleaf, Lawrence N Denver.
Parmalce. Edward C Denver.
Pomeroy, Richard A New Iberia, La.
Orahood, Harper M Denver.
Gove, Aaron Denver.
Hill, Frank B Denver.
District of Columbia.
Ingle, Christopher Washington.
Brown, Joseph T New Roehelle, N. Y.
Bennett, Clement W Washington.
Singleton. William R Washington.
^lacGrotty, Edwin B Washington.
Schmid, John E. C Wa.shington.
Somerville, Thomas Washington.
Roome, William Oscar Washington.
Taylor, Joseph C Washington.
Roose, William S Washington.
Loockerman, Thomas G Georgetown.
Lansburgh. James Washington.
Duiicanson, Charles C Washington.
Taylor, Leroy M Washington.
Balloch, George W Washington.
No yes, Isaac P Washington.
Baldwin, Aaron Washington.
Woodman, Francis J Washington.
Goldsmith, Louis Washnigton.
Naylor, Allison, Jr Washington.
Ball, Robert Washington.
Willis, Edward M Washington.
Perry, Robert J Key West.
Blackshear, James E Savannah.
Wolihin, Andrew M Macon.
Stockdell, Ileniy C Atlanta.
Cavanaugh, John H Savannah.
Hawaiian Islands.
Williams, Henry II Honolulu.
West, Gideon
Lidian Territory.
Hill. Robert W Muscogee.
Ashton, George W Lyons.
Cotton, Aylett R San Francisco, Cal.
Parker, George W Lyons.
Morton, James Cedar Rapids.
Van Deventer, James T Knoxville, Tenn.
Lamb, Artemus Clinton.
Bever, George W Cedar Rapids.
Ellis, Lyman A Lyons.
Fidlar, Wilbur F Davenport.
Curtis, Charles F Clinton.
Woodward, Benjamin S Clinton.
Blakely, Frederick L Lyons.
Gardiner, Silas Wright Lyons.
Wadleigh, Leroy B .Clinton.
Watson, William P Vinton.
Macy, John C Des Moines.
Percival, Frederick A Des Moines.
Park, William A Des Moines.
Head, Albert Des Moines.
Gage, Elbridge F Cedar Rapids.
Ray, Frank G Vinton.
Parvin, Newton R Cedar Rapids.
Lacey, Thomas B Council Bluffs.
Langfelt, August Yokohama.
Keil, Oscar Yokohama.
Sherman, Adrian C Rossville.
Freeling, Peter J Leavenworth.
Miller, Matthew M Topcka.
Carpenter, John C Leavenworth.
Langdon, Burton E Louisville, Ky.
Emmons, Alonzo C Leavenworth.
Davis. Evan Lawrence.
Kansas. — Continued.
Cole, Jeremiah S Freeport, 111.
Smith, Jeremiah G Wichita.
Cunningham, Harper S Oklahoma, Okl.
Seilz, John G. 0 Salina.
Liepman, Joseph H Fort Scott.
McDermott, Fcnton L Fort Scott.
Jones, Charles M Wichita.
Goldberg, Edward Wichita.
Loomis, Henry C Winfield.
Norton, Jonathan D Topeka.
Passon, David Lawrence.
Hass, James H Topeka.
■Gray, Henry W Louisville.
Freeman, Ambrose W St. Louis, Mo.
Reinecke, William Louisville.
Hall, Edwin G West Side, Cal.
Ryan, William Louisville.
Sloss, Levi Louisville.
Smith, Kilbourn W Louisville.
Vogt, Charles C Louisville.
Fisk, Charles H Covington.
Miller, Robert T Covington.
Dudley, Thomas U Louisville.
Johnson, Frank H Louisville.
Thomas, Warren La Rue. . . .Maysville.
Livezey, Thomas E Covington.
Wilson, David H Louisville.
Johnson, William R Louisville.
Kopmeier, George Louisville.
Staton, James W Brooksville.
Pruett, John W Frankfort.
Witt, Bernard G Henderson.
Ranshaw, Henry Covington.
Robinson, Eugene A Maysville.
Craig, Emmett DeW New Orleans.
Isaacson, Alfred H New Orleans.
Brice, Albert G New Orleans.
Soule, George New Orleans.
Hero, Andrew, Jr New Orleans.
Kells, Charles Edmund
Norwood. Abel J
Quayle, Mark New Orleans.
Buck, Charles F New Orleans.
Lambert, Richard New Orleans.
Schneiden. Paul M New Orleans.
Pinckard, George J New Orleans.
Collins, William J New Orleans.
Coulter, Henry W New Orleans.
Pratts, Jose Alaban y New Orleans.
Jenkins, Benjamin W ..... . .Baltimore.
Cisco, Charles T Baltimore.
Wiesenfeld, David Baltimore.
Shryock, Thomas J Baltimore.
Larrabee, Henry C Baltimore.
Hayden, Francis A Chicago, 111.
Nash, Charles W St. Paul.
Hotchkiss, Edward A Minneapolis.
Williams, James M Minneapolis.
Whitman, Ozias Red Wing.
Merrill, Giles W St. Paul.
Thompson, Joseph H Minneapolis.
Ferry, John C St. Paul.
Metcalf, George R St. Paul.
Wright, William H. S St. Paul.
Hugo, Trevanion W Duluth.
Schlener, John A Minneapolis.
Jewett, William P St. Paul.
Levering, Anthony Z Minneapolis.
Metcalf, Oscar M St. Paul.
Powell, Milton E Redwood Falls.
Dobbin, Joseph L Minneapolis.
Randall, John H Minneapolis.
Higbee, Albert E Minneapolis.
Kilvington, Samuel S Minneapolis.
Richardson, William E Duluth.
Loker, William N St. Louis.
Garrett, Thomas E St. Louis.
Thacher, Stejjhen D Kansas City.
Parsons, John R St. Louis.
Morrow, Thomas R Kansas City.
Altheimer, Benjamin St. Louis.
Stowe, James G Kansas City.
Harvey, William Kansas City.
Stewart, Alphonse C St. Louis.
Mayo, William H St. Louis.
Nelson, Benjamin F St. Louis.
Speed, Frederic Vicksburg.
Hedges, Cornelius Helena.
Major, John C Helena.
Guthrie, Henry H Helena.
Frank, Henry L Butte.
Fowler, William C Genesee, Ida.
Hitman, Cyrus W Livingston.
Lashorn, Millard H Livingston.
Furnas, Robert W Brownsville.
Betts, George C New Jersey.
Deuel, Harry P Omaha.
Monell, John J., Jr Omaha.
Fulleys, James A Red Cloud.
Oaklev. Roland H Lincoln.
Nebraska. — Continued.
Rawalt, Benjamin F Dubois, Colo.
Young, Frank II. 0 Broken Bow.
Duke, Elbert T Omaha.
Warren, Edwin F Nebraska City.
Cleburne, William Omaha.
Sewell, Thomas Lincoln.
Huntington, Charles S Omaha.
Webster, Edward C Hastings.
Akin, Henry C Omaha.
France, George B
Mercer, John J Omaha.
Sudborough, Thomas K Omaha.
Kenyon, William J. C Omaha.
Anderson, Leverett M Omaha.
Wheeler, Daniel H Omaha.
Korty, Lewis H Omaha.
Newell, Henry Omaha.
Hall, Frank M Lincoln.
Keene, Louis McL Freemont.
Laughton, Charles E Carson City.
Buttlar, Charles J. R Oakland, Cal.
Harmon, Fletcher H Eureka.
Hall. David H Eureka.
Torre, Giovanni Eureka.
North Dakota.
Burke, Andrew H Duluth, Minn.
Paxton, Thomas C Minneapolis, Minn.
Thompson, Frank J Fargo.
Twamley, James Grand Forks.
Darrow, Edward McL Fargo.
Plumley, Horatio C Fargo.
Kneisley, Charles C Davenport, la.
Schwellenbach, Ernest J Jamestown.
Guptil, Albert B Fargo.
Knowlton, Roswell W Fargo.
Nash, Francis B Fargo.
Scott, William A Fargo.
Dolph, Joseph N Portland.
Foster, John R Portland.
Shurtliff, Ferdinand N Portland.
Pope, Seth L Portland.
Roberts, Andrew Portland.
Malcolm, Philip S Portland.
Whitehouse, Benjamin G. .. .Portland.
Withington, George E Portland.
Clark, Louis G Portland.
Tuthill, David S Portland.
Mayer, Jacob Portland.
Chance, George H. Portland.
Hoyt, Henry L Portland.
cook, James W Portland.
South Dakota.
Blatt, William Yankton.
Huntington, Eugene Webster.
Cummingg, Daniel E Dead wood.
Leroy, Lewis G Webster.
Maloney, Richard M Deadwood.
South Carolina.
Buist, John S Charleston.
Ficken, John F Charleston.
Mordecai, Thomas M Charleston.
Buist, Samuel S Charleston.
Pankin, Charles F Charleston.
Eastman, Charles H Nashville.
Plumacher, Eugene H Maracaibo, Venez'la.
Wright, Pitkin C Memphis.
Sears, John McK Memphis.
Weller, John J Memphis.
Gunner, Rudolph Dallas.
Openheimer, Louis M Austin.
Morst, Charles S Corsicana.
Ashby, Joseph K Fort Worth.
Martin, Sidney Fort Worth.
Hotchkiss, Charles A Dallas.
Hamilton, Benjamin 0 Galveston.
Gelbough, Frederick M Galveston.
Hunter, Craig Temple.
United States Army.
Head, John F Washington, D. C.
Bailey, Elisha I San Francisco, Cal.
Wood, Marshall W Boise Barracks, Ida.
Hall, Robert 11
Dudley, Edgar S. Columbus, 0.
Woodruff, Carle A Fort Warren, Mass.
Page, Charles Baltimore, Md.
Lee, James G. C San Francisco, Cal.
Rockefeller, Charles M. Alliance, O.
Sanno, James M. J Ft. Snelling, Minn.
McConihe, Samuel Ft. Leavenw'th.Kan.
Olney, Uervey A Tilbury, Can.
Craighill, Edward A Lynchburg.
Greenwood, Frederick Norfolk.
Turner, Daniel J., Jr Portsmouth.
Nesbitt, Charles A Richmond.
Ryan, William Riciiniond.
Carmichael, Hartley Riclimond.
Williams, Richard P Montgomery, Ala.
O'Brien, Rossell G Olympia.
Reed. Thomas M Olympia.
Zeigler, Louis Spokane.
Washington. — Continued.
Rundle, Nathan B Spokane.
Gowey, John F Olympia,
Thompson, Walter J. Tacoma.
Hare, Edward R Tacouia.
Snodgrass, Furman E Spokane.
West Virginia.
Walker, Kephart D Fairmount.
Applegate, William J Wellsburg.
^Morris, John W Wheeling.
Parrah, Thomas M Wheeling.
Birch, John M Wheeling.
McCahon, James Wheeling.
Knight, Jesse .Evanston.
Dickinson, Edward Laramie.
Supreme Council, Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction (north of Mason
and Dixon line and east of the Mississippi River):
Henry L. Palmer, 33°, Most Puissant Sovereign
Grand Commander, Milwaukee, Wis.
Clinton F. Paige, 33°, Illustrious Grand Secre-
tary General, Stewart Building, New York.
The list of active thirty-third degree members of
the Supi'eme Council, Northern Jui'isdietion, is as
Arnold, Newton D Providence, R. I.
Babcock, Brenton D Cleveland, 0.
Balding, Thomas E Milwaukee, Wis.
Barnard, Gilbert W Chicago, 111.
Bentley, George W Brooklyn N. Y.
Buchanan, James I Pittsburgh, Pa. (Deputy.)
Burnham, Edward P Saco, Me.
Caven, John Indianapolis, Ind.
Carson, Enoch T Cincinnati, 0. (Deputy.)
Carter, Charles W Norwich, Conn. (Deputy.)
Codding, James H Towanda, Penn.
Cottrill, Charles M Milwaukee, Wis. (Deputy.)
Currier, George W Nashua, N. H. (Deputy.)
Daine, Charles C Newburyport, Mass.
Drummond, JosiahH. . . .Portland, Me.
Frazee, Andrew B Camden, N. J.
Guthrie, George W Pittsburg, Pa.
Hawley, James H. . . . . .Dixon. 111.
Higby, William R Bridgeport, Conn.
Highly, Francis M Philadelphia, Penn.
Homan, William New York City, N. Y.
Hutchinson, Charles C. ..Lowell, Mass.
Ide, Charles E Syracuse, N. Y. (Deputy.)
Kenyon, George H Providence,R.I. (Deputy.)
King, INIarquis F Portland, Me. (Deputy.)
Kinsman, David N Columbus, 0.
Lawrence, Samuel C Boston, Mass.
McCurdy, Hugh Corunna, Mich. (Deputy.)
Metcalf, A. T Kalamazoo, j\Iich.
Paige, Clinton F Bingham ton, N. Y.
Palmer, Henry L Milwaukee, Wis.
Patterson, Robert E Philadelphia, Pa.
Perkins, Marsh 0 Windsor, Vt. (Deputy.)
Pettibone, Amos Chicago, 111.
Quinby, Henry B Lakeport, N. H.
Ruckle, Nicholas R Indianapolis, Ind.
Shirrefs, Robert A Elizabeth, N. J. ^Deputy.)
Siekels, Daniel Brooklyn, N. Y.
Smith, Barton Toledo, 0.
Smith, John Corson Chicago, 111. (Deputy.)
Smith, Joseph W Indianapolis, Ind.
Stettinius, John L Cincinnati, 0.
Stevens, Walter A Chicago, 111.
Tracy, David B Detroit, Mich.
Tyler, George 0 Burlington, Vt.
Ward, J. H. Hobart Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wells, Samuel Boston, Mass.
Woodbury, Charles Levi.. Boston, Mass. (Deceased.)
The following is a complete list of honorary
thirty-third degree members, Sovereign Grand In-
spectors General of the Supreme Council A. A. S.
R., Northern Jurisdiction of the United States, for
1898 :
Locke, Joseph A Portland.
Waite, Almon C Portland.
Hinkley, Ruf us H Portland.
Marston, Arlington B Bangor.
Berry, Stephen Portland.
Russell, John S Portland.
Chase, Albro E Portland.
Shaw, George R Portland.
Bearce, Samuel F Portland.
Mallet, Edmund B., Jr Preeport.
Farnham, Augustus B Bangor.
Penley, Albert M Auburn.
Burnham, William J Lewiston.
Merrill, Jonathan A Portland.
Hastings, Moses M Bangor.
Mason, Wm. Castein Bangor.
Harris, Herbert East Machias
Day, Fessenden I Lewiston.
Heath, Elbridge G Auburn.
Hicks, Millard F Portland.
Raymond, George E Portland.
Burr, Thomas W Bangor.
Treby, Johnson Augusta.
New Hampshire.
Atherton, Henry B Nashua.
Fellows, Joseph W Manchester.
Cleaves, George P Concord.
Webster, John F Concord.
Shattuck, Joseph Nashua.
Webster, Charles H Nashua.
New Hampshire, — Contitmed.
Danforth, Charles C Concord.
Smith, Henry B Nashua.
Sanders, Frank L Concord.
Hunt, Nathan P Manchester.
Hatch, John Greenland.
Kent, Henry 0 Lancaster.
Hatch, Oscar C Littleton.
Clark, John H Nashua.
Towle, Charles N Concord.
Hayes, Charles C Manchester.
Marsh, Henry A Nashua.
Fletcher, Thomas M Alder Brook.
Wait, Albert S Newport.
Underwood, Levi Burlington.
Paine, Milton K Windsor.
Heaton, Charles H Montpelier.
Johnson, IMiron W Burlington.
Hill, Howard F Concord, N. H.
Fisher, Frederick S Deposit, N. Y.
Nichols, Albro F St. Johnsbury.
Reynolds, Warren G Burlington.
Kinsley, George H Burlington.
Jackson, J. Henry Barre.
Cummings, Silas W St. Albans.
Nichols, Sayles Burlington.
Hall Alfred A St. Albans.
Wing, George W Montpelier.
Whitcomb, Charles W Cavendish.
Wright, Robert J Newport.
Nicholson, Daniel N Burlington.
Calderwood, Charles A St. Johnsbury,
Thompson, Jesse E Rutland.
Whipple, John H Manchester.
Taf t, Elihu B Burlington.
Babbitt, George H Bellows Falls.
Webster, Daniel P Brattleboro.
Hathaway, Nicholas Fall River.
Lawrence, Daniel W Medford.
Marshall, Wyzeman Boston.
Kelsey, Albert H . . .North Cambridge.
P'reeland, James H Boston.
Hall, John K Boston.
Smith, William A Worcester.
Richardson, William A Washington, D. C.
Fo.x, James A Boston.
Everett, Percival L Boston.
Niekerson, Sereno D Boston.
^Nfullikcn, Henry Boston.
Carpenter, George 0 Boston.
Gould, Benjamin A Cambridge.
Endicott, Henry Cambridgeport.
Chessman, William H Boston.
Guild, William H Boston.
Perkins, Henry P Lowell.
Welch, Charles A Boston.
Weld, Otis E Boston.
Alger, William R Boston.
Walbridge, Frederick G Boston.
Wright, Edwin Boston.
Waterman, Thomas Boston.
Smith, Albert C Boston.
Spellman, Charles C Springfield.
Spooner, Samuel B Springfield.
Stevens, William J Kingston, N. H.
Carpenter, George S Boston.
Doolittle, Erastus H Boston.
Young, E. Bentley Boston.
Seward, Josiah L Lowell.
Lakin, John II Boston.
Buckingham, George B Worcester.
Rowell, Benjamin W Boston.
Savage, Mi not J Boston.
Work, Joseph W Boston.
Richardson, Albert L. ..... . .Boston.
Spring, Frederick H Boston.
Richards, Eugene II Boston.
Allen, George H Lynn.
Livingston, William E Lowell.
Cutting, Walter Pittsfield.
Hersey, Freeman C Salem.
Stickney, Horace W Boston.
Young, James H Boston.
Collamore,'\Iohn H Boston.
Emmons, Theodore H Boston.
Kendrick, Edmund P Springfield.
Welch, Albion F Danvers.
Hubbard, Samuel F Boston.
Temple, Thomas F Boston.
Fitts, Edward A Haverhill'.
Pollard, Arthur G Lowell.
Gates, Albert F Worcester.
Holton, Eugene A Boston.
Kellough, Thomas East Boston.
Plummer, j\Ioses C Boston.
Holmes, Edwin B Boston.
Nichols, Edward W. L Boston.
Lawrence, William B Medford.
Bowen, Seranus Roxbury.
Raymond, John M Salem.
Trefry, William D. T Marblehead.
Flanders, Dana J jMalden.
Bush, John S. F Boston.
Gleason, James M Boston.
Rhodes. George H Taunton.
Thorndike, Samuel L Cambridge.
Young, Cliarles F Lowell.
Rhode Island.
Chaffee, Albert II Worcester, Mass.
Bra>-ton, James B Newport.
Rhode Island. — Continued.
Burt, Eugene D Providence.
White, Stillman Providence.
Earle, Josepli 0 Providence.
Underwood, William J Newport.
Shepley, George L Providence.
Field, Henry C Providence.
White, Hunter C Providence.
Ilusband, William E Providence.
Eddy, Andrew B Providence.
Newhall, Charles C Providence.
Mumford, Charles C Pi-ovidenee.
Vincent, Walter B Providence.
Burnham, George H Providence.
Studley, J. Edward Providence.
Allen, Marciis C Bridgeport.
Parker, Henry L Norwich.
Gould, James L Bridgeport.
Baldwin, Nathan A Milford.
Billings, Charles E Hartford.
Skiff, Charles W Danbury.
Kirker, James. . Norwich.
Waldron, Frederick H New Haven.
Seeley, William E Bridgeport.
Bronson, Samuel M Hartford.
Brewer, Arthur H Norwich.
Bronson, Horatio G New Haven.
Quintard, Eli S New Haven.
Button, Alpheus D Bridgeport.
Sevin, Nathan D Norwich.
Knowlton, Julius W Bridgeport.
Lines, H. Wales Meriden.
Hubbard, Charles L Norwich.
Root, John G Hartford.
Woodward, Henry JMiddletown.
Spencer, Frederick A Waterbury.
Porter, George L Bridgeport.
Chapman, Silas, Jr Hartford.
Lippitt, Costello Norwich.
Neiv York.
Woodhara, Alfred Brooklyn.
Jennings, Joseph J Brooklyn.
Vining, Harrison S Brooklyn.
Cole, Otis Rochester.
Anderson, John R Le Roy.
Gardner, George J Syracuse.
Stone, Seymour H Syracuse.
Loomis, Edwin J Norwich.
Williams, John D Elmira.
Fleming, Walter M New York.
Northrup, Aaron L New York.
Sage, John L Rochester.
Anthony, Jesse B Troy.
Stiles, Benjamin F Skaneateles.
Robinson, John C Binghamton.
Bartlett, John S Buffalo.
Cook, Abel G Syracuse.
Ten Eyck, James Albany.
Gilbert, George W New York.
Telfair, Jacob R Staten Island.
Ehlers, Edward M. L New York.
Sage, William L Boston, Mass.
Paterson, William S New York.
Macomb, John N Lawrence, Kan.
Peters, Augustus W New York.
Russ, Herman H Albany.
Torrey, Charles W Staten Island.
Eakins, Joseph B New York.
Heyzer, Charles H New York.
Wood, Austin C Syracuse.
Steele, Samuel C Rochester.
Clark, Charles P Syracuse.
Thacher, John Boyd Albany.
Berry, Hiram B. .* Warwick,
Fuller, George W Corning.
Pearce, Willard A New York.
Simmons, J. Edward New York.
Flagler, Benjamin Suspension Bridge.
Brodie, William A Geneseo.
Millar, George W New York.
Lawless, William J New York.
Becker, Albert, Jr Syracuse.
Ely, Foster Ridgefield, Conn.
Trask. Wayland Brooklyn.
Ward, Charles S New York.
Richardson, John W Brooklyn.
Abel, Joseph P Brooklyn.
Parker, Richard H Syracuse.
Lawrence, Frank R New York.
Plumb, Hiram W Syracuse.
Ferguson, James F Central Valley.
Fitch, William E Albany.
McGown, George Palmyra.
McDowell, Simon V Rochester.
Thrall, Edwin A Brooklyn.
Walker, Sidney F Brooklyn.
McGee, James Brooklyn.
Clarke, Geoi'ge H Rochester.
Hubbard, Warren C Rochester.
Jones, Edward F Binghamton.
Frisbie, Byron S LTtica.
Benson, Frederic A Binghamton.
MacLellan, Daniel M New York.
Shafer, John F Menands, Albany.
Lombard, Thomas R New York.
Lorillard, Pierre New York.
Knowles, Edwin Brooklyn.
MacArthur, Arthur . Troy.
Story, William Albany.
Affleck, Stephen D New York.
New York. — Continued.
Griffith, Charles T New York.
Moore, Thomas New York.
Washburne, Pldwin D New York.
Lambert, J. Leavitt Hoosick Falls.
Day, David F Buffalo.
Sherer, William Brooklyn.
Tallcott, Edwin 0 Syracuse.
Hinc, Omar A Canton.
Wright. Alfred G Rochester.
White, William II New York.
Van Buskirk, George W . . . .New York.
Ellison, Saruni R New York.
Duncan, W^illiam J New York.
Burdgc, Dwight Brooklyn.
Rowell, George A Brooklyn,
Quantin, Edward 11 Brooklyn.
Brown, Elon G Utica.
Duncan, John II Syracuse.
Sutherland, William A Rochester.
Sturtevant, Stephen Y West Troy.
Crawford, Charles New York.
Armatage, Charles II Albany.
Goble, Frank B Rochester.
Cushman, Charles W Buffalo.
Edwards, Amos S Syracuse.
Williams, Robert D Albany.
Stewart, John New York.
Wood, George New York.
Matthews, William J New York.
Stiles, Robert B Lansingburg.
Hall, Edwin C Syracuse.
Stone, Horace G Syracuse.
Griimniond, Fred W Binghamton.
Moore, Joseph C Corning.
Kendall, Hugh H Corning.
Noble, Horace A Buffalo.
Brothers, John L Buffalo.
Brown, George L Buffalo.
Titus, Robert C Buffalo.
Newell, George A ^Medina.
Vick, Frank H Rochester.
Beatty, Claudius F New York.
Sisson, John W New York.
Stevens, T. Jefferson Brooklyn.
Sloan, Augustus K Brooklyn.
Weaver, William II Albany.
Smith, J. Hungerford Rochester,
Hatch, Edward W Buffalo.
Woodward, Clarence L Syracuse.
Delavan, Erastus C Binghamton,
Pritchard, Truman S Corning.
Lloyd, James II Troy.
McKee, J. Frank Gloversville.
Bingham, Charles D Watertown.
Greenwood, Marvin I Newark.
Potter, Henry C New York.
Dunwell, Charles T Brooklyn.
Dumary, T. Henry Albany.
Ward, Francis G Buffalo.
Prescott, Joel H., Jr Buffalo.
Anderson, Jolin Binghamton.
Johnson, David M Binghamton.
Sisson, William W Binghamton.
Hand, Walter M Binghamton.
Sickels, f 'harles E Brooklyn
Luscomb, (^harles II Brooklyn.
Demarest, William E New York.
Barker, George T Brooklyn.
Eaton, Calvin W Albany.
Hayes, Charles E Buffalo.
Newell, John T Ogdensburg,
Curtis, Dexter D Elmira.
Brooke, Thomas Rochester,
Stowell, Henry Troy.
Neiv Jersey.
Edwards, George B Jersey City,
Goodwin, William W Camden,
Bechtel, Charles Trenton.
Higginbotham, Marcus Jersey City.
Scott, George Paterson.
Borden, Jerome B Somerset, Mass,
Steed, George W Camden.
Mills, Edward Camden.
Winfield, Albert D Paterson.
Tice, Josiah New Brunswick.
Smith, Stephen Jersey City.
Watson, Thomas F Jersey City.
Roome, Henry C Jersey City.
Schoder, Anthony Woodbridge.
Stevens, Albert C Pater.son.
Durand, James II Railway.
Tillou, Edward L Elizabeth.
Tilden, Thonuis W Jerst>y City,
Vallerchamj), John Harrisburg.
Knapp, Christian F Bloomsburg.
Lutz, Isaac D Harrisburg.
Ilunn, Townsend S New York.
Earley. Charles R Ridgeway.
Egle, William II Ilarri.'^burg.
Muckle, Mark R Phihulelphia,
Patton, Thomas R Philadelphia,
Sartain, John Philadoljjhia.
Wyckoff, Edward S Philadelphia.
Hopkins, James H Washington. D. C.
Barber, James S Philadelphia.
Carroll, De\Vitt C Pittsburg.
Garrigues, Franklin Philadelphia.
Balmain, George P Pittsburg.
Eichbaum, Joseph Pittsburg.
Pennsylvania. — Continued.
Meredith, William B Kittanning.
Clapp, John M Tidioute.
Lyte, Eliphalct 0 Millersville.
Francis, Charles K Philadelphia.
Ciimniiugs. Charles 11 Maiieh Chunk.
Shaffer, Vosburgh N Pha^iixville.
Lyte, Joshna L Lancaster.
Wray, Samuel W Philadelphia.
Henderson, Matthias H New Castle.
Slack, William H Allegheny City.
Kerr, James, Jr Pittsburg.
Arnold, John B Aurora, 111.
Eaby, Joel S Lancaster.
Kennedy, Samuel B Erie.
Thompson, Caleb C Warren.
Smith, Lee S Pittsburg.
Himrod, William Erie.
Gary, Charles Philadelphia.
Dunnell, Henry N Scranton.
Kendrick, George W., Jr. . . .Philadelphia.
Bates, Stockton Philadelphia.
Sprenkel, Peter K Harrisburg.
Holmes, Americus Y Pittsburg.
Kuhn, Henry H Somerset.
McClees, Levi B Germantown, Phila.
Steffe, Christian G Reading.
Linden, Robert J Philadelphia.
Wigley, Arthur B Pittsburg.
Stevenson, David A Pittsburg.
Barkey, Peter Erie.
Hall, Amos H Philadelphia.
Smith, Edgar F Philadeljihia.
Gilroy, John J Philadelphia.
McKillip, Harvey A Bloomsburg.
Williams, J. H Philadelphia.
Johnstone, George C Allegheny.
Sweigard, Isaac A Philadelphia.
Boone, Edwin Reading.
Brown, James W Pittsburg.
Bishop, Alfred S Pittsburg.
Hale, George Philadelphia.
Cunningham, William M. . . .Newark.
Hoadley, George Cincinnati.
Woodward, Charles A Cleveland.
Keifer, Charles C Urbana.
Totten, James S Lebanon.
Ross, ApoUos M Cincinnati.
Huston, Alexander B Cincinnati.
Urner, Henry C Cincinnati.
Mack, Max J Cincinnati.
Parsons, J. B Cleveland.
Sickels, Sheldon Cleveland.
Collins, Charles A Akron.
Buechner, William L Youngstown.
Gordon, Theodore P Columbus.
Ncmbach, Andrew Cincinnati.
Sage, George R Cincinnati.
Whitaker, Ej)hraim S Garretsville.
Fasold, Eli Dayton.
Caldwell, John D ........ . .Cincinnati.
Patton, Alexander G Columbus.
Houck, Martin J Dayton.
Chambei'lin, John W Tiflfin.
Yance, Alexander F., Jr Urbana.
Hauipson, Robert Y Salem.
Halladay, Calvin Lima.
Goodspeed, Josei^h McK Athens.
Melish, William B Cincinnati.
Briggs, Sam Cleveland.
Wiiiegarner, David C Newark.
Shepard, William Columbus.
Cutler, Eben J Cleveland.
Page, Edward D Cleveland.
Gwyini, Robert Cincinnati.
Pelton, Frederick W Cleveland.
Akers, W^illiam J Cleveland.
King, David L Akron.
Brown, Huntington Mansfield.
Moore, Sidney Delaware.
Dunn, Joseph H Columbus.
Harris, John T Columbus.
Chamberlain, Charles W . . . .Dayton.
Matthews, Edward W Cambridge.
Armstrong, Clax'ence E Toledo.
Stipp, Joseph A Toledo.
Flach, Charles H Cincinnati.
Michie, William Cincinnati.
Tucker, Charles H Cleveland.
Williams, Samuel S Newark.
Hays, Otho L Gallon.
Parsons, John W Springfield.
Jeffers, Allen Dayton.
Senter, Orestes A. B Columbus.
Collins, ^ames A Cincinnati.
Morse, Fred A Cleveland.
Lyttle, La Fayette Toledo.
Bell, John N Dayton.
Goodale, Levi C Cincinnati.
Lemmon, Reuben C Toledo.
Avery, William R Cincinnati.
Rickley, R. R Columbus.
Spencer, Joseph M Toledo.
Walden, John M Cincinnati.
Morris, Evan Girrard.
Melish, Thomas J Cincinnati.
Andrews, Allen Hamilton.
Baldwin, Charles F Mt. Yernon.
Burdick, Leander Toledo.
Sands, Stephen P Cincinnati.
Ohio. — Continued.
Perkins, Henry Akron.
Cotterall, Joseph W., Jr Cincinnati.
Buchwalter, ^Morris L Cincinnati.
Butler, Charles R Cleveland.
Squire, Andrew Cleveland.
Mcintosh, Henry P Cleveland.
Blyth. John Bucyrus.
Boone, William K Lima.
Schaus, Lewis P Newark.
Pfafflin, Herman C Cincinnati.
Irvin, Horace A Dayton.
Jackson, Mervin Toledo.
Stull. John M Warren.
Bromwell, Jacob H Cincinnati.
Keiniedy, Henry A Canton.
Sater, John E Columbus.
McCune, John P Columbus.
King, Edmund B Sandusky.
Johnston, J. Russell Dayton.
Bushnell, Asa S Springfield.
Lewis, Charles T Toledo.
Bates, William L Dayton.
Kite, Thomas Cincinnati.
Brown, Charles H Grand Rapids.
Tabor, Augustus B Detroit.
Kellogg, Andrew J Detroit.
Bury, Richard A Adrian.
Hills, Charles T Muskegon.
Shipman. Ozias W Detroit.
Fox, Perrin V Grand Rapids.
Haxton, Benjamin F Detroit.
Thorp, Darius D Detroit.
Baxter, William H Detroit.
Striker, Daniel Hastings.
Henderson, Frank Kalannizoo.
Pomeroy, Charles H East Saginaw.
Swart out, Richard D Grand Rapids.
Corljss, John B Detroit.
Coulson, Nicholas Detroit.
Chamberlain, M. Howard. . . .Detroit.
Gilbert, Frank 0 Bay City.
Moore, Francis M Marquette.
Sharp, Edgar M Bay City.
Maybury. William C Detroit.
Steerc, Joseph H Sault Ste. Marie.
Emery, Temple P^ast Tawas.
Dunham, William Grand Rapids.
Ellis, Waring H Detroit.
Conover, Jefferson H Coldwater.
Hudson, William G Ludington.
Wlieeler, Edward D Manistee.
Palmer, Thomas W Detroit.
Stephenson, Samuel M Menominee.
Davis, James E Detroit.
Livingstone, William, Jr Detroit.
Findlater, James Detroit.
Smith, George D Muskegon.
Fifield, Eugene Bay City.
May worm, Joseph Detroit.
Fowle, George W Detroit.
Meigs, Alfred E Detroit.
Bolton, Henry Alj)ena.
Duncan, John Calumet.
Gerow, John A Detroit.
Williams, Thomas H Jackson.
Stiles, Albert JacLson.
McGee, Michael B. Crystal Falls.
Munroe, Thomas Muskegon.
Winsor, Lou B Reed City.
Montross, Richard W Galien.
Jewott, William E Adrian.
Heald, Charles M Grand Rapids.
Harris, L. D Grand Rapids.
Osborn, James W Kalamazoo.
Hess, .James W Indianapolis.
Fish, George H New York City.
Bonsall. Nathaniel F New Albany.
Thayer, Henry G Plymouth.
Davis, Gilbert W Indianapolis.
Rice, Martin II Indianapolis.
Douglas, Sydney W Evansville.
Smith, Jacob W Indianapolis.
Vail, Walter Michigan City.
Butler, John L Vincennes.
Robie , William J Richmond.
Brown. Austin II Indianapolis.
Elliott, Byron K Indianapolis.
Brush, John T Indianajwlis.
Adams, Henry C Indianapolis.
McKinley, Thomas S Terre Haute.
Sweet, Samuel B Fort Wayne.
Smythe, William H Indianapolis.
Cole, Cyrill B Seymour.
Cruft, John W Terre Haute.
Smith, Joseph L Richmond.
Safford, James B Craflou, Pa.
Hawkins, Roscoc 0 Indianapolis.
Nye, Mortimer La Porte.
Long, Thomas B Terre Haute.
Moycr, Henry A Kendall ville.
Manning, Jo.seph A ^lichigan City.
Pixley, George W Fort Wayne.
Geake, William Fort Wayne.
Farrington, George E Terre Haute.
Leighty, Jacob D St. Joe.
Ilutciiinson, Charles L Indianapolis.
White, Ahira R Indianapolis.
Jndiana. — CotiHnued.
McKee, William J Indianapolis.
Niblack, Mason J Vincennes.
Butler, ]\Ijih]on D Indianapolis.
Lancaster, Ilcnrv H Lafayette.
Sciiinidt, W. II Indianapolis.
Sloan, George White Indianapolis.
Ilulliday, J. 11 Indianapolis.
Elliott, Nathan Kelley Terre Haute.
Coulter, James P Aurora.
Bass, John H Fort Wayne.
Wood, Julius C Muncie.
Nichols, Alonzo S JMiehigan City.
Gillett, Simeon P Evansville.
Mordhurst, II. W. Fort Wayne.
Marshall, Thomas R Columbia City.
Turner, William H Chicago.
Ranney, Ilenry C Chicago.
Gale, William H Chicago.
Patrick, Benjamin F Boston, Mass.
Munn, Loyal L Freeport.
Myers, Eugene B Chicago.
Egan, Wiley M Chicago.
Purdy, Warren G Chicago.
Getty, Ilenry PI Chicago.
Pond, Ilenry 11 Chicago.
Cregier, DeWitt C Chicago.
Skinkle, Jacob W Chicago.
O'Neil, John Chicago.
Brad well, James B Chicago.
Clarke, Haswell C Kankakee.
McLaren, John Chicago.
Russell, Alfred Chicago.
Church, James E Chicago.
Bannister, James Peoria.
Johnson, Robert M Chicago.
Poulson, W^illiam E Chicago.
Pace, Edward Coleman Ashley.
Pearson, John Mills Godfrey.
Hitchcock, Charles Freeman. .Peoria.
Miller, De Laskie Chicago.
Milligan, William Lee Roy. . .Ottawa.
Moulton, George M Chicago.
Bliss, Eliakim R Chicago.
Edwards, Isaac C Peoria.
Warvelle, George W Chicago.
Herrick. Charles K Chicago.
Gunther, Charles F Chicago.
MuUiner, Edward S Quincy.
Stoskopf, Michael Freeport.
Stoker, Eugene Le C Centralia.
Spies, Joseph Chicago.
Curtis, George W Peoria.
McLean, Alexander Macomb.
Luce, Frank M Chicago.
McLellan, Archibald Chicago.
Works, Charles A Rockford.
Walshe, Robert J Chicago.
Lorimer, George C Boston, Mass.
Wiltse, Hiram L Chicago.
Spring, Sylvester O Peoria.
Smith, Robert A Chicago.
May, John A Chicago,
Norton, John E Chicago.
Blocki, William F Chicago.
Knight, William M Chicago.
McFatrich, James B Chicago.
Drake, Chester T Chicago.
Goddard, Leroy A Chicago.
Rhodes, Henry L Centralia.
Rankin, Charles S Chicago.
Roundy, Frank C Chicago.
Ramsay, Frederic M Chicago.
Montgomery, Isaac S Rockford.
Haskins, Seth F Peoria.
Youngs, Melvin L Milwaukee.
Palmer, William T Milwaukee.
Greeley, Samuel F Chicago, 111.
Wilkinson, Francis M Milwaukee.
Haisler, Michael J Milwaukee.
Suessmilch, Frederick L. von Delavan.
Rogers, Charles D Milwaukee.
Bracken, Henry S Milwaukee.
Benzenberg, George H Milwaukee.
Brazier, William H Milwaukee.
Libbey, Oliver Green Bay.
Crosby, Francis J Milwaukee.
Watrous, Jerome A Milwaukee.
Cole, Sidney H Milwaukee.
Stark, Edwards J Milwaukee.
Jackson, E. Gilbert Oshkosh.
Fifield, Samuel S Ashland.
Bingham, Joel W Milwaukee.
Storke, Eugene F Milwaukee.
Laflin, John W .Milwaukee.
Golley, Frank B Milwaukee.
Miller, Daniel McL Oconomowoc.
Caufy, Luther L Milwaukee.
Daniels, Norman C Milwaukee.
Leuzarder, Benjamin T Milwaukee.
Wagner, Adolph H Milwaidcee.
Hooley, George T Milwaiikee.
Wechselberg, Julius Milwaukee.
Littlejohn, Newton M Whitewater.
Whitney, LeRoy C Milwaukee.
Kenny, William P Milwaukee.
Non-resident Honorary Ilembers.
Wadsworth, James C. L San Francisco, Cal.
Filmer, William San Francisco, CaL
Stevens, Enoch B Southport, N. C.
Millard, Alden C Iiulej)oiulcnce, Mo.
Wheeler, Frederick A Baltimore, Md.
Brown, Edward H Grass Valley, Cal.
Richardson, Lloyd D Hot Springs, Ark.
Concordant Orders.
Royal Order of Scotland. Provincial Grand
Lodge, U. S. A., W. Oscar Roome, Washington,
D. C.
Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. Chap-
ter General, U. S. A. ; Secretary General, Chas. K.
Francis, 425 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and Constan-
tine, Sovereign Grand Council ; Registrar General,
Thomas Leahy, Rochester, N. Y.
Non-Masonic Bodies to which only Freemasons
ARE Eligible.
Modern Socieli/ of Rosicrucians. Thomas J.
Shryock, Treasurer General, Baltimore, Md.
Ancient Arabic Order of Xohles of the Mystic
Shrine. Imperial Recorder, Benj. W. Rowell, 28
School Street, Boston, ^lass.
Sovereign College Allied Manonic Degrees. Grand
Recorder General, Charles A. Xesbitt,Richmond, Va.
Mystic Order, Veiled Projihets of the KncJianted
Realm. Grand Secretary, Sydney D. Smith, Ham-
ilton, X. Y.
Independent International Order of Owls. Ad-
dress John M. Sears, Xashville, Tenn.
Irregular or Spurious Masonic Bodies.
Various Grand and Subordinate Lodges, "An-
cient and Honorable Order, Free and Accepted
Masons''; Grand and Subordinate Chapters of
Royal Arch Masons, and Grand and Subordinate
Encampments of Knights Templars. (See Free-
masonry among Xegroes.) Enoch R. Spaulding,
Most Worshipful Grand Master, Oswego, X. Y. ;
Edward B. Irving, Past Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of the State of Xew York, and John
H. Deyo, Grand Secretary, Albany.
Supreme Council, A. A. S. R.. ^^ Northern Juris-
diction," U. S. A. (Xegro). S. C. Scottron, Grand
Commander, Brooklyn, X. Y.
Supreme Council, A. A. S. R., for the U. S. A.,
its Territories and Dependencies (Seymour-Cerneau
rite). Charles II. Benson, Grand Commander,
Jersey City, X. J.
Supreme Council, A. A. S. R., U. S. A., its Ter-
ritories and Dependencies (Thompson-Cerneau). J.
G. Barker, Grand Secretary General, 63 Bleeeker
Street, Xew York.
Supreme Council, A. A. S. R., U. S. A., Southern
and Western Jurisdiction (Xegro). Thornton A.
Jackson, Grand Commander. Washington, D. C.
Supreme Council, A. A. S. R., U. S. A., North-
ivestern Jurisdiction (Xegro). M. F. Fields, Grand
Commander, St. Louis, Mo.
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine of North and South America (Xegro). Ad-
dress Robert Hncless, Xew York ; John G. Jones,
" Freemasonry " among the Chinese.
— There is no such thing as Freema.sonry
among the Chinese, although there are Chi-
nese secret societies in the United States
which have been described as organizations
of Chinese " Freemasons." This is because
the word Freemasonry has been associated so
many years in the minds of the public with
a particular secret society that it has become
almost generic or descriptive of all things
regarded as similar. !Mauy terms and
j^hrases have crept out of Masonic Lodges
and into the American vernacular, of which
"On the square," "A square man," and
" On the level," are perhaps the best illus-
trations. Even the word Freemasonry itself
has acquired a specialized meaning, and is
frequentl}^ iised to characterize associations
which are secret, members of which have
private means of making themselves known
to each other, and to explain why those
engaged in a similar work or profession, or
those having like training or sympathetic
temperaments, are so quick to recognize the
fact. Thus it is that whether referring to a
Russian, Hottentot, or Arabic secret society
one finds the average essayist describing them
as Masonic. There are Masonic Lodges in
China, but they Avork under foreign war-
rants, and are made up almost exclusively,
if not entirely, of others than Chinese.
There is, however, a shadow of an excuse
for referring to some Chinese secret societies
as Chinese "Freemasonry," owing to the
striking resemblances between their rites
and ceremonies and those of the Freema-
sons. This is the more remarkable when
one recalls the antiquity of both, and the
lack of opportunity for either to have pat-
terned after the other. The Chinese Em-
pire is honeycombed with secret societies,
nearlv all of which are revolutionarv. hav-
iag in view the downfall of the T'sing dyn-
asty, a most efficient incentive to secrecy.
There is generally present a nominally ben-
evolent or philanthropic object, veiling the
political ends of these organizations, the
names of the best known of which are the
Hung League, from which came the Kolao
Hui, the White Lily, or White Lotns, or
"Do Nothing" Association; the Society of
Heaven, Earth, and Man ; the Triad Soci-
ety ; the Yellow Caps ; and the Golden Lily
Hui, which are arranged in military form
under four flags, whence they have come to
be known as the "White Flags, " "Black
Flags," "' Eed Flags," and " Yellow Flags. "
It was due to the action of the Hung League
that the Mongol dynasty of Genjhiz Khan
was overthrown, and without British aid the
present or Manchu dynasty would probably
have come to an end at the time of the strug-
gle with the T'ai Pings. The most power-
ful of these societies is the Kolao Hui, which
numbers more than 1,000,000 members, as
related by a writer in " Blackwood's Maga-
zine " in 1896, recruited from the dregs of
society, " time expired soldiers," unem-
ployed laboring people, and professional
thieves. This accounts for the disorder,
crime, and violence for which it is noted.
The sect known as the Vegetarians, with
rites and ceremonies showing traces of
"some early and debased form of Christian-
ity," is responsible for several massacres of
Christian missionaries. It was after being
hard jsressed by the authorities that it en-
deavored to sink its identity under the name
of the "Do-Nothing Party." The Kolao
Hui is governed by three chiefs, and mock-
ingly inscribes the words "Faith" and
" Eighteousness " upon its banners. The
religious claims of this and like societies
have induced the Chinese Government from
time to time to proscribe as dangerous or-
ganizations all religious sects (except Con-
fucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism), notably
the Roman Catholics, by the Emperor Yung
Lodges of the Hung League and of its
offspring, the Kolao Hui, meet in remote
and heavily wooded mountain districts. On
entering, members proceed to the first, or
Heaven-screen Pass, next to the Earth-net,
and thence to the Sun-moon Pass, after
which they cross a bridge to the Hall of
Fidelity and Loyalty, to the shrines of the
five ancestors, on the right a council room
and on the left a court. This account, con-
densed from the one "discovered by Pro-
fessor Schlegel," adds that from the court
extends a long road, between mountain and
sea, leading to the Moss Pass, or Pavilion of
the Black River, and thirteen Chinese miles
farther is the Golden Sparrow frontier,
where there are four buildings, the last of
which is " the Lodge," or " city of willows. "
Recruits, sometimes secured under threats
to kill for refusal to join the society, are
received into the Lodge by "passing the
bridge," marching under an arch, or bridge,
formed by the swords of the brethren, when
they are addressed as to the objects of the
association and listen to a lengthy catechism,
in Avhich they are supposed to make the re-
plies. The questions and answers are sig-
nificant of the aims of the society, abound-
ing in acrostics and Kabbalistic meanings
which are employed as passwords. The
candidates wash their faces, and after being
divested of their ordinary clothing are at-
tired in white robes. Then follows a long
oath, in which are invoked Father Heaven,
Mother Earth, the three lights — sun, moon,
and stars — the gods, saints, genii, Buddhas,
and all the star jirinces, to keep and per-
form which the candidates bind themselves
under a series of "dire pains and penal-
ties." The oath is confirmed by drinking
tea and wine from a bowl in which are
mixed a few drops of blood pricked from
the middle fingers of the candidates. The
oath is registered by burning a copy of it
that the smoke may ascend to the gods as
testimony. Each newly-made member re-
ceives a cryptographical certificate of mem-
bershiiJ which is held to possess talismanic
powers, and is enjoined to " learn the secret
signs and mystic sayings by whicli the breth-
ren are known to one another — how to lift
his tea-ciip witli tliree fingers, place his feet
in certain positions, liow to wind his hand-
kerchief round the end of his umbrella, to
ask and answer mysterious catch questions,
to speak of the government as " the en-
emy," of government soldiers as " a storm,"
of men as "horses," and of other common
objects in Hui slang. The Triad Society
claims to be the oldest existing Chinese
secret organization, dating " back to 16G4
A.D," It Avas the cause of the T'ai Ping
rebellion, which was suppressed by Li Hung
Chang aided by ''Chinese" Gordon. Its
secret ceremonies are similar to those of the
Hung League, and among the penalties for
treason, one is to have the ears lopped ofE,
and another the head cut off. Members al-
ways halt on entering a house, and then
proceed with the left foot first. When sit-
ting, they place their toes together and spread
their heels apart. They also recognize one
another by the way they place their tea-
cups on the table and the manner in which
they hitch their trousers. Their motto is,
"Drive out the Tartar." The "Black-
wood" article on "Secret Societies in
China," reprinted in the St. Louis "Globe
Democrat," .January 17, 1897, says further:
It is impossible to study these rites and cere-
monies without recognizing a strong resembhmce
between them and some of those of the Freemasons.
" The Bridge of Swords " is common to both socie-
ties, as are also the formation of Lodges and their
Orientation. In both societies the members are
entitled brothers, and confirm their oatli with
blood. During the ceremony of affiliation the
recruits, both among the Freemasons and the Hung
League, attire themselves in white garments and go
through the form of purification l)y washing. In
the Cliinese Lodges the triangle is a favorite emblem,
and lamj)s, steelyards, and scales form part of the
ordinary paraphernalia. It is curious to observe,
also, that the three degrees of Apprentice, Fellow-
craft, and Master among the Freemasons find their
analogues in the Sworn-Brother, Adopted-Brother,
and Righteous L^ncle in use in the Chinese Society.
AVith the foregoing outline of secret soci-
eties in China, it becomes easier to arrive at
an intelligible idea of secret societies of Chi-
nese in the United States, members of which
have been refen-ed to as Chinese Freema-
sons. An Associated Press despatch from
San Francisco, November 14, 1894, read in
part as follows :
The police have obtained evidence of the exis-
tence of a lawless and strongly organized band of
Chinese Highbinders, said to be 3,000 in number,
in this city. This society is not only an organiza-
tion of blackmailers, murderers, and thieved, but
also has for its purpose the overthrow of the present
Tartar dynasty.
This suggests what is well known to many
on the Pacific Coast, that whether the High-
binders, as they are called, are members of
the Kolao Hui or of the Triad Societies or
not^ they are gradtiates of the same school,
and many members of the Triad Society and
Kolao Hui are evidently associated with the
Highbinders. The different associations of
the latter are knoAvn as Tongs, and it is said
that some reputable Chinese belong to them
in order to secure protection from " levies "
by rival Tongs. Business disputes and jeal-
ousy lead to fights between Tongs, in which
blued (never nickeled) 44-caliber Colt re-
volvers, carried in the ample sleeves of the
Highbinders, are the almost universal weap-
ons. Evidence to convict those guilty of
assaults or murder is not easy to obtain, and
when cases do get into the courts, perjury
is the rule and difficult to detect. One of
the bitterest feuds between these organiza-
tions in San Francisco is that which has
raged for years between the Suey Sing Tong
and the Suey on Tong, causing much blood-
shed and work for the courts.
The Spokane " Peview," August 21,
1897, outlined an imitation ceremony at a
Chinese " Masonic " Lodge in that city, at
which it was said four white men. Free-
masons, were present by invitation. The
ceremonies seemed to parallel those of the
Hung League and Kolao Hui, already re-
ferred to, from which it nuiy be inferred the
Spokane Chinese Lodge represents a benevo-
lent branch of the Kolao Hui, of which less
is heard in China than of the main or revo-
hitionary and violent section of that society.
There Avere references to "the immortal
three," circumambulation, four stations at
Avhich questions were asked and answers
returned, kneeling on crossed swords, tea-
drinking, burning incense, a " traditional "
season of refreshment, and signs in which
the head and hands Avere used ; yet the " oc-
cidental Masons present Avere unable to de-
tect anything that resembled the Masonry
with Avhich they Avere familiar."
Chinese secret societies in the United
States originated in one or more of those in
China, and are found at almost all Ameri-
can centres of jiopulation Avliere there are a
considerable number of Chinese, more par-
ticularly at NcAV York city and at cities on
the Pacific Coast. ISTearly all of them east
of the Eocky Mountains are rather more
reputable than the Tongs of San Francisco,
but none of them is Masonic in character or
has any affiliation Avith Masonic bodies.
Freemasonry among the Mormons. —
Whether the so-called t\velve Mormon apos-
tles were Freemasons or not, and Avhether
or not the Mormon hierarchy utilized vari-
ous Masonic forms in their endowment
house ceremonies at Salt Lake City, have
long been matters of controversy; but the
following extracts from replies to letters of
inquiry on these points leave them no longer
in doubt.
From Christopher Diehl, Salt Lake City,
Utah, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge,
A. F. and A. M., of Utah, May 4, 1896:
I have been a resident of this city since 186G, and
a Mason since 1868. ... In the early days
much was said about Mormon Masonry in Nauvoo
(Illinois), but whether there was any such thing, I
could never tell. We never admitted Mormons to
our Lodges in those days. ... It was, however,
reported that there were Masons among them, more
especially B. Young, who was then alive, and I
doubt not he was, but could not swear to it. . . .
In the early days I made a study of Mormon Ma-
sonry, and wrote considerably about it in my reports
on correspondence, because the stand of Utah Ma-
sons was attacked for refusing Mormons admission
to our Lodges.
From J. H. C. Dill, Bloomington, Illi-
nois, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge,
F. and A. M., of Illinois, May 11, 1806 :
I have no way of telling whether or not any of
the twelve Mormon apostles were members of the
(Masonic) Lodge at Nauvoo. Possibly returns were
made, but this office has twice been burned out,
and all records destroyed. I can give the names
and addresses of two old and prominent Masons
who know a great deal about the Mormon troubles,
and were present when " old Joe Smith " was killed:
B. Mendenhall, Dallas City, and William R. Hamil-
ton, Carthage, 111.
From Theodore S. Parvin, Cedar Kapids,
Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, F. and
A. M., of Iowa, May 6, 1896 :
I personally and officially know that the Mormons
had a (Masonic) Lodge at Nauvoo (Illinois) in the
years 1840 to the period they removed from Illinois
to Kanesville, Council Bluffs, la., and later to Salt
Lake City. I know, further, that the Grand Lodge
of Illinois revoked the charter of that Lodge, but
the Mormons refused to surrender it . . . and
took it with them, and worked a Lodge in Salt Lake
City under that charter. I know very well, also,
from attendance upon the Grand Lodge, that it was
distinctly stated then and there . . . that Jo-
seph Smith was a Mason ; and I have no doubt, also,
that Brigham Young was a member of the same
From William E. Hamilton, Past Master
of Hancock Lodge, ?fo. 20, F. and A. M.,
Carthage, 111., May 26, 1896 :
At the time of the Mormon era in this county I
was but a boy of eleven years, and could only know
about Masonry by hearing men that I knew to be
Masons talk about it. It was claimed and believed
that spurious Masons were being made (at Nauvoo)
about 1842-43, and the Lodge at this place ceased to
work on that account. . . . Brother Edmunds
resided at Nauvoo for many years, . . . and, in
all probability, is the only man in this county who
was a Mason at that time.
From G. Edmunds, attorney, Carthage,
111., to W. K. Hamilton of the same place.
May 25, 1896 :
The charter of what was known as the Mormon
Masonic Lodge at Nauvoo had been surrendered
before I settled there, in 1845, and I only know
from hearsay and talk with members of that Lodge,
who afterwards became members of Reclamation
Lodge, No. 54 (where I was made a Mason), who
were members of the original Lodge at Nauvoo.
Dr. John P. Weld, a member of Reclamation
Lodge, No. 54, informed me he was a member of the
original Nauvoo Lodge; also that Brigham Young,
Orson Hyde, Wilford WoodruiT, IleberC. Kimball,
William Smith, and others of the " Twelve
Apostles" were members of the said original
(Nauvoo) Masonic Lodge, as were also Joseph the
prophet, and Iliram Smitli, his brother. There
was no connection between the IMormon endow-
ment house and Masonry, none whatever.
Contributed by B. Mendenbiill, Dallas
City, 111. (District Deputy Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge, F. and A. M., of Illinois
in 1882), May 23, 1896 :
In the year 1839-40 the Mormons began to
gather at Nauvoo, 111., and build a town, or, as
they religiously called it, the "Zion." Among so
large a number of men from all parts of the world,
there were some who were Freemasons, and natur-
ally they conceived the idea of instituting a Lodge
at Nauvoo. Accordingly, they applied to the
Grand Master for a dispensation to form and work
a Lodge to be called Nauvoo Lodge, U. D. On the
loth day of October, 1841, a petition signed by
the requisite number of Master Masons at Nauvoo
was sent to Grand Master A. Jonas, residing at
Quincy, for a dispensation to form a lodge at
Nauvoo. The prayer of the petition was granted,
and the dispensation was duly forwarded to the
brethren. They went to work during the winter
following and did a wholesale business. Li Octo-
ber, 1842, when the Grand Lodge met, the Commit-
tee on Lodges, U. D., reported that the returns of
Nauvoo Lodge were not as required, but it was
thought best to continue the dispensation for an-
other year. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge
in 1843, the committee found many complaints
against the Lodge at Nauvoo. As no returns had
been sent in, the Grand Master sent a committee to
Nauvoo to examine into the work and doings of the
Lodge. Grand Master Meradith Helm wascr officio
chairman of the committee, and went to Nauvcxj
and attempted to make an investigation, but both
he and the committee were treated with contempt
by the Mormons and their leaders. Why the
Grand Master did not take the dispensation away
with him has been a matter of comment ever since.
When the Grand Lodge met in October, 1844, it ex-
pelled all the members of Nauvoo Lodge, decla'red
the Lodge irregular and clandestine, and annulled
the dispensation. No charter was ever granted
them. Some of the irregularities were in voting
on eight or ten candidates at one ballot, holding
clandestine meetings, and initiating candidates
who were notorious outlaws or men of bail ri'puto.
After expulsion the Nauvoo Lodge continued to
hold clandestine meetings and to make innovations
to conform to Mormon teachings.
When the Temple was mostly finished at Nauvoo,
the Mormons instituted the endowment ceremonies
and incorporated tlierein some of tlie ritual of Ma-
.sonry. To-day, at Salt Lake City, they still prac-
tise these eeremoi\ies. A visitor to the old town
of Nauvoo to-day will see a three-story brick build-
ing standing on the low land adjoining the sliores
of the Mississippi River. It is a quaint, old-style
building, with the gable end to the east and a rep-
resentation of the All-Seeing Eye painted on the
eastern end. The foundation, which is of stone, is
graced by a square-cut stone, aljout three feet each
way, in which is cut, in well-defined letters, the
words, "Grand Master A, Helm, 1843." It is at
the northeast corner. The building, which was
always known as the Masonic Temple, is fast falling
into ruins.
The witnesses to the "Book of Mormon" were
three, to-wit: P. P. Pratt, or Parley P. Pratt, an
Englishman by birth, and one of the twelve ;
Martin Harris, afterwards an apostate, and Oliver
Cowdery, also one of the twelve. The first or
original twelve apostles of the Mormon Church
were: Sidney Rigden, who was president ; Parley
P. Pratt, Oliver Cowdery, Orson Hyde, John Tay-
lor, William Richards, Amasa Lyman, Daniel
Wells, Hyrum Smith, William Smitli, Brigham
Young, Orson Pratt, and David A. Wyman. After
the death of Joe Smith the propiu't, Brigham
Young succeeded as Chief of the Twelve Apostles,
and finally to the head of the Churcli at Salt Lake
City. All the leaders of the Mormon Church were
Masons, that is, according to their own peculiar
views, which, of course, meant under the control
and direction of the Mormon Church. It seems
that Masonry was not to flourisli in Nauvoo, for
when another Lodge was chartered by our Grand
Lodge, in 1848, founded on the ruins of the
Nauvoo Lodge, Reclamation, No. 54, althougli
appearing prosperous at first, and doing a fair
amount of work, yet the reputation and associations
of the first Nauvoo Lodge clung to it ; and the
writer hereof, in the year 1882. being then Deputy
Grand Master of the district, was ordered by the
Grand Master to take up its charter for unmasonic
conduct. That was done, and tliere has been no
Masonic Lodge at Nauvoo since. Tlie Grand Lodge
of Utah of A. F. and A. M. never would admit
Mormons to membership in any of the Lodges in its
Kevelations of the inuer religious cere-
monial life of the Mormons, jniblished
years ago, stated that the Mormon leaders
were violently anti-Mason in their preach-
ings and teachings prior to their hegira from
New York State, which may be explained
by the fact that the sect was founded not
only during the period of anti-Masonic
excitement, but in the very region from
Avhich Morgan, the apostate Freemason,
disappeared. When the Mormons went
West, it is singular, but perhaps not signifi-
cant, that Morgan's wife (widow?) went with
them; and in an interview between the first
wife of Orson Pratt and Kate Fields, pub-
lished in the St. Louis " Globe Democrat,"
December 4, 1892, Mrs. Pratt tells of the
presence at Nauvoo, 111., 18-40-46, of the
widow of Morgan, where she had married a
Mormon. From what has been made pub-
lic concerning Mormon endowment house
ceremonies by such apostate Mormons as
Mrs. Pratt, and others, there would appear
to be no Freemasonry in them. Those who
invented them drew heavily on "Paradise
Lost'' and the Old Testament for a ritual,
and, by paralleling certain forms and situa-
tions in Craft Masonry, succeeded in con-
structing what proved to most of their
followers to be an impressive, if not in-
spired, ceremonial.
Freemasonry among Negroes. —
Among more than 1,300,000 affiliated and
unaffiliated white Freemasons in the United
States, comparatively few have familiarized
themselves with the details of the history
of the Fraternity, and to such it will j)rove
in the nature of a surprise to learn that there
are probably 60,000 negro Freemasons in
the country, whose Freemasonry comes from
the same source as their own, the Grand
Lodge of England. The average white
Freemason knows there are so-called negro
Freemasons, but has generally regarded
their Freemasonry as a spurious variety,
and the possessors, at best, as clandestine.
As to the first inference he is mistaken, and
as to the second he might substitute the
word irregular. Early in 1775 Prince Hall,
an educated negro, twenty-seven years of
age, was made a Freemason at Boston, in an
English army Lodge connected with Gen-
eral Gage's command, and on March 6th,
the same year, fourteen other Boston negroes
were made Freemasons in the same Lodge,
at Castle William, Boston Harbor, now Fort
Independence. Each is declared to have
paid a fee of twenty-five guineas for the
three degrees. The motive of the members
of the army Lodge in initiating, passing,
and raising these fifteen negroes may best
be conjectured. If it was to secure the
cooperation of negroes in the prospective
struggle with the colonists, it failed so far as
Prince Hall is concerned; for the latter sided
with the colonists, shouldered a musket, and
remained a useful and prominent citizen of
Massachusetts until his death in 1807.
At the annual session of the (white)
Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ohio, in
1875, the following conclusions were re-
l^orted by a committee of eminent members
(among them Enoch T. Carson) on that
portion of the address of the Grand Master
which referred to ''colored Masonry":
Your Committee deem it sufficient to say that they
are satisfied beyond all question that colored Free-
masonry had a legitimate begimiing in this coun-
try, as much so as any other Freemasonry ; in fact,
it came from the same source.
Your Committee have the most satisfactory and
conclusive evidence that these colored Freemasons
practise the very same rites and ceremonies and
have substantially the same esoteric or secret modes
of recognition as are practised by ourselves and by
the universal family of Freemasons throughout the
Prince Hall and his brother (negro) Free-
masons continued to meet socially and other-
Avise, and (as declared and not disproved) as
a Lodge, although they did no Masonic
work, until some time between 1781 and
1783, when they applied to the Massachu-
setts Grand Lodge for a warrant. The re-
quest was refused. Application for a war-
rant was made to the Grand Lodge of Eng-
land, March 7, 1784, and on September 29,
1784 (shortly after the close of the War of
the Eevolution), the Grand Lodge of Eng-
land issued a warrant to Prince Hall and his
fourteen associates at Boston, constituting
African Lodge, No. 454, of Free and Ac-
cepted Masons. But it was not until 1787
that the fee for the warrant was received
in England, the Avarrant delivered, and tlie
Lodge name entered on the roll of Lodges
holding obedience to the Grand Lodge of
England. Tt will be borne in mind tli,at
the present American Masonic doctrine of
exclusive territorial jurisdiction was not rec-
ognized abroad at that time, and was not
being enforced here. African Lodge con-
tinued a regular, working Lodge of the
Cirand Lodge of England as late as ]797,
making anuual or other returns, with con-
tributions to the charity fund of the Grand
Lodge of England, as required by its war-
rant. That it was really active is shown
by its establishing a Lodge at Philadelphia
in 1797, and one at Providence, concerning
Avhicli the late Albert Pike wrote, September
13, 1875, to the Grand Secretary of the
(white) Grand Lodge of Ohio:
Prince Hall Lodge was as regular a Lodge as any
Lodge created by a competent aulhoilty, and had a
perfect right (as other Lodges in Eiu'opc did) to es-
tablish other Lodges, making itself a mother Lodge.
That's the way tlie Berlin Lodges, Three Globes and
Itoyal York became Grand Lodges.
As to the question of the strict Masonic
legality of all that African Lodge and some
of its successors did, T. S. Parvin, Grand
Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Iowa wrote
to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge
of Ohio :
The negroes can make as good a show for the
legality of their Grand Lodges as the whites can.
It's only a matter of taste, not laws. I am satisfied
that all the world outside the United States will,
ere long, recognize them.
Upon the union of the Grand Lodges of
England, in 1813, African Lodge was re-
moved from the list, and has iicver been
recognized by the Grand Lodge of England
since. African Lodge, however, must have
ignored this treatment, for its records are
declared to show that eighty candidates were
initiated between 1807 and 1826. In 1808
delegates from the negro Lodges at Boston,
Providence, and Philadelphia met at Bos-
ton and formed African (frequently called
" Prince Hall ") (J rand Lodge (referred to
by Pike in a preceding quotation), which
body is the source of all .Masonic authority
among negro Freemasons in the United
States to-day. In 1827 African Lodge de-
clared itself indepemlent of the Grand
Lodge of England. In 1847 there were
three negro (J rand Lodges: one in Massa-
chusetts, and two in Pennsylvania, delegates
from which met at Boston that year and or-
ganized the " National Grand Lodge of the
United States of North America," to be
the Supreme Masonic power in the United
States. Grand Lodges were formed in New
York, New Jersey, Maryland, and the Dis-
trict of Columbia in 1848, in Ohio and
Delaware in 1849, in Indiana, Ehodc Island,
and the Province of Ontario in 1850, in
Louisiana in 1863, and Liberia in 1867.
Louisiana refused allegiance to the National
Grand Lodge, and three years later Ohio
Avithdrew from it, followed by the Grand
Lodge of the District of Columbia. By
1880 all the Grand Lodges except Missis-
sippi had withdrawn, and not long after the
National Grand Lodge practically ceased to
exist. In 1890 there were Sovereign Grand
Lodges of Free and Accepted negro Ma-
sons in thirty-two States, and one each in
the District of Columbia, the Province of
Ontario, and in Liberia.
S. R. Scottron, Brooklyn, writes, July 27,
1897, that the National (irand Lodge " still
exists," with subordinate Lodges '*in sev-
eral States," but it is doubtful whether this
is anything more than an attempt of former
officials to revive it. One of the best known
negroes formerly connected with the Na-
tional Grand Lodge is Richard Gleaves,
of Washington, D. C, Lieutenant-Governor
of South Carolina during the reconstruc-
tion period, and National Grand blaster of
negro Freemasons for many years. The
"negro question" in American Masonic
Grand Lodges has naturally been promi-
nent during the latter half of the century.
In New Jersey it took a crucial form when
Alpha Lodge, No. 16, at Newark, made a
number of negroes Freemasons. The re-
sult, for a time, was no inconsiderable dis-
satisfaction among the Craft, but the Lodge
continues to this day on the roll of the
Grand Lodge of New Jersey, the only in-
stance in the United States of a regular
Masonic Lodge of negroes attached to a
white Grand Lodge. In 1875 the white
Grand Lodge of Ohio became interested
in the subject of the universality of Free-
masonry, and an eifort was made to recog-
nize the negro Grand Lodge of that State.
The matter was referred to a committee,
and a report was made in favor of the
project. When it came to voting on the
adoption of the report, a point of order was
raised, which the Grand Master decided not
well taken. On appeal, the Grand Master's
decision was reversed by a vote of 390 to 332,
and so the whole matter came to naught.
E. B. Irving, Grand Master of "the Most
"Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most -An-
cient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted (negro) Masons, State of New
York," writes from Albany, March 16,
1896, that "the Prince Hall Grand Lodge
of Massachusetts, from which all negro
Grand Lodges obtain their authority, is in
fraternal relations with white Grand Lodges
in Germany and Hungary," and that "in
foreign countries colored Masons are received
and accorded all the rights of a brother in
Masonic Lodges, although (even though ?)
he may hail from the United States," and
that he has "yet to learn of one who has
been refused." S. W. Clark, Grand Mas-
ter of (negro) Free Masons in Ohio in 1886,
whose pamphlet, "The Negro Mason in
Equity," is well worth careful reading, adds
that in France, Italy, Germany, Hungary,
Peru, and Dominica "our representatives"
are "received, and accredited as such."
Mr. Clark makes an able plea for the recog-
nition of the regularity of negro Masonic
Lodges in America, and, while he seems to
have demolished those of his adversaries
who rely upon the American Masonic doc-
trine of " exclusive territorial jurisdiction,"
he appears to rely too much upon proving
irregularity on the part of early white Grand
bodies, to excuse the irregularity of like
negro organizations, overlooking the fact
that the irregularity of the former was
subsequently healed. His argument is, of
course, that the faults of the early grand and
subordinate negro bodies could be healed by
competent Masonic authority with quite as
much propriety; the only reply to which is
that it has not been done. Yet, when all
else is said, the quoted comment by the late
Albert Pike cannot be ignored, that the first
African Grand Lodge, formed by represent-
atives of three subordinate Lodges, two of
which Lodges were created by the first, was
no more irregular than were the Berlin
Grand bodies, the Three Globes, and the
Royal York, which were formed in a similar
In 1898 the Grand Lodge of the State
of Washington took an advanced view of
this subject, going so far as to suggest the
propriety of the recognition of the legiti-
macy of colored Freemasons, the origin of
the charters of whose Lodges is found, of
course, in the charter granted to African
Lodge of Boston by the Grand Lodge of
England, in the last century. As a conse-
quence the Grand Lodge of Kentucky has
adopted a resolution declaring non-inter-
course with Washington ; the Grand Lodges
of Arkansas, New Jersey, and South Caro-
lina have also severed relations with Wash-
ingbon, and the Grand Master of New York
has requested the Grand Eepresentative
of Washington to resign his commission.
Maryland and Rhode Island contented them-
selves by expressing the hope that Wash-
ington will reconsider its action.
There are, therefore, two streams of Free-
masonry coursing through the United
States. Each started from the same source
and both are running in the same direction.-
One forms a mighty torrent, while the other
is only a brook. But their routes to the
great sea of universal brotherhood are paral-
lel, divided only by the embankment of con-
ditions and race prejudice.
Negro Freemasons in America have flat-
tered white possessors of various jMasonic
rites and ceremonials by imitating or paral-
leling all of them. Thus we find among
the negroes symbolic Lodges, Koyal Arch
Chapters, and Commanderies of Knights
Templars, corresponding to the American
system, as well as five or more so-called Su-
preme Councils of a "thirty-third degree
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Eite," each
claiming exclusive jurisdiction and the ab-
solute lack of authority on the part of rival
Supreme Councils.
The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Com-
mander of the Philadelphia Negro Supreme
Council, George W. Koper, wrote John H.
Deyo, Grand Master of negro Freemasons
in New York, in 1895, that the first negro
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons was organ-
ized at Philadelphia in 1819 or 1830, by the
aid of the white Koyal Arch Chapter of the
State of Pennsylvania, and that the first
negro Grand Royal Arch Chapter was formed
in Pennsylvania in or about 1826. Little
more was done in this direction until long
after the anti-Masonic agitation died out
(1836), and it was not until 1879, according
to Macoy, that a Grand Royal Arch Chapter
was organized in New York. Statistics re-
garding '■ Chapter Masonry "among negroes
are difficult to obtain, but from inquiry
among a number of those best informed it
seems probable that negro Royal Arch Chap-
ters number more than 5,000 members.
The statement is also made that the first
Commandery of negro Knights Templars
was formed at Philadelphia (some time, but
not long after the first Royal Arch Cha])-
ter) by the white Grand Encampment of
Knights Templars of Pennsylvania (1816-
25). Whether it was the Grand Chajiter
and the Grand Encampment of Pennsyl-
vania, or merely white Royal Arch Masons
and Knights Templars who were responsi-
ble for these acts may never be known. In
fact, this explanation of the origin of
Capitular and Templar Freemasonry among
negroes seems to rest on the declarations of
the men named. Negro Knights Templars
were not known out of Pennsylvania for
many years, when they appeared in Balti-
more and Washington. The first negro En-
campment in New York was organized, ac-
cording to Macoy, as late as 1872, and the
Grand Encampment there in 1875. The
writer is informed by those who should
know that there were nineteen negro
Grand Encampments in the L'nited States
in 1895, with nearly 3,000 Sir Knights.
African Supreme Council, " Ancient, Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite for the American
Continent," is declared to have been estab-
lished at Philadelphia in 1820 by authority
of the Grand Orient of France, whicli body,
Masonic students will recall, did not, and
does not, authorize the working of degrees
of that rite. It is of interest to note, how-
ever, that while negro Royal Arch Masons
and Knights Templars claim that the first
negro Chapter and Encampment were
formed at Philadelphia by members of the
Pennsylvania white Grand Chapter and
Grand Encampment, respectively, their tra-
ditions as to the founding of the first negro
Supreme Council (Scottish Rite) attribute
it to a foreign supreme body — strangely
enough, to the one of the two French Ma-
sonic supreme bodies which, in 1820, recog-
nized only the French Rite of seven degrees.
African Supreme Council is not known to
have done much more than to exist on paper
until 1850, when it was succeeded by the so-
called David Leary Supreme Council. The
latter did not exhibit much activity until
after the Civil War, and when questioned as
to tbe warrant for its authority, presented a
document purporting to have been issued
by the (Jrand Orient of France, in 1850, to
David Leary of Philadelphia, through its
Deputy, one Larine, and signed by certain
persons as officers. On comparing the names
with those laid down in the aunual calen-
dars of the Grand Orient and in its bulle-
tins, it was found that no such men had
held office at that or any other time, nor did
the name of Larine appear in its tableau of
membership, nor was the seal appended
thereto the seal of the Grand Orient. T^liis
warrant, when examined by representatives
of a rival negro Supreme Council, was found
to be sealed with the letters "A. Y. M."
and '' a Good Templar's Seal." It may be
well to explain that the Scottish Rite de-
grees in France are conferred exclusively
by the authority of the Supreme Council, a
body having no connection with the Grand
Orient. The latter, although j)ossessing
these degrees, discountenances their use, as
it does the rites of Misraim, Memphis, and
other products of Masonic degree-makers of
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
An outgrowth of the revival of this so-
called Scottish Rite Freemasonry at Philadel-
phia was the formation of a rival known as
King David Supreme Council. It claimed
direct descent from African Supreme Coun-
cil, which died in 1850. There was also
a King Frederick Supreme Council there,
twenty years ago, established by the founder
of the Baltimore Supreme Council, who
claimed to have authority for that purpose
from the negro Supreme Council for the
United States, its Territories and Dependen-
cies, established at New York city in 1864 by
Baron Auguste Hugo de Bulow, a member
of the Supreme Council of France. As that
New York Supreme Council repudiated the
placing of Supreme Councils at Baltimore
and at Philadelphia, little remains to be said
in reference to them. So far as learned, the
only existing negro Supreme Councils are
the David Leary of Philadelphia, with which
the King Frederick Supreme Council united
in 1881 under the title S. C, etc.. Northern
Jurisdiction, U. S. A.; that referred to at
New York city; the " Supreme Council for
the Southern Jurisdiction of the TJ. S. A.,"
with headquarters at Washington, Thornton
A. Jackson, M. P. S. G. C, which bases its
authority on "a charter for a Council of
Princes of Jerusalem, purporting to have
been issued by the African Council," Phila-
delphia, and is in affiliation with the Phila-
delphia consolidated (Northern) Supreme
Council, and the " Supreme Council for the
Northwestern Jurisdiction of the United
States," with its "Grand East" at St.
Louis, an organization of schismatic origin.
The Washington Supreme Council (South-
ern Jurisdiction) was formed in 1869, and
soon became dormant, but was revived in
1879. There are, therefore, four negro Su-
preme Councils professing to confer Scottish
Rite degrees in the United States. They
are spasmodically active, usually dormant,
exhibitions of life, being usually confined to
a gathering of officers to reelect each other,
or to make a few "thirty-seconds" and
"thirty-thirds." The St. Louis Supreme
Council, which claims Northwestern Juris-
diction, has about 150 members, but noth-
ing in the nature of what, by even a stretch
of courtesy, conld be called authority for
existence. The Washington Supreme Coun-
cil's existence rests, it is declared, on a char-
ter for a Council of Princes of Jerusalem
(a subordinate Scottish Rite body), granted
by African Supreme Council years before
the Washington organization appeared. Its
own claim to a warrant from the Grand
Orient of France refers, probably, to the bare
allegation that the African Supreme Coun-
cil was chartered by the Grand Orient, a
statement which is its own refutation. The
spurious character of the warrant of the
Philadelphia Supreme Council has been re-
ferred to. This leaves only the New York
Supreme Council to deal with — that of
Avhich Peter W. Ray, M.D., and S. R. Scot-
tron of Brooklyn, N. Y., are leaders. The
Baron de Bulow, 33°, a member of the
Supreme Council of France, came to New
York in 1862, accredited as a Representa-
tive to the Supreme Council of the United
States, Northern Jurisdiction (white) — as
related by negro Freemasons, members of
the negro Supreme Council of New York,
and, as also admitted, he returned to France
accredited b}- the (white) Supreme Council
named, as Representative to the Supreme
Council of France — the body controlling
Scottish Eite grades or degrees in France.
On a second visit to this country, in 18G4,
the Baron, finding no Scottish Kite Masonry
among negro Freemasons here, declared the
(that ?) territory vacant, and by his claimed
prerogative, as Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of the Supreme Council of France,
he organized a Supreme Council of negroes
who had been created thirty-third degree
Freemasons by himself for that purpose.
The first to receive the degree was Patrick
H. Reason, then Most Worshipful Grand
Master of the negro Grand Lodge of Free-
masons of the State of New York. De
Bulow never returned to France, but re-
mained until his death, in the endeavor to
firmly establish Scottish Rite Freemasonry
among colored men. In vieAV of the Baron's
action, it is proper to jioint out that by
the law of all recognized Supreme Coun-
cils of the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite
(of which the Sujoreme Council of France is
one), no Inspector General is permitted to
establish a Supreme Council of the rite in
any country where such a body already ex-
ists, except by special patent issued for the
2)urpose. The question, then, is, did De
Bulow know of the existence of a Supreme
Council in the United States at the time he
took this step — one recognized by the Su-
preme Council of France ? The answer is,
of course, that as he had visited such a
Council here — that for the Northern Juris-
diction— and had beeii appointed by it a
Representative to the Supreme Council of
France; one, therefore, did exist, and un-
less he had a special patent from France
empowering him to do what he did in 18G4
— which he never had or claimed to have —
his action in establishing a negro Supreme
Council was, Masonically, illegal and void.
De Bulow was evidently a visionary, un-
doubtedly a philanthropist, and on what he
conceived to be the ethics of a situation, a
law unto himself. He showed his sincerity
in what he did by creating his son and ten
negroes "thirty-third degree Masons," who
with himself — nine black and two white
men — were the original members of the
negro Sujireme Council "for the United
States, its Territories and Dependencies."
All the negro Supreme Councils men-
tioned are, for reasons given, irregular;
some of them spurious, and none of tliem
has ever been accorded recognition by any
regular Supreme Council in the world.
Their total membership is about 1,000,
of which about 600 belong to the Philadel-
phia and Washington bodies, and 250
to the New York Supreme Council. An
effort was made, in 1881, to unite the
negro Supreme Councils, but, with the
exception noted, it failed, and the strife
for office, for decorations, and for recog-
nition of the regularity of one over another
is likely to keep them apart.
Little remains to be added in a brief
historical sketch of Freemasonry among
negroes, except that a schismatic Scot-
tish Rite body existed for a brief period
at New York, a few years ago, known
as the "Joe Smith " Supreme Council, and
that nearly twenty-five years ago one Robert
Cowes (negro) claimed to have received the
ritual of the Rite of Memphis from the
Grand Orient of France for propagation
among negroes in the LTnited States. It is
not known that he ever received authority
to do that. On the contrary, there is good
reason to believe that the Grand Orient of
France did nothing of the kind. (See Free-
masonry, Rite of Memphis.) In any event
no bodies of that rite exist here. About
twenty years ago there was a negro Supreme
Council established at Baltimore (not the
one already referred to) by Charles P. Daly
of Ocala, Fla., who claimed authority from
some body in the British West Indies. The
first negro Su])reme Council at Baltimore was
established by Lemuel G. Griffin, as stated,
an Inspector General of the New York Su-
preme Council, who afterward organized
King Frederick Supreme Council at Phila-
delphia. Nothing is known of these organi-
zations to-day.
Freemasonry : Rite of Memphis, An-
cient and Primitive. — No account of this
Masonic rite would be complete which ig-
nored its parent, the Rite of Misraim. The
latter was founded at j\rilan in 1805. Prom-
inent among its members were Lechangeur,
Joly, and Bedarride. Lechangeur, on being
refused admission into the Supreme Council
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
compiled and organized the Rite of Misraim
in opposition to the former. It consisted
of eighty-seven degrees at first, later of
ninety degrees, which included nearly all
the numerous Scottish Rite degrees in ex-
istence— degrees borrowed from other rites,
from floating material, or invented for the
purpose. It was introduced into France in
1814, where recognition was refused it by
the Grand Orient. In 1817 the Supreme
Council of the Rite of Misraim was dis-
solved, but Lodges continued to exist, and
finally, in 1822, the Rite became dormant,
although it has been practised by a few Eu-
ropean Lodges at intervals almost ever since.
The ninety degrees were conferred (most
of them, probably, communicated) in four
series and seventeen classes; the first being
entitled Symbolic, the second Philosophic,
the third Mystical, and the fourth Kabbalis-
tic. This Rite claimed the privilege of con-
trolling all other Masonic rites, which, aside
from its being very complicated, was enough
to condemn it. Some of its degrees were
based on the ancient Egyptian mysteries,
hence Misraim, an ancient name for Egypt.
It differs from ail other Masonic rites in
that it abolished the legend of the third de-
gree, and introduced the story of the death
of a son of Lamech, who was killed by three
ruffians. An attempt to revive the rite in
France in 1856 failed, and Gould, in his
" History of Freemasonry," says that for
several years after its few Lodges continued
a precarious existence. A ponderous ac-
count of the Rite was published by Mark
Bedarride in 1835, entitled " The Order of
Jacques Etienne Marconis was initiated
into the Rite of Misraim in April, 1833, and
expelled therefrom in June following. In
1839, in association with Moullet and others,
he founded the Rite of Memphis at Paris,
and soon after established Lodges at Mar-
seilles and Brussels. It consisted of ninety-
one degrees, later of ninety-two degrees, and
afterward of ninety-six degrees, with a
ninety-seventli degree for the official head
of the Rite. It should require little special
information to properly infer that this rite
was based on that of Misraim. It appro-
priated bodily degrees of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, those peculiar to the
Rite of Misraim, and supplemented them
with inventions. Gould states that Mar-
conis, who had been expelled in 1833, estab-
lished a Lodge of the Rite of Misraim in
1836, and in 1838 was again expelled. Then
he fabricated the Rite of Memphis, the first
Lodge of which was formed at Paris in 1838.
In 1840 the Paris Lodges of the Rite were
closed by the police, but were revived in
1849. The Rite was unrecognized by the
Grand Orient of France during all that
period, and, therefore, was irregular. Late
in the fifties it became dormant. Mackey
states that in 1862 Marconis applied to the
Grand Orienr of France for recognition for
the Rite of Memphis, and got it by divest-
ing himself of all authority over it and plac-
ing it entirely in the hands of the Grand
Orient, which absorbed and shelved it,
where, so far as the Grand Orient is con-
cerned, it remains to-day. As this rite util-
ized the third degree of Craft Masonry, sev-
eral of its Lodges were revived after 1862,
but worked only the symbolic degrees.
In 1873 one Carence, with Marconis, con-
ferred the Rose Croix (Memphis) degree on
several Freemasons who were officially in-
formed that no power or authority permitted
such an act, as Marconis had divested him-
self of all claim to the rite in May, 1862,
and again, formally, in 1863, 1864, 1865, and
18G6. In reply to an inquiry from tlie Su-
preme Council of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of England, in 1872, the Grand
Secretary of the Grand Orient of France ex-
plained the foregoing, and stated that at the
time the treaty was negotiated with Mar-
conis, 18G2, II. J. Seymour of New York
city was at Paris; but that he, the latter,
received no power to confer degrees of the
Rite of Memphis, although, owing to the
bad faith of ^larconis, the latter pretended
he had ceded the rite to the Grand Orient
for France alone. Seymour assumed the
title of Grand Master of the Rite of Mem-
phis for America, and founded a Sovereign
Sanctuary in New York, Avhich, strangely
enough, in 18G7 appeared on the Calendar
of the Grand Orient of France for that year.
The Grand Secretary of the latter body adds
that after learning Seymour was conferring
more than the three symbolic degrees, the
Grand Orient "' broke off all connection with
this power and personally with Brother Sey-
mour," who never had ''either a char-
ter or power from the Grand Orient of
On the other hand, Gould says that in
1850 and 1854 a Chapter and a Council of
the Rite of Memphis had been established
in New York city, and that in 1860 Mar-
conis went to America and established a
Grand Lodge of " Discij^les of Memphis"
at Troy. In 1857 the rite was known in
New York, and in 18G2 a Sovereign Sanc-
tuary chartered. It was taken from
America to England in 1872, where the
number of degrees was reduced from ninety-
five tp thirty-three. The same authority
explains that in 1862 Marconis, in response
to a circular sent out by the Grand Orient
of France, demanded recognition for "'one
of his dormant French Lodges," which was
granted; that his symbolic Lodges then be-
came a part of the Grand Orient, and his
Avhole system was supposed to have come
under the supervision of that Grand body.
According to this, the rite had been estab-
lished in the United States before ^larconis
ceded anything to the Grand Orient of
France. Robert Morris, in the " Freema-
sons' Almanac," January 1, 18G5, says that
the Rite of Memphis has a beautiful and im-
pressive ritual; that it was introduced here
November 9, 185G, by Marconis, who estab-
lished a Supreme Council, ninety degrees,
Avith John Mitchel at its head, and a Sover-
eign Grand Council, ninety-four degrees,
with David McLellan as Grand blaster.
But for some reason the system did not
flourish, not even after Seymour was in-
vested with the highest degree in Paris in
1862, and Avith authority to establish a Sov-
ereign Grand Sanctuary of Conservators
General of the Order in America. A Sov-
ereign Council General was established in
New England, but that and the various
State organizations made slow headway, and
had only a few hundred working members.
Seymour, who had a pyrotechnical, but un-
enviable, career in several Masonic rites, is
declared by members of a so-called Scottish
Rite among negroes in the United States
to have received the ritual of the Rite of
Memphis from Robert Cowes, a negro, to
whom it was committed by the proper au-
thorities for propagation among his race,
and to have used it for his (Seymour's)
benefit. This is probably an error, due to
Marconis's having been nicknamed " De
Negre," owing to his dark complexion.
H. C. Goodale of Jamaica, L. I., for sev-
eral years the chief secretarial ofticer of the
Rite of Memphis in America, adds that Sey-
mour did not condense the Rite of Memphis
to form his Cerneau Rite. Mr. Goodale
wrote, in 1895, that the Rite of Memphis
still existed, but that it was " very inac-
tive," practically dormant, "waiting for
better times." In addition to the Sover-
eign Sanctuary established in 1862, there
had been formed six Mystic Temples, twelve
Councils, S. M. G. W., twenty-three Sen-
ates of n. P.. and forty-one Chapters of
R. C, with a membership in 1895, which,
while not large, was scattered through many
States. The roll of Grand Conservators was
declared to include " many Past Grand Mas-
ters and high dignitaries in Masonry."
The official organ of the Rite, '' The Lybic
Chain/' was published at New York in
1883, and continued to appear for a num-
ber of years. S. C. Gould, Manchester,
N. H., states that a body was organized at
TJtica, N".Y., in 1880, under the title, " The
Antient and Primitive Oriental Rite of Mis-
raim," but Goodale says the Rite of Misraim
was represented at l^^ew York city in 1895
by about twenty-five members of the Rite
of Memphis, who "thought of obtaining
a charter and continuing the work." Evi-
dently .the '' Oriental Rite " of Misraim was
something else.
There was also an Egyptian Masonic Rite
of Memphis for the Cosmos in Boston, in
1881, which was not long-lived, and there
a,re records of an Antient and Primitive
(Spanish) Oriental Rite of "Memphis and
Misraim " at New York, Philadelphia, and
Chicago in recent years, which had no con-
nection with the Ancient and Primitive
Rite of Memphis established here by ]\Iar-
conis. Sovereign Sanctuaries of the origi-
nal Rite of Memphis have been established
in America (now dead). Great Britain (at
"Withiugham, Manchester, address .John
Yarker, editor of the official organ, "The
Knepli "), Italy, Roumania, Egypt, and (it
is said) in India.
Spanish and Roumanian branches have
been a source of trouble to American Free-
masons, by granting permission to irrespon-
sible or other persons to propagate the so-
called Oriental Rite of " Memphis and Mis-
raim " in the United States, a hodge-podge
of those Rites and of the vagaries of those
disseminating them.
Jacques Ochs, a Roumanian, claimed au-
thority, between 1890 and 189G, from the
National Grand Lodge of Roumania to es-
tablish Masonic Lodges in the United States.
His authority was revoked, and he then ap-
peared as a Representative of the Grand
Orient of Spain for the Rite of "' Memphis
and Misraim," and established Lodges of
something in New York, which he told the
initiates were regular Masonic bodies in
which they could get all the degrees at low
rates. His operations extended to Philadel-
phia and Chicago, where he found many
dupes at so much per capita. He was de-
nounced by regular Masonic authorities, and
soon found himself under arrest, after which
the bodies created by him died out. It was
the old story of a clever degree-peddler prey-
ing upon credulity and ignorance. The
Ochs Rite of " Memj^his and Misraim " Avas
not the Marconis Rite, which became dor-
mant here about 1895, and in which a num-
ber of prominent Masons were interested for
a brief period. The death of the latter was
due to structural weakness and dry rot.
Seymour, who was something of a degree-
peddler himself, induced many acquaint-
ances to join the Rite under the impression
they were uniting with the Ancient and
Accej^ted Scottish Rite, and, so long as he
could sell them paraphernalia, costumes,
etc., he was willing to let the members rule
and govern the Rite, although he himself
was the Grand Hierophant. Notwithstand-
ing this, which is learned from those to
whom it was a matter of personal experi-
ence, a number of prominent Freemasons be-
came identified with the Ancient and Prim-
itive Rite of Memphis, only to lose interest
and drop out. This Rite is a masquerad-
ing Rite of Misraim, originally founded as
a rival degree-shoj), and was very properly
smothered by the , Grand Orient of France
in 1SG2, Avhich body, it would seem, was
deceived into believing the founder had
delivered up all authority over it. It went
from the L'nited States to England and
elsewhere abroad, where it was apparently
dressed up or down, so that not even Mar-
conis, its own father, would know it under
such a title as an " Oriental, Scottish Rite
of Memphis and Misraim." The rituals of
the Rites of Misraim and of Memphis prop-
erly belong in a library of Masonic curios.
Freemasonry : Order of Knights of
Rome and of the Red Cross of Con-
stantine.* — Sometimes called the Order of
the Red Cross of Constantine, said to be the
oldest Order of Knighthood conferred in
connection with Freemasonr}'. The origin
of the Order is attributed to Constantine the
Great, who, just before the battle of Saxa
Rubra, October 28, a.d., 312, beheld a
vision of the Passion Cross in the heavens,
with the inscription (usually given in
Greek) : "Hoc Vince " (Conquer by This),
genera,lly rendered : " In Hoc Signo
Vinces," whereupon he vowed that, if suc-
cessful against the enemy and his life was
spared, he would create an Order of
Knighthood to champion the Christian
religion and commemorate his victory.
This he is declared to have done at Rome,
December 25, a.d. 312. Constantine, at
the time of the vision, was not a believer
in the Christian religion, and he and his
friends believed that the Cross in the
heavens was a divine omen. To emphasize
his conversion to Christianity, Constantine
caused each of his officers who had em-
braced tiie Christian religion and received
at his hands the new Order of Christian
Knighthood to wear a Red Cross on the
breast or on the right arm, and on the
Roman Imperial standards he placed golden
wreaths, and within them monograms com-
posed of the Greek letters " Chi " {X) and
''Rho" (P), the first of the two letters of
the name Christ. Constantine, the first
Christian Roman Emperor, was further
identified with the cause of Christianity
through his mother, Helena, who, in the
year 32C, discovered and brought out of the
Hoh' Land the remains of the true Cross,
and by reason of his having convened the
Council of Nice in 325, where Constantine
was received by Bishop Eusebius with a
panegyrical oration. Thus it is that a recent
writer describes the Order as commemo-
rating "the first elevation of Christianity
* This Christian Order is not to be confoinuk'il
with the Jewish and Persian degree, known as the
Order of the Red Cross, conferred in American
Commanderies of Knights Templars,
from the position of a despised and pro-
scribed heresy to that of a legally recog-
nized and honored religion." One of the
first acts of the Original Knights of the
Red Cross of Constantine was to replace
the heathen vsymbols on the public build-
ings in Rome with representations of the
Red Cross. In 326 Emperor Constantine
instituted the Order of Knight of the
Grand Cross, to be conferred only on
Knights of the Red Cross who had become
distinguished in the sciences, the learned
professions, or in the army. The number
of Knights of the Grand Cross created by
Emperor Constantine was fifty, and in 1119,
at a Grand Assembly of Knights of the
Order at Rome, it was made a statute of
the Order that only fifty Knights of the
Grand Cross should be created in any king-
dom or independent country. After the
death of Constantine, in 337, the Popes of
Rome claimed and exercised sovereign
authority over the Order for many years.
It is related that in 765 the Order had
among its members emperors, kings, and
princes, when the first jiilgrimage was made
to the Holy Sepulchre under its banners.
This was in accord with the obligations of
its members, for in 314, when Constantine
instituted the Order of Knights of the Holy
Sepulchre at the prayer of his mother,
Helena, they were especially commissioned
to protect the Holy Sepulchre from the
attacks of enemies of the Christian faith.
During the Crusades, the Order of Knights
of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constan-
tine were widely known. In 1119 Em-
peror ^Michael Angelos Com menus was
elected Sovereign Grand Master of the
Order, and that title was retained in his
family until 1699. The Order was revived
in England in 1688 by the Venetian am-
bassador at the Court of St. James, Lon-
don, and in 1692 the Abbe Giustiniani, a
learned Italian priest, conferred the Orders
of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine,
Holy Sepulchre, and of St. John the Evan-
gelist on several members of the English
Court. It is to the Abbe that the Order is
indebted for the preservation of its tradi-
tions, hmdmarks, and rituals, and it was
from the hitter that Walter Rod well Wright,
Provisional Grand Sovereign of the Order
in England in 1804, doubtless gained ma-
terial for the preparation of the modern
ritual. Baron Huude, in his " History
of tlie Templar System of Strict Observ-
ance,'*' 1750, states : " The great and rapid
progress of Freemasonry on the European
Continent is largely due to the efforts of
the Knights of Eome and of the Red Cross
of Constantine." The claim is made that
the Order was conferred in England as a
Masonic degree as early as 1783, and that
in 1788 it was conferred upon a number of
English Freemasons, among others, officers
of both of the Grand Lodges of England.
That well-known Freemason, Thomas
Dunckerly, was created a Knight of Rome
and of the Red Cross of Constantine in
1790, and was afterwards Sovereign Grand
Master of the Order in England, and at
the head of the Order of the Temple at the
same period. Three succeeding heads of
the Order of Knights of Constantine were
likewise Grand Masters of the Order of the
Temple. Hughan, the Masonic historian,
states that while the Orders of the Red
Cross of Constantine and of the Temple
were for many years " worked " harmo-
niously, side by side, they " were kept
strictly separate,"' and the fact that the
Constantine Orders of Knighthood have
been conferred only upon Freemasons ever
since the middle of the eighteenth century
is probably due to that association. In
1807 there was quite a revival of the Order
in Europe and in the English colonies,
and the Orders of this Christian Knight-
hood were conferred upon many Freema-
sons among the English nobility. The
Grand Imperial Council of England was
organized at London in 1808, and in the
following year it claimed and exercised sov-
ereignty over the Order throughout the
world. In 1809 the London Encampment
(Conclave) conferred the Orders of Chris-
tian Knighthood on a class of "^ eight
prominent high Freemasons,"' in the pres-
ence of several Knights of the Grand
Cross of the Order. Members of both the
so-called Ancient and the Modern English
Grand Lodges of Freemasons, who were
members of the Constantine Orders, took
active part in the negotiations which led to
the union of the two Grand Masonic Lodges
in 1813, when the Duke of Sussex was
elected Grand Master of the United Grand
Lodge of England, and also Sovereign
Grand Master of the Grand Imperial Coun-
cil of England of the Order ol Knights of
Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine.
During the period 1813-43 the Order again
became notable as " the first Order of
Chivalry in Europe," some of its chroni-
clers adding that the Grand Cross of the
Order was considered as great an honor **as
the Order of the Garter." In 1862 the
Knights of the Grand Cross did much to
attract attention to the Order through a
ceremonial commemorative of the establish-
ment of the Grand Imperial Council more
than fifty years before, in which the Sir
Knights taking part included members of
the royal family and many other gentle-
men of high rank, cabinet officers, members
of Parliament, and representatives of the
army and navy.
From that period the English Grand Im-
perial Council began to extend the Order,
beginning in 1866, by reviving it in Ger-
many, France, Italy, and in many of the
English colonies. In 1869 it was introduced
into the Dominion of Canada, and on May
19, 1870, into the United States, at Phila-
delphia. In 1871 Conclaves were instituted
in New York, Massachusetts, Kentucky,
Indiana, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey,
Michigan, Virginia, Delaware, and Mary-
land, in the order named. The Indepen-
dent Grand Council of Pennsylvania was
organized in 1872, the Grand Council of
New York and Grand Imperial Councils
of Illinois, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island
in 1872 ; the Imperial Grand Council of
Michigan in 1874; of Kentucky, Indiana,
Vermont, Maine, andof New Jersey in 1875;
and of the Dominion of Canada in 187G. In
1875, according to the " Memorabilia," etc.,
prepared, in 1895, by Thomas Leahy of
Kochester, N. Y., Grand Registrar General
of the Sovereign Grand Council of the
United States, the Sovereign Grand Council
of the United States was organized at New
York city, by representatives of all the then
existing State Grand and Imperial Councils
of the Order, all of which gave i)ledges of
"fealty and allegiance" to the new Sover-
eign Grand Council, and each State Grand
body surrendered ''all sovereignty within
its territory." On this point George W.
Warvelle of Chicago, representing the Im-
perial Grand Council of Illinois, declares
that " no such record exists.'' The "State-
ment," published by the Imperial Grand
Council of Illinois in 1895, describes the
Sovereign Grand body of 1875 as merely
a "confederation'' of State Grand Councils
formed to "curb the pretensions of the
mother Grand Council of England, who,
thi'ough her Intendent General, was assum-
ing powers which were deemed inimical to
the American bodies." In support of this
it quotes from Section 6 of the Constitution
of the Sovereign Grand Council, United
States of America, in part as follows: **Ifc
(the latter body) can exercise no doubtful
powers nor any powers by implication
merely;" . . . tiiat all powers not ex-
pressly delegated "are reserved to the
Grand Councils and subordinate Con-
claves," etc. ; it should have jurisdiction
over "all Conclaves established by itself,"
. . . "where there is no Grand Council
established;". . . but "no power of dis-
cipline," etc., "over the State Grand
Councils," . . . "nor any authority to
suspend the proceedings of any State Grand
Council," etc.
Thomas Leahy, Registrar General of the
Sovereign Grand Council of the United
States, writes :
This statement had not been made prior to 1895,
and was never thought of until we had taken ac-
tion to abolish the State Grand bodies in the inter-
est of the general good of the Order. The first
Article of the Constitution, Section 1, as presented
by the Chairman of the Committee on Revision of
the Constitution. Charles K. Francis (now the
leader of the opponents to the Sovereign Grand
Council), is in conflict with the statement by the
Illinois people. It reads : " Sec. 1. The Supreme
Governing Body in tlie United States of the Red
Cross of Con.stantine, Knights, etc., shall be styled,
etc." Is this section intended to imply a confed-
eration? It recognizes a "Supreme Governing
Body " and that of the Sovereign Grand Council.
The importance of this lies in tlie fact that
the Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,
Vermont, and Maine Grand Councils con-
tinue to maintain independent sovereign-
ties and deny the right of the Sovereign
Grand Council, United States of America,
to claim or exercise sole, sovereign jurisdic-
tion for tlie Constantine Orders of Knight-
hood in this country. The independent
Grand Councils explain that a i)rimary ob-
ject of the confederation of State Councils
was to acquire jurisdiction over the "un-
occupied" portions of the United States
then claimed by the Grand Council of
England, and that the right of the Sover-
eign Grand Council, United States of Amer-
ica, to occupy American territory not under
the jurisdiction of State Grand bodies was
practically all that was made over to the
Sovereign body. The " Memorabilia " sets
forth that the Imperial Grand Council
of England waived its right of sovereignty
over any portion of the United States in
1877, and entered into "a treaty of amity"
with the Sovereign Grand Council, United
States of America, in which it recognized the
sovereign authority of the latter throughout
this country. "The Statement" replies
that when the Sovereign Grand Council of
the United States was organized in 1875,
" it was repudiated by tlie Grand Imperial
Council of England," but that in 1877 two
men, the Sovereign Grand Master of the
Sovereign Grand Council, United States of
America, and the Chief Intendent General
for the United States, for England, con-
cluded a treaty with the English (mother)
Grand Council, "to unite into one Sui)renie
Grand body all Grand and subordinate
bodies in the United States." It is further
declared in "The Statement" that within
a year the treaty was " repudiated " by the
English Grand Council, notwithstanding
which the Sovereign Grand Council, United
States of America, continues to point to the
treaty as the basis and justification of its
existence. In reply to this, officials of the
Sovereign Grand Council deny that the
treaty has been repudiated. The records of
the Sovereign Grand Council, United States
of America, seem to confirm "The State-
ment" in its charge that the body was
practically dormant between 1880 and 1891,
when, as explained in "The Statement,"
"several members" met at Eochester,
N". Y., and "assumed to open a Sovereign
Grand Council and transact business."
One year later it held a Conclave at
Bloomsburg, Pa., and claimed exclusive
authority over the Constantine Orders
throughout the United States, basing the
claim on the treaty of 1877. The Sover-
eign Grand Council has continued to hold
annual sessions ever since, but Imperial
Grand Councils in Pennsylvania, Illinois,
Vermont, Maine, and elsewhere refuse to
recognize it.
All of the State Grand Councils named,
and the Sovereign body as well, declare that
they have cordial relations with the English
Grand Council. The total membership of
the Sovereign Grand Council, it is claimed,
exceeds 1,600. Including the five indepen-
dent Imperial Grand Councils and those in
Canada and the United Kingdom, it is esti-
mated there are 5,000 American and foreign
Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of
Constantine. On the introduction of the
Order into the United States, Knights Tem-
plars and thirty-second degree Scottish Rite
Freemasons alone were admitted to it, but
some years later Royal Arch Masons were
rendered eligible. The Sovereign Grand
Council changed its rules in 1897 so that
Master Masons may become members, thus
apparently seeking to popularize the Order.
The view taken by the independent Grand
Councils seems to be that there are enough
popular Masonic Orders, and that this one
should constitute " a purely intellectual
branch of Freemasonry . . . devoted
wholly to the cultivation of the higher fac-
ulties," rather than to gaining recruits.
Four Orders are conferred by Grand
Councils of Knights of the Red Cross of
Rome and Constantine — the first, the one
having that title ; the second, the Order of
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre ; the third,
the Order of Knights of St. John the Evan-
gelist, and, finally, as a mark of especial
honor for high Masonic ofiicials or for zeal
in Masonic work, the Order of Knight of
the Grand Cross, membership in which is
limited to fifty in each country. In addi-
tion to these, the Order of Holy Wisdom, or
Knight Templar Priest, is conferred by
some Grand Councils. It is said to have
been instituted in 1686, and when conferred
in "old Encampments which practised the
seven steps of chivalry " was the ceremony
for constituting chaplains. After the re-
organization of the Chivalric Orders it be-
came an appendant to the Order of Con-
stantine. The "seven steps of chivalry"
are classified in " Masonry in Europe," by
Witter, Berlin, 1832, as follows: "1st,
Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of
Constantine and Knight of the Grand Cross,
the oldest Order of Chivalry ; 2d, Knights
Templars ; 3d, Knights of Malta ; 4th,
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, appended
to which is the Order of Knights of St.
John of Palestine, or St. John the Evangel-
ist ; 5th, Rose Croix ; 6th, Templar Priest-
hood ; and 7th, Commander Elect, Knight
of Kadosch. No one American Masonic
body confers all of these Orders. The sec-
ond and third are under the jurisdiction of
the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem-
plars of the United States ; the fifth and
seventh are controlled by the Supreme Coun-
cils of the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry for the Southern and North-
ern Masonic Jurisdictions, United States of
America, respectively; the fourth and sixtli
by Imperial Grand Councils and by the Sov-
ereign Grand Council of Knights of Rome
and of the Red Cross of Constantino ; and
the first by the Supreme Grand Chapter of
the Grand Cross of Constantino, United
States of America, composed of representa-
tives of the independent Sovereign Grand
Councils, and also by the Sovereign Grand
Council, United States of America.
The Supreme Grand Chapter of the
Grand Cross of Constantino, of which
Charles K. Francis, Philadelphia, is Regis-
trar General, is the highest body of the
Order in the country recognized by the
independent Sovereign Grand Councils. It
was organized June 21, 1877, under au-
thority granted the late Colonel W. J. B.
McLeod Moore, 33°, Grand Prior of Knights
Templars of Canada, who established the
Order of Coustantine in America by author-
ity received from the Earl of Bective, then
Grand Sovereign of the Grand Imperial
Council of England. The Supreme Grand
Chapter is to the independent State Im-
perial Councils what the Supreme Council,
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite is to the
bodies holding allegiance to it, retaining
exclusive right to confer the Order of the
Grand Cross, as does the latter the right to
confer the thirty-third degree. Among the
officers and members of the Supreme Grand
Chapter of the Grand Cross of Constantino
are : John Corson Smith, 33°, of Illinois,
its Grand Sovereign (Past Grand Master of
Masons. Past Grand Higli Priest of Royal
Arch Masons, Past Grand Commander of
Knights Templars); Josiah H. Drummond,
33°, of Maine, its Grand Viceroy (Past
Grand Master of Masons, Past General
Grand High Priest of the General Grand
Chai^tcr, Past Grand Commander of Knights
Tem])lars, Past Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council, 33°, A. A. S. R.,
Northern Jurisdiction); Gilbert "W. Barnard,
33°, of Illinois (Grand Secretary of the
various Masonic Grand Bodies in Illinois);
Marquis F. King, 33°, of Maine (Past
Grand Master of Masons); Hugh McCurdy,
33°, of Miciiigan (Past Grand Master of
Masons, Past Grand High Priest of Royal
Arch Masons, Past Grand Master of the
Grand Encampment of Knights Templars);
Abraliam T. Metcalf, 33°, of Michigan
(Past Grand Master of Masons); Francis
A. Blades, 33°,D. Burnham Tracy, 33°, and
Nicholas Coulson, 33", of Miciiigan; Marsh
0. Perkins, 33°, of Vermont (Past Grand
Master of Masons); George 0. Tyler, 33°,
of Vermont (Past Grand Commander of
Knights Templars); Silas W. Cummings,
33°, of Vermont (Past Grand Commander
of Knights Templars); D. N.Nicholson, 33^,
of Vermont ; Millard F. Hicks, 33°, and
Edward P. Burnham, 33°, of Maine ;
Seranus Bowen, 33°, of Massachusetts
(Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons); Benjamin W. Rowell,
33°, of Massachusetts (Grand Recorder of
Grand Commandery of Knigiits Templars);
Caleb Saunders, 33°, Massachusetts (Past
Grand Commander of Knights Templars);
Frederick Webber, 33°, Washington, D. C.
(Grand Secretary General of Supreme
Council, 33°, A. A. S. R., Southern Juris-
diction); Edward T. Schultz of Maryland
(Masonic Historian, Past Grand High Priest
of Royal Arcii Masons, Past Grand Com-
mander of Knights Templars); Thomas R.
Patton, 33°, of Pennsylvania (Grand Treas-
urer of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter);
Charles Cary, 33^, of Pennsylvania (Grand
Secretary of Grand Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons and Grand Master of Royal aiul
Select Masters); John Sartaiu, 33°, Penn-
sylvania ; Edward S. Wyckofif, 33°, Penn-
sylvania ; Edward B. S])cncer. Pennsylvania
(Grand Scribe of Grand Ciiapter of Royal
Arch Masons and Past Grand Commander
of Knights Temi)lar8) ; Andrew J. Kaufif-
man, Pennsylvania (Past Grand Commander
of Knights Templars); Harvey A. McKillip,
33°, Pennsylvania (Past Grand Master of
Eoyal and Select Masters); Charles K.
Francis, 33°, Pennsylvania (Past Grand
Master of Royal and Select Masters). Charles
F. Matier is Grand Representative of the
Supreme Grand Chapter of the Grand Cross,
United States of America, near the Grand
Imperial Council of England, and Lord
Saltsun is Grand Representative near the
Grand Imperial Council of Scotland.
At the meeting of the Supreme Grand
Chapter at Boston, September 21, 1897,
apjDropriate tributes were paid the mem-
ories of deceased members, Charles T.
McClenachan, 33°, Masonic Historian
of the Grand Lodge of New York ;
Anthony E. Stocker, 33°, Pennsylvania
(Past Grand Commander of Knights Tem-
plars); and Daniel Spry, 33°, Grand Repre-
sentative near the Grand Imperial Council
of Canada ; and the Registrar General read
the following letter from the Masonic His-
torian, W. J. Hughan, Torquay, England,
himself a Knight of the Grand Cross :
Your invitation to attend the Supreme Grand
Chapter of the United States of America j ust at hand.
I cannot attend, but wish it were possible, so as to grip
you by the hand, and others of my valued brethren.
These personal references would seem to
indicate that many of the more distinguished
Freemasons in the country oppose the
claim of the Sovereign Grand Council to
exclusive jurisdiction over the Constantine
Orders in the United States. In reply to
an inquiry as to the status of the Order of
Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine in
the United States, C. F. Matier, Registrar
General of the English (mother) Imperial
Grand Council, wrote as follows, September
15, 1897 :
I am directed and have the honor to say that a
conference of the Imperial Grand Councils of Eng-
land and Scotland will be held in Edinburgh in
April, 1898, and that the whole question of the
position of the bodies claiming to be the supreme
governing bodies in America will be fully con-
sidered. As it is believed that representatives
from the U. S. A. will be present, it is sincerely
hoped that the conference will settle the cause of
disagreement in the Order forever.
Freemasonry: Society of Modern Ros-
icrucians. — Founded more than a score of
years ago, according to the account pub-
lished by the High Council of the Societatis
Rosicruciana^, United States of America, by
Robert Wentworth Little, of England, upon
" the remains of an old German association
which had come under his observation dur-
ing some of his researches." The Angli-
cized organization was created as a literary
society, to collect ' " archgeological and his-
torical subjects pertaining to Freemasonry ' '
and secret societies in general; to stimulate
search for historical truth, particularly with
reference to Freemasonry; and to revive in-
terest in the work of certain scientists and
scholars. In this effort Mr. Little, a dis-
tinguished Freemason, was assisted by such
well-known members of the Craft as William
Robert Woodman, Thomas B. Whytehead,
AYilliam James Hughan, and Cuthbert E.
Peck in England, the Earl of Kintore and
Robert Smith Brown in Scotland, Prince
Rhodokanakis and Professor Emmanuel
Gellanis in Greece; and Colonel W. J. B.
Moore in the Dominion of Canada. Rosi-
crucian societies were promptly established
in England, Scotland, Greece, and, later,
in the Dominion of Canada. Like or-
ganizations may also be found in Ireland,
India, China, and in Tunis. In 1879 the
High Council of Scotland established a
Rosicrucian Society at Philadelphia, and
in 1880 one each at New York, Boston,
and Baltimore, representatives from which
met at Boston on September 21 the same
year, and established a High Council for the
United States, to hold jurisdiction within
the same and regulate the relations of the
society here with other independent jurisdic-
tions. The constitution adopted provides
that no aspirants shall be admitted except
Master Masons of good moral character, in-
telligent, '' free from prejudice, and anxious
for instruction." Every f rater is required
to choose a Latin motto, which is to be ap-
pended to his signature in all communica-
tions to the Society, which shall be registered
and never be changed, and no two fraters
are permitted to have the same motto. The
Society, wliich is secret in form, confers four
grades composing the first order, and three
in tlie second, in colleges; and two grades in
the third order, in High Council only. The
grades are as follows: First, Zelator; sec-
ond, Theoricus; third, Practicus; fourth,
Philosophus; fifth, Adeptus Junior; sixth,
Adeptus Senior; seventh, Adeptus Exemp-
tus; eighth, Magister Templi (official); and,
ninth, Chief Adept, held by appointment.
Colleges are limited to seventy-two active
members. In the publication referred to,
Charles E. Meyer of Philadelphia is named
as Supreme Magus ; Albert G, Goodale,
New York, Senior Substitute Magus; Al-
fred F. Chapman, Boston, Junior Substitute
Magus; Thomas J. Shryock, Baltimore,
Treasurer General; and Charles T. McClena-
chan. New York, Secretary General. These
gentlemen, some of whom are dead, may be
regarded as the founders of the Modern
Eosicrucian Society in the United States.
The work and purposes of modern Eosi-
crucian Societies only faintly resemble an-
cient Eosicrucianism, as the latter is often
understood. Neither, so far as learned, do
they claim any connection with the latter
beyond what may be inferred from the state-
ment that the English Society was founded
on the ""remains of an old German asso-
The Eosicrucian Society of the seven-
teenth century was supposed to be in some
way related to Freemasonry, Avhich was prob-
ably an error, as the former embodied a sys-
tem of hermetic philosophy, while the Free-
masons at that time were nearly all operative
masons and builders. There is no relation
whatever between the rose and the cross of
the Eosicrucians and like emblems in the
Masonic degree of the Eose Croix, which
was invented about the middle of the eigh-
teenth century. The Eosicrucians employed
a number of so-called Masonic emblems, but
they interpreted them differently. The
ancient philosophic sect took its rise in
Germany shortly after the appearance of the
religious, mystical, and philosophic works,
" Fama Fraternis," '"Chemical Nuptials,"
and other books by John Valentine Andrae,
in which he recounted the adventures of
"Christian Eosenkreuz," a fictitious per-
sonage, whom he makes the founder of the
pretended Society of Eosicrucians. It is
pointed out by Mackey that so great was
the effect of these publications that a secret
philosophic sect of Eosicrucians was formed,
many members of which were found in Ger-
many, France, and England in the seven-
teenth century. The publication by the
American Eosicrucian Society refers the
origin of its ancient prototype to the thir-
teenth century, which is manifestly an error.
No association by the name has been traced
back of Andrae's account of a fictitious so-
ciety of that title. It was not strange that
the general public of the seventeenth cen-
tury and later should have attributed sor-
cery, alchemy, and other occult gifts to the
Eosicrucians, but at this day the names of
such Eosicrucians as John Baptist von Ilel-
mont, physician; Eobert Fludd, i)hysician
and philosopher, who died in 1637, and
Elias Ashmole, the English antiquary,
among many others who were j)i"ominent,
would suggest that they were leaders among
mystical and iihilosophic thinkers two hun-
dred and fifty years ago.
Freemasonry : Royal Order of Scot-
land.— A ]\Iasonic Order of Knighthood
conferred upon Eoyal Arch ]\rasons. It
consists of two degrees or orders, the Eoyal
Orders of Herodem and of the Eosy Cross.
The Eoyal Order of Ilerodem of Kilwinning,
Scotland, which by its own legend is said
to have taken its rise in the time of David
I., King of Scotland, presents the sacrifice
of the Messiah, whereupon the candidate is
sent into the world to search for the lost
word. Its traditions state that it was estab-
lished at Icomkill. Scotland, afterward at
Kilwinning, where Eobert Bruce, King of
Scotland, presided in person, and in 1314
"reinstated the Order," admitting into it
such Knights Temphirs as had fled to
Scotland after the dissolution of the Tem-
plars and under his protection had taken
part in the battle of Bannockburn. Its
ritual is in antiquated Anglo-Saxon verse.
The Order of St. Andrew of the Thistle,
afterward amalgamated Avith the Royal
Order of Ilerodem, was instituted by Robert
Bruce, King of Scotland, on July 2-4, 1314,
to be conferred, it is said, upon Scottish
Freemasons who fought with him, among
thirty thousand others, at the battle of
Bannockburn, against an English army of
one hundred thousand men. "^At aboiit that
time/' says Thor}^ ''he formed the Royal
Grand Lodge of the Order of Herodem, re-
serving to himself and his successors forever
the title of Grand Master." The Order of
Herodem is said to have been introduced
into Kilwinning at about the time that
Freemasonry appeared in Scotland, and
Mackey regards it probable that the Order
was designed to make plain the rites and
symbols used by the Christian builders in a
truly catholic manner, adapted to all who
acknowledge one Supreme God, whether
Jew or Gentile.
The second degree of the Royal Order of
Scotland, the Order of the Rosy Cross, is an
Order of Civil Knighthood, which, it is
stated, was founded by Robert Bruce after
the' battle of Bannockburn, and conferred
upon certain Freemasons who had assisted
him. It may only be conferred by the
Grand Master, his Deputy, or a Provincial
Grand Master. The number who may re-
ceive it is limited. Formerly it was sixty-
three, who were to be Scotchmen, but the
number has since been increased, and dis-
tinguished Freemasons in almost all coun-
tries may now receive it uj'ion being
•'adopted" as Scottish (not Scottish Rite)
Freemasons. It has also been claimed that
the Order of the Rosy Cross was practically
made up of the ancient Order of the This-
tle, and that the ceremonial of initiation
into the latter was borrowed bodily. In
any event, the Rosy Cross comes more nearly
to being a genuine Order of Knighthood
than almost any other conferred in connec-
tion with Freemasonry, and in it is found
the intimate connection between the sword
and the trowel which is referred to in sev-
eral others. Its ritual is distinctly Chris-
tian. As in the Order of Herodem, the
office of Grand Master is vested in the King
of Scotland (now of Great Britain), and in
his absence a seat is always kept vacant for
him in whatever country a Chajiter is held.
Owing to the similarity between names, the
Order of the Rosy Cross and that of the
Rose Croix of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, the belief has prevailed that
the latter, in some way, is based upon the
former. This appeared to be true, because
both claimed to have had their seats of gov-
ernment at Kilwinning, near the Irish Sea,
in Scotland, because both gave a Christian
interpretation to the three symbolic degrees
of Freemasonry, and because the names of
both bear a striking resemblance. As a
matter of fact, there is no further similarity
and no connection whatever. Their cere-
monials and essentials are entirely different.
Provincial Grand Lodges of the Royal Or-
der of Scotland, one of tlie oldest continu-
ous appendent Orders of Freemasonry, are
now held in Glasgow and Aberdeenshire,
Scotland; Yorkshire, Northumberland, Dur-
ham, Cumberland, Lancashire, Cheshire,
and London, England ; Western India ;
China; New Brunswick, Prince Edward Is-
land, Ontario, and Quebec; Natal, Cape
Colony, Switzerland, and the United States,
where chairs are always kept vacant for the
hereditary Grand Master.
The Royal Order of Scotland was intro-
duced into the United States at Washing-
ton, D. C, May 4, 1878, in the rooms of
the Supreme Council of the Ancient, Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Ma-
sonic Jurisdiction, United States of Amer-
ica, when the Provincial Grand Lodge for
the United States was instituted by virtue
of a charter issued by the Grand Lodge at
Edinburgh, Scotland, in which Sir Albert
Pike is named as the Provincial Grand Mas-
ter; Josiab Hayden Drummond, Maine,
Deputy Provincial Grand Master; Albert
Gallatin Mackey, then of the District of
Columbia, Senior Provincial Grand War-
den; Samuel Crocker Lawrence, Massachu-
setts, Junior Provincial Grand "Warden;
William Morton Ireland, of the District of
Columbia, Provincial Grand Secretary; Eob-
ert McCoskry Graham, New York, Provin-
cial Grand Treasurer ; John Robin Mc-
Daniel, Virginia, Provincial Grand Sword-
Bearer ; Vincent Lombard Hurlbut, Illinois,
Provincial Grand Banner-Bearer; Enoch
Terry Carson, Ohio, Provincial Grand Mari-
schal; Henry L. Palmer, Wisconsin, Deputy
Provincial Grand Marischal; Charles Roome,
New York, Senior Provincial Grand Stew-
ard, and James Cunningham Batchelor,
Louisiana, Provincial Grand Steward. The
meetings of the Provinpial Grand Lodge are
held annually, at the same time and place
as the Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite
for the Southern and the Northern Jurisdic-
tion of the United States alternately. The
present Provincial Grand Master is Josiah
Hayden Drummond of Portland, ]\[e., who
succeeded to that office upon the death of
Albert Pike in 1891. • The secretariat, with
the records, files, etc., is at the Cathedral
of the Scottish Rite, Xo. 1007 G Street, N.
W., Washington, D, C. The present mem-
bership of the Provincial Grand Lodge of
the United States is 284.
Freemasonry : Statistics of Meinber-
sliip. — Among the long list of secret soci-
eties, the names of which are familiar to
newspaper readers, there are eleven Avhich
may be classed as international, statistics of
membership of which are presented in a
separate exhibit. These data, the most
comprehensive of the kind ever prepared,
have been compiled through the cooi:)era-
tion of representatives of each of them.
Unusually full particulars concerning the
number of Freemasons in various coun-
tries, states, and provinces throughout the
world are to be credited to the researches of
Stephen Berry and Josiah H. Drummond,
Portland, Me. ; the late Charles T. McClena-
chan of New York; to the Grand Secreta-
ries of Grand Lodges and other Masonic
Grand bodies throughout the United States
and British North America; to Grand Sec-
retaries of nearly every foreign Grand Lodge;
and many others distinguished as Masonic
students or historians, with whom corre-
spondence has been conducted. Similar
recognition is due to Secretaries of Supreme
or Grand bodies and other representatiA'^es
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
Ancient Order of Foresters, Independent
Order of Good Templars, Grand United Or-
der of Odd Fellows (membership of which
in the United States is composed of negroes).
Independent Order of Rechabites, Ancient
Order of Hibernians, Sons of Temperance,
United Ancient Order of Druids, B'nai
B'rith, and the Loyal Orange Institution.
The Freemasons are shown to be the most
numerous and by far the most Avidely dis-
tributed throughout the world. If non-af-
filiated Freemasons were counted, the total
membershijD of the Masonic Fraternity would
undoubtedly amount to about 2,000,000, be-
cause those able to judge estimate that out of
the whole number of living members of the
Craft, about 40 per cent, are non-affiliates.
The total of 11,000 Freemasons in Cuba re-
fers to the period just before the outbreak
of the revolution prior to the Spanish-
American War, and includes non-affiliates.
No one of the ten fraternities, statistics of
membership of which are compared with
those of the Freemasons, is very widely dis-
tributed over the globe. In contrast with
an exhibit which jioints to Masonic Lodges
in almost every civilized part of the Avorld
except Russia, Austria, and part of Asia
Minor, accompanying comparative statistics
show only three other, out of ten interna-
tional secret societies, with anything like a
cosmopolitan character — the Ancient Order
of Foresters, Independent Order of Good
Templars, and the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows. The stronghold of the An-
o 5
United An-
cient Onler
of Druids.
Bnai B'rith.
Order of
Order of Odd
Anc. Free and
F 383,000
'( 4,000 1
■ 704
Haj'ti ....
;■ ■•
,- 2,500
The (.3) Guiueas ..
England and Wales
1 30,000
!- 2,000
- 6,016
■ 300
• 700-j
Japan ....
C— Sweden onlv.
F— British North America.
o S
1i o
*i o
c 3 o
C t- C3
a> ^ o
-BO g
c - S
o c o
Anc. Free and
South Africa
• 7,236
1 r
- 190-
- 300 -i
" " Islands
Canary Islands
Azores "
Incl. in
Tunis "
Madeira "
Incl. in
St. Helena
1 20,081
i 19,433
New Zealand
New Caledonia
Fiji Islands
Hawaiian Islands
Other Oceana
Grand Totals
A— Includes 2,200 in Iceland, 100 in Isle of Man, and 545 in Channel Islands— in all, 2,845.
B— Includes 108.4.32 Daughters of Rebekah in United States.
D— Including 19,405 honorary members at large and 20,486 women members and contributing widows.
E— Including 40,000 Daughters of Euth in the United States.
G— Includes 200,000 in other British possessions.
cient Order of Foresters (the parent Forestic
body) is naturally in the United Kingdom,
only one-eighth of its membership being
found elsewhere, j)rincipally in Australia,
Tasmania, New Zealand, the United States,
and Canada, with very small totals in South
Africa, Spain, Holland, the north coast of
South America, and some of the larger West
India islands. The Independent Order of
Good Templars is strongest, of course, in
the United States, but very nearly as strong
in Europe, and constitutes the only large
international secret society excepting the
Freemasons which is widely distributed.
It also has a large following in Norway and
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Switzer-
land, Mexico, India, tlie Orient, Africa,
Australia, and New Zealand. The Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows has more
members than the Masonic fraternity in the
United States, but while the latter finds
only one-half its total membership here,
96 per cent, of all the members of this Or-
der of Odd Fellows is in this country. The
largest foreign membership of the latter is
in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand,
where the total is nearly 20,000. In Ger-
many, where the Order is growing, the total
is about 3,200; but in France, Italy, Den-
mark, Switzerland, Holland, and Sweden,
Mexico, Ha}i;i, Peru, Chile, Jaj)an, and the
Hawaiian Islands there are very few Odd
Fellows. Less than two-thirds of the Sons
of Temperance are found in the United
States and Canada, less than one-third in
the United Kingdom, and about one-tenth
ill Australia aud New Zealand. About 40
per cent, of the members of the Grand
United Order of Odd Fellows (the parent
English Order of Odd Fellows) are mem-
bers of English, Scotch, and Irish Lodges;
nearly 50 per cent, (negroes) are in the
United States; about 8 per cent, in Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, and the remainder
widely scattered, totals for South Africa,
India, West Indies, and Central and South
America being very small. More than
two-thirds of the members of the Ancient
Order of Druids are found in the land of its
birth, the United Kingdom; about one-sixth
in Australia and New Zealand, and nearly
as many in the United States. The Inde-
pendent Order of Eechabites reports that
2 per cent, of its membership is in the
United States, and the rest in the United
Kingdom. The total membership of the
United Ancient Order of Hibernians, in the
United States and in the United Kingdom,
is difficult to obtain ; but the figures given,
best obtainable estimates of representative
members, show that nearly 80 per cent, of
the Order is in the United States. The
B'nai B'rith, smallest of international secret
societies in the list, numbers only about
38,000 members altogether, of which 35,000
are in the United States, 700 in Asia Minor
and elsewhere in the far East, and 300 in
Africa. The surprisingly large number of
members of the Loyal Orange Institution is
given on the authority of a prominent mem-
ber, high in official rank. A total of 100,-
000 in the United States does not look large,
but it is difficult to believe there are 383,-
000 Orangemen in British North America,
and it is still more unexpected to learn
there are as many as 760,000 in the United
Kingdom, and 200,000 in British posses-
sions "not specified."
These eleven societies are seen to have
aggregated nominally 5,859,023 members in
1895-96, or (omitting honorary and women
members of some of them) about 5,060,000.
Allowing for those counted twice or more
times, owing to membership in more than
one organization, these eleven international
fraternities number probably 3,500,000 adult
male members, in 100,000 Lodges, scattered
along the paths of commerce and civilization.
While the sun never sets upon the Brit-
ish flag, it is also true that somewhere east
of the horizon of daylight there is always
a Masonic Lodge at labor, and, in English-
speaking countries in particular. Lodges of
other international fraternities at work to
relieve the wants of the suffering and dis-
tressed and to cultivate the ties of brotner-
Freemasons : Distinguished Ameri-
cans.— Within a few years after the forma-
tion of a Masonic Grand Lodge at London,
in 1717, many members of the nobility,
representatives of the professions and other
learned men became members of the Craft,
and between 1725 and 1735 Lodges of Eng-
lish origin were established in many of the
larger cities of Continental Europe, where,
for a few years, they were composed almost
exclusively of men of rank and learning.
The growth of the Fraternity, as is well
known, has long been along the lines of uni-
versal brotherhood, and even two hundred
and fifty years ago its" membership included
distinguished men in various stations of life.
In almost all European countries the Craft
to this day continues to enjoy the patronage
and cooperation of the reigning families and
of the nobility, notably in Great Britain,
Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and
Germany. The like was true in France
under the Bourbons, in the Napoleonic
regimes, and under the Eepublic. Free-
masonry also continues to enjoy great jaop-
ularity among the followers of those who
created a united Italy. In England the
Fraternity is presided over by the Prince of
Wales, and in Sweden and Norway by King
Oscar. In Denmark the Crown Prince is
at the head of the Grand Orient. The late
Emperor Frederick was Grand Master of
German Freemasons from 1855 until his
death. The Emperor William, although
a Freemason, has not attended Lodge
meetings since he became Emperor. In
Austria, Freemasonry is not patronized by
the aristocracy or tlie reigning family, nor
in Eussia or Belgium; but in Holland the
nobility are nearly all members of the Craft.
A list of the names of eminent foreigners
who have been or are Freemasons would
include hundreds of other notables besides
Richard Steele, Lord Byron, Robert Burns,
Voltaire, Montesquieu, Garibaldi, Victor
Emmanuel, Wellington, Bliicher, many of
Napoleon's generals, and the late King
Kalakaua of the Hawaiian Islands, and it
will interest students of the progress of the
Craft in the United States to read the names
of some of the more distinguished Ameri-
cans who are credibly reported to be or to
have been Freemasons.
The character of those whose names follow
sufficiently attests the extent to which Free-
masonry has been linked witli the careers
of prominent Americans, notwithstanding
it is not true, as has often been stated,
that " one-half the Presidents of the United
States," and that " all but four of the sign-
ers of the Declaration of Independence were
Freemasons." Following the identification
of Benjamin Franklin with the Craft early
in the last century are the names of Jeremy
Gridley, Attorney-General of the Province of
Massachusetts, Grand Master of St. John's
Provincial Grand Lodge in 1755; and James
Otis, Master for the Crown in the Prov-
ince of Massachusetts, who argued against
the famous Avrits of assistance in ITGl, when
" Independence was born. " The only sign-
ers of the Declaration of Independence who
were Freemasons, so far as Grand Lodge
records show, were Benjamin Franklin,
John Hancock, William Hooper, Philip
Livingston, and Thomas Xelson, Jr., five in
all. Not only Washington, but nearly all
of his generals were Freemasons; such, at
least, was the case with respect to Generals
Nathanael Greene, Richard Henry Lee,
Israel Putnam, Francis Marion, Baron Steu-
ben, Baron De Kalb, and the Marquis de
Lafayette, with whom should be included
General Jose[)h AVarren and Paul Revere.
Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), a Mohawk
Indian chief in the British service during
the lievolutionary War, and Tecumseh,
chief of the Shawnee Indians, an ally of the
British in the War of 1812, who attempted
to incite the Indians against the whites, were
both Freemasons. In the period between
the close of the War of the Revolution
and the end of the century are found the
names of F. A. Muhlenburg, Speaker of the
House of Representatives in 1789; William
R. Cox, Secretary of the Senate in 1796;
Robert R. Livingston of New York; and
Peyton Randolph, who was Grand Master
of Masons of Virginia. Only eight Free-
masons have been elected President of the
L^nited States, out of twenty-four men who
have had that honor: Washington, Jack-
son, Polk, Fillmore (who recanted during
the anti-Masonic excitement), Buchanan,
Johnson, Garfield, and McKinley. A cor-
responding list of Vice-Presidents includes
six names: Aaron Burr, D. D. Tompkins,
Richard M. Johnson, George M. Dallas,
John C. Breckenridge, and G. A. Hobart;
and among defeated candidates for the
Presidency, John Hancock, John Marshall,
Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, John Bell, Stephen
A. Douglas, W. S. Hancock, and George
B. McClellan were Freemasons, as were
William II. English and Arthur W. Sewall
among defeated candidates for the Vice-
Presidency. Names of other prominent
xVmericans who were or are Freemasons
are grouped as follows: Cabinet Officers:
James Guthrie, Kentucky (Secretary of the
Treasury); Jacob Thompson, Mississippi
(Interior); Howell Cobb, Georgia (Treas-
ury); Zachariah Chandler, ^lichigan (In-
terior); Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania
(AVar); Nathan Goff, West Virginia (Navy);
Hoke Smith, Georgia (Interior); Benjamin
F. Tracy, New York (Navy), and General
R. A. Alger, ^fichigan (War). Ministers
Abroad: William Richardson Davie to
France (Grand Master of Masons in North
Carolina at the close of the last century);
Anson Burlingame, Massachusetts, to China; Kane and Lieutenants E. E. Peary and
MarshallJewell, Connecticut, to Russia; and A. W. Greely. Editors: Samuel Bowles
Caleb Cushing, Massachusetts, to Spain. (1st), George D. Prentice, George W. Childs,
Governors of States: Richard W. Caswell, Henry AY. Grady, and Colonel John M.
Xorth Carolina; Edmund Randolph, Vir- Cockerill. Financiers: J, Edward Sim-
ginia; DeWitt Clinton, New York; Leon mons, Henry W. Cannon, John W. Mackey,
Abbett, New Jersey; Lucius Fairchild, Wis- AVashington E. Connor, and William Sherer,
cousin; Roswell P. Flower, New York; Manager of the Clearing House, New York;
James B. Gordon, Georgia; J. M. Rusk, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young of the
Wisconsin; Thomas M. Waller, Connecti- Mormon Church; General Albert Pike of
cut; General Benjamin F. Butler, Massa- the Confederate Army; Stephen Girard,
chusetts; J. B. McCreary, Kentucky; D. H. philanthropist; Josiah Quincy (President
Hastings, Pennsylvania; and George W. of Harvard College, 1829-40, during the
Peck, Wisconsin. United States Senators: anti-Masonic agitation); Jacob Quantrell,
Rufus Choate, Massachusetts; Thomas H. guerrilla leader in the Civil War; Richard
Benton, Missouri; John Rowan, Kentucky; Vaux of Philadelphia; Rt. Rev. Bishop
General John A. Logan, Illinois; Oliver P. H. C. Potter of New York; Rt. Rev. Wil-
Morton, Indiana; Leland Stanford, Call- liam Stevens Perry of Iowa; Rev. Stephen
fornia; Marion Butler, North Carolina; H. Tyng; Rev. Robert Collyer, New York;
F. T. Du Bois, Idaho; J. N. Dolph, Ore- Chauncey M. Depew, 0. H. P. Belmont,
gon; George F. Edmunds, Vermont; C. J. Samuel M. Gompers, Joseph D. Weeks,
Faulkner, West Virginia; Arthur P. Gor- Marshall P. AYilder, John Brougham, Ed-
man, Maryland; H. C. Hansbrough, North win Forrest, William J. Florence, and Ed-
Dakota; 0. H. Piatt, Connecticut; M. S. win Booth.
Quay, Pennsylvania; G. L. Shoup, Idaho; The fact that nearly all the names are
Henry M. Teller, Colorado; John M. Thurs- of men who have become distinguished in
ton, Nebraska; Daniel W. Voorhees, In- politics, war, or the professions was to have
diana; Z. B. Vance, North Carolina; John been expected. It is less often that one
J. Ingalls, Kansas; John T. Morgan, Ala- acquires a national or international repu-
bama; Charles T. Manderson, Nebraska; tation in commercial, manufacturing, or
John M. Palmer, Illinois; William A. Pef- agricultural pursuits, and it is among fol-
fer, Kansas; Thomas C. Piatt and Warner lowers of the latter, of course, that by far
Miller, New York. Congressmen: David the larger proportion of the nearly 1,400,000
Wilmot, Pennsylvania; Robert Toombs, affiliated and unaffiliated American Free-
Georgia; Thomas Corwin, Ohio; AVilliam masons are to be found.
D. Kelley, Pennsylvania; R. P. Bland, Fifth Order of Melcliizedek and
Missouri; Samuel J. Randall, Pennsyl- Egji>tiaii Sphinx. — This secret organiza-
vania; William S. Holman, Indiana; James tioaof men and women, the last known public
D. Richardson, Tennessee, and Jeremiah appearance of which was at Boston in 1894,
E. Simpson, Kansas. Judiciary: John was also known as the '' Solar Spiritual Pro-
Marshall, of Virginia, Chief Justice of the gressive Order of the Silver Head and Golden
Supreme Court of the United States; George Star." The Order claimed to have been
M. Bibb, Chief Justice of Kentucky; Rob- founded several thousand years "A. M.,"
ert Trimble, Kentucky, Chief Justice of the which may signify either ante-Melchizedek
Supreme Court of the United States; and or after Melchizedek.
John M. Harlan, Kentucky, Associate Jus- Genii of Nations, Knowledges, and
tice of the United States Supreme Court. Religions. — A mystical association which
Among Arctic Explorers: Dr. Elisha K. seeks to conduct its neophytes from the
Seen to the Unseen, a sort of esoteric col-
lege, familiarly known to its members as the
G. N". K. E. It was organized at Boston
in 1888, and contains three branches, the
Laws of the Ens, Movens, and Om, " in-
cluding the secrets connected therewith."
The Hieroiihant is reported to reside in Ap-
plegate, Cal.
Hermetic. Brothers of Luxor. — Said
to be ancient, mystical, and of Oriental ori-
gin. The head of tlie Exterior Circle in
America recently resided in Illinois. It
teaches "that the divine scintillations of
eternal spirit will each complete its own
* cycle of necessity.'" It is sometimes re-
ferred to as " Isis Unveiled."
Intlependent Iuteri»ational Order of
Owls. — Organized by William Richardson,
G. A. Meacham, and others. Freemasons,
at St. Louis, Mo., in 1890, a secret society
having sociability and recreation for its ob-
jects. Only Freemasons (Master Masons)
are eligible to membership. The presiding
officers of subordinate bodies are called SajDi-
ent Screechers, and instead of Lodges, places
of meeting are called Xests, the governing
body being the Supreme Nest of the World.
The Order numbers about 2,500 members.
Mystic Order, Veiled Prophets of the
Enchanted Realm. — Founded by Hon.
Thomas L. James, ex-Postmaster-General
of the United States, who was the first
Grand Monarch of the organization ; Pro-
fessors Oren Eoot of Hamilton College,
Clinton, N. Y. ; and J. F. MacGregory of
Madison University, Madison, N. Y. ; Gen-
eral William M. Nest and LeRoy Fairchild,
both of Hamilton, N. Y.; with Rt. Wor.
George H. Raymond, Grand Lecturer of the
Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the State
of New York ; Lieutenaut W. C. Eaton,
U. S. N. ; and many others, all Freemasons,
as a social and recreative secret society.
The Order announces that in order to con-
serve its own interests and secure the most
desirable material none but Master Masons
are made eligible for membership. One
of its objects "is to benefit the symbolic
(Masonic) Lodge," and "although in many
cases the government may be guided by
Masonic usage as the most perfect system
extant, it is to be strictly understood that
in itself this is not a Masonic Order, and
the degree is in no sense a Masonic degree."
It is further announced tliat, as in addition
to the abstruse and comi)licated teachings
of Freemasonry which go to make up a
part of life, we also " need sunshine," so
these Freemasons have built up a new
Order, Avhich is " Mystic " in its subtle les-
sons, as in its form ; "Veiled," because no
human heart stands all revealed ; and in
an ''Enchanted Realm," because "duties
wear" and "sorrows burden in any unen-
chanted realm." The cornerstones of the
Order, therefore, as may be inferred, are
sociability and goodfellowship. The first
Grotto was formed at Clinton, N. Y., wliere
Hamilton College is situated. The organi-
zation spread rapidly, there being ten
Grottos in existence five years later, with
two thousand members. Like the Benevo-
lent and Protective Order of Elks, the
Mystic Order, Veiled Prophets of the En-
chanted Realm establishes only one Grotto,
or subordinate body, in any one city. The
total number of Grottos in 1897 was ten,
the principal ones being at New York,
Rochester, and Buffalo, and the total mem-
bership about 2,000. The head covering of
a Veiled Prophet is a turban with a silver
tissue veil, the color of which is selected by
each Grotto, with the exception that purple
veils are reserved for members of the Su-
premo Council, or governing body.
Order of Amaranth. — OrigiiuiUy in-
tended as higher degree in the Order of the
Eastern Star, to form the third of a series
of which the Eastern Star degree and the
Queen of the South should be respectively
the first and second. x\s Chapters of the Or-
der of the Eastern Star did not approve that
plan, the Amaranth remains a distinct Order,
to which only Master Masons in good stand-
ing and women who are members of the Or-
der of the Eastern Star are eligible. The
ritual upon which its present work is
fouuded is said to have been written nearly
forty years ago by J. B. Taylor of Newark,
N. J. This, Robert Macoy of New York is
said to have amplified and improved, until
it had substantially the form used to-day.
The institution of Courts of the Order of
Amaranth began about five or six years ago,
but the growth of this Order has not been
rapid, total membership to-day not exceed-
ing five hundred. The ritual is based on
incidents in the lives of several characters
in the New Testament. In the beginning
an attempt was made to incorporate a mu-
tual assessment beneficiary feature, but it
was abandoned soon after. The objects are
largely benevolent and social. (See Order
of the Eastern Star.)
Order of Martinists. — One -of the nu-
merous Masonic rites which made its
appearance in France about the middle of
the last century. It is also called the Eite
of Martinism. It appeared at Lyons in
1767, with ten degrees, fathered by Louis
Claude de St. Martin, a disciple of Martinez
Paschalis. The latter's rite of nine degrees
formed the basis of the ''rectified rite" of
St. Martin, who was a deeply religious man,
a student of Eosicrucianism, of Sweden-
borg, and of the teachings of the Kabbalists
and hermetic doctors of the middle ages.
His rite was naturally filled with what has
been described as "reveries of the mystics."
The Order was jiopular for a time, and
spread into Oermany and Eussia, where it
had a brief career. The only excuse for
this reference is the statement by S. 0.
Gould, in his " Arcane Fraternities," Man-
chester, N. H., 1896, that the Order, ''re-
duced to three essential and four accessory
degrees," was introduced into America in
1887, where it is "being conferred by estab-
lished and recognized Masonic authorities."
He adds that its chief officer for the United
States "resides in Missouri," and that its
disciples " are residents of more or less of
the States."
Order of the S. E. K. — Composed of
students of Esotericism, Egyptology, and
Symbolism. Membership is limited. The
Order is known to exist in Massachusetts.
Order of the Eastern Star. — A chari-
table and benevolent society to which only
Master Masons, their wives, widows, sisters, -r^cu^
and daughters are eligible. Its teachings
are founded on the Holy Bible. Chapters of
the Order exist in nearly all/ if not quite
all, of the States of the Union, in the Prov-
ince of Ontario and elsewhere in the Do-
minion of Canada, Scotland, and at one
time in Mexico, Central America, and in
South America. Its total membership is
nearly 200,000, about 160,000 in the
United States, and very small elsewhere,
the majority being women. Its symbolism
centres about the five-pointed star and the
pentagon, or signet of Solomon. It is re-
lated that, originally, the first point of the
star suggested Obedience; the second. At-
tachment; and so on ; but the modern ritual
teaches that the first point represents the
binding force of a vow, illustrated by
Jephthah's daughter ; the second, devotion
to religious principles, as exemplified in the
character of Euth ; the third, fidelity to
kindred and friends, as personified by Es-
ther ; the fourth, faith in the power and
merits of a Eedeemer, as manifested by
Martha; and the fifth. Charity, illustrated by
Electa. There is also a symbolism expressed
through the signet, and there are other
emblems, shown within the star. The so-
ciety has the customary sign language found
in kindred organizations. It is proper to
explain that this Order is not Freemasonry,
and is in no way connected with it. It was
created by Freemasons, and only members
of the Masonic Fraternity and women rela-
tives of the latter may join it. It affords no
especial means by which women members
may prove themselves relatives of Free-
masons, except to Freemasons who are
members of the Order of the Eastern Star.
The Order is quite popular in the West,
where almost every city and town has one
or more Chapters. Its membership is also
largo at the East and is growing. In mauy
instances, in addition to performing its
function, that of inculcating various moral
and religious principles, it operates in
practice as a social club, or rallying point
for women members of families of Free-
masons, their husbands, and, if also Free-
masons, their brothers and fathers. Not
many yours ago it was generally supposed
the Order was originated in 1850 or 1851 by
Robert Morris, the well-known poet and
Freemason. Through the courtesy of Alonzo
J. Burton of New York, the writer has
been shown a printed ritual of an '^ Ancient
and Honorable Order of the Eastern Star,''
together with an account of its proceedings
at a session in Boston, Mass., May 18,
1793, which explains that the Society per-
formed a most cflBcient work of charity
during the wars of tlic Revolution and 1812.
The idea of what has been called an Adop-
tive or an Androgenous rite goes back, of
course, even farther tlian that. A reference
to the writings of Mackey, Oliver, and oth-
ers, indicates that shortly after the in-
troduction of Freemasonry from England
to the Continent of Europe (one account
says as early as 1830), so-called ''Masonic "
Lodges for women made their appearance.
To the mere statement of Mackey that there
is a trace of these as early as 1649, nothing
can be added. But in 1843 we find a
French society of this variety, entitled
"Ordre des Felicitaires ; " in 1847, the
*' Order of Wood Cutters;" and, later, a
number of others. These were formed in
Germany, Poland, Russia, and, notably, in
Franco, during the middle of the last cen-
tury, where, for the next twenty-five years,
they flourished and were popular among the
nobility and otliers in the higher ranks of
society. " Lodges of Adoption " appeared in
France in 1750, to which only Master Masons
and women relatives wore eligible, and were
so called from their being taken under the
nominal protection of or being '' adopted "
by regular Masonic Lodges. But there was
no further connection than that between
them and the Freemasonry of one hundred
and forty years ago, although rather more
than that which exists between the Order of
the Eastern Star and Freemasonry to-day,
for there is no such thing in the United
States as even an " adoption '' of an Eastern
Star Chapter by a Masonic Lodge, or even
the recognition of the existence of a body
known as the Order of the Eastern Star by
a Masonic Grand Body. The rituals of the
Ordre des Felicitaires, the Wood Cutters,
and others of like character, are quite dis-
similar from Masonic rituals, tending rather
to poetic, scenic effects, and dramatic per-
formances calculated to impress the (men
and women) novitiates who invariably took
part in them Avith the moral lessons which
it was sought to inculcate. Some of these
relatively ancient, appendant orders for
Freemasons and women relatives of Free-
masons exist on the European Continent
to-day, though they have long ceased to at-
tract the number of candidates or class of
members for which they were formerly
Freemasonry was introduced into the
American colonies nearly one hundred and
seventy years ago, and in the latter half of
the last century (population of the country
and the lack of facilities for communication
considered), had an extensive and, as his-
tory informs us, distinguished membershij).
There are fragmentary printed memoranda
indicating that some of the continental
degrees conferred in " Lodges of Adoption,"
or other men and women's Orders to which
only Freemasons and women relatives were
eligible, were introduced into this country
as early as 1778. Whether any of these
took the form of an Order of the Eastern
Star, w^hich the published report referred
to, may never be known. One may only
admit its likelihood. With the brief state-
ment in the Proceedings of the Ancient and
Honorable Order of the Eastern Star, re-
published in New York in 1850, that that
society was conspicuous for deeds of charity
in the War of the Revolution and in the
War of 1812, one is forced to rest content,
until Kobert Morris invented and costumed
his Order of the Eastern Star. Morris was
born at Boston in 1818, was made a Free-
mason at Oxford, Miss., March 5, 1846, and
in 1847, with his wife, received the so-called
*'side^' or unsystematized Masonic degree,
the "Heroine of Jericho.'' This is said to
have greatly interested him, and in Febru-
ary, 1850, when confined to his bed with
rheumatism, he is described as having de-
vised the Order of the Eastern Star. He
writes of his having "hesitated for a
theme " on which to build such an Order,
having " dallied over a name " and pondered
long over the selection of the five-pointed
star and jjentagon as its chief emblems.
This would indicate originality on his part,
and suggests that his calling it the Order of
the Eastern Star was merely a coincidence.
The writer is unable to learn that Morris
ever heard of the Eastern Star of 1793.
This, then, is the slender thread upon
which hangs the claim of antiquity for the
modern Order. Morris wanted this society
to become a branch of Freemasonry, so as
to permit women members to prove them-
selves relatives of Freemasons to members
of the Masonic Fraternity anywhere, and to
enable them to share in the charitable work
of that Fraternity. His plan excited great
opposition, and failed. In 1853 he con-
ferred the Order on a number of acquaint-
ances, and in 1855 instituted Constellation
No. 1, Purity, at Lodge, Fulton County,
Kentucky. The headquarters were at Lex-
ington, Ky., and Morris, of course, was the
Grand Luminary, About two hundred
Constellations were formed throughout the
United States, one being in New York city,
somewhere on Spring Street. This arrange-
ment of the Eastern Star ritual met with
disfavor from Freemasons, and as the
ceremony was "too complicated," Morris
revised it in 1859, calling the bodies " Fam-
ilies of the Eastern Star." A number of
Families Avere instituted, but the revised
ritual evidently did not possess elements of
success. When Morris sailed for the Holy
Land, in 1866, he turned over all his rights
to the Order of the Eastern Star to Robert
Macoy of New York. In 1866 a church
stood at the corner of Grand and Crosby
Streets, in New York, the property of the
Freemasons of the State of New York, and
in December of that year a fair was held
there for the benefit of the proposed Masonic
Hall and Home. At its conclusion the
ladies who had presided over the tables were
loath to break their i^leasant associations,
and a ball was given a month or two later,
and a thousand dollars more realized for the
fund. On January, 17, 1867, eighteen of
the ladies organized a society and called it
the Alpha Chapter of the Order of the
Eastern Star. They met occasionally and
performed works of charity, but, lacking a
ritual, the society did not prosper. About
a year later one of the ladies met Robert
Macoy, an eminent Freemason, and told
him that if the society had a ritual she
thought it would be successful. Mr. Macoy
set to work rearranging the old ritual, and
on October 15, 1868, in the presence of the
eighteen ladies referred to, conferred the
degree, with his own wife as the candidate.
Macoy simplified the work of the Constel-
lations and amplified that of the Families
by a dramatic rearrangement which was at
once successful. From that time the Order
began to increase, and New York State
to-day has 125 Chapters and about 10,000
members. The Grand Chapter of New
York was organized November 3, 1870.
In 1866 Albert Pike printed^ a version
of the French ritual of an Order of the
Eastern Star of a century ago, using the
forms intact, but augmenting the parts.
The ritual is composed of three degrees,
Apprentice, Companion, and Mistress. The
work is now exceedingly scarce. The de-
grees are so complicated that it would be
impracticable for the ordinary assembly to
work them, and there is no record that they
were ever exemplified in this country.
Whether either Morris or Macov ever saw
this work or the original is not known.
Macoy, as Supreme Head of the Order,
began chartering chapters and issuing new
warrants to such Families as existed, and
1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872 witnessed the
extension of the Order into nearly every
State in the Union, Cuba, Mexico, Central
and South America, superseding a species
of ** Adoptive Freemasonry'^ which had
grown up in Michigan and in New York in
1867 and 1868. AVhat was called the
Supreme Council of the Adoptive Rite of
the World was instituted at New York
city, June 14, 1873, at a time when a
meeting of the General Grand Council of
Royal and Select Masters (American Rite
of Freemasonry) was held at that city.
Morris presided, and Macoy was elected
Supreme Patron ; Mrs, Frances E. Johnson,
Supreme Matron ; Andrew Cassard, Asso-
ciate Supreme Patron ; Laura L. Burton,
Deputy Supreme Matron; Robert Morris,
Supreme Recorder ; William A. Prall, Su-
preme Treasurer ; and P. M. Savary,
Supreme Inspector. This was not long-
lived. The General Grand Chapter of the
Order was formed in 1876 at Chicago, and
has jurisdiction over the entire Order, ex-
cept in Vermont, Connecticut, New York,
and New Jersey, reporting 27 Grand Chap-
ters in all. In 187-4 Alonzo J. Burton of
New York originated a floral ceremony to
supplement the general work of the Soci-
ety, which is in quite general use. At the
session of the Grand Chapter, held in New
York city, June, 1895, the Order of the
Sisterhood was exemplified by a selected
corps from Utica, N. Y., and the degree
was adopted as an auxiliary. It was com-
posed in the latter part of 1878, and is
founded on the Biblical account of Jacob's
ladder and a history of the life of Mary
the mother of the Saviour. (See Order of
Order of the Majji. — A mystical Chi-
cago Society, the practices and preachings
of which are ''open to all who can appre-
ciate them,'' but which is in reality a secret
Order in that its teachings are imparted by
means of " secret machinery." Its so-called
" religion " is referred to as that of " the
stars." No one but members profess to
know the cause of its existence or its
underlying principles.
Order of the Mystic Star. — Founded
about 1872 or 1873, at New York city, by
A. J. Duganne and others. It was designed
to rival the then rapidly growing Order of
the Eastern Star, and, like it, was open
only to Master Masons, their wives, widows,
mothers, daughters, and sisters. It did not
live long.
Order of the Oinali Laiij^uage. —
Founded at Washington, D. C; year not
given. It describes the original universal
language, the root, as the Omah tongue,
the primal language " which allied man to
Yahveh," and alleges tliat through confu-
sion of sounds much that was known to man
is lost ; that the Omah language revealed to
man the secrets of material life ; and tliat
''this language now' upon this planet has
once more reached the identical point from
which it was diffused," so that " men daily
pronounce the magic words, having no con-
ception of their occult power and meaning."
S. C. Gould, in his "Resume Arcane Asso-
ciations," adds that "a word to the wise is
sufficient;" from which some may infer
that the Order thinks it has much it could
teach, even to the most erudite students of
high grade Masonry.
Order of the Palladium.— Said by S. C.
Gould, in his "Resume of Arcane Associa-
tions," to have been "instituted in 1730,"
and "introduced into the United States at
Charleston, S. C," where it remained dor-
mant until 1884, when it was revived in
1886, as the new and reformed Palladium,
" to impart new force to the traditions of
high grade Masonry." It admits men and
women, the former to the grades of Adelphos
and Companion of Ulysses, and the latter to
that of Penelope. As its Councils are " held
incognito," its proceedings never printed,
and its membership is greatly restricted.
little is kuown of it by others than mem-
bers. It publishes the "Free and Eegen-
erated Palladium,*' by Avhicli title it is now
Order of the S. S. S. and Biotlier-
liood of the Z. Z. R. R. Z. Z.— Head-
quarters ''for this country" at Boston.
Its motto is: *'A11 things come from
within." Its seal is a circle, formed of
three cobras " separated by three swastikas,
encircling two interlaced triangles," which,
in turn, enclose "the crux ansata," from
which its theosophic temperament and
mystical tendencies may be inferred. It
declares that Love with Wisdom is the
secret of Life, and that the Torch of Life
is fed by the Oil of Love. Among its relics
is said to be a " large cube of cream-white
stone," of great antiquity, j^resented by " a
Mexican chief." Membership is small.
Order of the Siifis. — Philosophical and
theosophical, based on the Unitarian doc-
trines of the Persians. The word Sufi
refers to the Arabic word Suf, wool, and
alludes to the dress of the Dervishes who
originally taught the princij)les the Order
seeks to elucidate, which are alleged to
reconcile jihilosophy with revealed religion
by means of mystical interpretations of doc-
trine. The candidate for its mysteries
represents a traveler in search of Truth,
"a hidden treasure," and passes through
eight stages or grades. Worship, Love, Se-
clusion, Knowledge, Ecstasy, Truth, Union,
and Extinction, or absorption into the
Light. S. C. Gould, of Manchester, N. H.,
states that representatives of the Order re-
side in New York and Missouri.
Order of the White Shrine of Jerusa-
lem.— Founded at Chicago a few years ago
by Charles D. Magee, Supreme Chancellor.
Men and women are eligible to member-
Queen of the South. — See Order of
Rite of Swedenborg-. — A mystical,
theosophical Masonic rite, consisting of six
degrees, which grew out of the Rite of the
Illuminati (Avignon, 1760), into which
the reveries of both Boehme (founder of
the latter) and of Swedenborg (who was
not a Freemason) were incorporated. It
has been presumed to have long been ex-
tinct outside of a few Swedish Lodges ; but
S. C. Gould, in "Arcane Fraternities," Man-
chester, N. H.,1896, says that the Eite flour-
ished in a Lodge in New York from 1859
until 1863, and that it is still practised
as a distinct rite in the Dominion of
Society of Eleusis. — Commemorative of
its prototype, it is founded on a portion of
the ceremonies of the latter, and occasion-
ally holds a grand festival with appropriate
exercises. It dates its birth 1356 B.C., and
has for its motto. Quod hoc sibi vuU f Com-
mune bonum. Its duodecennial celebration
was held at Boston in 1884.
Society of the Illuminati. — A seced-
ing Mormon, religious secret society for
men, with which was associated another
organization, The Covenant, a secret so-
ciety for Mormon men and women, which
existed on Beaver Island, in Northern Lake
Michigan, off the Grand Traverse regions,
between 1850 and 1856. When the Mor-
mons, under Brigham Young, left Council
Bluffs for Utah, James J. Strang, at the
head of a party of seceders (New York
" Sun " Grand Rapids correspondence,
January 21, 1895, published January 27),
journeyed to Beaver Island, founded the
village of St. James, " naming it after him-
self," erected a tabernacle, and, with the
assistance of " a dozen young men as ajaos-
tles," conducted religious services. By
1850 St. James had a population of about
600. In 1850 Strang had a revelation from
" an angel of the Lord," directing him to be
crowned "King of the Mormons," and en-
joining upon him and his jieojile the isractice
of polygamy. He was accordingly crowned
king in what might be described as "ample
form," and took unto himself a number
of wives. The account referred to adds
that "in the Church" were two secret
societies, one called tlie Society of the
Illuminati, for men only, and the other for
both men and women, called " The Cove-
nant," from which it is easy to perceive he
paralleled the work of Young, Kimball,
Hyde, Pratt, and other Mormon leaders,
then in Utah, where the secret "work'' of
the Mormon Cluirch centred largely in the
endowment house ceremonials. (Sec Free-
masonry among the Mormons.) It is fur-
ther explained that "in The Covenant
iron-clad oaths were taken to defend tlie
Church, even to the shedding of blood, and
to stand by one another through thick and
thin." The "secret obligations and work
of the Illuminati were never made i)ublic."
Strang's career was brief. In 1856 he
was shot by one of his followers who had
been iiublicly whipped, by order of the
"king" for refusing to compel his wife to
wear " bloomers " in compliance with an
"edict" that all women in the kingdom
should dress in that manner. Learning of
Strang's death, neighboring fishermen in-
vaded the island, razed the tabernacle, and
dispersed the piratical Mormon population,
■who fled to Chicago, Milwaukee, and else-
Sovereign College of Allied Masonic
and Christian Degrees for America. — A
"Grand body," founded by Hartley Car-
michacl, 33°, William Eyan, 33% and C. A.
Xesbitt, 33°, at Eic]imond,Yirginia,in 1890,
having rituals of some so-Citlled "side" or
unsystematized degrees, which are conferred
only upon Freemasons, and several aca-
demic degrees which are conferred upon
distinguished Freemasons, hoyioris causa,
or to members of the Fraternity "who have
passed satisfactory examinations and jxiid
the necessary fees." Its highest academic
degree is entitled "Doctor of Universal
Masonry," and only five Freemasons are
said to have received it — Josiah H. Drum-
mond, of Maine, Past Most Puissant Sover-
eign Grand Commander of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite for the Nortiiern
Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States
of America ; William James Hughan, the
well-known English Masonic historian ; D.
Murray Lyon, the Scottish Masonic his-
torian ; the Earl of Euston ; and Prince
Demetrius Rhodocanakis of Greece. The
Sovereign College is in amity with the
Royal Ark Council of England, the Grand
Conclave of Secret Monitors for Great
Britain, the Colonies and Dependencies of
the British Crown, and the Grand Council
of the Allied Masonic Degrees for England,
Wales, and the Colonies and Dependencies
of the British Crown, at which the Earl of
Euston is the representative of the Sovereign
College in America. The allied Masonic
and Christian degrees conferred by the Sov-
ereign College are the Ark Planner, cor-
responding to the English Royal Ark Mari-
ner ; Secret Monitor, Babylonish Pass, Great
Higii Priest, St. Lawrence the Martyr,
Tylers of Solomon, Knight of Constanti-
nople, Holy and Tdesscd Order of Wisdom,
and Trinitarian Knight of St. John -of Pat-
mos. In recently published announcements
the Babylonish Pass and Great High Priest-
hood are omitted. The Ark Mariner degree
is popular in England, where the candidate
must have taken the Mark Master Mason
degree in order to be eligible to receive it.
It is conferred upon Master Masons here.
The language of the degi-ee is peculiar. The
Su]>reme body is called a " Grand Ark ; "
subordinate bodies are "Vessels." All its
references are nautical, and allude to the
Deluge and the Ark of Noah. Members
profess to be followers of Noah, and there-
fore call themselves Noachidae, or Sous of
Noah. The degree, which was invented in
England about the close of the last century,
sheds no light upon Freemasonry. Tlie
degree of Secret Monitor, conferred upon
Ark Mariners, is thought to have been de-
rived from a Masonic society which was
formed in Holland, about 1778, to teach
the meaning of Brotherly Love. The latter
was called the Order of David and Jonathan,
and inculcated unfaltering friendship even
in the presence of the most appalling danger.
The degrees of Tylers of Solomon, St. Law-
rence the Martyr, and Knight of Constanti-
nople are conferred only upon those who have
taken the two preceding degrees, and that
last named upon those only who are willing to
repeat and sign the Apostles' Creed. Mackey
says of the degree of Knight of Constanti-
nople, that it has no connection with Free-
masonry, teaches an excellent lesson in hu-
mility, and that it was probably instituted
by some Masonic lecturer. The Babylonish
Pass used to be conferred in Scotland in
Eoyal Arch Chapters. It jjossesses some-
thing in common with the Masonic Order
of the Red Cross conferred in Commanderies
of Knights Templars. It is thought that the
Holy and Blessed Order of Wisdom is allied
to one of a similar name referred to under
the sketch of the Order of Knights of the
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine (which
see), particularly as the candidate must
be either a Knight Templar or a thirty-
second degree Freemason of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Trinita-
rian Degree of Knight of St. John of Pat-
mos is conferred only upon Freemasons of
mark and learning who have received the
thirty-second degree of the Ancient and Ac-
cepted Scottish Rite. It is Christian and
Trinitarian, and its possessors declare it
equivalent to a patent of Masonic nobility.
The ritual refers to the banishment of St.
John. It is believed to be allied to the
Order of Knights of St. John the Evan-
gelist, conferred in Grand Councils of
Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and
Constantine. The Sovereign College is still
situated at Richmond, Va., and its three
founders continue among its principal of-
ficers. Total allied membership about
2,100, of whom about 560 are in the United
Tall Cedars of Lebanon. — The name
of a so-called Masonic '^ side degree." The
ceremony is said to be amusing. The de-
gree has no oflBcial standing, and there is
no regular or authorized method of confer-
ring it, beyond the fact that it has been
handed down to be passed along. Its finale
is sometimes a banquet.
Temple of Isis. — Situated at Chicago.
Lectures are delivered before its members
monthly, on such subjects as the Mysteries,
the Sphinx, the Pyramids, and Hermetic
Teachings. Its symbol is a four-winged
kneph surrounded by a cobra. Dr. W. P.
Phelon is named as the founder of the So-
ciety, in which much is made of the Tetra-
grammaton, or combination of Hebrew let-
ters representing the great and sacred name
of Deity.
Tlieosopliical Society. — (Contributed
by Mrs. Annie Besant.) The Theosophical
Society is an international brotherhood, the
formation of which was suggested on Sep-
tember 7, 1875, in the rooms of Madame
H. P. Blavatsky, 46 Irving Place, New York
city, U. S. A., and the definite organization
of which was completed on November 17th
of the same year. On that day the duly
elected President, Colonel Henr}^ Steele
Olcott, delivered the inaugural address, and
the official year of the Society is reckoned
from November 17, 1875. The first officers
have an historical interest. President, Henry
Steele Olcott; Vice-Presidents, Dr. S. Pan-
coast and G. H. Felt; Corresponding Secre-
tary, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; Record-
ing Secretary, John Storer Cobb; Treasurer,
H. J. Newton ; Librarian, Charles Sotheran ;
Councillors, Rev. J. H. Wiggin, R. B. West-
brook, Emma Hardinge Britten, Dr. C. E.
Simmons, H. D. Monachesi; Counsel to the
Society, W. Q. Judge. Of all these, but
one remains to-day, the President-Founder,
H. S. Olcott, who, after twenty-two years
of loyal service as President, remains still at
the head of the Society, the symbol of its
unity and the custodian of its unbroken tra-
ditions. The rest are all swept away by death
or desertion, the death of H. P. Blavatsky,
the co-founder, having occurred in 1891.
Organization. — The organization of the
Society is copied from that of the United
States, so far as federal and local govern-
ments are concerned. It has a president.
elected for a term of seven years (the Presi-
dent-Founder holds his office for life, the
seven years' term applying only to his suc-
cessors). He appoints a vice-president, but
the appointment must be ratified by the So-
ciety; and he appoints a recording secretary
and treasurer. There are no other officers
belonging to the Society as a whole. The
general control and administration of the
Society is vested in a General Council, con-
sisting of the President, the Vice-President,
and the General Secretaries of the Sections
into which the Society is divided. Its head-
quarters are at Adyar, Madras, India, and
consist of a lai'ge and beautiful building,
containing a spacious hall for meetings, a
fine library, the offices of the Society, and a
number of living apartments; this building
is surrounded by extensive grounds, pictur-
esquely planted, and has several smaller
bungalows connected with it for the work
of the Society and the reception of visitors.
The library, Avhich was opened in 188G by
a remarkable ceremony in which Hindu,
Buddhist, Mohammedan, and Zoroastrian
priests officiated, contains a valuable collec-
tion of some 10,000 Eastern palm-leaf manu-
scripts and printed literature, some of the
former being exceedingly rare. It bids fair
to grow into an institution of very great
importance, and plans are on foot to make
it a great teaching centre and a resort for
students from all parts of the world. Its
beauty, seclusion, and quiet — while only
seven miles distant from the city of ^ladras
— combine to render it an ideal spot for the
student. The anniversary meetings of the
Theosophical Society are held at Adyar at
the end of each December, and on that occa-
sion a vast gathering assembles of members
and friends from all parts of India and from
other lands; the twenty-first anniversary
was celebrated there on December 27, 28,
29, and 30, 1896.
Branches of the Society not belonging to
any Section, and members unattached to
any Branch or Section, are connected di-
rectly with the headquarters at Adyar; but
as soon as circumstances permit of their
being organized under local governments
they are encouraged to thus group them-
Any seven members of the Society may
apply to be chartered as a Branch, all char-
ters deriving their authority from tlie Presi-
dent. Every Branch, or Lodge, of tlie So-
ciety elects its own officers and makes its
own by-laws, subject to the provision that
such by-laws must not conflict with the gen-
eral rules of the Society. Any seven or
more chartered Branches can be formed by
the President, on their application, into a
Section, and this Section enjoys local auton-
omy; it elects a General Secretary, who is
ex-officio a member of the General Council,
the governing body of the whole Society,
and who is the official channel of communi-
cation between the President and the Sec-
tion. Each General Secretar}'^ sends an-
nually to the President a report of the year's
work of his Section, and these are summar-
ized by the President in his annual report,
and are preserved as part of the records of
the Society at Adyar. There are at present
(1897) seven Sections of the Theosophical
Society: the American Section, chartered in
188G, General Secretary, Alexander Fuller-
ton, 5 University Place, New York city; it
contains 40 Branches and is growing I'ap-
idly; the European Section, chartered as
the British Section in 1888, and extended
to Europe in 1890, General Secretary, G.
P. S. ^lead, 10 Avenue Koad, Regent's
Park, London, England, with 79 Branches
and Centres (groups not yet chartered); the
Indian Section, chartered in 1890, General
Secretaries, Bertram Keightley and L''pen-
dranath Basu, Benares, India, with 181
Branches and Centres, of which 47 are in-
active; the Australasiaii Section, chartered
in 1894, General Secretary, J. Scott, 42
Margaret Street, Sydney, N. S. W., with
12 Branches; the Xew Zealand Section,
chartered in 1895, General Secretary, Lilian
Edger, Mutual Life Buildings, Auckland,
with 8 Branches; the Scandinavian Section,
chartered in 1895, General Secretary, A. Zet-
tersten, ISTybrogatan 30, Stockholm, Sweden,
with 13 Branches; the Netherlands Section,
chartered in 1897, General Secretary, W. B.
Fricke, 76 Amsteldijk, Amsterdam, Hol-
land, with 7 Branches.
Ceylon has 22 Branches, bnt they are not
organized into a Section; the chief work of
the Society in Ceylon has been that of edu-
cation. Under the inspiring energy of the
President-Founder the Sinhalese Buddhists
have built and now maintain 100 schools
and two large colleges, educating between
3,000 and 9,000 Buddhist children. These
22 Sinhalese Branches and four others are
the only Branches outside the Sections.
Objects. — The objects of the Theosophical
Society are three in number: 1. To form a
nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of
Humanity, without distinction of race,
creed, sex, caste, or color. 2. To encourage
the study of comparative religion, j)hiloso-
phy, and science. 3. To investigate unex-
plained laws of nature and the powers latent
in man. Only the first of these objects is
binding on all members, and the Society
embraces members of all faiths, demanding
no assent to any formula of belief as a quali-
fication of membership. Its members are
connected by an ethical rather than by an
intellectual bond, and their unity rests on a
sublime spiritual ideal, not on a formulated
creed. The Society has no dogmas, insists
on no beliefs, indorses no church, supports
no party, takes no sides in the endless quar-
rels that rend society and embitter national,
social, and personal life. It seeks to draw
no man away from his faith, but helps him
to find in the depths of his own religion the
spiritual nourishment he needs. That each
should show to the religion of others the
respect he claims for his own is understood
as an honorable obligation in the Society,
and perfect mutual courtesy on these mat-
ters is expected from members. More and
more this leads to cooperation in the search
for truth, to softening of prejudices, to lib-
eralizing of minds, and to the growth of
a gracious friendliness and willingness to
Doctrines Studied. — The leading doc-
trines studied in the Theosophical Society
are : the unity of existence ; the three Logoi;
the nature of the universe and of man, as
macrocosm and microcosm, evolving in a
sevenfold order; the One Self as the root of
Being, its infoldment in matter and the un-
foldment of its powers therein; the inherent
divinity in man, his constitution and pow-
ers; his evolution by reincarnation, treading
in turn the physical, astral, and mental
worlds, time after time, under the law of
causation, or karma, until perfection is
gained; the quickening of evolution by the
study and practice of the science of the
soul; the present existence of men who have
attained perfection, and who remain on
earth to help onward the evolution of their
less advanced brethren; the presence of such
men in all ages, as custodians of a body of
knowledge respecting God, the universe,
man, and their relations to each other, lead-
ing to a knowledge of the Self, the divine
wisdom; the existence and continual activ-
ity of Intelligences — spiritual and others —
engaged in carrying on and directing all the
processes of nature, with whom man can
come into contact by virtue of the spiritual
intelligence latent within himself. It is
asserted that these doctrines are common to
all religions, and that where any of them
have become overlaid by efflux of time, it is
necessary, in order to preserve the religion,
that they should be restored. Their jDres-
ence in the various religions can be proven
by the common language of symbolism, in
which they are expressed, the leading sym-
bols of great religions being identical. The
study of symbolism is carefully pursued in
the Branches of the Society.
Inner Grades mid Teachings.— Mhile
everyone who recognizes the universal broth-
erhood of man is welcomed within the Theo-
sophical Society, its inner grades, comprised
witliin the Eastern School, or Esoteric Sec-
tion, are open only to those members of not
less than a year's standing, who have made
sufficient jsrogress to have become convinced
of the truth of the fundamental theosophi-
cal doctrines, and who, already striving to
lead a pure and unselfish life, desire to ad-
vance more rapidly in the evolution of the
inner nature. Such members, on approval,
enter the Eastern School, and commence a
regular course of study and jH'actice, de-
signed to prepare them for admission into
successive stages of the path which leads up
to definite discipleship under one of the
great Masters, or Adepts, who are the cus-
todians of the divine wisdom, and who are
ever ready to welcome the neophyte who
proves himself worthy of accei)tance. This
School opens up once more, in the sight of
the modern Avorld, the ancient pathway to
Initiation, the function performed in an-
cient Greece by the Schools of Pythagoras,
between which and the TheosoiJhical Society
there is an occult tie. Its lowest grades
correspond to the classes of Pythagorean
scholars who were learning to practise in
family and social life the lower classes of
virtues, and its higher ones, in ascending
order, lead the earnest aspirant to the very
gateway of the great Initiations. This res-
toration to the modern world of the cher-
ished privilege of antiquity — the knowledge
where the beginning of the pathway can be
found that leads from the life of the world
to that of the Adept, or the perfected Man,
is perhaps, to earnest and aspiring souls,
the greatest boon bestowed by the Theo-
sophical Society.
History. — The history of the Theosophi-
cal Society is one of struggle against appar-
ently insurmountable obstacles, of crushing
attacks and betrayals from which it has ever
emerged the stronger and the purer, of tem-
porary reverses followed by swifter progress.
It is as though it were watched over by a
Power which subjects it to the rudest trials,
in order to shake out of it every member
who is not strong enough to stand alone,
and intuitional enough to discern the
right pathway amid bewildering cross-roads.
Some think that the Society is being shaped
for a great work in the future, and that the
unfit are therefore from time to time sifted
Two figures stand prominently out as the
Founders of the Society, Colonel Henry
Steele Olcott and Madame Helena Petrovna
Colonel Henry Steele Olcott is a native-
born American, and obtained his colonelcy
during the great Civil War between Xorth
and South. He received high praise from
his government for his services, and was well
known, in addition, as a scientific agricul-
turalist; but his cravings after knowledge
of the invisible worlds drove him into in-
vestigations that led him far away from offi-
cialism and agriculture, and when he met
Madame H. P. Blavatsky at the Eddy farm-
house, whither he had gone to investigate
the spiritualistic manifestations tlirough the
Eddy brothers, he was drawn to her by her
obvious occult knowledge, and a bond was
formed between them which united them in
a common work on the physical plane till
her passing away in 1891. According to
her belief and his the bond remains un-
broken on the higher planes of existence,
and tliey are still co-workers, though not in
the physical body. Together they founded
the Theosophical Society, and traveled
through the world to organize it.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a Kus-
sian of noble family related to the imperial
house of Russia. She was married in ex-
treme youth to his Excellency General Xice-
phore Blavatsky, governor of a district in
the Caucasus, but left him ere their married
life had well begun, driven by an insatiable
thirst for occult knowledge, and traveling,
on means provided by her father, through
Egypt and various Eastern lands, in search
of a Teacher whom she knew to exist, but
knew not where to find. At last she suc-
ceeded in the object of her search, and be-
came the pupil of a great Hindu sage, re-
ceiving from him the knowledge with which
she returned to the Western world. She
made her wa}^ to America, where she was
directed to begin her teaching work, met
Colonel Olcott, and accepted him as the col-
league she Avas seeking, and announced her-
self to the world through the publication of
two large volumes, " Isis Unveiled,'' a work
showing a vast range of occult knowledge,
but a collection of notes for a book rather
than the complete book itself.
These two remarkable persons were the
founders and the sustainers of the Theo-
sophical Society: Colonel Olcott the execu-
tive officer, the organizer, presiding over all
its otiter activities; and Madame Blavatsky
the teacher, the expounder of occult mys-
teries and the wielder of occult forces. They
were the twin suns round which the whole
system revolved.
The Society did not flourish in America
after its foundation. Little interest was
aroused by its teachings. Spiritualism being
then in the ascendant, and it appeared as
though the Society were fated to perish still-
born. But its organization was just kept
going by its founders, and the great spirit-
ual forces behind it ensured its continuance
through these early days. On July 16,
1877, at a meeting of the Society, the Presi-
dent was authorized to form branches of the
Society in Great Britain, India, and else-
where at his discretion, to transfer the So-
ciety's headquarters to any country in which
he might himself be established, and to tem-
porarily appoint anyone he might select to
an}^ executive office necessary for the trans-
action of business. These arrangements
were made in view of the approaching de-
parture of the Founders for India; the New
York headquarters were broken uji on their
sailing for Liverpool on December 17, 1878,
but a nucleus appointed by the President re-
mained to carry on the life of the organiza-
tion in America — General Abner Donbleday,
David A. Curtis, G. V. Maynard, and W. Q.
The first offshoot of the Theosophical So-
ciety appeared in Great Britain, and was
chartered on June 27, 1878. This Branch
changed its name in 1883 from the "Brit-
ish Theosophical Society '' to the " London
Lodge of the Theosophical Society.*' It
still bears this name, and has Mr. A. P.
Sinnett, the well-known writer, as its Presi-
dent. It is the premier Lodge of the So-
ciety, as holding the oldest charter.
The Pounders left England for India on
January 19, 1879, and landed in Bombay
on February 16th. There the Indian de-
partment of the Society was founded, and
branch after branch rapidly sprang up.
The movement spread to Ceylon in 1880,
nine branches being formed there. In Eu-
rope, the Ionian Branch was founded in
Corfu in 1882, followed by the formation of
branches in France in 1883, and in Scot-
land and Germany in 1884.
In America the movement languished.
An apparently abortive attempt to form a
Branch at Los Angeles, Cal., was made in
April, 1879, and under date April 30, 1881,
Mr. Judge writes of the one group in New
York city that it is "suspended," and
" ought to remain torpid for some time
yet." But General Donbleday and Dr.
J. D. Buck were elected among the Vice-
Presidents of the whole Society in April,
1880, and Mr. Judge was elected as a re-
cording secretary in 1879, and reelected in
1880. In January, 1882, a slight renewal
of life appeared at Eochester, and a Branch
was chartered, followed on May 5, 1883, by
a Branch at St. Louis. On December 4,
1883, the original New York group, long
suspended, dissolved itself, and the "New
York Branch of the Theosophical Society "
was formed under the name of the " Aryan
Theosophical Society," with Mr. Judge as
President. A " Board of Control " for the
movement in America was chartered by the
President-Founder on May 13, 1884. It
lasted until October 30, 1886, when it was
dissolved by the order of the President, and
the nine Branches of the Theosophical So-
ciety then existing in America were formed
into the first territorial Section of the So-
ciety. This Section was definitely organized
ou October 30, 188G, at the residence of Dr.
J. D. Buck, Cincinnati, 0. Mr. AV. Q.
Judge was unanimously elected General Sec-
retar}' and Treasurer, and from that time
forward he devoted himself to the work of
building up the Section with indomitable
courage, perseverance, and energy. So well
he wrought that in nine years he had estab-
lished a Section of nearly one hundred
Branches, and though at the end he de-
serted the Society and struck at it a fratri-
cidal blow, the errors of his later years may
be forgotten in the lustre of his earlier ser-
vices, when the schism he caused is healed
by the gentle hand of time.
The American revival followed close ou
the heels of one of the most ruthless attacks
ever made on the Society. Two employes
of the Society, accused of wrong-doing,
concerted Avith certain missionaries in Mad-
ras an elaborate accusation against Madame
Blavatsky, when she and the President were
absent in Europe, charging her with fraud
in connection with abnormal manifesta-
tions produced by her. ]\Iadame Blavatsky
promptly resigned her position in the Soci-
ety, in order that it might not be compro-
mised in the eyes of the public, and de-
manded an investigation into the charges.
A large and important committee was
formed to look into the matter, and cleared
her from the charges made, conclusively
proving that they were based entirely on
false and slanderous statements made by
enemies of the Society with the view of de-
stroying it. Madame Blavatsky's resigna-
tion was refused, and the Society declared
its full confidence in her integrity, so that
the attempt to ruin her only enthroned her
more securely in the hearts of its members.
As with King Solomon's judgment, which
proved the true mother of the dispiited child
by her readiness to surrender it as hers in
order that it might live, so did H. P. Bla-
vatsky's prompt and entire self-abnegation
prove her motherly devotion to the Society
to which she had given birth.
From this time (1884-85) onward the So-
ciety seemed to be inspired with fresh life
and energy. Mr. Judge, returning from
India, threw himself into the work in Amer-
ica with the results already noted. The
President succeeded in obtaining from Lord
Derby, then the head of the Colonial Office,
various alterations in the government pol-
icy in Ceylon, thus benefiting the Buddhist
population of that island, while the govern-
ment in India at last withdrew from the
official persecution by police esi)ionage which
it had carried on against the two Founders,
under the pretence that they were engaged
in j^olitical intrigues. ^ladame Blavatsky
settled in Europe, at first in Germany and
then in London, where she gathered round
her a number of pupils, since well known
in the movement, Bertram and Arcliibald
Keightley, G. K. S. Mead, C. F. Wright, tlie
Countess "Wachtmeister, Mrs. Isabel Cooper
Oakley, Mrs. Annie Besant, all members of
the powerful London group called the Bla-
vatsky Lodge, while she was also in the close
neighborhood of her old pupils, A. P. Sin-
nett and C. AV. Leadbeater, two of the most
widely knoAvn writers on Theosophy. (All
these, except Dr. Archibald Keightley and
Mr. AA'right, remained loyal to the Society in
the great crisis of 1894-95.) The European
movement grew rapidly under the impulse
given by ^Madame Blavatsky's presence and
writings, and her London pupils have re-
mained the leading writers of theosophical
literature, forming the literary heart of the
Society. At the close of 1888 Madame Bla-
vatsky, with her colleague's cordial assent,
formed her personal pupils into the Esoteric
Section, that she later named the Eastern
School, thus publicly reo])ening the ancient
pathway to the obtaining of the divine wis-
dom. In 1891, on May 8th, she passed out
of the body, bidding her pupils to expect
her reappearance ere long in India, in an
Indian body chosen by her Master as the
vehicle for her next incarnation. She left
the carrying on of her special department
of work in the hands of her pupil, Mrs.
Annie Besant, in whose charge she also
placed the whole of her unpublished manu-
The Society continued to spread in all
parts of the world, but in 1892 and 1893
many complaints were circulated accusing
Mr. \\. Q. Judge — who had been made
Vice-President of the whole Society — of
forging messages which purported to come
from the Masters. The scandal grew so
great that it became necessary to investigate
it, and Mrs. Annie Besant early in 1894
presented a formal request to the President
to appoint a committee for the investigation
of the charges. The committee met in Lon-
don in the July of the same year, but was
foiled in its purpose by the legal ingenuity
of the accused, who pleaded that it had no
jurisdiction to try him. The abortive at-
tempt to put things right only increased the
scandal, and at the Convention of the In-
dian Section in the following December a
resolution was passed calling on the Presi-
dent to obtain from Mr. Judge a vindication
of his character within six months, or fail-
ing that to expel him from the Society.
The Australian Section followed suit, and
the European called on Mrs. Besant to pub-
lisli the evidence. At that time the Society
cousisted only of four Sections, and three of
these were resolute that Mr. Judge should
clear his character or leave the Society.
Meanwhile Mr. Judge had been planning a
coup de theatre. He had circulated pri-
vately documents denouncing Mrs. Besant,
and claiming the right to remove her from
the position as teacher she had been given
by Madame Blavatsky. His American col-
leagues supported him, and he induced
them, at the Convention of the American
Section at Boston, in April, 1895, to declare
the American Society independent, with
himself as President for life. He was sup-
ported by 90 votes to 10, and the American
Section was reduced to fourteen Branches,
the remainder constituting themselves into
a separate Society, leaving the international
body, and, while retaining its name, casting
off their allesfiance to its President and
seceding from the original association. A
couple of hundred members followed their
example in Europe, under the leadership of
Dr. Archibald Keightley, and about a score
followed suit in Australasia. The fratricidal
blow did not succeed in slaying the great
international Society. Even in America a
remnant stood firm and remained as the
American Section, and the fourteen Branches
to which it was reduced had increased to
forty in July, 1897. In Europe the Society
has grown rapidly in importance, and there
are now three Sections in Europe instead of
' one, while in Australasia New Zealand has
become a separate Section, the Theosophical
Society thus possessing seven Sections scat-
tered over the world. The whole Society is
the stronger and the purer for the lesson
that no position in it, however high, no ser-
vices, however great, can be held to condone
deviations from the path of probity and truth
in the Society's work.
Bibliography. — The leading magazines in
the Society are " The Theosophist," founded
by H. P. Blavatsky and Colonel H. S. 01-
cott, edited by the latter, and published at
Adyar, Madras, India; " Lucifer," founded
by H. P. Blavatsky, edited by Annie Besant
and G. E. S. Mead, and published in Lon-
don, England; " Mercury," edited by J. "W.
Walters, published in San Francisco, Cal.,
U. S. A.; " Theosophy in Australasia,"
published in Sydney, N. S. W., Australia;
" Theosophia," published in Amsterdam,
Holland; " Le Lotus Bleu," edited by Dr.
Pascal, and published in Paris; " Teosofisk
Tidokrift," published in Stockholm, Swe-
den; "Sophia," published in Madrid, Spain.
Besides these, there are many smaller jour-
nals in various languages, issued in Europe
and in India,suitable to local work and needs.
The chief works issued are — By H. P.
Blavatsky: " The Secret Doctrine," 3 vols. ;
"The Key to Theosophy; " "' Isis Un-
veiled," 2 vols.; "The Voice of the Si-
lence;" "' Panarion, or a Collection of
Fugitive Papers;" "The Caves and Jun-
gles of Hindostan;" "Nightmare Tales,"
a collection of extraordinarily weird, occult
stories. By H. S. Olcott: "Old Diary
Leaves," a history of the Theosophical So-
ciety; " Theosophy, lieligion, and Occult
Science;" " Posthumous Iluinanity," trans-
lated from the French; " A Buddhist Cate-
chism; " '" Kinship between Hinduism and
Buddhism." By A. P. Sinnett: "The
Occult World;" "Esoteric Buddhism;"
" The Growth of the Soul; " " The Ration-
ale of Mesmerism;" "Karma," a novel.
By Annie Besaut: Five of the series of
" Theosojihical Manuals," expositions of
Theosophical doctrines; "' The Ancient Wis-
dom," an outline of Theosophy; "The
Building of the Kosmos; " "The Self and
its Sheaths;" "The Birth and Evolution
of the Soul;" "In the Outer Court;"
" The Path of Discipleship; " " Four Great
Religions," expositions of Hinduism, Zoro-
astriauism. Buddhism, and Christianity;
"The Three Paths to Union;" a transla-
tion from the Sanskrit of " The Bhagavad
Gita." By G. R. S. Mead: "Plotinus;"
" Orpheus; " "' The World Mystery; " " Si-
mon Magus;" a translation of the " Pistis
Sophia; " a translation from the Sanskrit,
"The Upanishads," 2 vols. By C. W.
Lead beater: Two of the series of "Theo-
sophical Manuals;" "Dreams." By W.
Scott-Elliot: "The Story of Atlantis,"
with maps. By M. C. : "' Light on the
Path." By Franz Hartmann: "Magic,
White and Black;" "The Secret Symbols
of the Rosicrucians." By Dr. Pascal:
"L"A. B. C. de la Theosophie; " " Les
Sept Principes de I'llomme." By Alexan-
der Fullerton: "' The Wilkesbarre Letters; "
"The Indianapolis Letters." By Walter
R. Old: "What is Theosophy?" By W.
Kingsland: "The Esoteric Basis of Chris-
tianity." By Rama Prasad: "Nature's
Finer Forces." By T. Subba Row: "Dis-
courses on the Bhagavad Gita; " " Esoteric
Writings." There is a very large pamphlet
[The Theosophical Society has also had
some of the ordinary secret society elements
of secrecy in it; i.e., "certain signs, pass-
words, and a grip." ^Irs. Besant writes
that these "are still universally used in
India," where every new member is for-
mally received and invested with them.
" In the West," she adds, " tiiey have been
dropped — a mistake, I think. The Esoteric
Section or Eastern School is a secret society.
H. P. Blavatsky was often asked by Masons
to give them the lost knowledge, and would
sometimes surprise them by giving them
their own grips. She had some pupils
among them, but I am not aware that she
offered them that which, as a body, they
seek." The emblems selected by the Theo-
sophical Society are familiar to all students
of symbolism, particularly to those who have
attained the haut grades of Scottish Rite
Freemasonr3^ They consist of an Egyptian
tau in the centre of two interlaced equilat-
eral triangles encircled by a serpent holding
aloft the swastika, or Phusnician tau. Fj'om
the point of view of the Theosophical So-
ciety it is explained that "the serpent sym-
bolizes, as a serpent, wisdom, and as a ring,
eternity; also the manifested universe de-
scribed by the eternal wisdom. The swas-
tika is the divine power in creative activity,
by its motion producing or generating all.
The tau is the symbol of the same power in
its lower aspect, when in the Egyptian form
the interlaced triangles are spirit and mat-
ter, life and form, fire and water, indivisible
during manifestation, and within these the
tau works." — Editor.]
Tlie Roehestor Brotlierliood. —
Founded at Rochester, N. Y., in 1887, a
religious, mystical society, which seeks to
show that "the Perfect Man is the anthro-
pomorphic God.'' Its symbol is a triangle
with R. B. in the centre. The letters L L
arc placed at the upper i)oint, S S at the
left, K D at the right point, meaning re-
spectively " Live the Life," " Search the
Scriptures," and "Know the Doctrine."*
Its membership is small.
Fraternal Orders. — Within a dozen
years this expression has come to have spe-
cial reference to the beneficiary secret soci-
eties, those which pay death, sick, funeral,
disability, or other benefits, and which have
become so popular. They are the natural
outgrowth of tlie English friendly societies.
The first English friendly societies act
was passed in 1793. It designated them as
societies of good fellowship. Their origin
seems by common consent to be the burial
club of the ancient Chinese, the Grrecks, and,
after them, the Eomans, by whom the idea
was transmitted to the Teutons, whence the
Teutonic Guilds. There appears to be some
doubt whether the earliest English friendly
societies were of Eoman or Teutonic origin.
Investigators declare that both the Greeks
and the early English guilds followed
burial relief with a system of mutual assist-
ance in sickness and distress. Naturally, in
the beginning, guilds were largely made up
of neighbors, those living in a particular
locality, from which it is but a step to
guilds made up of members of the same
trade, whence the early trades unions, or
guilds. After the suppression of the re-
ligious guilds in England in the sixteenth
century, a system of organized relief was
substituted, by means of the poor law of
Elizabeth, after which followed the earlier
of the present type of what in England are
called friendly societies. The earliest of
the known English friendly societies Avere
formed in 1634, but authorities agree that
no connection has been shown between
them and the last of the medigeval guilds
in 1628. After the first friendly societies
act was passed, it is stated that thousands
of clubs formed friendly societies, designed
to promote good fellowship and relief dur-
ing sickness, and burial at death. Some of
those societies have maintained a continued
existence to this day, more than one hun-
dred years. The cutting down of the taxes
for the relief of the poor in 1819 showed the
appreciation of the British Government of
the work done by the friendly societies in
encouraging self-relief. The friendly so-
cieties act was entirely reconstructed in
1829, so as to take cognizance of the inten-
tions and requirements of such societies.
The act was further amended in 1834, 1846,
1850, 1855, and in 1875 and 1876. By 1855,
when friendly societies, notably the Eng-
lish Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
Manchester Unity, and the Ancient Order
of Foresters, had become firmly established
and extremely jDopular throughout the King-
dom, there were 21,875 such organizations
registered. Under the act as amended in
1876, British friendly societies were divided
into thirteen classes : 1. Affiliated Socie-
ties, or Orders, such as Odd Fellows, For-
esters, Rechabites, Druids, and the like,
which have lodges, courts, tents, or divi-
sions ; 2. General Societies ; 3. County So-
cieties ; 4. Local Town Societies ; 5. Local
Village Societies ; 6. Particular Trade So-
cieties ; 7. Dividing Societies ; 8. Deposit
Friendly Societies ; 9. Collecting Societies ;
10. Annuity Societies ; 11. Female Soci-
eties, such as the Female Foresters, Odd
Sisters, Loyal Orangewomen, Comforting
Sisters, etc.; 12. Workingmen's Clubs, for
those in search of employment, or relief
from special ailment ; and 13. Cattle Insur-
ance Societies. By the amended act of
1875 these Societies make annual reports
of their condition and operations, and at
five-year intervals statements of assets, lia-
bilities, risks, and contributions.
The Odd Fellows, Foresters, Recliabites,
and Druids, all English friendly societies of
the first class, had been introduced into the
United States prior to the Civil War, up
to which period native efforts to make
secret societies had been confined largely
to political organizations. Exceptions were
the college fraternities and the Improved
Order of Red Men, a veritable friendly
society. At the close of the war tlie Knights
of Pythias appeared, likewise a friendly
society, and a few years later the Ancient
Order of United Workmen, the pioneer
secret order founded to make practicable a
system of cooperative life insurance. This
it did, and has had several hundred imita-
tors, of which many survive. Excei)t in
that these Fraternal Orders, by means of
mutual assessments, pay benefits to relatives
of deceased members, they practically par-
allel the English friendly societies named.
The Mutual Underwriter Chart of Frater-
nal Organizations shows that at the begin-
ning of 1896 there were 1,833,304 members
belonging to the fraternal organizations re-
porting to various insurance departments.
At the beginning of 1897 that total had
increased to 2,048,092. The '^ amount of
protection written" during the year 1896
was $574,964,915, as against $517,512,481.
That in force was $3,698,398,335, as against
$3,392,016,474. The assets aggregated
$12,078,710, against $9,604,974, the year
before. The liabilities were $3,666,924;
against $2,479,438. From assessments in
1896 the sum of $39,896,618 was received,
against $35,844,732 in 1895. Receipts, ex-
clusive of assessments, were $6,278,397 in
1896, and $2,617,206 in 1895. The total
income was $42,678,120 in 1896, and $38,-
851,727 in 1895; $38,067,676 losses paid in
1896, and $34,575,927 in 1895. Ex]icnses
in 1896 were $2,895,872, and $2,699,534 in
1895. Total disbursements forl896 amounted
to $40,985,084, while in 1895 they
Forty-eight of the larger and more suc-
cessful Orders, those forming the National
Fraternal Congress, are fewer than one-
third of the total number of like societies
still in existence, yet they report four-
fifths of the total membership of all bene-
ficiary secret societies, about 1,600,000 out
of 2,000,000.* Their outstanding ccr-
tificates represent about $4,000,000,000 of
"protection,'' and during the last thirty
years they, have disbursed nearly $150,000,-
000. It is not known that writers on co-
operation, in the United States have had
their attention called to the progress made
by cooperative or mutual assessment life
insurance, beside which, cooperative buying
among consumers, cooperative stores, and
industrial cooperation, in this countiy, hide
their diminished heads.
* The following statistics of membership of
various fraternal orders are furnished by Mr. Adam
Warnock, Boston, Supreme Secretary of the Ameri-
can Legion of Honor :
Name of Order.
Almvas Israel, Independent Order
American Henetit Society
American (iuil<i
American Lcf^'ioii nf Honor
Ancient Order of tlic Pyramids
Ancient Order United Worlvnien
Artisans' Order of Mntiud Protection
B'nai B'ritli, Independent Order
Ben Hiir, Supreme Tribe of
Bolieiniun C. C U
Boliemian Slavonian Kniglits and Ladies..
Brotliei hood of the Union
Canadian (Jrder of Foresters
Catholic Benevolent l.cfiion
Catholic Kniu'lits of America
C'alhiilic Knijihts of WlKonsin
Catholic Mutual r.enelit .\seociation
Catholic Order of Koreslers
Catholic Relief and Beneficiary Association.
Catliolic Women's Benevolent Legion
Chosen Friends, Order of
Foresters of Illinois. IndependentOrder of .
Fraternal .\id Association
Fraternal Alliance
Fraternal Tiihnnes
Free Sons of Israel, Independent Order. . . .
Foresters, Independent Order of
Fraternal I>e<:ion
Fraternal Mystic Circle
Fraternal Union of America
(i;ii. Assemhly of Uu- .Amer. Benev. Assn..
Golden Cross," X'nited ( )rder
Golden Star Fraternity
Good Fellows, Hoyal Society of
Ileptasophs. IinjjroviMi ( )r(ler
llerniann's Sons of Wisconsin
Home Circle
Ilonii' Forum Benefit OrdiT
1(H). 000
The enormous membership of the rela-
tively numerous Fraternal Orders is ex-
plained by their beneficiary or "'protec-
tion " features, which Vary greatly, and not
only include a death benefit varying from
$100 to So, 000, but insurance against sick-
ness, disability, and accident, and, in in-
stances, a funeral benefit, and a benefit at
the death of the wife of a member, while
one Order erects a monument over the grave
of everv deceased member, to cost
Name of Ordek.
Indepenrieiit Order Mutual Aid
ludi'peiident Order of Foresters
Indei)ciuleiit W'estern Star Order
Knights and Ladies of Honor
Kni^lits and Ladies of Security
Knights and Ladies of the Fireside
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Star
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Father Mathew
Knights of Honor
Iviiights of Pytiiias, Endowment Kank
Knights of St. Jolm and Malta
Kniglitsof Sobriety, Fidelity, and Integrity
Knights of the Golden Eagle
Knights of the Maccabees
Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association....
Ladies of tlie Maccabees
Legion of the Red Cross
Loyal Additional Benefit Association
Loyal Mystic Legion of America
IjoW (Terinan (ir. Lodge of the U. S. of N. A
Masonic Protective Association
Modern Woodmen of America. ...
Mutual Protection, Order of
Mystic Workers of the World
National Benevolent Society
National Protective Legion
National Provident LTnion ,
National Reserve Association
National Union
New England Order of Protection
Northwestern Legion of Honor
North .\merican Union
Pilgrim Fatliers, United Order of
Protected Home Circle
Ridgehy Protection Association
Roj-id Arcanum ,
Royal Circle
Royal League
Royal Neiglibors of America ,
Royal Temple of Temperance
Royal Tribe of Joseph
Scottish Clans, Order of
Shield of Honor
Supreme Council, Home Circle
Sui>reme Council, Legion of Honor ,
Supreme Court of Honor ,
Supreme Lodge, Nat. Reserve Association..
Supreme Lodge, Order of Colutnbian Kts. ,
Supreme Ruling, Fraternal Mystic Circle.. ,
United Friends, Order of ."
United Friends of Michigan ,
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
Woodmen of the World
Workmen's Benefit Association ,
1,1 91, .500
The total membership of the foregoing list is
2,557,374. Amount of benefits paid in 1897, $41,-
070,746. Total payments from 1867 to 1897 were
over $420,000,000.
But these societies go farther by cultivat-
ing a spirit of fraternity and by encourag-
ing centres of intellectual, aesthetic, and so-
cial development, which often take the place
of the club. The names of many of the
Orders are pretentious and some ridiculous.
In many instances the titles of executive
officers sound out of place ; but not more so
than a few employed in older and larger
societies. The tendency appears to still be
for the multiplication of Fraternal Orders.
In the latter half of the previous century
very few new secret societies made their
appearance, the fascination of Freemasonry
for intelligent men leading them rather to
amplify than to imitate. A result Mas that
more than 1,000 Masonic and other degrees
were invented, most of which are fortu-
nately dead. But during the latter third of
the nineteenth century activity in secret
society lines has been transferred to Amer-
ica, where the bent seems to have been to
invent new secret societies, legions, circles,
unions, or orders — most of them designed
to provide machinery for collecting assess-
ments and paying them over to those
whose misfortunes and the terms of their
contracts, policies, or certificates make
them the recipients. These orders are still
in the. formative period, and much remains
to be done before any of the systems of
levying assessments can be generally recog-
nized as a near approach to perfection. As
a result there are many weakling bene-
ficiary societies, and a number are fore-
doomed to failure. When the stronger and
more progressive orders shall have demon-
strated the character and extent of their
work by employing substantially the same
system of assessments, there will be fewer
weak and imperfect. The tendency will
then be to have less and less to do with the
secrecy of which so much and yet so little
is made to-day, and combination or con-
solidation will appear to complete a suc-
cessful, cooperative machine for ameli-
orating the ills the human flesh is heir to.
The beneficiary societies as constituted
Ord. United
Sons of
of tlie
Knights of
Pat. Order
Sons of
Ord. of the
Am. Union
and Un.
"A. P. A."
- 100,000
3,800| 9.111
4,750| 7,758
100,000 38,416
2.700, 5.113
j 100,000
[ 25,000
: 78.000
( 2,500
i 18,000
( 7,500
! 780
1 665
I 599
68,800 190,000
3,000 100,000
2,500 60.000
" " '4,474
290,000 712,350
50,000 176,850
25,000 12,500
j 20,000
j 19,000
\ 65,325
■ 1
8,190' 3.700
246 S'^1
0 ErfiA
1 i
■in o-A
Total T'aDada
Total Elsew'e N.Am,
Total South America.
Total Europe
Total Ai*ia
Total Africa
Total Australasia . . ,
Total Oceanica
■ Not organlaed Into separate State or Territorial Grand Bojlea.
if KrN'kah Id lb<> C S
lo-day may be divided into four general
classes :
(1) Those which bind themselves to
bury their dead, and to furnish stated relief
to members who may be sick, disabled, etc.,
irrespective of the need of such members
for pecuniary assistance ;
(2) Regular death benefit, mutual assess-
ment societies ;
(3) Death benefit orders of the short-
term variety, which seek to couple mutual
assessment life-insurance with the tontine
plan and pay back to surviving members
who shall have made regular payments,
etc., for a certain number of years, the full
amount of their assessments, or premiums,
in some instances with interest added. The
success which temporarily attended a few of
the better-known short-term orders which
are dead, appeared to be due to surviving
members being relatively few, and lapsed
memberships comparatively numerous.
(4) The fourth group is not a large one,
comprising the few orders which have
sought to render the Building and Loan
Association more attractive by reason of
becoming a secret order.
The accompanying tabular exhibit of
statistics of membership of twenty-six of the
larger and more important national and
international secret societies in the United
States, with totals arranged by States and
Territories, in conjunction with those of
membership abroad, must prove of interest
to members of the organizations named, as
well as to students of the sociological aspects
of the growth and development of secret
societies. This presentation has been pre-
pared after prolonged correspondence with
those best fitted to eon tribute data, and repre-
sents the latest available comparative totals
of all the organizations. The Loyal Orange
Institution is omitted because of its prefer-
ence not to make public details as to mem-
bership. Totals for the Ancient Order of
Hibernians refer to only one branch. Board
of America, members of the Board of Erin
preferring not to send totals by States. It
should be added tliat both branches of the
Hibernians are now united. The grouping
includes, in addition to totals for the Masonic
Fraternity, information from the following
charitable and benevolent secret societies :
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Inde-
pendent Order of Good Templars, Sons
of Temperance, Knights of Pythias, Inde-
pendent Order of Red Men, Foresters of
America, Grand Army of the Republic,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, Knights of
Malta, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
(negro), and Grand United Order of Odd
Fellows (negro).
Among the so-called Patriotic Orders,
official returns have been received from the
following : Junior Order, United American
Mechanics; Order of United American Me-
chanics ; Patriotic Order, Sons of America ;
Order of the American Union, and Ameri-
can Protective Association (A. P. A.)
Statistics of the Patrons of Husbandry
have also been included, as well as details
respecting membership of the following
death and other benefit societies : Ancient
Order of United "Workmen, Royal Arcanum,
Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of
the Maccabees, Knights of Honor, Knights
and Ladies of Honor, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, and Woodmen of the World.
Figures furnished by the American Pro-
tective Association and the Order of the
American LTnion are official, but do not
seem to be sufficiently in accord with the
situation to be of great value for compari-
son. Omitting totals for these two organi-
zations, it is found that twenty-four of the
more important secret fraternities, out of
nearly 350 having an active existence,
numbered 4,548,840 members in the L^nited
States in 1895-96. It is probable that with
tlie added membership of more than three
hundred others, many of them small socie-
ties, the grand total would approximate
0,000,000, thus pointing to nearly 4,000,000
adults, members of secret fraternities in
the L^nited States, after allowing for the
usual {)ro])ortion belonging to two or more
lo-day may be divided into four general
classes :
(1) Those which bind themselves to
bury their dead, and to furnish stated relief
to members who may be sick, disabled, etc.,
irrespective of the need of such members
for pecuniary assistance ;
(2) Regular death benefit, mutual assess-
ment societies ;
(3) Death benefit orders of the short-
term variety, which seek to couple mutual
assessment life-insurance with the tontine
plan and pay back to surviving members
who shall have made regular payments,
etc., for a certain number of years, the full
amount of their assessments, or premiums,
in some instances with interest added. The
success which temporarily attended a few of
the better-known short-term orders which
are dead, appeared to be due to surviving
members being relatively few, and lapsed
memberships comparatively numerous.
(4) The fourth group is not a large one,
comprising the few orders whicii have
sought to render the Building and Loan
Association more attractive by reason of
becoming a secret order.
The accompanying tabular exhibit of
statistics of membership of twenty-six of the
larger and more important national and
international secret societies in the United
States, with totals arranged by States and
Territories, in conjunction with those of
membership abroad, must prove of interest
to members of the organizations named, as
well as to students of the sociological aspects
of the growth and development of secret
societies. This presentation has been pre-
pared after prolonged correspondence with
those best fitted to con tribute data, and repre-
sents the latest available comparative totals
of all the organizations. The Loyal Orange
Institution is omitted because of its i)refer-
ence not to make public details as to mem-
bership. Totals for the Ancient Order of
Hibernians refer to only one branch. Board
of America, members of the Board of Erin
preferring not to send totals by States. It
should be added that both branches of the
Hibernians are now united. The grouping
includes, in addition to totals for the Masonic
Fraternity, information from the following
charitable and benevolent secret societies :
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Inde-
pendent Order of Good Templars, Sons
of Temperance, Knights of Pythias, Inde-
pendent Order of Red Men, Foresters of
America, Grand Army of the Republic,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, Knights of
Malta, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
(negro), and Grand United Order of Odd
Fellows (negro).
Among the so-called Patriotic Orders,
official returns have been received from the
following : Junior Order, United American
Mechanics; Order of United American Me-
chanics ; Patriotic Order, Sons of America ;
Order of the American Union, and Ameri-
can Protective Association (A. P. A.)
Statistics of the Patrons of Husbandry
have also been included, as well as details
respecting membership of the following
death and other benefit societies : Ancient
Order of United Workmen, Royal Arcanum,
Modern Woodmen of America, Knig^its of
the Maccabees, Knights of Honor, Knights
and Ladies of Honor, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, and Woodmen of the World.
Figures furnished by the American Pro-
tective Association and the Order of the
American Union are official, but do not
seem to be sufficiently in accord with the
situation to be of great value for compari-
son. Omitting totals for these two organi-
zations, it is found that twenty-four of the
more important secret fraternities, out of
nearly 350 having an active existence,
numbered 4,548,840 members in the United
States in 1895-9G. It is probable that with
the added membership of more than three
hundred others, many of them small socie-
ties, the grand total would approximate
G,000,000, thus pointing to nearly 4,000,000
adults, members of secret fraternities in
the United States, after allowing for the
usual proportion belonging to two or more
organizations; nearly one in three of the
voting population of the country.
The relative numerical strength of the
four larger societies in the various States
and Territories is made plain by an accom-
panying map (see Preface), on which their
names are marked in order, according to
membership in those States and Territories.
Eeference to tlie geographical chart shows
that there are more members of the Masonic
than of any other secret fraternity in Maine,
Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Ken-
tucky, Missouri, District of Columbia, Vir-
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ten-
nessee, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
Arkansas, and Indian Territory ; and more
members of the Odd Fellows in Massachu-
setts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jer-
sey, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa,
Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washing-
ton, California, and Nevada ; of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen in Delaware,
Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon,
and Arizona ; of the Knights of Pythias
in Louisiana and New Mexico; of the
Patrons of Husbandry in New Hampshire;
Junior Order of United American Mechan-
ics in Maryland; Knights of the Maccabees
in Michigan; Modern Woodmen of America
in Illinois and Wisconsin; and the negro
Freemasons in Ceorgia. Other societies
finding a place among the first four in point
of number, in one or more States, are the
Grood Templars; Grand Army of the Repub-
lic; Foresters of America; Royal Arcanum;
Patriotic Order, Sons of America; Improved
Order of Red Men; Knights of Honor;
and the negro Odd Fellows.
Pennsylvania is the banner secret society
State, contributing more than 850,000 mem-
bers of twenty-four organizations w'hose
totals are considered in the accompanying
statistics of membership, 19 per cent, of the
grand total in all States and Territories.
New York stands second, with 724,000
members of the twenty-four fraternities, 16
per cent, of the grand total for the country ;
Illinois third, with more than 513,000 mem»
bers, or about 11 per cent.; Ohio fourth,
with 10 per cent.; Massachusetts fifth, Avith
8 per cent. ; Michigan sixth, with more than
7 per cent. ; and Indiana seventh, with 7 per
cent., the seven States accounting for four-
fifths of the aggregate American member-
ship of the twenty-four fraternities speci-
The payment of benefits or insurance by
means of assessments, graded according to
age at time of joining, is apparently (1898)
most popular among societies in the Frater-
nal Congress. Of the forty-five fraternities
reports have been received from thirty-six, of
which twenty-seven report the above plan in
operation, eight of the remaining nine
being equally divided between the merits of
the premium system proper and what may
be called the step-rate plan of assessment, in-
creasing at regular intervals with the age of
the insured. In the remaining society the
benefits are graded according to the age,
while the assessments are fixed and uniform.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
reports twenty-one jurisdictions using the
straight, ungraded assessment j^lan and thir-
teen the step-rate assessment. The Order
of United Friends changed on January 1,
1898, to the step or group plan of assess-
ment, increasing at each five years. Two
other societies are considering a similar
change. There is some variation in the
amount of insurance paid. A benefit of
from $50 to $2,000 is paid by the Knights"
and Ladies of the Clolden Star, while tlie
Catholic Benevolent Legion, the National
Provident Union, the Home Circle, the In-
dependent Order of Foresters, the American
Legion of Honor, the National Union, and
the Improved Order of Heptasophs pay from
$500 to $5,000. Seven out of thirty-six or-
ders report paying sick benefits; nine others
report such benefits optional with the local
or subordinate bodies; while nineteen, or
more than one-half, report none. In the
majority of cases where paid, such benefits
are the result of the work of the local
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bodies, and are not part of fhe duty of the
parent societies. More than one-half of
these societies report varying grades of bene-
fits payable in case of accident involving
partial or total disability, such as the loss of
one or more limbs or eyes, incapacity from
old age (seventy years being a common
period), paralysis, or other causes. The
payment of one-tenth to one-half of the
face of the member's benefit certificate upon
the occurrence of any of these disabilities
seems quite general. Payment of funeral
expenses is a feature of several societies, but
almost always of local lodges or bodies. Six-
teen out of thirty-six societies report no
benefits payable by reason of total or partial
disability. The replies indicate that weekly
sick benefits are often payable out of dues
of local lodges, whereas the other benefits
are more generally defrayed by means of
It is of interest to note that the rate of
mortality in thirty societies during the third
year of the existence of each of them aver-
aged 4.10 per 1,000, while during the last
fiscal year (1897) the average death-rate per
1,000 was '9.50, and the average age of the
societies showing this death-rate about fif-
teen years. In twenty-eight societies the
average cost per 11,000 for such benefits
paid in 1897 was 19.22, whereas the same
companies reported the cost when those so-
cieties were only three years of age at 15.04.
The need of an adequate reserve to provide
for emergencies does not seem to have im-
pressed all of these societies alike. Only
about one-half of tiie fraternities, members of
the Congress, report having reserve funds.
The method of raising such funds varies
with the societies, but generally it is by
means of assessments upon members. Some
organizations set apart a certain percentage
of such assessments as a reserve fund. In
Massachusetts and other States the banking
laws, under which insurance societies oper-
ate, require reserve funds and direct how
they shall be invested. The American Le-
gion of Honor has a reserve of 1500,000 in-
vested as provided by law. The Ancient
Order of United Workmen raise $1,000,000
annually by a tax of 13 per member. Some
societies have a reserve in the shape of one
assessment in advance. As a general thing
the reserve, where possessed, is invested in
United States or State and municipal bonds
and first mortgages on real estate. The Or-
der of Select Friends adopted a reserve plan
at the close of 1897. The National Keserve
Association plan of insurance is very like
that of old-line companies, except for the
reserve element in the latter's premiums.
Average age of death benefit members in
tAventy-four societies at the end of the first
three years of the societies' existence is
placed at about 36.40, while the average
age in the same societies in the last fiscal
year is placed at 40.30, showing the intro-
duction of younger members. The replies
as to cost of management show an increase
per capita as the societies advance in years.
The average of the replies of twenty-seven
fraternities shows that the per capita cost
of management during the last year was
about II. 65 per member, whereas when
these societies were three years old their per
capita cost was only 11.48. Some societies
reckon the cost of management per mem-
ber as a fixed sum and report it year after
year. Others, like the Royal Arcanum, the
Royal League, the Modern "Woodmen of
America, the Knights of the Maccabees,
Legion of the Red Cross, Knights and
Ladies of Security, Woodmen of the World,
National Reserve Association, and the Na-
tional Union show a decreased cost of man-
agement per member now as compared with
the third year of their existence.
The irregularity and iucompleteness of
replies received from beneficiary organiza-
tions not members of the Fraternal Con-
gress is testimony to the value of organi-
zation in fraternal insurance as well as in
other lines of business. There are, of course,
some honorable exceptions, but the statistics
of operation of these organizations are not
generally satisfactory. Among fraternities
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not members of the Fraternal Congress the
popularity of the "assessment according to
age" plan is shown by their records. Of
the thirty societies reporting, seventeen are
using the plan. The following is a list of
them :
Canadian Order of Foresters.
Catholic Mutual Benefit Association.
Catholic Women's Benevolent Legion.
Commercial Travelers' Association.
Golden Star Fraternity.
Independent Order B'nai B'rith.
Knights and Ladies of Honor.
Knights of Columbus.
Knights of Pythias, Endowment Eank.
Loyal Knights and Ladies,
Modern American Fraternal Order.
Mystic Workers of the Woi'ld.
National Fraternity.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Union Fraternal League.
AVestern Knights Protective Association.
Among the above the amount of benefits
paid varies from 150 to 13,000, most of
them paying $500 to 12,000. Twelve of
them report no benefits paid by the Order
as a whole, the same being optional Avith
subordinate bodies. Partial and permanent
disability is provided for, hoAvever, by many
of these societies. A tendency toward an
increased death-rate as they grow older is
noted, and a similar increase in the cost of
this form of insurance per thousand. Dues
of local branches seem to be the basis of
the sick benefits, while regular assessments
are general!}^ relied on to defray other bene-
fits. About one-half of these organizations
report reserve or emergency funds; statis-
tics of age and cost of management are very
i ncomplete.
The same general conclusions are to be
obtained from an examination of the statis-
tics of similar societies doing business under
different plans. Two, the American Insur-
ance Union and the Knights of the Golden
Eagle, use the step-rate assessment, while
the Fraternal Tribunes, the Progressive
Endowment Guild, and the Prudent Patri-
cians of Pompeii collect insurance premiums
suggestive of a revival of the systems used
by old-line companies. The Independent
Order Free Sons of Israel, Independent Or-
der Sons of Abraham, Independent Order
Sons of Benjamin, and the Order of Sparta
pay benefits by means of uniform, straight,
ungraded assessments, Avhile in the Order
of the Iroquois and in the Brotherhood of
Eailway Conductors, benefits and not assess-
ments or contributions' are graded accord-
ing to age. The Continental Fraternal
Union is an endowment association, while
the Foresters of America, which formerly
had such a plan, has discontinued it. The
Grand Fraternity is unique in that it pays
annuities for partial or total disability, or
to Avidows and orphans or other relatives at
the death of members.
Among the distinctively friendly socie-
ties, those Avhich aim to relieve distress and
pay funeral expenses among members, and
to assist those whom death has robbed of
support, are the following:
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
United Ancient Order of Druids.
Ancient Order of Foresters.
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Jr. Order United American Mechanics.
Actors' Order of Friendship.
Independent Order of Mechanics.
Improved Order of Red Men.
Sons of St. George.
National Protective Society.
Shepherds of Bethlehem.
Ancient and Ilhistrious Order of Knights
of Malta.
In only one instance, the Sons of St.
George, and then in only a few States, does
the benefit paid at the death of a member
exceed $250; In one instance, the Inde-
pendent Order of Mechanics, the amount
paid falls as low as 120, and runs as high as
125. In the instances of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians, the Ancient and Illustrious
Order of Knights of Malta, the Improved
Order of Red Men, the Independent Order
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of Odd Fellows, and the Ancient United
Order of Druids the governing body does
not recognize the payment of either insur-
ance or death benefits. Subordinate lodges,
courts, groves, or tribes employ a death
benefit system in whole or in part. In
some States a few of these organizations,
notably the Ancient Order of Hibernians in
Pennsylvania, contract for insurance with
regular insurance companies. The sick
benefit, weekly, monthly, or otherwise, is a
recognized institution among the societies
named, and where systematically paid varies
from $2 to $15 weekly. Medical attendance
and medicines are paid for by subordinate
bodies of some of these societies, while the
payment of specific sums for burial ex-
penses is general. The ISTational Protective
Society jmys an accident benefit. Eaising
these funds is provided for generally from
dues, although a few of the societies rely
upon assessments. The necessity for ac-
cumulating a reserve or emergency fund is
recognized in at least one half of the frater-
nities named, but in others dependence seems
to be placed on the weekly or other dues and
assessments. In the Ancient Order of For-
esters, in which dues are graded according
to age at entry, its various treasurers held
at the close of 1896 $29,137,745, an increase
of $1,052,595 in that year. The Actors'
Order of Friendship, from the circumstances
of the case a small society, reports $20,000
in the treasury. Statistics of the death rate
per thousand and cost of insurance among
these friendly societies are naturally affected
by the irregular nature of the benefits paid
and systems of dues and assessments, and are
therefore unclassifiable.
American Benefit Society. — This is
one of the smaller mutual assessment bene-
ficiary fraternities ; but although incor-
porated as late as 1893, by Cliarles H. Burr,
George B. Stevens, Lewis N. Qushman,
Geoi'ge H. Johnson, Daniel T. Buzzell, Ja-
cob Billings, Jr., and Samuel Shaw, of
Massachusetts, it already numbers nearly
five thousand members, and is growing rap-
idly. It issues certificates to members for
$250, $500, $1,000, or $2,000, and Lodges
pay weekly sick benefits, and dues and as-
sessments of members while sick, in their
option. Its method of assessment to meet
death benefits is approved by some of the
best fraternal actuaries in the country, and,
as in only one of two other instances among
like organizations, a formal initiation is not
necessary to acquire membership. The cere-
mony of initiation is said to be simple, yet
dignified, but those who prefer may take the
obligation before a supreme officer and se-
cure membership as effectually as at a reg-
ular meeting. Men and women between the
ages of eighteen and forty-five, who may be
socially acceptable, believers in a Supreme
Being, and able to earn a livelihood, are
eligible to membership. The organization
will not enter any except the more health-
ful regions of northern States, and at pres-
ent has Lodges in all the New England
States. Its i^ublished list of some of its
better known certificate holders includes
governors of States and a long list of State,
national, and municipal officials. There are
also found the names of prominent officers
of the Ancient Order of United Workmen,
Knights of Honor, Eoyal Arcanum, Eoyal
Society of Good Fellows, Workmen's Bene-
fit Association, Improved Order of Hepta-
sophs, American Legion of Honor, Good
Templars, Order of the Golden Cross, Im-
proved Order of Eed Men, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, and Freemasons.
The list of lawyers, physicians, bank offi-
cials, editors, publishers, and business men
throughout New England who are identified
with the Society would prove an addition to
any similar organization. The headquar-
ters of the society are at Boston.
American Benevolent Legion. — A
newly organized mutual assessment bene-
ficiary society, with headquarters at San
American Fraternal Insurance
Union. — Organized at Batavia, N. Y.,
within the past few years, a beneficiary and
social association for men and women. Its
Lodges are scattered through western New
Auiericau Insurance Union. — Organ-
ized at Columbus, 0., 1894, by members of
the Fraternal Mystic Circle, who were dis-
satisfied with the course pursued by the
latter, as well as by members of the Na-
tional Union, of the Knights of Pythias,
the Odd Fellows, and the Masonic Frater-
nity. It partially paralleled the increasing
rate of assessments, according to age,
which had done so much to build up and
strengthen the National Union, and provides
for death, total disability, and old age bene-
fits. The form of government is the usual
one in similar secret beneficiary societies,
and includes local and State Chapters, to-
gether with a National (or supreme) Chapter,
the highest legislative authority. Member-
ship is confined to men and women between
15 and 49 years of age, residing in the
more healthful portions of the United
States, '' who are engaged in preferred oc-
cupations." Death benefits of sums rang-
ing from 1500 to ^3,000, permanent total
disability benefits of from $250 to $1,500,
and old age benefits of like amounts arc
paid, and the Union is under the super-
yision of the insurance department of the
State of Ohio. The ritual teaches ''All
for one and one for all," which suggests the
motto of the Knights of Labor, but is in-
terpreted differently. The emblem consists
of a circular band containing thirteen stars,
and in them the letters forming the words
"Helj) in Need," the whole surrounding
the initial letters of the name of the organ-
ization. While among the younger of sim-
ilar societies, the Union, which started out
with 500 members, has enjoyed rapid in-
crease in membership and gives promise of
realizing the anticipations of those who
created it.
American Order of I>ruids. — Organ-
ized by William Pearson and William A.
Dunn, at Fall Kiver, Mass., and chartered
Mav 17, 1888, under the laws of the State
of Massachusetts. Its first Council was
organized at Fall River, July 9, 1888. It
forms one of several secret, fraternal, bene-
ficiary organizations to which men and
women are both eligible, which confine
their operations to the New England States.
Among its founders were members of the
Grand United Order of Druids in the
United States, the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, and the United Order of
Pilgrim Fathers. It pays sick and death
benefits by means of assessments. It has
2,300 members.
American Ijegion of Honor. — One of
the best known among the larger and more
popular fraternal, social, and beneficiary
assessment societies, founded by Dr. Darius
Wilson and nine others of Boston, Decem-
ber 18, 1878. It admits to membership
white men and women, between 18 and 50
years of age, and is governed by a Supreme
Council. Subordinate Councils, which are
widely scattered throughout the Union, are
directed in matters of local interest by
Grand or State Councils, representatives
from which, and all Past Supreme Com-
manders, make up the Supreme Council.
The ritualistic and initiatory features are
less pronounced than those of most similar
societies in the United States. Prospective
members are informed that initiatory cere-
monies, if objected to, may be dispensed
with by assuming a formal obligation at
any convenient time and place. Originally
the maximum age of eligibility to member-
ship was G4 years, but this was reduced to
50 years in 1885. The Order insures the
lives of its members for $1,000, $2,000, and
$3,000 each, at their o])tion, certificates
of which carry a graduated weekly relief
benefit. Some of the founders were among
those who organized the Royal Arcanum,
and one. Dr. Wilson, was connected with
the Knights of Honor. Since its founda-
tion the Order has paid more than $30,000,-
000 in death and relief benefits. The pro-
portion of women to men among its mem-
bershij) in 1894 was about as one to seven.
The American Legion of Honor suffered
from increased expenses, death rate, and lack
of new members during 1895 and 1896, as
did some other similar organizations. Mem-
bers accounted for the situation by '' un-
usually heavy assessments in 1896," owing
to ''increased debts," the ^'hard times,"
and a "smaller proportion of new mem-
bers," which a grand total of 36,028 mem-
bers December 31, 1896, compared witb
53,210 on December 31, 1895, and 62,457
at the close of 1889 (the maximum), would
seem to confirm. Leading members of the
Supreme Council are men of experience in
fraternal insurance societies, and with co-
operation from the rank and file of the
Order were able to so conduct the society's
affairs as to restore the prosperity the or-
ganization previously enjoyed. The chief
emblem of the Legion is a modification of
the cross of the French Legion of Honor,
which has the Maltese Cross for its model,
and has been conspicuous, under various
forms, as the basis of so many decorations.
In 1879, the year following the founding
of the American Legion of Honor, the Iowa
Legion of Honor, a similar society, was or-
ganized at Cedar Eapids, and does busi-
ness in that State only. In 1884 the
Northwestern Legion of Honor was organ-
ized and incorporated to do business in
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, North
and South Dakota.
Ancient Order, Knights of the Mys-
tic Chain. — This secret organization is con-
spicuous among the hundred-and-one of the
last generation by reason of its not having
been started as a mutual insurance society.
Its high-sounding title becomes simpler
when it is realized that this modern broth-
erhood is founded on traditions and fancies
which hedge themselves about King Arthur
and the Knights of the Eound Table,
whence the designation, " Ancient Order."
One is compelled to compare it with the
Order of Foresters rather than the Odd Fel-
lows, for the basis of the rituals of the first
two are found in English romance, and are
beautiful, popular, and attractive. Both
Odd Fellows and Foresters' societies have
similar purposes, and differ from Freema-
sonry. The point to this lies in the resem-
blance of the Ancient Order, Knights of
the Mystic Chain to the Odd Fellows and
Foresters, in the face of the fact that it is
the creation of Freemasons, and bears many
imprints of the handiwork of the Craft.
Not until eighteen years after it was founded
did the Sir Knights of the Mystic Chain
incorporate an insurance feature like those
adopted by so many other secret societies
founded in the past thirty* years. The
Ancient Order, Knights of the Mystic Chain
was founded at Eeading, Pa., February 2,
1871, by John 0. Matthew, locomotive en-
gineer on the Philadelphia and Eeading
Eailroad, and John M. Brown, merchant.
John 0. Matthew was alive in 1897, blind
and helpless, the charge of subordinate Cas-
tles of Pennsylvania. John M. Brown died
June 10, 1880. Both founders were Free-
masons, and the emblem of the Order, em-
bodying the All-Seeing Eye over the holy
Bible upon an altar, suggests the earlier
influences surrounding it, yet at the first
initiation ceremony twenty-one Knights
of Pythias became Knights of the Mystic
The purposes of the Order are to relieve
brethren in sickness, accident, or distress ;
mutual assistance in business and to procure
employment ; to assist and care for widows
and orphans of deceased members ; to create
greater love for country, homes, and fire-
sides ; to teach obedience and fidelity to the
laws of the country in which they live, and
to bind together the members of the Order
in one common brotherhood. Partisanship
and sectarianism are excluded. The motto
or ensign is " Loyalty, Obedience, and Fi-
delity ;" and the ''mark" is a pentagon,
bearing on each of its sides an inverted lower
half of an isosceles triangle, the whole sug-
gesting one form of a Maltese cross of five
arms. This furnishes five distinct fields, in
the first of which, white, is an open book ;
in the second, blue, a shield and spear ; in
the third, red, skull and cross bones ; in the
fourth, red. crossed swords ; in the fifth,
black, tlie All-Seeing Eye ; and in the
centre, letters, the meaning of which is
known only to Mark degree members. On
the reverse, in the centre field is an em-
bossed castle, which is the mark of the
highest rank. There are slight changes for
those lower in rank or degree.
The Order has four branches, all of which
are subordinate to the Supreme Castle.
They are, first, the civic branch, with the
Supreme Castle, Select (State) Castles, and
subordinate Castles, which initiate mem-
bers ; second, the military rank, or degree ;
third, the insurance benefit fund ; and,
fourth, the degree of Naomi, or Daughters
of Ruth. Subordinate Castles send two
Past Commanders yearly as representatives
to Select Castles. Every Past Commander
is a member of a Select Castle, but has no
vote on questions of law, unless elected a
representative. Past Commanders of subor-
dinate Castles vote for a Past Select Com-
mander as representative to the Sujjreme
Castle. Each State is allowed one represen-
tative to the Supreme Castle for every one
thousand members, but no State can elect
more than ten such. The Supreme Castle,
of course, is the highest authority in the
Three degrees are conferred in subordi-
nate Castles, which every member must re-
ceive in order to participate in the benefit
fund : 1. White, or Esquire degree ; 2.
Blue, or Sir Knight's degree ; and 3. Red,
or Round Table degree. The fourth degree
is only for those who wish to connect them-
selves Avith the military rank. All past
officers of subordinate Castles receive from
the Select Castle a Past Commander's or
Mark degree, which puts them in possessio7i
of the essentials to gain admission to the Se-
lect Castle, and after they shall have passed
through the chairs makes them members
of the State Body. The Supreme Castle
confers the Supreme degree, which makes
recipients members of the Supreme Castle,
but without a vote, unless elected represen-
tatives. While there is nothing Masonic
in this arrangement, yet Freemasons prob-
ably helped to j)lan it.
In the Esquire degree the candidate is
instructed in the fundamental principles of
the Order by a reference to the Good Samar-
itan ; in the Sir Knight's degree, in the
lesson to be learned from the chivalry of
the time of King Artliur, and the im{)or-
tance of exercising love, mercy, friendship,
benevolence, and charity toward his fellow-
men ; while in the third, or Round Table
degree, the candidate is impressed with the
uncertainty of life and the certainty of
On Februaiy 2, 1871, Matthew Castle,
No. 1, was instituted at Reading, Pa., being
named after one of the founders. On July
17th, the same year, the First Select Castle
was instituted at Reading, and' on Septem-
ber 16, 187 L, the Su])reme Castle of the Or-
der was instituted at the same city. For
a time progress was slow, due in part to the
financial dejiression following the panic of
1873. But ten years later, when the Select
Castle of Pennsylvania met for the second
time at Reading, there were sixty subordi-
inate Castles reported, with a total (Penn-
sylvania) membership of 2,500. About
that time the Order began to gain strength
in New Jersey and Delaware, where Select
Castles had been established, and by 1890
Select Castles had been placed in New
York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and
Ohio. There are also Subordinate Castles
under the sujiervision of the Supreme
Castle in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Michigan, Indiana, and Louisi-
ana. The Order enters its second quarter
century with a total membership of about
40,000, of which 10,000 are in Pennsyl-
vania, and about 1,000 in the six States
named in which Castles exist by authority
of the Supreme Castle, leaving about 24,000
members in the eio^ht States of Rliode
Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, AVest Virginia, and
The military rank or degree was intro-
duced by the Supreme Castle in 1880, but
at that time had no military head, and was
designed merely to attract members. The
plan failed, and in 1889 the Supreme Castle
elected a military head to the rank, with the
title of Commander-General. The bodies
were no longer called Commanderies, the
rank being jJatterned, as to tactics and uni-
form, after the United States Army. Arms
used are the straight sword for all except
mounted officers, who carry military sabers.
The Commander-General, who must be a
member of the Supreme Castle, is elected
for three years by the commissioned officers
of the several States. This branch, which
is now firmly established, is divided into
companies, battalions, regiments, brigades,
and divisions. It is " the only military
secret organization which uses the United
States Army tactics exclusively," and in-
cludes five regiments and three battalions,
forming one brigade, and seven unattached
companies, with a total membership, Sep-
tember, 1896, of 1,680.
The insurance feature was introduced in
1889, and is known as the Funeral Benefit
Belief Fund. It is controlled by officers
and a Board of Directors elected by the Su-
preme Castle, who report annually to that
body. Participants in the benefits of this
fund are members of Castles in good stand-
ing and health, between eighteen and fifty
years of age, and women members of the
degree of Naomi, between sixteen and fifty
years of age. Assessments are twenty cents
each, payable monthly. The death benefit
is eighty per cent, of one assessment, but in
no case shall it exceed $5i50. Of the re-
mainder, 15 per cent, is placed in the gen-
eral fund and 5 per cent, in the sinking
fund to be invested by the Board of Mana-
gers. The total membership in this depart-
ment on December 31, 1896, was 2,278.
Weekly sick benefits paid by Castles range
from four to ten dollars. At the death of
the wife of a member, benefits of from
thirty to one hundred dollars are paid ; and
at the death of a member, benefits of from
fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars.
The 'Mady degree," known as degree of
Naomi, or Daughters of Euth, was intro-
duced in 1890. Subordinate bodies are
called Assemblies. This degree was for-
merly under the supervision of the Supreme
Castle, but its growth was so rapid it was
thought best to allow members to legislate
for themselves. Each Assembly now elects
a Past Commander, representative to its
Grand (State) Assembly, and each Grand
Assembly elects two representatives to the
Supreme Castle of the Ancient Order,
Knights of the Mystic Chain, all of whom
must be Past Grand Commanders. They
are admitted to meetings of the Supreme
Castle only when the latter is working or
legislating for the degree of Naomi. This
branch is established in Pennsylvania, New
York, West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, New
Jersey, Ehode Island, New Hampshire, and
Delaware, and the total membership is
3,500. Weekly benefits average four dol-
lars, and death benefits fifty dollars. All
men taking the degree of Naomi must be
members of a Castle. There is no known
connection between the degree of Naomi,
or Daughters of Ruth, attached to the An-
cient Order, Knights of the Mystic Chain,
and any of several other similarly named
secret societies for men and women.
Ancient Order of Foresters. — The
Ancient Order of Foresters in the United
States. is the lineal descendant of the Eng-
lish Order. The first Court is now dead,
having been established in Philadelphia in
1832. When, at the Minneapolis Conven-
tion, about 53,000 out of 56,000 members
seceded from English authority and called
themselves the Ancient Order of Foresters of
America, it left the remaining Courts of the
Ancient (English) Order in this country to
apply for a form of local government to the
High Court of England, and to begin again
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the work of recruiting its depleted mem-
bership. Two Subsidiary High Courts
were granted in 1891, one for tlie Atlantic,
Central, and Southern States, and the
other for remaining States of the Union.
Within the past six years its increase in
membership has been noteworthy, the total
including about 36,000 men and 3,300
women. Women have been admitted to
full membership since 1892, notwithstand-
ing the incorporation in this Order of
Circles of Companions of the Forest. The
ritual of the Ancient Order in America has
been greatly amplified, by permission of
the High Court of England. Like other
branches of Foresters, the Ancient Order is
primarily a sick and funeral benefit society.
It has an endowment benefit, but it is op-
tional. Sick and funeral benefits are paid
from fixed contributions graded according
to age at entry, and upon Foresters' ex-
perience tables. Endowments are paid
from assessments graded according to age
at entry, based on Foresters' mortality
tables. British Forestry, including Courts
in the United States, Canada, Bermuda,
British Guiana, British Honduras, Spain,
Hawaiian Islands, Holland, British India,
Malta, New Sonth Wales, New Zealand,
Peru, Queensland, St. Helena, Cajje of Good
Hope, Natal, South African Republic, South
Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, on the Gold
Coast, at Lagos, in Central America, the
United States of Colombia, British and
Danish West Indies, Hayti, and West Aus-
tralia, has paid sick and death benefits since
1854 in excess of $85,000,000. Prior to the
date named, returns were incomplete or
unreliable. This is the great fraternity
which ranks almost with the Manchester
Unity Odd Fellows in total membership, in
distribution throughout the world, and in
the enormous sums paid annually to sick
and distressed members. Its present grand
total membershipis nearly 900,000. The pro-
portion of the membership of the Order in
the United States is about 4 per cent. Fully
85 per cent, is found in the United Kingdom.
Aucieut Order of Gleaners. — A com-
paratively recent fraternal, beneficiary so-
ciety, organized at Cairo, Mich.
Ancient Order of Pyramids. — A new
fraternal, beneficiary society, organized at
Topeka, Kan.
Ancient Order of United Workmen
(1868).— The Ancient Order of United
Workmen, characterized as the oldest of the
great fraternal, beneficiary Orders in the
United States, was founded at Meadville,
Pa., October 27, 1868, by John Jordon Up-
church, a Freemason, Avho, with others, had
become dissatisfied with and had retired
from " The League of Friendship, Supreme
Mechanical Order of the Sun." * The first
Lodge of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen was named Jefferson, No. 1, and
the constitution adopted by it provided that
only white male persons should be eligible
to membership; that this provision should
never be altered, amended, or exjjunged;
and that when the total membership should
amount to one thousand, an insurance office
should be established and policies issued
securing at the death of a member not less
than 1500 to be paid to his lawful heirs.
A Provincial Grand Lodge was formed in
1869, when the amount of insurance was
placed at not less than 12,000, and a uni-
form assessment established of $1. By 1870 Lodges were represented at the Provin-
cial Grand Lodge. As in other Orders, dis-
sensions arose, and for two years there were
two rival Grand Lodges. But by 1872
union and harmony i^revailed, and the Or-
der entered on a career of growth and j^ros-
perity. Its total membership in about 6,000
Lodges, in 1895, was in excess of 318,000
in the United States, and nearly 32,000 in,
Canada, a striking record for practically
tw-enty-four 5'ears of active existence, but
which is less remarkable than the sum total
paid to widows and orphans between 1869
and 1895, more than $70,000,000. The
government of the Order rests in the
* Not known to exist to-day.
Supreme Lodge, which pays benefits to mem-
bers or heirs of members of subordiuate
Lodges in a State, Territory, or province
not having a Grand Lodge of its own, and
has control of the general laws of the Or-
der. Grand Lodges under the Supreme
Lodge control the benefit funds of their own
States or provincial jurisdictions. Li rela-
tion to its method of insurance, surprise has
been expressed that the Order has so long
continued its siiccessful career, notwith-
standing its refusal to assess members accord-
ing to age at initiation, as is done by nearly
all other of the larger and similar secret so-
cieties; and by its insistance that its Grand
(and Provincial) Lodges shall receive and
disburse all death benefits which are based
on assessments, made at the uniform rate of
$1 i>ev capita, irrespective of the fact that
the death rate varies in different States.
AVhen the death rate is excessive in any par-
ticular jurisdiction, and assessments there
reach a certain point, determined by the
Supreme Lodge, any additional assessment
which may be required is met by a levy
iipon the Order as a whole. Sick and
funeral benefits are not comprised within
the objects for which the Order was estab-
lished. It is optional with subordinate
Lodges to provide the same, or either of
them, but comparatively few do so. The
ritual and emblems of the Order betray the
]\Iasonic influence which has presided at the
birth of so many modern secret, fraternal,
beneficiary fraternities. Its objects, covered
by its watchwords, " Charity, Hope, and
Protection," are illustrated in its ceremo-
nies of initiation. As in Masonic and other
secret societies, it has three degrees; but even
more significant are the All-Seeing Eye, the
Holy Bible, anchor, and, singularly enough,
the square and compasses among its more
frequently displayed emblems. There is an
auxiliary branch for women (and men who
are members of the Order) called the De-
gree of Honor. This has proved quite as
popular among the families of members as
has the Daughters of Kebekah among Odd
Fellows, the Companions of the Forest
allied to the Foresters of America, and other
like societies auxiliary to secret organiza-
tions for men. Its membership is fully
40,000, mostly women. In imitation of the
so-called Masonic "side degree," the Work-
men, who, by the way, are not necessarily
artisans, and in no sense constitute a trades
union, confer what is officially entitled the
Order of MoguUians. This is said to fur-
nish amusement as well as substantial bene-
fits. It Avould seem to the student of the
sociological function of secret, assessment,
beneficiary Orders that while the Ancient
Order of L'nited Workmen is perhaps the
oldest and among the more successful of its
class in the L'nited States, while its affairs
are managed capably, and its membership
ranks second only to that of the Odd Fel-
lows, the Freemasons, and Knights of
Pythias among non-political secret organi-
zations, that sooner or later there may de-
velop a necessity for a revision of its assess-
ment insurance system in the direction at
least of a grading of payments according to
age, and the jdacing of death benefit funds
in the hands of the supreme governing body.
All great and good movements that have
filled a place in history have shed lustre
upon the place of their birth. Mt. Vernon
had its AVashington, Springfield its Lincoln,
and Meadville its L^pchurch; and from the
seed planted b}' the latter has grown the
tree of mutual protection, under whose shel-
ter to-day millions rest in security from
want and dependence. The Ancient Order
of L'nited Workmen lays no claim to dis-
tinction as the originator of the idea of life
insurance, as that existed many years prior
to its birth; but its recognized claim to
originality rests on the fact of its applying
the principles of life insurance in a novel
and cheap way, coupled with the care of the
sick, the relieving of the distressed, and the
moral, social, and intellectual betterment of
its membership. The idea of forming a so-
ciety that should ]iarallel the relief of the
sick and burial of the dead of the secret.
fraternal, beneficiary organizations of thirty
years and more ago, which, in addition,
should extend its beneficence to the widows
and orphans of its deceased members in a
stipulated sum of money sufficient to secure
them from want, was an untried experi-
ment until the organization of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen. Following in
its wake, scores of other assessment, secret,
insurance societies have divided the field of
life insurance in the United States with the
old-line companies. From its ranks have
sj)rung many organizations of like character.
Prior to the Civil War protection for widows
and orphans through the medium of life
insurance was within the means of the well-
to-do only. To-day it is the privilege of
the humblest. The founder of the Order,
John Jordon Upchnrch, Avas a mechanic^
and in 18G8 was in the employ of the Atlan-
tic and Great Western Eailroad. He was
possessed of no marked literary attainments,
but was a keen observer of men and events,
was possessed of good reasoning powers, and,
above all, a philanthropic nature. His orig-
inal object was not so much to establish a
system of insurance as to bring together
then conflicting social interests, capital and
labor, to provide means of arbitration with
which to settle difficulties that were con-
stantly arising. This feature has since been
eliminated to make room for that of nintual
protection. Viewed to-day, the manage-
ment of the Order at the beginning was
crude and unbusiness-like, and its success is
undoubtedly due more to the integrity and
sincerity of its members and to the rapid
growth of the Society than to the early em-
ployment of distinctly business j)rinciples.
The first five years of its history developed
little success and much opposition. It was
not until the session of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, held at Meadville, Pa., in
January, 1873, at which time the Order
numbered only 800 members, that it gave
promise of real growth. Since the organi-
zation of the Supreme Lodge in February,
1873, the Order has prospered almost be-
yond precedent and ranks to-day among the
first of its class. Senators M. S. Quay, J. C.
S. Blackburn, Congressman J. G. Cannon,
ex-Governor James E. Campbell of Ohio,
and William Jennings Bryan are members
of this Order.
Atlantic Self-EndoAVineiit Associatiou
of America. — Formed at Greenville, S. C,
in 1886, to insure the lives of its members
by means of mutual assessments. Eeported
Big Four Fraternal Liife Association.
— Organized at Denver, Colo., to pay sick
and death benefits by means of mutual as-
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends.
— Formed in 1801 and 1892 by seceding
members of the Order of Chosen Friends
resident in the Canadian Dominion. The
parent Order was arranging to give its Cana-
dian membershij) separate jurisdiction in
order not to antagonize the Dominion in-
surance laws when the secession took place.
Canadian Order of Foresters. — Be-
tween the Canadian branch and the. Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters, from which it
sprung in 1879, there developed a sharp
rivalry and antagonism which lasted four or
five years — in fact, until the latter so far
outran the Canadian Society in membership
as to render rivalry out of the question.
(See Independent Order of Foresters of Illi-
nois and the Independent Order of Fores-
ters.) The Canadian Order, of course, is
only one of four Orders of Forestry in the
Dominion, the largest being the Inde2:)en-
dent, from which the Canadian Order se-
ceded, after which rank the Ancient (Eng-
lish) Order and (one Court of) the Foresters
of America. The Canadian Order has pros-
pered, having increased from 850 members
in 1880, to nearly 23,000 within seventeen
years. Like other branches of the tree of
Forestry, it retains the characteristic titles,
ritual, legend, and form of government of
the parent society. It does not seek mem-
bership out of the Canadian Dominion, and,
like the Independent Order, charges a fixed
monthl}' premium with which to pay death
benefits, confining sick and other benefits to
assessments. It pays -SoOO, 81,000, -^1,500,
or 82,000 benefits at death, besides sick and
funeral benefits (which are optional), and
furnishes members with medical attendance
free. Since 1879 the Canadian Order has
paid over 81,297,356 to members and their
dependents in insurance and benefits. Its
funds are all invested in Canada, and thus
far it has reported an exceedingly low death
rate, only 4.(J0 per 1,000 in its seventeenth
year. This, like the Independent Order,
appears to make a feature of its insurance
and other beneficial advantages, rather
more than some other secret, beneficiary
societies. The seat of government of the
Society is at Brantford, Out.
Circle of the Golden Baud. — Auxiliary
to the Patriarchal Circle of America. (See
the latter.)
Colored Brotherhood and Sisterhood
of Honor. — Organized at Franklin, Ky.,
in 188G, as a social and beneficiary society,
in which classification it is recorded in cen-
sus reports for 1890. 'No further informa-
tion is obtained concerning it.
Colored Consolidated Brotherliood.
— At Atlanta, Tex., the home office of this
mutual beneficiary society of negroes (as
given in the tenth census), nothing is known
of the organization.
Columbian League. — An outgrowth of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the
parent of modern fraternal beneficiary fra-
ternities in the United States, organized at
Detroit, Mich., October 12, 1896, " the an-
niversary of the discovery of America by
Christopher Columbus," by Eev. W. Warne
Wilson, Past Supreme ^Master Workman and
former Crrand Pecorder of the Ancient Or-
der of United Workmen ; William A. Pungs;
Rev. William Prall, D.D.; Albert P. Jacobs,
and others. No further action was taken
until January 1, 1897, when "the prelim-
inary matters of organization " were contin-
ued. The necessary two hundred members
having been obtained, the society was incor-
porated April 1, 1897, after which the
growth of the organization was conspicu-
ously rapid. *rhe withdrawal of Mr. Warne
and others from the Ancient Order of
United Workmen was " because the Grand
Lodge refused to adopt certain changes
whicli he thought vitally necessary to the
Order," provision for increasing cost of in-
surance as the society grows older. Mem-
bers of the Columbian League will make a
feature of celebrating October 12th as Co-
lumbus Day. Men only are eligible to mem-
bership, all men to social and jiatriotic
membership, but only those between eigh-
teen and fifty years of age in the death bene-
fit department, which issues certificates of
8500, 81,000, 81,500, and 82,000 based on
twelve annual, step-rate assessments, accord-
ing to age. The founders of the new Order are
prominent citizens of Michigan, and the soci-
ety starts out with every prospect for success.
Danisli Brotherhood of America. —
Founded at Omaha, Neb., in 1881, a fra-
ternal, beneficiary society somewhat similar
to the Order of Modern Woodmen. It pays
sick and death benefits, and numbers about
10,000 members in Massachusetts, Connecti-
cut, New York, Michigan, Illinois, Wiscon-
sin, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, South
Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Wash-
ington, and California. It has paid $500,000
in benefits.
Daujfliters of Hope. — The census of
1890 gives the address of this mutual assess-
ment, beneficiary society at Olneyville, 11. 1.,
where it is not known to the postal authori-
Daug^hters of the Globe. — Branch of
or auxiliary to the Knights of the Clobe, an
Illinois social, benevolent, military and
patriotic fraternal society. (See Knights of
the (ilobe.)
Eastern Star Benevolent Fund of
America. — See Order of the Star of Beth-
Kmpire linights of Relief. — Organ-
ized in 1889 at Buffalo, N. Y., and incor-
porated under the laws of that State as a
fraternal, beneficiary, assessment insurance
society. Its published announcements de-
clare that it has ''no secrets or iron-clad
oaths," but (elsewhere) that members " are
bound by a solemn obligation " to render
assistance to any sick or disabled brother in
need of help. The Supreme Secretary is
authority for the statement that it is called
a secret society, ''and properly, too." It
insures members for $1,000, $2,000, or
$3,000, and makes no restriction with ref-
erence to extra-hazardous occupations.
Any temperate, industrious man between
20 and 55 years of age is eligible to mem-
bership, providing he can pass the required
physical examination. One assessment is
levied each month, whether there has been
a death or not, the amount collected an-
nually in excess of the sum required to pay
death benefits going into the reserve fund.
A funeral benefit of $100, $200, or $300 is
paid immediately on proof of death, but is
deducted from the death benefit, which is
payable within ninety days. The Empire
Knights of Relief was founded by promi-
nent citizens of Buffalo and vicinity, mem-
bers of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men, the Royal Arcanum, Freemasons, and
Odd Fellows. The motto of the Order is
" Benevolence, Philanthropy and Charity,"
and its ritual is based on the G-olden Rule and
inculcates obedience to the moral and civil
law. The total membership is about 4,000,
distributed throughout half a dozen States.
The society has been successful from the
start and gives promise of continued
growth and prosperity.
Equitable Aid Union of America. —
Organized at Columbus, Warren County,
Pa., March 22, 1879, and incorporated
under the laws of Pennsylvania. Four of
the founders were Freemasons. This secret,
beneficiary fraternity permitted the forma-
tion of subordinate Unions, as its Lodges
are termed, north of 36° 30' north latitude
in the United States and in the Dominion
of Canada. It sought to bring men and
women into its Unions to promote benevo-
lence, charity, social and mental culture,
to care for the sick and needy, to aid one
another in obtaining employment, and to
assist each other in business. It also in-
sured members in sums ranging from $325
to $3,000 by means of assessments of from
twenty-five cents to $1, according to age and
amount. The benefit certificates also pro-
vided for the payment of specified sums in
case of accident resulting in physical dis-
ability. Eligibility to membership ex-
tended to candidates from 15 to 55 years of
age. The total membership in twenty-four
States and in Canada in 1896 was about
30,000, of which 25,000 were beneficiary
and 5,000 social members. The official em-
blem consisted of the initials of the title of
the Order in a triangle, surrounded by a
conventionalized sun-burst. The system
of assessments in the Equitable Aid Union
suggests the influence of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen. The government of
the society is similar to that of other simi-
lar societies, subordinate Unions being
under the immediate jurisdiction of Grand
or State (or provincial) Unions, the offi-
cers and representatives of the latter mak-
ing up the Supreme Union, or highest
legislative authority. In April, 1897, the
Union susjDended payments and went into
the hands of a receiver. It had fought
hard to continue its existence, and num-
bered about 30,000 members, principally in
the country districts of Ohio, Pennsyl-
vania, and New York. Less than five
years before it had $43,000,000 worth of
policies in force, and not many years pre-
viously the amount was almost $75,000,000.
Its decline began in 1891. In 1895 its income
was $792,895 and its disbursements$801, 435,
and its death rate had increased within four
years from 12.2 to 17.4 per 1,000 annually.
Equitable League of America. — A
Baltimore mutual assessment insurance
Order, organized about ten years ago.
Died in 1894.
Fraternal Aid Association. — Organ-
ized October 14, 1890, at Lawrence, Kan.,
by members of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen, Modern Woodmen of America,
Knights of the Maccabees, and otlier fra-
ternal, beneficiary Orders, to insure tlie lives
of acceptable white men and women, be-
tween 18 and 55 years of age, who are not
engaged in prohibited (iiazardous) occupa-
tions. Honorary membership may be ob-
tained by specified relatives of beneficiary
members. The Association also seeks to
promote fraternity among its members, to
comfort the sick and distressed, and care
for surviving relatives of deceased members.
Sick, total disability, and death benefits are
provided, the latter in three classes, ranging
from $1,000 to $3,000. No assessments are
called nutil money is needed to meet a claim,
of which thirty days' notice is given. Its
government is vested in a General Council,
composed of its officers and representatives,
chosen from local or State Councils. The
Association declines to recruit members in
the Atlantic Coast and Gulf States from
Virginia to Texas, inclusive; in CookCounty,
111., and all of Illinois south of Centralia;
in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, New York city,
Detroit, St. Louis, San Francisco, Sacra-
mento, and all other cities having a popula-
tion of more than 200,000, in which peculi-
arity it imitates a number of strong and
prosperous fraternal Orders of the West.
It has about 3,000 members, a "modern''
ritual, and has paid about $100,000 in sick
and death benefits since it was organized.
Its emblem is composed of tiie initials of its
title about a pair of clasped hands across a
shield bearing the stars and stripes.
Fraternal Legion. — A Baltimore bene-
ficiary society, organized in 1881, to pay
81,000 death benefits. Is not known to have
survived the recent period of trade depres-
Fraternal 3Iystic Circle. — This organi-
zation is among the smaller assessment
beneficiary secret societies. It was formed
December 9, 1884, to provide safe indemnity
for young business and professional men
under the lodge system. Of the five found-
ers, Milton Barnes, formerly Secretary of
State for Ohio, died in 1895, but three others
are still " members of the Order and officers
of the Supremo Ruling'': D. E. Stevens,
Supreme Mystic Ruler ; John G. Reinhard,
Supreme Treasurer ; and F. 8. Wagenhals,
Supreme Medical Director. Of those that
made up the membership at the first meet-
ing, in December, 1884, the following, in
addition to those above named, are still
members of the Supreme Ruling : John F.
Follett, Cincinnati, 0. ; A. N. Hill, Colum-
bus, 0. ; J. D. Grimes, Dayton, 0. ; H. C.
Drinkle, Lancaster, 0. ; and A. X. Ozias, Ra-
cine,Wis. Messrs, Stevens, Wagenhals, Hill,
and Follett are Freemasons, some of them
having taken the Scottish Rite degrees to and
including the thirty-second. Others named
are members of Knights of Pythias and
other well-known secret societies. This
Order has the usual form of government of
like fraternities, a Supreme and Grand and
Subordinate Rulings. The first named is
the supreme governing body and the final
court of appeals. A Supreme Executive
Committee of five manage in the interim,
between sessions of the Supreme Ruling.
Grand Rulings (Grand lodges) are insti-
tuted in a State when the membership
reaches 500, or the number of Rulings is 15.
Subordinate Rulings are instituted in health-
ful localities, where a sufficient number of
good, eligible, and desirable candidates are
found, willing to join hands for the mutual
protection of themselves and families. Sub-
ordinate Rulings are managed by their mem-
bers, and naturally become educational cen-
tres as to the plans and benefits of the Order
and methods of conducting business. Each
Subordinate Ruling entitled to one elects a
Representative to the Grand Ruling an-
nually, and these Representatives (who
make up the Grand Ruling) elect one or
more delegates (as the State may be en-
titled) to the Supreme Ruling. The special
purposes of the Order are : 1st, To unite
acceptable men, between the ages of 18 and
49 years, to carry out all that which is
included within the meaning of the word
" fraternity ; " 2d, To make provision that
each Subordinate Lodge shall, from its
general fund, pay dues and assessments of
sick or disabled members, maturing during
such sickness or disability ; 3d, The pay-
ment of the amount specified in the certi-
ficate of membership ($500 to $3,000) to the
beneficiaries at the death of a member ;
4th, Payment to a member of one-half of
the sum named in his certificate of mem-
bership in case permanent total disability
overtakes him ; oth. The creation of an
Emergency or Equalization Fund, to pre-
vent the number of assessments exceeding
twelve in any year ; Gth, The collection of a
General Fund to meet the expenses of the
Supreme Kuling. During twelve years the
Order has paid to members and beneficiaries
in death and permanent total disability
benefits almost $1,000,000, and the emer-
gency fund has to its credit over $125,000,
while the annual cost to members has been
small. In 1895 it was as follows, for the ages
named :
Age 25, on $3,000, $19.20; on $1,000, $6.40 per an.
" 30, " p, 000, $22.80; "$1,000, 7.60 " "
" 35, " $3,000, $28.20; " $1,000, 9.40 " "
" 40, " $3,000, $34.20; " $1,000, 11.40 " "
" 45, " $3,000, $42.60; "$1,000,14.20 " "
These annual payments include the three
elements required to meet the death claims
fund, emergency fund, and expense fund.
At the age of 35, a $3,000 certificate for
1896 would cost 128.20, distributed as fol-
lows : Death claims fund, $22.21 ; Emer-
gency fund, $2.47; and' Expense fund,
$3.52. From the date of organization until
June, 1894, all the executive officers of the
Supreme Euling resided at Columbus, 0.,
when the offices of the Supreme Mystic
Euler and Supreme Eecorder w^ere moved
to Philadelphia. In April, 1895, the Su-
preme Euling was incorporated. The policy
of the Executive Ofiicers of this Order has
favored the filing of annual reports with
the Insurance departments of States, where
the laws provide for it, and annual reports
are filed annually with the insurance depart-
ments of New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl-
vania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois,
Iowa, and Nebraska. At no period in its
history has the Order been more prosperous
than at present, the year 1896 having
brought a larger volume of new business
than any preceding year. The present mem-
bership is more than 12,000.
Fraternal Tribunes. — Organized in
June, 1897, by A. L. Craig and others, at
Eock Island, 111., to pay death, sick, dis-
ability, old age, and annuity benefits. Both
men and women may become members.
The Society started with 750 members, em-
ploys the graded plan of assessments, and
claims the " unique feature "of " guarantee
by a Loan and Indemnity Company " that its
contracts with its members will be fulfilled.
Fraternal Order of Protectors. — A
mutual assessment beneficiary society which
had its headquarters at Lincoln, Neb., a few
years ago.
Fraternal Union of America. — A mu-
tual assessment, beneficiary society founded
by F. F. Eoose, F. A. Falkenburg, and
others at Denver, Colo. , September 1, 1896,
to pay death, sick, disability, and old age
benefits. Men and women are eligible to
membership, and the total number of mem-
bers is in excess of 5,000. Mr. Eoose, the Su-
preme President, has had much experience
among fraternal orders, and is a member of
the Ancient Order L^nited Workmen, Mod-
ern Woodmen of America, Knights of
Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Phi Delta
Theta, Heptasophs, Junior Order United
American Mechanics, Eed Men, and of the
Masonic Fraternity.
Fraternity of Friendly Fellows. — Or-
ganized at New York, in 1885, to pay $1,000
insurance to members by mutual assessments.
It was still alive in 1890, but no trace of it
is found in 1897.
Glenwood Degree. — Uniform rank of
the Independent Order of Foresters, formed
in 1875. (See Independent Order Foresters
and ditto of Illinois.)
Golden Rule Alliance. — Organized at
Boston prior to 1889, and recorded in the
census of 1890 as a mutual assessment, bene-
ficiary fraternity. Its membersliip was not
large, nor did it secure a national reiwta-
tion. No trace has been secured of surviv-
ing bodies of tliis Order.
Golden Star Fraternity. — Organized in
1881 at Newark, N. J., as a fraternal, bene-
ficiary society for men and women. Its
total membership is about 2,200, distributed
through New Jersey, New York, and Con-
necticut, but very few of its Lodges are
found outside of the State where it was
founded. It has neither a prohibition, re-
ligious, or political bias, and states that it is
in a sound financial condition with no out-
standing liabilities. Its ritual seeks to im-
press the teachings of benevolence and
Grand United Order, Independent
Sons and Daughters of Purity. — This
l)eneficiary and social society was organized
at Harrisonburg, Va., prior to the jiresent
decade. None of its Lodges are known to
be in existence now.
Granite League. — Formed at Philadel-
phia nearly ten years ago to insure the lives
of members by means of assessments. Re^
ported dead.
Home Circle, The. — When the Royal
Arcanum, which is composed exclusively of
men, had been organized nearly two years
and a half, and had been introduced into
twenty-three States of the Union, some of
its active members, residents of Massachu-
setts, conceived the idea of organizing a
similar society into which the members of
the Royal Arcanum could take tlieir wives,
daughters, sisters, and women friends, and
give them the full beneficial and social priv-
ileges which membership in such a societv
confers. The plan was to welcome woman
to a full share of the work, honors, and
responsibilities which, with few excei)tions,
had been refused her by secret beneficiary
organizations. With this object in view
the Supreme Council of the Home Circle
was organized in Boston, October 2, 1879,
and began business November 5, 1879, being
chartered under the laws of ^lassachu setts
January 13, 1 880. Its founders were Henry
Damon, Dr. John T. Codman, Dr. Thomas
Waterman, Dr. Edward Page, N. II. Ful-
ler, John A. Cummings, and Julius M.
Swain, all residents of Boston or vicinity.
They Avere all members of the Masonic Fra-
ternity, Knights of Honor, and Royal Arca-
num, three were Odd Fellows, and two were
members of the Ancient Order of Ignited
The charter permitted the society, first,
to unite in social union all acceptable mem-
bers of the Royal Arcanum, their wives,
mothers, sisters, daughters, and women
friends, for the purpose of mutual aid,
assistance, moral and intellectual improve-
ment; and, second, to establish a benefit
fund from which a sum not exceeding
$3,500 should be jiaid to the deceased mem-
ber's famil}^, relatives, or dependents as
Four benefit degrees were adopted, and a
candidate having passed a satisfactory in-
vestigation, a medical examination, and the
ballot, was admitted to one of the four de-
grees as he might elect, carrying >!500,
$1,000, $2,000, or $3,500 protection, and
there was then issued a benefit certificate
for the amount selected, ^^Jiyj^ble to some
legal beneficiary named in the application.
In 1881 the Legislature of Massachusetts
by special act granted the Sujireme Council
of the Home Circle authority to increase its
benefit to $5,000, and to receive as members
all acceptable applicants without reference
to their altiliation with the Royal Arcanum.
Under the laws of ^lassachusetts the society
cannot transact a commercial insurance busi-
ness, and while its policies or benefit certifi-
cates are good for their face value to the
family, relative, or actual dependent named,
no certificate is issued payable to any other
person, and the benefits cannot be disposed
of by will, assigned for any purpose, or at-
tached for debt of the member or beneficiary
either during the lifetime of the member or
at his decease. Membership in the Home
Circle, tlien, is an assurance to the member
that the amount of benefit named will, in
the event of his or her decease iu good
standing, be paid the beneficiary selected.
The exi)erience of the Order in receiving
women and according to them office, honors,
and permission to carr}^ a protection or in-
surance for dependent parents or children
upon the same conditions of entrance, medi-
cal examination, and cash payments as men,
has been favorable. Women compose thirty
per cent, of the membership, and the Home
Circle furnishes the first and " perhaps only
example," where a beneficial society consti-
tuted of men and women has elected a lady
as its chief executive officer.
Two million dollars have been paid in
death benefits besides the special relief to
members when ill or in need, amounting to
about 1100,000 in seventeen years. Death
benefits paid have directly aided over 3,000
persons, and in a large majority of cases the
deceased member has left to dependents no
other protection or life insurance.
The experience of the Home Circle has
been conspicuous among the beneficiary se-
cret societies of the country, in that it has
never had occasion to contest the payment
of a benefit in the courts, and that its legal
expenses for a period of seventeen years are
trifling. Subordinate Councils are com-
posed of beneficiary members of either sex
between eighteen and fifty years of age, who
must pass a favorable examination and bal-
lot. Applicants over fifty years of age may
be admitted as social members without a
medical examination. Grand Councils are
organized in States and provinces having at
least 1,000 members, and are composed of
their officers, standing committees, and
representatives from subordinate Councils.
They have the general supervision of the
Order in their respective jurisdictions. The
Supreme Council, the head of the Order,
makes laws and disburses the Benefit Fund.
It is composed of its officers, standing com-
mittees, and representatives from Grand
Councils. Assessments paid by members in
subordinate Councils are called to the Su-
preme Treasury on the first of each month.
The jurisdiction of the Order is limited to
the United States and the Dominion of
Canada, and its business is conducted in the
English language only. It has a member-
ship of about 8,000, located in the States
of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Ehode Island, Connecticut, New York, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, A'irginia,
North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois,
Michigan, Missouri, and Nebraska, the Dis-
trict of Columbia, and the Provinces of On-
tario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Its
ritual is based on the Golden Kule, and
teaches morality and upright living. The
emblem of the Society consists of a design
formed of the letter H and a circle, Avhile
that of the Supreme Council, its governing
body, suggests the domestic results of a
well-spent and industrious life.
Home Forum Benefit Order. — Char-
tered under the laws of the Sta£e of Illinois,
in 1892, as a mutual assessment, beneficiary
society, by prominent members of the Mod-
ern Woodmen of America and of tlie Masonic
Fraternity. It is controlled by its members,
the business of the association being man-
aged by a board of directors. Women are
admitted to full membershii) with men, the
age limits for beneficiary membership being
between sixteen and fifty-five years. Hon-
orary or social membership is granted those
over the age limit for insurance. The order
issues death benefit certificates for $500,
$1,000, and $2,000, and any member losing
a foot, hand, or an eye by an accident is en-
titled to receive one-fourth of the amount
named in the certificate, the balance being
payable at death. ^Membership is restricted
to healthful districts, and denied to those
following hazardous occupations. An un-
usual regulation in like fraternities is that
which suspends for three months any mem-
ber who becomes intoxicated and expels for
the second ofEence, although, as explained.
such action is "without publicity." The
plan of assessment is amon<]f the approved
or graded systems in use by nearly all of the
best numaged fraternal orders. The ritual,
like that of some other similar organizations,
finds its inspiration in lioman history. It
was about the Ronum Forum that Cicero,
Ca?sar, Brutus, Anthony, and other dis-
tinguished Romans met to discuss the ques-
tions of their time and form laws, and the
Home Forum of to-day, adopting the old
Roman name, meets to decide questions of
interest to its members and impart the les-
sons of honesty, fraternity, benevolence,
temperance, and patriotism, the initials of
which are found in the angles of the golden
star of the Order. The total membership,
principally in Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and
Michigan, is about 12,000.
Home Palladiniu. — A secret beneficiary
fraternity, to which acceptable white men
and women are eligible, organized at Kansas
City, Mo., in August, 1891, by E. F. Edge-
comb, Dr. L. G. Taylor, and Dr. T. J.
Eggers, to give financial aid to its members
in permanent, partial, or total disability
and death, by means of twelve graded assess-
ments annually. It claims to combine the
best features of older similar societies, to
have new and desirable ones of its own, and
to avoid that Avhich is objectionable in some
like fraternities. Benefit certificates are
issued in sums of $500, $1,000, $1,500, and
12,000 in three classes, extra rates being
charged members engaged in hazardous and
extra-hazardous occupations. Emphasis is
placed on its method of creating and main-
taining a reserve fund, which is copyrighted.
One-tenth of the amount of the face of a
member's benefit certificate is set apart for
the reserve fund on which he or she pays in-
terest at the rate of 2 per cent, per annum
so long as the certificate renuiins in force.
The Order is governed directly by the Su-
jireme Lodge, to which State Representatives
are elected by Grand Lodges existing for
that purpose alone. It avoids the yellow
fever and malarial districts of the South,
and has thus far enjoyed an exceptionally
low death rate. It numbers over 2,000
members, and is growing rapidly.
The Imperial Lt'f-iou. — A Denver, Colo.,
beneficial fraternal association. Lodges of
which have been established as far east as
Missouri. Many prominent Colorado busi-
ness and professional men are members of it.
Improved Order ofHeptasoph.s. — The
growth of beneficiary secret societies, those
paying sick, funeral, and death benefits,
within ten or fifteen years after the close of
the Civil "War, was, no doubt, responsible
for the desire by members of the Order of
Heiita8ophs,or Seven Wise Men, that that So-
ciety be placed on a purely beneficiary basis.
The movement centred in Zeta Conclave,
No. 6, of the Ileptasophs, or Seven Wise
Men, at Baltimore, Md., and as the advo-
cates of the change from a purely beneficiary
secret organization on modern lines were
not able to carry out their plan within the
Society, they ajiparently determined to do
so by means of an independent organization.
A call was accordingly issued August 10,
1878, signed by Judge George Y. Metzel,
John W. Cruett, James S. Watkins, Hon.
John G. :Mitchel, W. F. C. Gerhardt, and
Herbert J. Thurn, all of ^laryland, asking
the cooperation of fourteen other members,
six from ^laryland, six from Pennsylvania,
and one from \'irginia, and one from Ken-
tucky, at a meeting in convention to organ-
ize a secret, beneficiary organization. The
convention was held at Odd Fellows' Hall on
Broad Street, Philadelphia, August 27th,
all of the signers of the call and those asked
to join with them, twenty in number, being
present. A permanent organization of a
Supreme Conclave was effected ujuler the
title, The Improved Order of Heptasophs,
with S3 members of Zeta Conclave, Order of
the Heptasophs, or Seven Wise Men, as the
nucleus of the new society. Judge George
V. ^letzel is regarded as the founder of the
Improved Order, aiul he was elected the
first Archon, or chief executive. At the first
annual session, in 1879, only nine Conclaves
"were reported, with a total membership of
149. For the first six years of its existence,
the Improved Order of Heptasophs was an-
tagonized by the parent society, so that dur-
ing the first two years its membership in-
creased to only 516 in twelve Conclaves.
But the Society (see Order of the Heptasophs,
or Seven Wise Men) was in the hands of
strong, conservative men who are said to
have given freely of their time and means
to build it up. It now numbers more than
35,000 members in twenty States, and in
the year 1895 enjoyed a phenomenal growth.
The Order embraces the fundamental prin-
ciples of leading kindred societies, except
that it has abolished Grand (State) Con-
claves, and leaves its business affairs, includ-
ing the management of its death benefit
fund, in the hands of its permanent and
other Supreme officials. In Maryland, the
cradle of the Order, there are nearly 12,000
members, with an average mortality rate of
only 7 in 1,000 per annum. The following
is extracted from the Maryland Insurance
Committee's report for 1895:
In closing my examination of the conditions of
Fraternal Benefit Orders, it is proper for one to
refer specially to the Improved Order of Heptasophs
as to the promptness with which all claims have
been met and paid, and in all eases it was found the
organization had made reasonable effort to complete
the necessary formalities and inquiries, in order to
increase the efficiency for the settlement of all
The Order has issued certificates repre-
senting $48,000,000, more than $12,000,000
in 1895, a creditable exhibit. In eighteen
years over $2,000,000 have been paid to
beneficiaries. The beneficiary fund is pro-
tected by the Maryland Code of Laws, sec-
tion 143, L, of chapter 295, of the Legisla-
tive Acts of 1894, whicli clears from any at-
tachment i3roceedings all moneys to be paid
from such funds held by any similar organi-
zation. The Supreme body consists of
its oflBcers, deputies, and representatives
elected by the membershi]! of Subordinate
Conclaves. The original, or charter, mem-
bers were made permanent members of the
Supreme Conclave as Past Supreme Arch-
ons, having equal privileges with the Rej)-
resentatives on the floor of each Supreme
Sitting. The membership of the Order is
exclusively in the United States and is dis-
tributed north of South Carolina, Kentucky,
Arkansas, and Texas, extending west to and
including Colorado. Death benefits range
from $1,000 to $5,000, and are met by assess-
ments. Subordinate Conclaves under the
Supreme general laws are permitted to shape
their own by-laws, so far as they refer to sick
benefits ; but many Conclaves have decided
not to pay sick benefits. Two Conclaves
have been so prosperous as to be able to
build temples of their own. Zeta Conclave
of Baltimore has an edifice whicli cost
$40,000, and Grant Conclave atEaston, Pa.,
has also dedicated a handsome temple to the
principles of the Fraternity. This Order
was among the first to place its insurance
feature under the supervision of insurance
departments in States where its meetings are
held, in order that its efforts and the results
of its work may remain " an open book," in
which the record of tlie material good it ac-
comjDlishes may be seen by all men.
Iiidepeiideiit Chevaliers and liadies
of Industry. — Organized at Fail Eiver,
Mass., 1889, as a fraternal mutual assessment
association. Lived only about six years.
Independent Order of Chosen
Friends. — Early in 1887, when the Order
of Chosen Friends was only three years old,
leaders of the latter in California applied to
the Supreme Council for a separate juris-
diction on the Pacific Coast. This was re-
fused, notwithstanding the strength of the
Order there, and the result was a secession
and the formation of the Independent Order
of Chosen Friends. Within a few years the
Independent California Friends numbered
7,000 or 8,000 members, but the Society
ultimately dropped out of sight. (See Order
of Chosen Friends.)
Independent Order of Foresters. —
This branch of Forestrv, like the Foresters
of America (which see), was the outgrowth
of a movemeut to secure local self-govern-
ment among New York and New Jersey
Foresters, which began in 1871, and cul-
minated, after several refusals of the Eng-
lish High Court to establish a Sul)sidiary
High Court for the United States, in June,
1874, at Newark, N. J., when Court Inde-
pendence seceded from the Ancient Order,
and, with two Courts created by it, estab-
lished a new, or Independent Order. A. B.
Caldwell, the leader of the niovement, was
the first Most Worthy High Chief Eanger.
The remarkable success which has attended
the growth of this offshoot from English
Forestry is attested by its twenty-two years
of existence and an increase of from perhaps
500 to more than 100,000 members in twenty
States of the Union, the Canadian Dominion,
the United Kingdom, and Ireland. About
43 per cent, of its membership is in the
United States. Its form of government,
with some minor differences, is like that of
the Foresters of America and the Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows. It furnishes
members with free medical attendance and
nurses, and pays sick, total disability,
funeral, and mortuary benefits. A marked
difference between this and other branches
of Forestry is, that while the latter rely
wholly upon assessments to pay benefits and
endowments, the Indej^endent Order, in
1881, combined the assessment feature of
the beneficiary or friendly society, with the
plan of the regular premium-paying insur-
ance comi)any. In 1892 it was registered
as a Friendly Society in the United King-
dom, and under the requirements of the
Friendly Societies Act, deposited with the
British Government £20,000 to enable it to
do an insurance business in the United
Kingdom. In 1875, one year after its es-
tablishment, a ladies' branch was formed,
called the Miriam degree, which corresponds
to the degree of Companions of the Forest
in the Foresters of America. In 1875, also,
a Uniformed Eank was instituted as the
Glenwood degree, which corresponds to the
Knights of the Sherwood Forest in other
branches of Forestry. In 1877 juvenile
branches were organized in which youths
were interested, taught parliamentary law,
and restrained from indulgence in liquor
and tobacco. Since 1882, when the juvenile
de2)artment was reorganized, it has become
a useful and successful adjunct. In 1875,
when only one year old, tiie Order had
grown from three Courts and 500 members,
with which it began, to forty-six Courts and
4,000 members; and in 1878, when its mem-
bership was nearly 14,000, the title of the
governing body was changed to the Most
Worthy High Court of the World, the
alteration being the substitution of the
words "the World" for "the United
States." In 1878 the Order met with seri-
ous disaster in the unfaithfulness of an
official, who disappeared simultaneously
with about 117,000 of its funds. Subse-
quently about one-third of the amount was
restored, but so great was the loss that the
efforts of the Society to make good its obli-
gations by extra assessments resulted in
serious differences which, for a time, threat-
ened complete disruption. The firm stand
taken l)y Judge William B. Hoke, then the
executive head of the Order, his judicial
temperament, strong character, and wide
personal influence alone prevented disinte-
gration. A large number of Massachusetts
Courts held out for State as opposed to
national assessments and payments, but
ultimately decided to remain and be governed
by the will of the majority. Not so, how-
ever, with some of the Illinois Courts, which
refused to abide by the decisions of the Su-
preme Court, and had their charters revoked,
whereupon they met and organized the In-
dependent Order of Foresters of Illinois.
The break in the ranks of the Illinois
Independent Order of Foresters was not the
only like consequence of the financial loss
to the Order in 1870. Prior to the Illinois
movement, the Independent Order num-
bered about 15,000, and the total loss from
secession within a vear was no less than
4,000. There were, as pointed out, about
2,500 seceders in Illinois, to which must be
added 1,500 in the Canadian Dominion, in
October, 1879, by whom the Canadian
Order of Foresters was organized.
It was in 1878, also, that Foresters in
London, Ontario, planned and founded the
original Order of Knights of the Macca-
bees. In 1881, the Independent Order, the
larger part of the membership of which was
in the United States, suffered its severest
blow through the action of its Supreme
Court at Albany, N. Y., in resolving to
change the name of the society to the
United Order of Foresters. The Canadian
Courts were unwilling to abide by this, and.
found fault with American Courts for hav-
ing made changes in the ritual, for eliminat-
ing the chaplain from the list of officers,
discarding prayers from the cerepmnies,
and for holding meetings on Sundays. The
result was the continuation of the Canadian
Courts as the Independent Order of Forest-
ers (the claim being that the Courts which
changed the name of the Order were the
seceders), and at the High Court meeting at
Ottawa, in July, 1881, with a total mem-
bership reduced to less than 400 (excepting
one Court in Elizabeth, N. J.) again began
the work of building u^i the Order. The
American, or seceding branch, that which
changed its name to the United. Order,
though it started with about 13,000 mem-
bers, did not possess the elements of suc-
cess. It languished, and within a few years
became extinct. Meanwhile the Indepen-
dent Order, almost all of it at that time in the
CanadianDominion,went resolutely to work,
and, notwithstanding active oj)position from
the Canadian Order, secured, within two
years, a list of 1,700 members, an increase
of 300 per cent. Two years later, in 1885,
it numbered, nearly 3,000 members, and in
1889, when it was incorporated, at Toronto,
more than 14,000 members. Between 1890
and 1896 its growth was phenomenal, or
from 16,000 to nearly 87,000 members.
Courts were established in Oregon, Wash-
ington, Colorado, Montana, Arizona, Wis-
consin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, in 1891, and
in the United Kingdom in 1893. The
spirit shown by this Society, its methods of
self-develoi^ment and of conducting its
business have been most effective. Under
its Supreme Court are registered thirty-two
High Courts in various States, Territories,
provinces, and countries, to which 2,600
subordinate Courts hold allegiance. And
after, nominally, twenty-three years of ex-
istence (practically only fifteen years), with
more than 100,000 members, it has a sur-
plus of '$1,848,000, after having paid over
$3,800,000 in benefits. Second to the efforts
of no other man in organizing and extend-
ing the Independent Order of Foresters are
those of its Supreme Chief Eanger, Dr.
Oronhyatekha of Toronto, Ont.
Independent Order of Foresters of
Illinois. — It is stated by various chroniclers
that the Independent Order of Foresters of
Illinois, which was formed by a member of
the Massachusetts Catholic Order of Forest-
ers, and by seceding members of the Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters of Illinois, at
Chicago, in 1879, started with about 2,500
members, its Courts all being in the State
of Illinois, most of them in and about the
city of Chicago. The Miriam degree was
carried along in what may be called the
Illinois secession, but its membership was
not large and is not to-day. A novel fea-
ture is found in its modification of the Glen-
wood degree or military rank, which was
also retained, in that ladies are admitted.
This Society ]3ays endowment benefits by
assessments and sick and funeral benefits
from Court dues. To judge from statistics
of membership, interest in the Illinois Order
of Foresters has been on the decline. In
1880 it had more than 2,500 members, and
late in 1893, 21,160 members, an increase
of nearly ninefold in thirteen years. Since
that time the membership has declined,
amounting to only 20,107 in January, 1894,
18,376 in January, 1895, and to only 17,330
one year later, a decline of about one-seventh
within three years. In 1883 it suffered
from the secession of some of its members of
the Komau Catholic faith, who organized
the Catholic Order of Foresters. As in the
case of other secessions from like societies,
the Illinois Order altered enough of its rit-
ual and means of recognition to give it in-
dividuality, but in other respects it followed
in the footsteps of similar secessions. (See
Independent Order of Foresters.)
ludepeudeiit Order of Tininaciilates
of the United States of America. — Or-
ganized at Nashville, Tenn., by W. A. Ilad-
ley, June 23, 1872, to pay sick, accident,
and disability benefits to members. It took
its rise from the Young Men's Immaculate
Association, an organization of colored men,
but differed in that it patterned after vari-
ous secret, beneficiary Orders, and admitted
men and Avomen as members. Its head-
quarters are at Nashville, and it has about
5,000 members.
Independent Order of Meclianicts. —
Organized at Baltimore April 19, 18G8, a
benevolent, beneficiary fraternity paying
sick and accident benefits of from $1 to $5
weekly, and death benefits of from $200 to
8400. All white men between eighteen and
fifty years of age are eligible to membership.
The Order has never had any connection
with practical mechanics or labor organiza-
tions. "When founded, the only prominent
and widesj^read benevolent fraternities in
the country were the Freemasons, the Odd
Fellows, and the Eed Men. There were
also the well-known patriotic Orders, the
United American Mechanics, Senior and
Junior. But it is more than doubtful
whether either of the latter suggested the
name, the Independent Order of Mechanics.
The fact that the 'Hhree cardinal princi-
ples" of the latter are Friendship, Truth,
and Love, as contrasted with the Friendship,
Love, and .Truth of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, suggests that some of the
founders of the "Independent Order of''
Mechanics were Odd Fellows, which is
borne out by the use by both of a representa-
tion of Jacob's ladder and the ark among
their emblems. The Order has about 10,000
members, and has paid nearly §500,000 for
the relief of members and to their bene-
Illinois Order of Mutual Aid. — Organ-
ized for the purpose expressed in its title at
Springfield, 111., June 17, 1878, when its
first Grand Lodge meeting was held. It
took its rise from the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, and pays §2,000, ?!l,000,
and $500 death benefits "and accrued as-
sessments." In the latter feature it differs
from the organization last named. Men
alone are eligible to join the Order, the
membership of which is G,000.
Independent Workmen of America.
— A Nebraska fraternal and beneficial asso-
ciation of recent origin. Its headquarters
are at Omaha.
Iowa Legion of Honor. — A social and
beneficiary assessment Order, designed for
men and women, residents of the State of
Iowa only. Removal from the State does
not forfeit membership. The beneficiary
divisions for men and for women are sepa-
rate. The secret work and ceremonies are
described as "simple but lasting." Subor-
dinate Lodges elect representatives to the
Grand Lodge, who with the officers thereof
constitute that body. The Grand Lodge
meets biennially, and the government is
more representative than in like societies
which subordinate Grand or State Lodges
to a Supreme body. Members' lives are in-
sured for $1,000 or $2,000. The total mem-
bership is about 7,500. A prominent oftieial
states that the founders were not members
of any other particular organization of like
nature. (See American Legion of Honor.)
Knights and Ladies of Azar. — A re-
organization of the Knights of Azar,' a fra
ternal, beneliciary, and jiatriotic Order
founded at Chicago in 1893. Under the
reorganization ladies are to be admitted on
equal terms with men. In June, 1897,
there were 300 members enrolled, and as
soon as 500 were obtained the Society was
to be incorporated under the laws of Illinois
affecting organizations paying deatli, acci-
dent, disability, and old age benefits by
means of mutual assessments.
Kniglits and Ladies of Honor. — This
Avas the first secret beneficiary society to
admit women to equal social and beneficiary
privileges with men, and is otherwise note-
Avorthy in that it is the outgrowth of a side
or auxiliary degree knoAvn as the degree
of Protection, which was attached to the
Knights of Honor from 1875 until 1877.
Knights of Honor, their wives, mothers,
Avidows, and unmarried daughters and sis-
ters over eighteen years of age were eligible
to the degree of Protection, which per-
formed the same social and beneficiary func-
tions for the Knights of Honor that the
Daughters of Eebekah does for the Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Only a few
Lodges of the degree of Protection Avere or-
ganized during 1875 and 1876, but little en-
couragement being given by the Supreme
Lodge of Knights of Honor, which body in
May, 1877, repealed the law creating the
degree. On September G, 1877, representa-
tives from Lodges of the degree of Protection
met at Louisville, Ky., to discuss the con-
dition of affairs, and, if possible, effect a per-
manent organization. The outcome Avas
the formation of a Provisional Supreme
Lodge for the degree, of which the folloAv-
ing, all of Kentucky, were the first officers:
E. J. Williamson, T. W. Seymour, E. J.
McBride, F. D. Macbeth, C. L. Piper, J. A.
Demaree, W. E. Ladd, K. H. Seng, 0. N.
Bradburn, T. E. Dennis, G. W. Check, and
T. J. Wyatt. The first annual meeting of
the " Supreme Lodge of Protection, Knights
and Ladies of Honor," Avas held at Louis-
ville, Ky., September 19, 1878, and in April
of the folloAving year the Supreme Lodge of
Protection, Knights and Ladies of Honor,
was incorporated. On December 14, 1881,
the General Assembly of Kentucky amended
the act of incorporation by striking out the
words " of Protection," and so changing the
membership limitation clause as to render
eligible to membership " all acceptable Avhite
jiersons, male and female." The original
act of 1878 fixed the amount of benefit pay-
able on the death of a member at a sum not
exceeding 11,000, but the amendatory act
of 1881 increased the limit of benefit pay-
able at deatli of a member to 15,000, which
changes constitute the foundation of the
growth and prosperity of the Order of
Knights and Ladies of Honor of to-day, the
date of the independent existence of Avhich
is September C, 1877. The amount paid on
each single assessment by each member de-
l^ends uj^on the age at joining the Order and
amount of benefit carried. On June 30,
1878j its membership was as folloAvs: Men,
907; women, 1,018; total, 1,925. On
December 31, 1895, men, 39,933; women,
43,083; total, 83,005. The objects of the
Fraternity are (1) to unite fraternally all ac-
ceptable Avhite men and women of any repu-
table profession, business, or occupation' who
are over eighteen and under fifty years of
age. (3) To give all possible moral and ma-
terial aid in its power to its members, and
those depending upon them, by holding
moral, literary, and scientific lectures, by
encouraging each other in business, and by
assisting each other to obtain employment.
(3) To promote benevolence and charity by
establishing a relief fund. This fund is
maintained by monthly assessments on those
members Avho desire to participate in it,
who are distinguished in the laws of the
Order as Eelief Fund members. The Relief
Fund Deiiartment comprises three open
divisions: Division 1, of 1500; Division 3,
of 11,000; Division 3, of $3,000; Division 4,
of 13,000, but the last-named division is
noAV closed to entrants. Upon satisfactory
proof of the death of a Eelief Fund mem-
ber, in good standing at time of death, such
sum of money is paid to the designated
beneficiary as the deceased had in life con-
tributed for, and Avhich Avas specified in the
Eelief Fund certificate held by the member
at the date of death. Benefits are payable
to " such member or members of his or her
family, person or persons dependent on or
related to him or her, as he or she may have
directed." The Order has paid out in death
benefits during nineteen years -^1 1,042,000.
Any acceptable Avhite person, not less than
eighteen nor more than sixty-five years of
age, may be admitted as a social member
without medical examination. These mem-
bers pay the usual Lodge dues, but are ex-
empt from contributing to the Relief Fund.
The business of this Order is conducted
through a Supreme Lodge, Grand Lodges,
coextensive with their several State bounda-
ries, and subordinate Lodges. It has six-
teen Grand Lodges, but its membership is
distributed in nearly every State of the
Union. Representatives chosen by subordi-
nate Lodges constitute the several Grand
Lodges, and representatives chosen by the
several Grand Lodges constitute, with its offi-
cers and committeemen, the Supreme Lodge.
The Supreme Lodge conducts, exclusively,
the collection and disburseijient of the Re-
lief Fund, and has full power to make laws
for its own government, and to govern
Grand and subordinate Lodges.
Less effort has been made by the Knights
and Ladies of Honor to make that organi-
zation distinct from the Knights of Honor
than has sometimes been the case by off-
shoots from secret societies, the comparison
being found rather with schisms among Odd
Fellows and Foresters, so many independent
Orders of which exist with similar names,
titles, emblems, and rituals. The seal of
the Supreme Lodge of the Knights and
Ladies of Honor contains the representation
of a knight in armor, with sword and shield,
ready to defend and protect the widow and
children which, with a broken column, are
also represented. Upon the shield held by
the knight, who symbolizes the Order, are
the letters 0. M. A. in the angles of a tri-
angle. The seal of the Supreme Lodge of
the mother Order, the Knights of Honor,
is similar, except that the knight stands with
his shield arm raised. The triangle and the
broken column are missing, but the letters
O. ^[. A., which probably refer to the motto
of the Order, ai)pear ou an ornamental
shield over the design. The best known
emblem of the Knights of Honor is a mono-
gram formed of the letters 0. M. A., and
of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, a jien-
dant triangular design, in tlie angles of
which the same letters appear. It is of in-
terest to point out that the experience of
the Knights and Ladies of Honor shows
that its risks on women members have con-
stantly proven the better of the two classes.
L. D. Witherill, M.D., Supreme Medical
Examiner of the Order for the twelve years,
reports out of the first 8,000 deaths (De-
cember 26, 1877, to June 10, 1895, inclu-
sive) -4,198 were of men and 3,802 women.
The same authority says, concerning the
character and desirability of women as in-
surance risks : ' ' Statistics show that the life
of females, as a rule, is longer than that of
males. Their exposure to violent deaths
and abuse of intoxicants is far less. From
a medical standi:)oint I would urge the mem-
bers of the Order to increase their ranks as
far as possible from the women of our land. "
(See Loyal Knights and Ladies.)
Knights and Ladies of Security. — One
of the more modern and progressive of the
latter-day mutual assessment, death and
disability beneficiary secret societies, to
which both men and women are eligible.
It was chartered under the laws of the State
of Kansas February 22, 1892, with its head-
quarters at Topeka, by members of the
^lasonic Fraternity, the xVncient Order of
United "Workmen, one or both Orders of
Woodmen, and others. It eliminates the
expensive and generally unnecessary State
organization usually found in similar soci-
eties, its National Council being composed
of representatives from subordinate Coun-
cils elected by a direct vote of tiie members.
It operates throughout the United States
and Canada, north of Xorth Carolina, Ten-
nessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico,
and Arizona, excluding cities of 150,000
population and over. Admission, as in
most such societies, is restricted to white
persons of good moral character between
eighteen and fifty-five years of age who can
pass a satisfactory physical examination.
Certificates or policies are issued to men and
women members alike for sums ranging
from $500 to 13,000. These are paid by
means of graded assessments, in full at
death, or in part in case of disability by
accident. Holders who reach the age of
seventy receive one-tenth of the amount of
the policies each year until the face is paid.
A feature of the organization is its reserve
fund, which is created by setting aside 150
on each 11,000 named in certificates, and
loaning it on real estate mortgage security.
It is used to meet death losses after twelve
monthly assessments, have been made within
a year. In explaining its reserve fund the
announcement is made that the plan of cre-
ating it has been copyrighted, and '' its j^er-
petual use secured to the Order." The
growth of the Order has been unusually
rapid, its total membership amounting to
about 25,000 in one-third the States of the
Union, a tribute to the efficiency of the
salaried organizers of new Councils and to
the enthusiasm and loyalty of the rank and
file of its membership, in which it may be
said to have fairly rivalled the vitality shown
by almost any similar society. Councils of
Knights and Ladies of Security are practi-
cally private social clubs rather than mystic
temples, but the ritual and ceremonial are
instructive and attractive, being well calcu-
lated to impress upon the mind of the no-
vitiate the importance of wisdom, security,
protection, and fraternity.
Knights and Ladies of the Fireside.
— A mutual assessment beneficiary organiza-
tion, founded at Kansas City, Mo., in 1893,
by representatives of kindred organizations
in Missouri and Kansas. It issues life, acci-
dent, and sick benefit certificates in separate
classes. It admits men and women alike,
and has about 5,000 members pointing to an
exceptionally rapid growth. At the death
of a member or lapse of a membershi]:), 10
per cent, of the amount paid into the bene-
ficiary fund by the deceased or former mem-
ber is invested by the Supreme Lodge to
form a permanent fund with Avhich to pro-
vide for the payment of assessments of mem-
bers of fifteen (or twenty) years' standing.
The services of S. IL Snider, ex-Superin-
tendent of Insurance of the State of Kansas,
as Sujireme Secretary of the Knights and
Ladies of the Fireside, are an evidence of
the intelligence and enthusiasm with which
the society has entered the already well-filled
field of fraternal insurance orders.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden
Precept. — Founded by Thomas Gauderup,
E. E. Everhart, W. B. Davison, and John
Iverson at Clinton, la., in 189G, and incor-
porated under the laws of the State of Iowa
with social and beneficiary objects. It con-
templates establishing Lodges throughout
the Union.
Knights and Ladies of the Goklen
Rule. — One of the older but smaller secret
beneficiary societies, combining many of the
features of other like organizations with
some of its own. It was organized at Cin-
cinnati, 0., in August, 1879, and incor-
porated under the laws of Kentucky in the
same month. The founders were members
of other beneficiary fraternal societies, no-
tably the Order of Mutual Aid, which suc-
cumbed to the yellow fever epidemic at
Memphis, early in its career, in 1878 ; the
Ancient Order of United Workmen, and
the Knights of Honor. A few representa-
tives and officers met in final session at Cin-
cinnati, and after settling claims against the
Order of Mutual Aid adjourned sine die.
A majority of those present then met and
organized the Knights of the Golden Eule,
which has preserved with varying success
a continuous existence ever since. The
headquarters of the Order are at Louisville,
Ky., and the form of government is much
like that of similar societies, including a
Supreme Commandery, Grand Chapters
having jurisdiction in the States, and Sub-
ordinate Castles. Funds paid to beneficiaries
of members of the Order are not sub-
ject to legal process for the collection of
debts. The emblem of the Fraternity is a
shield, on uiiich are the letters K. G. R.,
over a circle on which is inscribed the
Golden Rule, in the centre of which are a
pair of clasped hands. Below are five links
of a chain, containing F. and P., which
may or may not stand for Friendship and
Protection. The employment of detached
links, symbolical of a chain of brotherhood,
is one of the few instances in which an
adaptation of the triple link of Odd Fel-
lowship is fonnd among the more modern
secret societies.
The Order is divided into three sections,
and provides for the i)aYment of a speci-
fied sum on the death of a member as fol-
lows : first section, loOO ; second section,
$1,000, and third section, $2,000. Any
white man or woman eighteen years of age,
and not over fifty, may be enrolled a bene-
ficiary member. There is a scale of assess-
ments graded according to age. The
graded assessment plan was adopted in
1892 in place of the level assessment plan
used at time of organization. A Grand
Chapter has supervision of the work in a
State and elects one or more representatives
to the Supreme Commandery, which has
entire control of the beneficiary depart-
ment, and a general supervision of the
Order at large. The organization has Cas-
tles in Alabama, Arkansas, California,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New
Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Caro-
lina, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas,
Virginia, and West Virginia, and the total
membership is over 3,000.
Knights and Ladies of the Gohleii
Star. — An assessment, charitable, and bene-
ficiary society, founded at Newark, N. J.,
January 11, 1884, having its permanent
headquarters at Newark. For a few years
the organization was local in character, but
afterward established Lodges in New York
State and elsewhere in New Jersey. Men and
women between sixteen and sixty-five years
of age and children are eligible to meniber-
shij). Its beneficiary certificates of $500,
$1,000, $1,500, or $2,000, i)ayable at death,
may be converted into paid-up insurance
after ten years. It appeals to young men and
women to take out certificates of insurance
in small amounts, which, " in the event of a
long life, will bring in a rich accumulation of
the original face value.'' Annuities are paid
those Avho are fifty years of age and have
been members twenty-one years, and one-half
the face value of certificates is paid at total
disability. The Society is unique in that
it receives into membership entire families,
'^ children being received into the immedi-
ate relief department in sums ranging from
$50 up to $400. Its present membership is
about 10,000. The original members were
members of the Royal Templars of Temper-
ance, but the Order may hardly be classed
as a temperance organization, though it ex-
cludes saloon keepers and bartenders from
membership. Its "golden star" refers to
the Star of Bethlehem, and it has no secrets
beyond the password to exclude those not
members from its meetings. It has paid
nearly $700,000 in benefits since it was
Knights and Ladies of the Roiiitd
Table.— Organized in 1887, and registered
in census reports of 1890 as a mutual assess-
ment insurance order for men and women,
with headquartersat Bloomington, 111. Let-
ters addressed there are returned unojiened;
but there is still an organization by the same
name in Central Western States, notably at
Toledo, 0.
Kniglits and Ladies of AVashingfon.
— A social and beneficiary organization
founded at Easton, Pa. Not known there
Knights of Aur<n*a. — Organized at Min-
neapolis prior to 1889 as a mutual insurance
society. Not known there now.
Kniglits of l$irniingiiani. — Founded at
Philadelphia in 1873 by Peter Jones, Edwin
Smith, and John Weldc, three Freemasons,
as a mutual assessment beneficiary society,
to which only Master Masons between
twenty-one and fifty years of age are eligi-
ble. It issues certificates of $1,000 each,
payable at death, and has expended in this
manner more than 11,000,000. Its total
membership is about 5,000, most of whom
reside at or near Philadelphia. A Grand
Lodge was organized in 1877, which consists
of all Past Sir Chiefs and the five elective
otHccrs of subordinate Lodges.
Knights of Columbia. — A Topeka,
Kan., fraternal, mutual benefit organiza-
tion. Its Lodges are scattered through
West Mississippi and Missouri Valley States.
The membership is not large.
Knig'hts of Honor. — The line of descent
of the Knights of Honor in the family of
beneficiary secret societies is direct from the
parent death benefit assessment society, the
Ancient Order of United Workmen, seventeen
members of which, including members of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, led by
James A. Demaree, founded the Knights
of Honor at Louisville, Ky., in 1873. It
has been very successful in that it ranked in
numerical strength among the first half-
dozen similar Orders, with a total member-
ship of 120,000 in 1895, which fell off to
96,000 in 1897, during reorganization, when
its assessment plan was remodelled and
brought down to date. Its purposes are to
unite, fraternally, acceptable white men of
good moral character and sound bodily
health; to lead them to assist each other in
distress, in business, and the search for em-
ployment, which are characteristic of many
similar societies, and to establish a widows'
and orphans' benefit fund of not less than
$500 nor more than $2,000, to be paid to
families of deceased members. The so-
called secrecy which attaches to the Frater-
nity is declared to be only such as is necessary
to keep out intruders and unworthy men
from its benefits ; upright men of all politi-
cal parties and religious creeds being wel-
come to its ranks. No oath is administered
to candidates for initiation, " only a prom-
ise " to obey the laws of the Order and
" i)rotect a worthy brother in his adversities
and afflictions." The would-be member is
required to profess a belief in Cxod, and
must be able to earn a livelihood for himself
and family. A member may carry $500,
$1,000, or $2,000 insurance, and assessments
to meet jiayments of death benefits are as-
sessed at the lowest limit, graded according
to age.* More than $52,000,000 has been
paid in death benefits within the twenty-
three years since the Society was organized.
Beneficiai'ies must be the nearest dependent
relatives. Certificates of membership cannot
be used as collateral, nor are moneys paid in
their redemption subject to seizure to satisfy
debts of the insured. Lodges pay sick benefits
to members at their option, and handle their
own funds to that end. Death benefit funds
are jiaid to and disbursed by the Supreme
Lodge. The government of the Order, like
that of the Independent Order of Odd
* The Knights of Honor took one step in advance
of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in that,
while the latter assessed all raembei's a uniform
sura to pay a death benefit (and still does), the for-
mer found an excuse for existence in its original
plan of assessment by which members between 45
aud 55 years of age paid more than those between
21 and 45. Fi'om that period, 1873-75, the work
of evolution among fraternal assessment societies
went rapidly on, the next step being the grading of
assessments, and later an increasing assessment ac-
cording to age. It was not long befoi-e the Knights
of Honor admitted to membership persons between
18 and 21 years of age and adopted graded assess-
ments for all joining thereafter, up to the age of
45. By 1894-95 it became plain that the system of
paying a fixed assessment year after year, deter-
mined by the age of the member at date of joining
the society, would sooner or later be found wanting;
and in 1895 the Knights of Honor, after prolonged
investigation, adopted a plan of insurance based
on a different rate of assessment for each age, be-
ginning with 18 and ending with 61, increasing
from year to year. The effect, it is declared, will
be that each member in any one year will pay only
the sum needed for benefits on deaths among
members of his own age, based on mortality
tables and the experience of assessment beneficiary
secret societies. This radical change has resulted
Fellows, the Foresters, and nearly all siniilai-
organizations, is centred in a Supreme Lodge
made up of representatives df (J rand (State)
Lodges. The latter are composed of repre-
sentatives of subordinate Lodges, and have
jurisdiction over the affairs of the Order in
their respective States. Nearly all tlie larger
assessment beneficiary organizations are re-
sponsible directly or indirectly for the cre-
ation of similar societies, either through
schism born of rivalry among would-be lead-
ers or by having served as models, or other-
wise, and the Knights of Honor prove no
exception. In 1875 the Supreme Lodge
established a side or auxiliary degree enti-
tled the degree of I'rotection, to which
Knights of Honor, their wives, mothers,
nnmarried danghters and sisters, eighteen
or more years of age, were eligible. Only a
few Lodges of this degree were instituted
during the next year or two (see Knights
and Ladies of Honor), and in 1877 the Su-
preme Lodge repealed the law creating the
degree, whereupon representatives of the
degree met at Louisville and organized an
inde2:iendent secret assessment beneficiary
society for men and women under the title.
The Order of Protection of Knights and
Ladies of Honor, which was subsequently
changed to the Knights and Ladies of Honor.
The Knights of Honor, while among the
better and favorably known of like soci-
eties, has not attained its present eminence
without intelligent and persistent work on
the part of hundreds of prominent business
and professional men Avho have been and
still are members. Of Western origin, it
early spread to the East and the South.
From 17 members who founded the Order,
the membership increased to 1)9 by the close
of 1873, but one year later it had grown ten-
fold, with 999 names on the roll. From
1875 the Society's increase was rapid until
1878, when the yellow fever epidemic was
the cause of its first serious reverse. In
that year alone the Order suffered a drain
on its financial resources of 8385,000, the
result of the death of 193 members. Dur-
ing nearly all of the past eighteen years in-
crease in membership and in popularity has
characterized the Fraternity. Its Supreme
Lodge is made up of representatives of 36
Orand Lodges, to which are attached 3,000
subordinate Lodges with an average of 50
members each.
Kiiijjhts of Honor of tlie AVorhl. — A
new fraternal insurance society, with head-
quarters at Natchez, Miss. It appears to
have used the name of another organization.
Knights of the Seven AVise 3Ien of
the WorUl. — The United States census of
1890 names this Society among others
founded to do an insurance business, but
nothing is known of it at Nashville, Avhere
its chief office Avas located. Its title sug-
gests that it Avas an offshoot from or related
in some Avay to the Improved Order of, or
to the Order of the Heptasophs.
Kniglits of Sobriety, Fidelity, and
Integrity. — A mutual assessment benefici-
ary society for men, organized at Syracuse,
N. Y., in 1890. It does business in nearly
a dozen States, but a large proportion of its
5,000 luembers are residents of the Empire
State. It issues death certificates for $500,
$1,000, and 12,000, and pays accident and
sick benefits of §5, §10, 815, 820, and $25
Aveekly. The latter are limited to fi\'e con-
secutive weeks, and to tAventy weeks alto-
gether in any one year. Three rates of
assessments are offered members, the lowest
of Avhich delays the period at Avhich the
benefit goes into effect, but makes the in-
surance easier to carry. The second rate is
based on a shorter delay in putting into
operation the death benefit contract, while
the third makes the insurance operative
from the moment of joining. The loss of
one hand and arm above the wrist, or one
foot and leg above the ankle, entitles a
member to one-sixth the amount due under
his certificate in case of death. In case of
the loss of both hands and arms above the
Avrist, or both feet and legs above the ankles,
he is entitled to one-third the face of the
certificate. Members Avho arrive at the aire
of seventy years are entitled to 10 per cent.
of the amount named in the certiticate each
year until one-half the amount named in
the certificate is paid. All surplus of pre-
miums after the payment of claims, is set
aside as a reserve fund, " to j)rovide against
excessive mortality in any one j^ear. ' ' Loans
on real estate security are made to members
on the monthly payment plan in States
where the Order is incorporated.
Knights of the Blue Cross of the
World. — Organized at Homer, Mich., in
1888, to pay $1,000 and $2,000 death bene-
fits by means of mutual assessments of mem-
bers. It also paid weekly benefits in cases
of sickness of members. The organization
is not known now to the postal officials.
Knights of the Brotherhood. — A mu-
tual assessmeut beneficiary Order founded
prior to 1889, which reported to the United
States tenth census from Phoenixville, Pa.,
but is now unknown there.
Knights of the Globe. — A social, mili-
tary, charitable, and patriotic secret organi-
zation which secures the death benefit fea-
ture to its members through the Knights
of the Globe Mutual Benefit Association, a
non-secret, cooperative insurance company,
organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, to which only Knights of the Globe
are eligible. Men and women may become
members of both organizations, the latter
first joining the Daughters of the Globe, a
branch of the Knights of the Globe. The
mutual aid society through the Knights is
recruited from the more healthful portions
of the United States, and announces special
inducements to young men because of its
uniform rate of assessments. It issues death
benefit certificates for ten different amounts,
ranging from $500 to 15,000, to those be-
tween eighteen and fifty-six years of age
who are otherwise eligible. The Knights
of the Globe was organized at Chicago in
1889 by Freemasons prominent in the Scot-
tish Rite, by Odd Fellows of the highest
rank, and by members of the Ancient Or-
der of United Workmen, Royal Arcanum,
American Legion of Honor, Woodmen of
the World, the Grand Army of the Repub-
lic, and other secret societies. The influ-
ence of the Workmen is seen in the uniform
assessment rate, that of the Freemasons and
Odd Fellows in the degree work and em-
blems, and the Grand Army in its obliga-
tion that '' no other flag than the glorious
Stars and Stripes shall ever fioat over our
country." Four degrees or ranks are con-
ferred, that of Volunteer, Militant, Knight,
and Valiant Knight. Of the latter L. L.
Munn, 33°, of Freeport, 111., writes that
while he is familiar with many Orders and
has witnessed ceremonies of the highest
grade of excellence, the beauty, instruction,
and impressiveness of the Valiant Knight's
rank take a very high rank among them.
One of the chief objects of the Fraternity is
to inculcate lofty ideas of American citizen-
ship. While the Order is Avell distributed
throughout the West, it is strong in Illinois,
where a large proportion of its 7,000 mem-
bers reside.
Knights of the Globe Mutual Benefit
Association. — A non-secret, cooj)erative
insurance company, organized under the
laws of the State of Illinois in 1890 to in-
sure members of the Knights of the Globe
and Daughters of the Globe. (See the latter.)
Knights of the Golden Eagle. — Among
the various beneficiary, semi-military secret
societies which have founded their rituals and
ceremonials upon the history and pageantry
of the Crusaders, the Knights of the Golden
Eagle, or Chivalric Knights of America, is
conspicuous, not alone for its rapidly in-
creasing membership, which numbers about
60,000, but as well for its adaptation to
American soil of the struggles of early
Christian knighthood. The objects of the
Order are benevolence, mutual relief against
the trials and difficulties attending sick-
ness, distress, and death, so far as they
may be mitigated by sympathy and pecu-
niary assistance; to care for and protect
the widows and orphans; to assist those
out of employment; to encourage each other
in business; " to ameliorate the condition
of humanity in every possible manner; "
to stimulate moral and mental culture by
wholesome precepts, fraternal counsel, and
social intercourse, to elevate the member-
ship to a higher and nobler life, and the
inculcation and dissemination of the princi-
ples of benevolence and charity.
The organization consists of a Supreme
Castle, Grand Castles, and subordinate Cas-
tles. The Supreme body is composed of
Past Grand Chiefs (of Grand Castles), and
Grand Castles of Past Chiefs of subordinate
Castles. This is in line with the system
pursued by the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, with its Supreme Lodge, Grand,
and subordinate Lodges; the Foresters, with
their Supreme Court, Great and subordinate
Courts, and many other similarly governed
societies. The subordinate body in each
holds allegiance to the State organization,
and the latter to the Supreme Body. The
ritualistic work of the Knights of the Golden
Eagle includes three degrees: the first, or
Pilgrim's; second, or Knight's; and third,
or Crusaders' Degree. '' The three degrees
are symbolic of a soldier battling for his
faith. He is first a Pilgrim, then a Knight,
and finally a Crusader." The Pilgrim's de-
gree teaches fidelity and eternal faithfulness
to God and our fellow-man. The Knight's
degree confers the honors of Knighthood,
arms and equips the Pilgrim, and teaches
him veneration for religion, fidelity, valor,
courtesy, charity, and hospitality. The
Crusader's degree sends the newly made
knight forth upon a crusade against the
hosts of evil, armed and equipped to con-
quer opposing foes. The ceremonies and
lectures are free from anything of a frivo-
lous or objectionable character.
The Order has for its motto, " Fidelity,
Valor, and Honor," a trinity of graces
taught in its ritual. It was founded by
John E. Burbage of Baltimore, Md., who,
in 1872, conceived the idea of an organiza-
tion, secret in character, which should ''go
hand in hand Avith religion," having for its
theme the struggles of the Christian warrior
after '' the immortal crown. " He succeeded
in enlisting a sufficient inimber of friends
to insure the success of his plan, and by
means of symbol and allegory representing
•'the passing through the wilderness of sin
and woe on the journey to the Heavenly
Castle," the ritual was made characteristic
and the Order established. At Shorey's
Photograph Gallery, No. 129 East Baiti-
more Street, January 20, 1873, the Grand
Castle of Maryland was organized, and steps
were taken to institute several subordinate
Castles, four being in active 02)eration eight
months later. Templar Knighthood played
a part in the preparation of the ritual of the
Knights of the Golden Eagle as in other
modern Orders of Knighthood. The his-
tory of the ancient Templars, the Hospital-
lers, the Teutonic Knights, and the Knights
of St. John and Malta, together with the
example of the Masonic Knights Templars,
has had an unending influence on the minds
of secret society ritualists of the nineteenth
century, and not only are the Knights of
the Golden Eagle an evidence of it, but
there is reason to believe their ritual is in-
debted to membership in the Order of those
who had been brought to light and had been
advanced in the parent of all modern secret
societies. With such seed, tbe blossoms
could not fail to be numerous and beautiful.
Philadelphia Odd Fellows became interested,
and took the new Order of Knighthood to
the City of Brotherly Love in 1875, and by
April, 187G, the Grand Castle of Pennsyl-
vania Avas organized. The Centennial Ex-
hibition and the financial dei)ression which
followed it delayed progress; but by 1880
the banner of the Eagle Knights was un-
furled in Massachusetts by the aid of influ-
ential members of the Knights of Pythias;
five subordinate Castles with a total mem-
bership of 500 were secured, and the Grand
Castle of that State was instituted in the
following year. The Supreme Castle had
been formed in lialtimore on January 22,
1878. Since 1884, wlien a number of
prominent citizens of Philadelphia became
interested, the pi'ogress of the Order has
been rapid, and by December, 1896, it was
in successful operation in thirty-four States,
with 830 Castles. During the past ten
years its growth has been conspicuous in the
history of kindred organizations, more than
800 Castles having been organized during
that period.
It is not obligatory for the members to
connect themselves with the military branch,
which is an important adjunct and attracts
the young men. The Commanderies — as
the military bodies are termed — are separate
from the Castles; but any Sir Knight in
good standing in his Castle is eligible to
membership in a Commandery. The uni-
form of members of the Commanderies is
elaborate and jolainly patterned after, but
still dissimilar from, that of the Masonic
Knights Templars. The Commanderies
now confer the degree of Chivalry, adopted
by the Supreme Castle at its annual session
held in Eeading, Pa., October, 1896. This
is required to be taken by those who connect
themselves with the military branch. The
motto of this degree is '^ Chivalry, Truth,
and Peace," and the ritual deals at length
with chivalry and the history of the Crusades.
Commanderies are under the control of a
lieutenant-general, elected by the Supreme
Castle every three years, except in States
where there are five or more Commanderies,
when a Grand Commandery may be insti-
tuted. The oflficers of a G-rand Command-
ery are Grand Commander, Grand Vice-
Commander, Grand JMarshal, Grand Herald,
Grand Preceptor, Grand Historian, Grand
Almoner, Grand Inne • Guard, and Grand
Outer Guard. The members of the Grand
Commandery are known as Grand Cheva-
liers, and achieve that honor by virtue of
having passed through the posts of a subor-
dinate Commandery. Subordinate Com-
manderies may be beneficial or non-bene-
ficial, as they choose. There are two depart-
ments— the civil, which confers the degree
and attends to all business matters; and the
military, which has charge of drills and pa-
rades. There is a semi-military feature iu
the ritualistic Avork of the Castles said to be
very attractive, but the military work con-
nected with the degree of Chivalry, it is
claimed, is " unsurpassed " by any similar
ceremonial in like societies.
The Knights of the Golden Eagle say
they are pioneers in protecting those who
have passed the limit of age at which they
'can enter similar organizations. There are
a large number of Veteran Castles, com-
posed of men fifty years of age and over,
which, like the Castles and Commanderies,
have power to legislate in regard to dues
and benefits.
The Order also claims to be the pioneer
in protecting those who have belonged to
Castles which have become defunct. The
Castle of Protection, originated by Past Su-
preme Chief J. D. Barnes of Pennsylvania,
provides that such members may pay dues
to, and receive benefits from, the Grand
Castle of Pennsylvania, and the Supreme
Castle has recently adopted a like plan for
the benefit of those under its immediate
jurisdiction. This branch is known as the
National Castle of Protection. The Knights
of the Golden Eagle have certainly taken a
stride in advance in looking out for the wel-
fare of members whose Castles are defunct,
iu which respect some older and larger bene-
ficiary secret societies are remiss. In 1885
members of the Knights of the Golden
Eagle organized a similar society under the
title. Legion of the Eed Cross. The requi-
site qualifications for membershiji iu the
Knights of the Golden Eagle are that the
applicant be a white man, eighteen j^ears of
age, of good moral character, a believer in
the existence of a Supreme Being and of
the Christian faith, free from mental or
bodily infirmity, competent to support him-
self and family, a law-abiding resident of
the country in which he lives, and have
sufficient education to sign his own ap-
plication for membership, which, by the
way, are almost exactly the qualifications
demanded for admission into the Order of the
Heptasophs, or Seven Wise ]\Ien. More than
one-half the total membership of the Order
is in Pennsylvania. The Grand Castle Ilall
at Philadelphia was purchased from the
Knights of Labor for !j!45,000, when the lat-
ter moved its headquarters to AVashington
a few years ago, and is a monument to the
extent and importance of the Order in the
Keystone State. The Death Benefit Fund
is composed of members in good standing
of subordinate Castles, between the ages of
eighteen and fifty, and members of subordi-
nate Temples (the auxiliary, or Ladies' Or-
der), between the ages of sixteen and fifty,
who must pass a satisfactory examination
previous to admission. The amount paid
to beneficiaries of members in good standing
is §1,000 in Class A, and -^500 in Class B.
Weekly sick benefits and funeral benefits are
paid by means of assessments at the option
of subordinate Castles. The assessment
in Class A is 50 cents, and in Class B 25
cents. It will be seen that one object of the
founders was to furnish a moderate death
benefit to members at a low cost. Li 189G
a $250. death benefit class was provided, as-
sessments in which are pro rata with those
in Classes A and B. During the year 1895
$180,000 was paid out for relief by the Cas-
tles of the Order, the investments amount-
ing to S850,000.
The Eagle Home Association of Pennsyl-
vania has for its object the protection of
the aged Eagles, widows, and orphans, and
is supported by a per capita from such Cas-
tles as are enrolled in membership. The
social feature is characteristic of the Order,
and one night in each month is generally
set apart for entertainments.
The Temple degree, or Ladies of the
Golden Eagle, is open to women of good
moral character, not less than sixteen years
of age, whether relatives of Knights of the
Golden Eagle or not, as well as to members
of the Order of the Knights of the Eagle.
This auxiliary to the Eagle Knights has so-
cial and beneficiary objects, and fills much
the same place with respect to Kniglits of
the Golden Eagle as the Daughters of Re-
bekah do to the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, and the Companions of the Forest
to the Foresters of America. The " Lady
Eagles " meet in Temples, and regulate
their own weekly and funeral benefits and
dues. Their total membership is about
9,000. Temples which are separate from,
and in no wise adjuncts of. Castles are
under the immediate control of the Su-
preme Castle until there are ten Temples
in a State, when a Grand Temple may be
Kiiigrhts of the Loyal Guard. — Found-
ed by Edwin 0. Wood, at Flint, Mich.,
January 31, 1895. Men and women are
eligible to membership. It pays death
benefits only. It organized Lodges in
104 cities within two and one-half years,
and numbers more than 5,000 mem-
Knights of the Maccahees. — No one
of the popular secret beneficiary fraternal
societies which have sprung into being dur-
ing the latter quarter of the nineteenth
centuiy has been more successful than the
Maccabees. Its original inspiration was of
Canadian origin, but its robust youth and
early manhood are tributes to the nurtur-
ing care and executive capacity of Ameri-
can citizens. The founders of the modem
Maccabees are to be commended for quany-
ing tiie foundation stones of their ritual,
legend, and ceremonial in strata which had
not even been uncovered by the exploring
hand of the secret society ritualist. The
modern Order of Maccabean Knighthood is
built upon the traditions and history of the
ancient Maccabean dynasty, the achieve-
ments of which are recorded in the first and
second Books of the Maccabees, in the
apocryphal Old Testament. The followers
of Judas Maccabeus were Jews of no par-
ticular tribe, who braved death in the de-
fence of their belief in the God of their
fathers. The name Maccal)eus is said to
have been derived from a Hebrew term
signifying a hammer.* It Avas to Judas
Maccabeus the Jews were indebted for the
preservation of their political power and
religious liberty. In the second century
B.C., the Jews transferred their allegiance
from Egypt to Syria, and tw'enty-five years
later the Syrian King, Antiochus Epiphanes,
commanded them to renounce their religion,
defiled their sauctuarj-, and ordered them
to pay the honors due alone to Divinity to
the Olympian Jupiter. Tliis the Jews un-
der their Priest Mattathias resisted in a
"thirty years' war.'' Before the outbreak
Mattathias, being a person of consequence,
was tempted by a Syrian captain to embrace
the new faith, but with his own hand he
slew the first renegade Jew who apjiroached
the altar of idolatry. This precipitated
the conflict.! Mattathias, his five sous, and
a few faithful followers destroyed the em-
blems of the heathen worship in Modin and
vicinity and fled into the wilderness of
Judea. The Hellenes, friends of the Greeks,
aided the Syrians and the family of Mac-
cabeus, of which Judas Maccabeus was the
head, espoused the cause of the Jews, Judas
Maccabeus becoming the leader of the re-
volt after the death of his father Matta-
thias a few years after the outbreak of the
war in 166 B.C. The former took com-
mand, and at Mizpah repulsed and put to
flight the Syrians, although his forces were
greatly outnumbered. At Bethzur he again
put the Syrians to flight, reconquered Jeru-
salem, purified the Temple, reestablished
the holy service, and concluded an alliance
with the Komans. He fell in battle in
IGL B.C. He was succeeded by his brother
Jonathan, who became High Priest on the
* It is also claimed the name '' Maccabi " was
formed from the initials of the Hebrew words mi
Kamocha baelim, Jehovah, signifying " Who is like
thee among the gods, Jehovah?"
f On being summoned by the Syrian overseer and
bade to make sacrifice to the gods, Mattathias an-
swered: "If all the people in the kingdom obey the
order of the monarch to depart from the faith of
their fathers, I and my sons will abide by the
covenant of our forefathers."
death of Antiochus, but was murdered by
those who feared his influence on the heir
to the throne. Simeon, the second brother
of Judas, aided by Roman allies, became
the ruler of the Jews, and finally reestab-
lished the independence of the Jewish na-
tion. The wisdom and moderation with
which he used the power intrusted to him
were so well appreciated in his own day
that the year 141 B.C. — that after his suc-
cession— was made the beginning of a new
Upon the enduring traits of character
displayed by the ancient Maccabean family
in the Jewish thirty years' war for religious
and political liberty, particularly those of
its first great representative, Judas Mac-
cabeus, the modern Knights of the Macca-
bees have founded their fraternal Order of
mutual relief. It was Judas Maccabeus
who first commanded his soldiers in divid-
ing the fruits of their victories to reserve a
part for the widows and orphans of their
brothers who had fallen in battle — a jn-omi-
nent feature of the work of modern Macca-
The modern Order of the Maccabees was
founded in 1878 by members of the Order
of Foresters, and others, at London, On-
tario, who were familiar with the history
of the ancient Maccabees, and believed it
formed an excellent framew^ork on which to
construct a modern fraternal and benefi-
ciary society. They drew up a constitution,
prepared a ritual and ceremonials, and the
new society was born. Within two years it
had spread throughout the Canadian Do-
minion and into several of the United States,
with a total membership of about 10.000.
Its earh" growth is declared to have been of
a mushroom character. No medical ex-
amination was required of applicants, and
assessments at deaths were only ten cents
apiece for all members. The business man-
agement was not of the kind which bene-
ficiary organizations of this variety now
require, expenses increased relatively more
rapidly than the income, and as deaths
became numerous a crisis stared the society
in the face.*
Believing it to possess the germs of ii use-
ful institution, some of the' more conserva-
tive business men of Michigan among its
relatively large membership in that State
undertook to reorganize the society at the
grand review held at Buifalo, N. Y., in
1880. The constitution and laws were
changed, and the business methods revised
and }>laced on a stronger foundation. This
could not have been accomplished without
some friction, and one outcome was the seces-
sion of a minority of the Order in Canada,
under the leadership of one McLaughlin
of London. But one year later the rival
Orders came together at Port Huron, Mich.,
in the persons of their chief executive offi-
cials, and, after a two days' conference, were
reunited, and elected a full corps of officers.
It was several years before the society began
its career of prosperity, owing to much
" bad material" having been admitted, the
consequent high death rate, to activity of
would-be leaders and of leaders who were
not competent. Major N. S. Boynton, who
had been elected Supreme Lieutenant Com-
mander at Buffalo, in 1881, was made
chairman of a committee appointed at the
Port Huron joint review, in 1881, to draft
a new constitution and laws. The results
of this committee's deliberations were
adopted in February, 1881. They provided
for the organization of Great Camps in
States, Territories, and Provinces where the
membershii? was 1,000 or more, but the
management of the death benefit fund was
* This was about tlic period of tlio so-called
" Griffin defalcation " in the Independent Order of
Foresters, which was followed in 1879 by schisms
to escape extra assessments, the offshoot organiza-
tions taking the names of tlie Independent Order
of Foresters of Illinois, and the Canadian Order of
Foresters. While it is probable, it has not been deter-
mined whether or no the Knights of the Maccabees
was devised by members of the Independent Order
of Foresters for reasons similar to those which gave
birth to the Illinois and Canadian Orders of For-
retained in the Supreme Tent. A Great
Camj) was promptly chartered in Michigan
and incorporated June 11, 1881, which day
has since been recognized as the anniversary
of the reorganized Order. At the Supreme
Tent, in July, 1881, the laws were amended,
mainly through the exertions of the Michi-
gan representatives, to permit Great (State)
Camps to control benefit funds of their own
jurisdictions. Michigan members were evi-
dently aware that the Order, even as re-
organized, could not long survive, and were
apparently planning to act as heirs and
assignees of what might remain when the
end came. At this period, September, 1881,
Major N. S. Boynton was induced to act as
secretary and general business manager for
the Michigan Great Camp, officially, as
Great Record Keeper. He opened an office
in his residence at Port Huron, and ad-
vanced funds with which to jjurchase sup-
plies, charters, seals, j)Ostage stamps, etc.
His private business took him about Michi-
gan so frequently that be was enabled to
work effectively for the Order, which, for a
year, he did without pay ; had he not
done so, there would probably have been no
Maccabees to-day. He subsequently became
Great Commander of the Great Camp of
Michigan, the highest office in the gift of
the Fraternity in that State, which he,
more than any other one man, may claim
the credit for maintaining and upbuilding.
Outside of Michigan the Order became de-
funct. It started anew in the Peninsular
State in 1882, with only 700 members, and
has spread throughout the United States
and Canada. The constitution and laws
have been revised again, the ritual has
been changed, and a funeral service incor-
porated. These were largely the outcome
of suggestions of new leaders, some of them
Freemasons and members of other secret
societies whose rituals and methods have
served as models for many fraternal, bene-
ficiary societies. Tlie old Supreme Tent
being dead, its members in the Michigan
Order revived it, Sei)tember, 1883, and began
the active work of extending the mem-
bershij) throughout the country. In 1892 a
permanent headquarters was established at
Port Huron. Leaders among the Knights
declare that the Order, which consists of a
body of men banded together for the pro-
tection of their families and homes, is not
an insurance company, and bears the same
relation to an insurance company that a
father bears to a guardian. It is only
proper to add that this distinction is drawn
between nearly all secret, fraternal, benefi-
ciary societies and open mutual assessment
insurance companies, as well as between the
former and the old line, level jDremium-
paying life insurance companies. The
Order of the Maccabees is quite compre-
hensive as to the relief it extends. It not
only pays benefits at the deaths of members,
both men and women, but for disability,
during extreme old age and sickness, for
accidents, and to meet funeral expenses.
These payments are met by mutual assess-
ments, based upon the ''actuaries' table
of mortality." Assessments are made
monthly, and include an allowance of 12
per cent, for the actual cost of management.
All white persons of sound bodily health
and good moral character, socially accept-
able, between eighteen and seventy years of
age, are eligible to membership ; but only
those between eighteen and fifty-two years
of age may join and share in the beneficiary
features. Sick benefits are from $4 to $10
per week, while $50, $200, or $300 annually
are paid in case of total and permanent dis-
ability, and $50, $100, or $300 annually for
old age benefits. A benefit of from $3 to
$30 is paid in case of disabling accidents;
$175 to $2,000 for the accidental loss of
both eyes, hands, or feet, or hand and foot ;
$100 to $1,000 for hand or foot; and $40 to
$500 for the accidental loss of an eye. The
funeral benefit of an unmarried member is
$50, and the death benefit $500, $1,000,
$2,000, or $3,000; and (where Great Camjjs
exist) as high as $5,000. These benefits
(one or all) may be secured for one member-
shij) fee when applied for at the same time,
and on payment of dues to maintain only
one local organization. Certain classes of
railroad employees, expressmen, firemen,
and miners (except coal miners, which are
prohibited risks) are regarded as hazardous
risks, and pay twenty-five cents additional
assessment for each $1,000. Persons en-
gaged in blasting, coal mining, submarine
operations, making highly inflammable or
explosive materials, aeronauts, electric line-
men, etc., are not eligible to membership on
account of the extra hazardous nature of
the occupations; in addition to which, prin-
cipals or agents or employees in the manu-
facture or sale of spirituous or malt liquors,
and those addicted to the intemperate use
of intoxicating liquors, are ineligible to
The total membership of the Knights,
December 1, 1896, of which more than one-
third is in Michigan, was about 182,000,
distributed throughout forty States and
Provinces, and the death rate in 1895 was
only 5.54 in 1,000, which was exceptionally
low. Fully $5,000,000 in benefits have
been paid since the Order was founded.
The total membership, Knights and Ladies
combined, December 1," 1896, was 248,000,
and the combined benefits distributed had
amounted to more than $7,000,000.
Knights of the Star of Bethlehem. —
See Order of the Star of Bethlehem.
Ladies of the Golden Eagle. — The
women's social and beneficiary branch of
the mutual assessment fraternal society,
the Knights of the Golden Eagle. (See the
latter. )
Ladies of the Maccabees. — As nearly
all the prominent beneficiary secret societies
have auxiliary, or women's, branches, to aid
in charitable work and assist socially and
otherwise in promoting the interests of the
parent organizations, so the Knights of tlie
Maccabees are supplemented by the Ladies
of the .Alaccabees. To Mrs. A. G. Ward of
Muskegon. Mich., belongs the credit of
having suggested and planned the Ladies
of the Maccabees. She drafted the original
constitution for the first Hive, composed of
wives of the Knights, at Muskegon. At first
this society was local and purely social in
character, but in 1886 application was made
to the Great Camp for Michigan, at Kala-
mazoo, for recognition as an auxiliary branch
to aid local Tents socially, and for laws to
provide for life and disability benefits to be
managed by the auxiliary society itself. The
request was not granted, and a second ap-
plication in 1887 met with another refusal.
But the efforts of the would-be Lady Mac-
cabees were not relaxed, and as many of the
leading Knights had become convinced of
the determination and ability of the ladies
to accomplish what they had undertaken,
the Great Camp, which met at Port Huron
in 1888, recognized the organization of a
Great Hive for Michigan, auxiliary to the
Great Camp. A Great Hive was finally or-
ganized, its laws approved by the Great
Camp, and its officers elected and installed
by Major N. S. Boynton, Great Record
Keeper, in May, 1890. Organizers were
appointed, and the ladies' Order was rapidly
introduced throughont Michigan in connec-
tion with various Tents of the Maccabees.
By August, 1890, the total membership of
the Ladies of the Maccabees was only 170,
but from that time onward its growth, suc-
cess, and ])opularity among ladies, relatives
of the Knights of the Maccabees, and others,
have been continuous. For some years the
growth of the society, owing to its charter,
was confined to Michigan. Hives were sub-
sequently organized by (ireat Camps in
other States ; but in New York and Ohio
Great Camps retained control of subordi-
nate Hives and of tlieir funds. This for
a time prevented Hives in the States named
from being represented in the Supreme
Hive of the Order of the Ladies of the
Maccabees of the World, restricting their
enjoyment of social and "fraternal'' bene-
fits of the Order in other States than their
own. But the Supreme Hive of the Ladies
of tlie Maccabees of the World was organized
October 1, 1892, to harmonize the workings
of various Great Hives, and to render their
social, ritualistic, and other work uniform,
and, as its name suggests, the Supreme
Hive is to-day the supreme authority of the
Ladies of tlie Maccabees. It is made up
of representatives of Great Hives, and is
the auxiliary branch of the Supreme Tent
of the Knights of the Maccabees of the
World, the supreme governing body of the
The Ladies of the Maccabees is claimed
to be the first movement of the kind among
women offering death benefits, making its
own laws, and transacting its own bu.siness.
Its successful career has surprised many,
even among its well-wishers, and has shown
that women may safely be intrusted with
the conduct and management of many of
the broader business affairs of life. The
total membership of the Ladies of the Mac-
cabees, December 1, 1896, of which fully
one-half is in Michigan, had increased to
66,000 since the formation of the Great
Hive for Michigan in 1888, and may be
found in more than one-half the States of
the Union and in the Canadian Dominion.
It aids its sick and distressed members,
cares for the living, buries its dead, and pays
death and disability benefits. Women be-
tween the ages of sixteen and fifty-two,
socially acceptable, are admitted to life
benefit membersliip, after passing a medical
examination. They receive death benefit
certificates for $500, $1,000, and §2,000, and
in case of permanent or total disability, or
on reaching the age of seventy years, they
receive annually one-tenth of the sum named
in their certificates. Thus far tiie death
rate among the Ladies of the Maccabees has
been remarkably low. Tlie social, ritualis-
tic, literary, and educational exercises are
prominent features. In view of its unique
character, the society being the first of its
kind managed exclusively by women, it is
proper to add that to Lady Lillian M.
Hollister of Detroit and Lady Bina M. West
of Port Huron is larfjelv due the success
and present high standing of the auxiliary
branch of" tlie Maccabees.
League of Frieiidsliii), Supreme Me-
dia iiieal Order of tlie Snii. — A benefi-
ciary labor organization, now extinct, mem-
bers of which formed the Ancient Order of
United Workmen in 1868. (See the latter, )
Legion of the Red Cross. — One of the
smaller mutual assessment beneficiary so-
cieties, founded in 1885 by members of the
Knights of tlie Golden Eagle, which insures
the lives of its members in the sum of
$1,000, seeks to procure emjaloyment for
them, and, so far as possible, to assist them
in business. All acceptable white men, be-
tween eighteen and fifty years of age, who
can pass the required physical examination,
are eligible to membership. It is governed
by a Supreme Council, made up of its offi-
cers and representatives of Grand Councils,
which have jurisdiction over subordinate
Councils in States where established. It
furnishes sick as well as death benefits, and,
since it was founded, has paid nearly $160,-
000 to beneficiaries. The ritual is based on
the history and traditions of the Crusades,
but, as may be supposed, has no direct or
other relation to the Masonic or other or-
ders of the Red Cross. The total member-
ship, about 4,500, is centred in Maryland,
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and
New York, and its headquarters are at Bal-
timore. The emblem is a red Maltese Cross,
slightly modified from the conventional
sliape, with the letters L. 0. E. C. in the
arms, and a circle in the centre containing
a representation of the Cross and Crown.
(See also Knights of the Golden Eagle.)
Light of the Ages. — An Indiana fra-
ternal beneficiary society, with its head-
quarters at Indianapolis, which in 1897
dropped its fraternal features, and continued
business as an ordinary insurance company.
Loyal Additional Benefit Associa-
tion.— A fraternal beneficiary society,
formed in 1889 by members of the Royal
Arcanum, to which only the latter are eli-
gible as members. (See Royal Arcanum.)
Loyal Circle. — A new fraternal benefi-
ciary society, organized at Champaign, 111.
Loyal Knights and Ladies. — An out-
growth of the Knights and Ladies of Honor.
The latter society M'as connected with the
Knights of Honor, and Mizpah Lodge, Bos-
ton, Avas one of the most wide-awake Lodges.
The Knights and Ladies of Honor severed
its connection with the Knights of Honor,
and the membership of Mizjoah Lodge, dis-
satisfied with the action of the society, dis-
solved its connection with the Knights and
Ladies of Honor and set u]} housekeeping
on its own account as the Loyal Knights
and Ladies. The first meeting was held
November 11, 1881, in Boston. The for-
mation of the other Courts devolved upon
Court Mizjjah, and until the fifth Court
had been instituted no attempt at a higher
body was made. At that time delegates
were sent from the five Courts, and upon
these devolved the duty of establishing the
governing body. The Imperial Court was
formed December 6, 1883, though it was
known as the High Court until February 23,
1884. No esjsecial attempt was made to
push matters until after the incorporation of
the society, June 18, 1895, when some im-
portant changes were made in its constitu-
tion. At the present time the Order is
growing slowly though very satisfactorily.
The death rate of the Order has been very
The strongest claim the Order has upon
its members is the genuine feeling of frater-
nity, which has held it together when so
many stronger societies have gone to the
wall. Very much is done by all the Courts
to encourage this sentiment, and many enter-
tainments are given. The ritualistic work
also is very good. It is a secret beneficiary
society, admitting all socially acceptable
white persons of suitable age who can jiass
the required physical examination. It pays
a death benefit not to exceed $1,000, though
the actual amount paid has never reached
that sum. A sick benefit is provided for if
desired, though few of the Courts have
adopted the system. Xo other form of
benefit is attached, neither accident, dis-
ability, annuity, or endowment. The so-
ciety has at the present time about GOO
members, about 100 of whom are social or
non-beneficiary. The amount of the benefit
averages II per assessment.
Miriam OogToe : Forestor.s. — l>enetl-
ciary and social branch of the Independent
Order of Foresters, to which only mem-
bers of the latter and women relatives and
friends are eligible. (See Independent Order
of Foresters and Independent Order of
Foresters of Illinois.)
Modern Aiuerioaii Fraternal Order.
— Organized at Effingham, 111., in 180G, by
William B. Wright atid others, to pay death,
disability, and old age benefits by means of
mutual assessments. Men and women are
eligible to membership. About 1.000 have
Modern Knights' Fidelity League. —
A mutual assessment beneficiary society for
men and women, organized in Kansas in
1S91 by members of the Royal Arcanum,
National Union, Woodmen of the World,
and other fraternal beneficiary associations,
and incorporated under the laws of the State
of Kansas in 1S93, with its chief offices at
Kansas City, Kan. Membership is re-
stricted to persons between eighteen and
fifty-six years of age residing in the more
healthful portions of the country. Its gov-
ernment is on the widespread plan found
among like societies, consisting of a Supreme
or governing body made up of its officers
and representatives from Grand or State
Councils, which have direct charge of the
subordinate Councils. Its plan of insurance
is to combine a number of risks in one cer-
tificate, such as a death and endowment
benefit and annuity after the member shall
have reached the age of seventy years. Sepa-
rate tables of graded rates are employed to
arrive at the cost of such benefits according
to the age at time of joining. Weekly bene-
fits of from 13.50 to 810 are also paid in
cases of sickness or accident. A reserve fund
to provide for old age, total and partial dis-
ability benefits, and for death benefit assess-
ments in excess of twelve annually, has been
formed by setting aside 30 per cent, of the
assessments on benefit certificates. Widows
and orphans of members receive from $100
to $1,000, $3,000, or $3,000. On reaching
life's expectation the aged members may re-
ceive $500, $1,000, or $1,500, and to per-
manently disabled members $100, $200, or
$300 is paid annually for five years, all sums
paid for permanent disability and at life's
expectation being deducted from the death
benefit. This League of Modern Knights
presents three highly instructive and inter-
esting degrees for the consideration of those
who desire to become members, and curi-
ously founds its ritual on the life and adven-
tures of Don Quixote and his companion
Sancho Panza. It numbers about 5,000
members. In that the ritual is based upon
incidents in the life of these well-known
characters in Spanish fiction, it forms one
of the two successful organizations which
have based their unwritten work on stories
wliich underlie great and popular works of
Modern TVoodmen of America. —
Among the many successful fraternal orders
guaranteeing death benefits to members, the
Modern Woodmen of America stands out
prominently, numerically, financially, and
fraternally. Its benefit certificates provide
for the payment of $500, $1,000, $3,000, or
$3,000 to the families of deceased mem-
bers, and for care and attention during
sickness. The Order is an Illinois corpora-
tion, working under a charter granted ^May
5, 1884. It was founded at Lyons, la., in
1883, by Joseph C. Root, a prominent Free-
mason, an Odd Fellow, a Knight of Pythias,
member of the American Legion of Honor,
and of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men. The first Camp, as its Lodges are
called, was instituted January 5, 1883,
which is regarded as the birth of the Order,
although its beginning really dates back
to 1880. Since its incorporation it has
increased from a membership of 600 in
1884 to 210,000 in 4,180 local Camps on
September 1, 189G.
The territory of the Modern Woodmen is
confined by its charter to the States of Illi-
nois, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wiscon-
sin, Michigan, Kansas, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio, from
which the cities of Chicago, Detroit, Mil-
waukee, St. Louis, and Cincinnati are ex-
cluded. This, it is claimed, makes its ter-
ritory the healthiest in the country. In
addition, persons engaged in hazardous oc-
cupations are not eligible to membership.*
Assessments to jiay benefits are graduated
according to the age of the j)erson joining,
the grading being in jiroportion to the aver-
age expectancy of life by the standard of
American tables. The rate remains the
same as at the beginning, the special induce-
ment being to young and middle-aged men.
Ordinary expenses of the local and head
Camps are j^aid by the semi-annual dues.
* As qualifications for membership in the Wood-
men of America are as exceptional among like rules
in similar societies as is the rapid annual increase
in membership, these are given in full : Persons to
become members must be white males, over eighteen
and under forty-five years of age, of sound health,
exemplary habits, and good moral character. One
who is over forty-five years of age, if but for a sin-
gle day, is ineligible. Persons engaged in the fol-
lowing kinds of business or employment will not be
admitted as members of this Fraternity : Railway
brakeman, railway engineer, fireman, and switch-
man, miner employed under ground, mine inspector,
pit boss, professional rider and driver in races, em-
ployee in gunpowder factory, wholesaler or manu-
facturer of liquors, saloon keeper, saloon bartender,
aeronaut, sailor on the lakes and seas, plough polisher,
brass finisher, professional base-ball player, profes-
sional foot-ball player, professional fireman, sub-
marine operator, or soldier in regular army in time
of war. One who, after joining the Order, engages
in any prohibited occupation, thereby himself A'oids
his contract with the Order and renders his certifi-
cate null and void, but may obviate this difficulty
and retain his membership by filing with the Head
Clerk a waiver of all right to benefits in case death
results by reason of such prohibited occupation —
except where engaged in the sale of intoxicant
The record made by the Modern Wood-
men of America shows that the cost of pro-
tection has not increased within seven years;
that it is furnishing insurance at a cost of
14.96 for $1,000 per annum; that the cost
of management is 78 cents per member;
that the average age of membership is 35.96
years, and that the average death rate per
1,000 is 5.05. No other secret beneficiary
society ever showed such an increase in
membership within a year as that of the
Modern Woodmen of America, which w^as,
in round numbers, 45,000. There were 692
death claims paid that year, amounting to
$1,408,500 and the total amount paid to
beneficiaries since organization is 16,522,385.
The total increase in membership during
eight months of 1896 broke the Society's
own record, 49,350. On September 1, 1896,
it had 1515,000,000 of insurance in force.
Under the Order's charter the head office is
located at Fulton, 111., Avhere C. W. Hawes
has charge of the record dejiartment. The
general supervision of the Order comes un-
der the direction of Head Consul W. A.
Northcott of Greenville, 111. Colonel A. H.
Hollister of Madison, Wis., is intrusted
with the funds of the Order, and the finan-
cial supervision is under the control of the
following gentlemen, who form the Board of
Directors: A. R. Talbot, Chairman, Lincoln,
Neb. ; J. W. W^hite, Eock Falls, 111. ; J. N.
Reece, Springfield, 111. : Marvin Quacken-
bush, Dundee, 111.; and B. D. Smith, Man-
kato, Minn. The membership of the Order
includes many prominent men, among them
former Comptroller of the Currency James
H. Eckles, William J. Bryan, ex-Governor
Hoard of Wisconsin, and Congressman La
While making a point of being particular
to restrict its operations to the healthiest
States in the Union, and to receive only
young and healthy men so as to keep the
cost of insurance as low as the lowest, the
Modern Woodmen of America makes a
strong feature of the social and fraternal
side of secret societv life. This is indicated
by the following extract from an address
before the orgauizi^.tion in 1894 by its then
Head Banker (Treasurer) D. C. Tink :
The " Woodmen " in one form or another existed
centuries before the Golden Fleece or the Roman
Eagle was dreamed of ; that the Orders of the Star
and Garter, the Red Cross, and the Legion of
Honor are things of yesterday as compared with
them. Far back in the dim and misty ages, before
the creatures were born, before the first stones
were laid in the eternal city, in regions unlike
those we see round about us, where snow-crowned
peaks stand guard like sentinels, where babbling
brooks and murnuiring rills discoursed soft music
to the nodding jiines, the first Camp of Woodmen
was organized. With the axe they cleared the
forest, with the wedge they opened up the seei-et
resources of nature, and with the beetle they bat-
tered down the opposition of unworthy tribes that
sought to bar their progress. So, my friends, we,
as Modern Woodmen of America, have the same
axe, beetle, and wedge, and we are destroying the
abiding places of poverty, as they did the wild
beasts, so that the blooming roses of happiness, the
waving grain of plenty, the lowing herds of sym-
pathy, the rumbling machinery of industry, and
the stately cities of the home of the beneficiaries
are thus maintained and protected.
The reference to the emblems of the
Society makes evident the effort of the
organizers to be as original as possible in
formulating ritual and ceremonies. Yet
so much had been done in the way of creat-
ing secret societies prior to 1880-83 that
some Avell-traveled ground had to be cov-
ered. Thus, notwithstanding the rela-
tively novel emblems, the beetle and
wedge, we find the chief official to be a
Head Consitl, which, with the employment
of certain forms derived from ancient Kome,
suggests a partial, though perhaps uncon-
scious duplication of some of the rites of the
English secret beneficiary society known as
the Ancient Order of the Golden Fleece.
The abolition of State jurisdiction is a step
in advance among American secret bene-
ficiary societies, particularly when the re-
striction of territory is considered in which
the Woodmen operate.
Royal Neighbors of America is the title of
theauxiliarybrauchof the Modern Woodmen,
to which members of the latter and women
relatives are eligible. It has been estab-
lished only a few years, but gives promise
of ably supplementing the Camps of AVood-
men as have so many similar auxiliary or-
ganizations attached to other beneficiary
Orders. This branch of the Order pays
death benefits also. The membership is
of two varieties, beneficiary and fraternal,
there being about 3,000 of the former and
13,000 of the latter.
Mystic Workers of the WoiUl. —
Founded by G. AV. Clendenen of Fulton,
111., and incorporated under the laws of
Illinois in 1892, to pay death and disability
benefits by means of mutual assessments.
Both men and women between sixteen and
fifty-five years of age may join and be in-
sured for 8500, 81,000, 81,500, or 82,000.
Those unable to pass the required physical
examination may, if elected, become social
members. A member who becomes perma-
nently and totally disabled by sickness, acci-
dent, or old age is entitled to one-twentieth
of his certificate, or policy, semi-annually
until it is cancelled. This disability clause
is not effective "until the Order can pay a
maximum policy in full." No assessments
are levied after members arrive at the age
of seventy years, and one-twentieth of the
amount of their policies will be paid them
every six months until cancelled, or if death
takes i^lace before such time, the remaining
portion will be paid the beneficiary. Fol-
lowers of the customary list of hazardous
occupations are not eligible to membership.
The founder of the ^lystic Workers was a
member of the Masonic Fraternity, of the
Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of
America, Knights of the Maccabees, and
Woodmen of the World, from which it may
be inferred that the Mystic Workers is the
legitimate offspring of some of the most
representative of the older and modern fra-
ternities. Its emblem includes two columns
or pillars surmounted by two globes, and
between them an open Bible, the scales of
justice, a plane and square. The ritual
emphasizes Charity, as described in I. Cor-
inthians xiii. There are about 3,000 Mys-
tic Workers enrolled.
National Fraternal Congress. — (Con-
tributed l)y N. S. Boynton, Past President.)
At the Fourteenth Annual Session of the
Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, held at Minneapolis in
June, 1886, a resolution was adopted which
led to the organization of the National
Fraternal Congress. The following is a
copy :
Resolved, That the incoming Supreme Master
Workman be authorized to appoint, upon the basis
hereinafter stated, a committee, who shall also act
as delegates on the part of the Supreme Lodge, to
bring about a meeting and permanent organization
of representatives of fraternal beneficiary societies ;
that such committee invite other beneficiaiy socie-
ties to unite in such an association ; that repre-
sentation in such association for the first meeting
to be one delegate for the first 40,000 beneficiary-
members, or part thereof, or any organization tak-
ing part, and one delegate for each additional
40.000 members or fractional part thereof in excess
of 20,000 ; and that such committee have power to
arrange further details to secure the perfect organ-
ization and perpetuation of such an association of
Supreme Master Workman Badgerow ap-
pointed as such committee : A. L. Levi,
Minneapolis, Minn. ; Hon. 0. F. Berry,
Carthage, 111., and Warren Totten, barris-
ter, Woodstock, Ont., with Leroy Andrus
of Buffalo as chairman. A call was ac-
cordingly issued for a preliminary meet-
ing of representatives of various fraternal
beneficiary societies, to be held at Wash-
ington, D. C, November 16, 1886. After
reciting the foregoing resolution the call
set forth the objects of the convention sub-
stantially as follows :
The widely extended influence and vast pecun-
iary interests connected with and represented by
the great beneficiary societies of the present time
render them a most important and interesting
feature of social development in this country.
There are a large number (not less than fifty) of
those societies, each having a considerable member-
ship, carrying on a purely fraternal, beneficiary
business in the United States, and among these are
not included any merely speculative assessment or
non-fraternal cooperative concerns. Their meth-
ods are, in a very great degi'ee, the same, and their
interests are based on principles which are iden-
tical. It is confidently believed that the formation
of a national body will prove of great advantage to
every organization represented. The cooperative
plan of insurance as ,carried on by our societies
has not wholly laid aside the character of an ex-
periment, and the fundamental principles upon
which their future depends have never been fully
proven or even investigated. It would be as unrea-
sonable to expect a successful importing merchant
to carry on business in ignorance of foreign and
domestic markets, the rate of exchange, etc., as to
expect our great fraternities to achieve the highest,
and especially a continued, success, knowing noth-
ing of the rules which govern admissions, lapses,
death rates, and other questions relating to such
organizations. These ideas are, of course, not
new to you who have had much experience in the
work of fraternities, and it is of course evident to
you that the investigation of these principles can
best be conducted through cooperation, and that
their efficiency and value are increased in propor-
tion as the study is made common to all. There
are many other results which an association of
these societies may accomplish and which may be
productive of good, not the least of which is that
a "fraternity of fraternities" will be formed and
the fraternal character of our organization be
more firmly fixed. The following subjects are sug-
gested as among those which would be of the ut-
most interest, although the field of discussion may
profitably be extended. First, the laws relating
to cooperative associations and the necessity of
further legislation in aid of fraternal societies and
the securing of uniform laws ; second, the discus-
sion of means by which inore perfect medical ex-
aminations can be secured, etc. ; and, third, the
general principles necessary to the successful cari-y-
ing on of fraternal cooperative societies. Repre-
sentatives of non-fraternal assessment associations
are not eligible to membership.
The meeting was held pursuant to call,
and Leroy Andrus of Buffalo was elected
temporary chairman, and E. C. Hill of
Buffalo secretary. The societies repre-
sented were as follows :
Ancient Order of United Workmen, Leroy
Andrus, Warren Totten, A. L. Levi, and
0. F. Berry, Carthage, HI.
Knights of Honor, W. H. Barnes, San
Francisco, Cal.
United Order of Honor, A. W. Wishard,
Indiunapolis, Ind.
Order United American Mechanics, C.
H. Stein, Baltimore, Md.
Order United Friends, 0. M. Shedd,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Empire Order Mutual Aid, J. H. Meech,
Bumilo, N. Y.
Select Knights, Ancient Order United
Workmen, E. C. Hill, Buffalo, N. Y.
Endowment Rank, Knights of Pythias,
Halvor Nelson, Washington, D. C.
Equitable Aid Union, E. N. Seaver, Co-
lumbus, Pa.
Knights of the Maccabees, N. S. Boyn-
ton. Port Huron, Mich.
Eoyal Arcanum, A. 0. Trippe, Baltimore,
Md.; J. Haskell Butler, Boston, Mass.
Knights of Columbia, C. P. Kriezer,
New York City.
Knights of the Golden Rule, J. D. Ir-
ving, Toledo, 0.
United Order of the Golden Cross, A. M.
McBath, Washington, D. C.
Eoyal Templars of Temperance, C. K.
Porter, Buffalo, N. Y.
Home Circle, J. H. Butler, Boston, Mass.
The orders and membership rei^resented
were as follows : Ancient Order of United
Workmen, 175,000 ; Knights of Honor,
130,000 ; Eoyal Arcanum, 76,000 ; Order
of United American Mechanics, 40,000 ;
Eoyal Templars of Temperance, 2:2,000 ;
Equitable Aid Union, 17,000 ; Endowment
Eank, Knights of Pythias, 16,000; Order
of United Friends, 12,000 ; Select Knights,
Ancient Order United Workmen, 11,000 ;
Knights of the Maccabees, 11,000 ; United
Order of the Golden Cross, 9,000 ; Empire
Order of Mutual Aid, 8,000 ; United Order
of Honor, 7,000 ; Knights of the Golden
Eule, 9,000 ; Home Circle, 5,000 ; Knights
of Columbia, 2,000 ; a grand total of
535,000, with outstanding life benefits
amounting to $1,200,000,000. After a dis-
cussion the following permanent officers were
chosen : President, Leroy Andrus ; First
Vice-President, W. H. Barnes ; Second
Vice-President, John Haskell Butler ^ Ee-
cording Secretary, E. C. Hill ; Corres})ond-
ing Secretary, 0. M. vShedd ; and Treasurer,
Halvor Nelson. The following declaration
was adopted : " This association shall be
known as the National Fraternal Congress.
Its objects are hereby declared to be the
uniting permanently of all legitimate fra-
ternal benefit societies for i)ur[)oses of mu-
tual information, benefit, and protection.
Its membership shall be composed of its
officers, standing committees, and of repre-
sentatives as follows : Each society of 40,000
members shall be entitled to one representa-
tive, and for each additional 40,000 mem-
bers, or fraction of 40,000 over 20,000, an
additional representative. At any meeting
when a test ballot or vote shall be required,
and any society not fully represented, the
representative or representatives present
shall be authorized to cast the full vote to
which his or their order may be entitled.
No fraternal society, order, or association
shall be entitled to representation in this
Congress, unless said society, order, or as-
sociation works under a ritual, holds regular
lodge or similar meetings, and pays endow-
ment moneys to the beneficiaries of its de-
ceased members. This Congress shall meet
annually on the third Tuesday of November,
at such place as may be selected."
After a two days' session, during which a
number of papers were read and discussed,
the Congress adjourned to meet in Phila-
delphia, Pa., on the third Tuesday in No-
vember, 1887.
The next annual meeting was held in
Philadelphia, November 15, 1887. The
attendance was smaller than at Washing-
ton the year before, and the feeling at first
was strongly in favor of abandoning the or-
ganization ; but it was finally decided to
continue the Congress. Papers were read,
topics of interest to the orders were dis-
cussed, and several societies not represented
the year before were admitted. The fol-
lowing officers were elected : President,
John Haskell Butler, Boston, Mass.; First
Vice* President, Warren Totten, Woodstock,
Ont.; Second Vice-President, R. N. Seaver,
M.D., of Pennsylvania ; Recording Secre-
tary, Samuel Nelson of New York ; Cor-
responding Secretary, 0. M. Shedd of New
York ; and Treasurer, George Hawkes of
At the second annual session, held in
Murray Hill Hotel, New York City, No-
vember 20 and 21, 1888, with increased at-
tendance and greater interest, seven Orders
Avere admitted as new members. Paj^ers on
various subjects were read and discussed,
and the constitution and laws were amended
so as to do away with the office of Second
Vice-President, and to merge the ofiBces of
Corresi^ouding and Recording Secretaries.
Officers elected at this session were : Presi-
dent, John Haskell of Boston ; Vice-Presi-
dent, Warren Totten ; Corresponding and
Recording Secretary, 0. M. Shedd ; and
George Hawkes, Treasurer.
The third annual session was held in Bos-
ton, November 12 and 13, 1889. Twenty-
six societies were represented, and four
others were admitted. The following offi-
cers were elected : President, D. H. Shields ;
Vice-President, A. R. Savage, Lewiston,
Me.; Secretary, 0. M. Shedd ; Treasurer,
George Hawkes.
The fourth annual session was held in
Pittsburg, Pa., November 11 and 12, 1890,
with a still larger attendance, societies rep-
resented having a total membership of over
one million. The Committee on Legisla-
tion was directed to draft a uniform law,
with the object of having separate and dis-
tinct laws for the regulation of frateral
beneficiary societies passed by the State
legislatures. The following officers were
chosen ; President, A. R. Savage ; Vice-
President, Adam Warnock of Boston,
Mass.; and Secretary and Treasurer, 0.
M. Shedd.
The fifth annual session was held in
Washington, D. C, November 10, 11, and
12, 1891, when thirty-two societies were
represented, with a total membership of
over one million two hundred thousand.
During the session the Congress, as a body,
visited the White House and met President
Harrison. Among the more important
papers read was one by J. E. Shapherd,
" Can a fraternal society safely transact an
endowment business and pay a stated sum
at the end of a stated number of years, or
sooner in the event of death ?" and one by
N. S. Boynton on " Should assessment
notices be dispensed with ?" Others were:
^'Should medical examiners be elected by the
lodge, appointed by the chief medical ex-
aminer, or chosen by the supreme body?'*
Dr. J. Foster Bush ; and the '' Uses of a
ritual and secret ceremonies in benefit or-
ders," by C. W. Hazzard. Frank N. Gage
read a paper on the '' Advisability of
abolishing the per capita tax and levying
all revenues for the general fund ujjon the
same basis as assessments are levied to pay
death benefits ; " and B. F. Nelson one on
the tojjic, "'Is it advisable for fraternal
benefit societies to prohibit the admission
of men engaged personally in the sale of in-
toxicating liquors ?" A special committee
was appointed to confer with the Postmaster-
General, with reference to the circulation
of fraternal society journals through the
United States mails, by paying the rates
fixed for second-class matter. Officers
elected were as follows : President, Adam
Warnock ; Vice-President, M. G. Jeffris,
Janesville, Wis.; Secretary and Treasurer,
0. M. Shedd.
The sixth annual session was held at
Washington, D. C, November 15, 16, 17,
1892. Delegates were present from thirty-
three societies with a total membershij) of
1,250,000. Among papers read were :
"The typical frater,^' by Louis Maloney :
"Am I my brother's keeper ?" by W. S.
Bailey; "Increasing membership," by John
J. Acker ; " Press and societies," by J. D.
Smith ; " The state and its relations to fra-
ternal beneficiary societies," by Howard H.
Morse ; " Securing legislation," by D. E.
Stevens ; and " Fraternal duties," by A. L.
Barbour. A. R. Savage, from the Com-
mittee on Laws, presented a report on the
revision of uniform laws in the form of a bill
entitled, ''An Act regulating fraternal ben-
eficiary societies, orders, or associations,'*
which was adopted, and action taken look-
ing toward the passage of the bill through
the legislatures of the different States and
in the Provinces of Canada. The following
officers were elected: President, M.G. Jeffris;
Vice-President, N. S. Boynton ; Secretary
and Treasurer, 0. M. Shedd.
The seventh annual session was held at
Cincinnati, 0., November 21, 23, and 23,
1893, when thirty-six organizations, having
a total membership of nearly one million
three hundred and fifty thousand, were rep-
resented. A very large number of valuable
papers was read and discussed, as in previ-
ous sessions. A committee to be known as
the Committee on Fraternal Press was ap-
pointed to secure, if possible, the passage of
an act by Congress which would permit
fraternal publications to be mailed as sec-
ond-class matter. A paper on "Women in
fraternal societies" was presented by Mrs.
Emma M. Gillette of Washington, D. C.
The following officers were elected : Presi-
dent, N. S. Boynton ; Vice-President, S. A.
Wills, Pittsburg, Pa; ; Secretary and Treas-
urer, 0. M. Shedd.
The eighth annual session was held at
Buffalo, N. Y., November 20, 21, and 22,
1894. Forty orders, having a total member-
ship of 1,300,000, were represented. The
Committee on Fraternal Press reported they
had succeeded in securing legislation admit-
ting to the mails all fraternal journals as
second-class matter. The following officers
were chosen : President, S. A. Wills ; Vice-
President, W. R. Spooner, New York ; Sec-
rotary, M. W. Sackett, Meadville, Pa.
The ninth session was held at Toronto,
Can., November 19, 20, and 21, 1895 ;
forty orders, having a total membership
of 1,400,000, were represented. The Com-
mittee on Statistics submitted a report
showing that the total benefits paid since
their organization by forty orders repre-
sented, amounted to %228,447,120, and that
during 1894 more than $28,000,000 had
been disbursed. The ratio of expense to
benefits was $G5.67 for each $1,000, and the
ratio of expense to membership was $1.27
per capita, and the average rate of mortal-
ity was 9.92 per 1,000. Certificates in force
amounted to $2,855,018,610. The medical
section, formed of medical examiners-in-
chief of orders represented, met, and a num-
ber of papers were submitted. The follow-
ing officers were elected : President, W. R.
Spooner ; Vice-President, John G. John-
son, Peabody, Kan., and Secretary, M. W.
The tenth annual session was held at
Louisville, Ky., November 17, 18, and 19,
1896. Forty-three orders, with a total mem-
bership of 1,587,859, were represented.
President Spooners annual address stated
that material progress had been made in
securing legislation in the interest of fra-
ternal beneficiary orders. At this session,
too, the necessity for increasing rates of
assessments was considered, basing them on
some recognized mortality tables, so as to
provide an emergency fund with which to
meet an increased death rate,- which it was
held would appear as the Orders grow older.
The concensus of opinion favored the pro-
posed change. The following officers were
elected : President. J. G. Johnson, Peabody,
Kan. ; Vice-President, James E. Shepard,
Lawrence, Mass.; Secretary and Treasurer,
M. W. Sackett ; Chaplain, Rev. J. G. Tate,
Grand Island, Neb. The titles of the or-
ganizations represented at Louisville in
1896, together with the names of delegates
there, contrasted with like data respecting
the first Congress, that held at Washington
in 1886, fitly represent the growth of
the "fraternity of fraternities" sentiment
throughout the country.
Titles of Orders and names of delegates
at the National Fraternal Congress of 1896 :
American Legion of Honor, Adam War-
nock. Boston, Mass.
Ancient Order of the Pyramids, E. S. Pa. ; B. F. Nelson, St. Louis, Mo., and L.
McClintbck, Topeka, Kan. A. Gratz, Louisville, Ky.
Ancient Order of United Workmen, Knights of the Loyal Guard, Mark W.
Joseph E. Riggs, Lawrence, Kan.; J. G. Stevens and Orson Millard, M.D., Flint,
Tate, Grand Island, Neb. ; and D. H. Mich.
Siiields, M.D., Hannibal, Mo. Order of the Maccabees, D. D. Aitkin,
Artisans' Order of Mutual Protection, Flint, Mich. ; Thomas Watson, Mrs. M. M.
Louis Maloney, Philadelphia, Pa. Danforth, and R. E. Moss, M.D., Port
Chosen Friends, Louis A. Steber, St. Huron, Mich. ; George J. Seigle, Buffalo,
Louis, Mo. ; William B. Wilson, Newark, N. Y. ; Edward L. Young, Norwalk, 0.;
N. J. ; Henry Jamison, M.D., Indianapo- Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister, Detroit, Mich.,
lis, Ind. and Mrs. Frances E. Burns, St. Louis,
Empire Knights of Relief, Frank E. Mich.
Munger, Buffalo, N. Y., and Philip A. Legion of the Red Cross, H. F. Ackley,
McCrae, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y. Camden, N. J.
Equitable Aid Union, Albert Morgan, Loyal Additional Benefit Association,
Corry, Pa. Frank S. Petter, Jersey City, N. J.
Fraternal Aid Association, William T. Modern Woodmen of America, Jasper
Walker, Kansas City, Kan., and Levi N. Reece, Springfield, 111. ; W. A. North-
Horner, M.D., Wichita, Kan. cott, Greenville, 111.; Charles W. Hawes,
Fraternal Legion, J. W. P. Bates, M.D., Fulton, 111. ; A. 0. Faulkner, Lincoln,
Baltimore, Md. Neb.; Benjamin D. Smith, Mankato, Minn,,
Fraternal Mystic Circle, D. E. Stevens, and C. A. McCollum, M.D., Minneapolis,
Philadelphia, Pa., and F. S. Wagenhals, Minn.
M.D., Columbus, 0. Mutual Protection, Dr. W. K. Harrison,
Golden Chain, J. A. Baden, M.D., Balti- Chicago, 111.
more, Md. National Provident Union, Edward S.
Home Circle, Julius M. Swain, Boston, Peck, New York city.
Mass. National Reserve Association, F. W.
Improved Order of Heptasophs, F. L. Sears and J. T. Craig, M.D., Kansas City,
Brown, Scranton, Pa. ; John G. Mitchell, Mo.
Baltimore, Md., and J. H. Christian, National Union, W. M. Bayne, Cleve-
M.D., Baltimore, Md. land, 0.; J. W. Meyers, Toledo, 0., and
Independent Order of Foresters, Oron- M. R. Brown, M.D., Chicago, 111.
hyatekha, M.D., Toronto, Ont. ; A. E. New England Order of Protection, Lucius
Stevenson, Chicago, 111. ; J. D. Clark, P. Deming, New Haven, Conn.
Dayton, 0., and Thomas Millman, M.D., Order United Friends, John G. H.
Toronto, Ont. Meyers, New York city.
Iowa Legion of Honor, Dr. E. R. Hutch- Protected Home Circle, W. S. Palmer
ins, Des Moines, la. and S. Heilman, M.D., Sharon, Pa.
Knights and Ladies of Security, W. B. Royal Arcanum, John E. Pound, Lock-
Kirkpatrick, Topeka, Kan., and H. A. port, N. Y. ; J. A. Langfitt, Pittsburg,
Warner, M.D., Topeka, Kan. Pa. ; Justin F. Price, New York city; W.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden 0. Robson, Boston, Mass., and J. M.
Star, Rev. Samuel P. Lacey, Newark, McKinstry, Cleveland, 0.
N. J. Royal League, C. C. Linthicum and Wal-
Knights of Honor, John Mulligan, Yon- lace K. Harrison, M.D., Chicago, 111.
kers, N. Y. ; J. W. Goheen, Philadelphia, Royal Society of Good Fellows, D. S.
Biggs, Arlington, Mass., and W. G. Weaver,
M.D., Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Eoyal Templars of Temperance, T. N.
Boyle, D.D., Pittsburg, Pa., and J. W.
Grosvenor, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y.
Select Friends, Dr. J. T. Tinder, Parsons,
Shield of Honor, James H. Livingston,
Baltimore, Md.
Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur, D. W. Gerard
and J.F. Davidson, M.D.,Crawfordsville,Ind.
United Order of Pilgrim Fathers, J.
Albion Briggs, Somerville, Mass. ; J. S.
Taft, Keene, N. H.
United Order of the Golden Cross, John
:N". Ehle, Washington, D. 0. ; J. D. Young,
M.D., Winthrop, Mass.
Woodmen of the World, W. 0. Rogers,
M.D., and Joseph C. Root, Omaha, Neb. ;
F. A. Falkenberg, Denver, Col.
The above societies, with probably ten
others not represented in the Congress,
although eligible, constitute the fraternal
beneficiary system of the country, and are
in no way to be classed witli the old line life
or open business assessment associations,
nor with any orders or associations not
recognized by the National Fraternal Con-
gress as a part of the fraternal beneficiary
system of life protection. The foregoing
orders hud a combined membership of over
one million and a half in 189G, and had
paid out within a year for life benefits the
sum of 828,034,855 ; total paid out since
organization, $231,043,180 ; total value of
life benefit certificates in force, $3,026,-
545,042. The net increase of membership
during the year was 165,544, all of which
goes to show what the fraternal beneficiary
system of the country as represented in the
National Fraternal Congress has accom-
plished in a little over a quarter of a century.
In view of the extraordinary results from
this form of cooperation since the close of
the Civil War, it is important to carefully
distinguish between the three distinct sys-
tems of life protection now in operation.
First, the " old line life insurance, or level
premium system,'" with its endowment, ton-
tine, and semi-tontine features. In this
there is a contract between the company and
the insured called a policy, and profit is the
controlling object. In every State there are
laws providing for the incorporation of com-
panies using tliis system and for governing
their operations.
Second, the open business assessment sys-
tem, in which the contract between the asso-
ciations and the insured is sometimes called
a policy and sometimes a certificate. This
system has no lodges or fraternal bond to
bind the insured together, and the associa-
tions are merely business concerns without
a representative form of government, gen-
erally close corporations. In every State,
also, laws are found for their incorporation
and supervision.
Third, the fraternal beneficiary system,
composed of societies having a representa-
tive form of government, subordinate
lodges, and ritualistic work, furnishing
financial assistance to living members in
sickness or destitution, providing for the
payment of benefits to living members in
case of partial or total physical disability
arising from sickness or old age, and pro-
viding benefits at the death of members for
their families or dependent blood relatives.
The lines of demarcation between the three
are clear and distinct, and have been kept so
in all legislative enactments relating to them.
The uniform bill adopted by the National
Fraternal Congress, which has been en-
grafted on the statute books of several of
the States, defines what constitutes a fra-
ternal beneficiary society in the following
terms: Section 1. A fraternal beneficiary
association is hereby declared to be a cor-
poration, societ}', or voluntary association,
formed or organized and carried on for the
sole benefit of its members and their bene-
ficiaries and not for profit. Each associa-
tion shall have a lodge system, with ritual-
istic form of work and representative form
of government, and shall make provision
for tlie payment of benefits in case of death.
aud may make provision for the payments
of benefits in case of sickness, accident, or
old age, provided the j^eriod in life at which
payment of physical disability benefits on
acconnt of old age commences shall not be
under seventy (70) years, subject to their
compliance with its constitution and laws.
The fund from which the payment of such
benefits shall be made and the fund from
which the expenses of such association shall
be defrayed shall be derived from assess-
ments or dues collected from its members.
Payments of death benefits shall be to the
families, heirs, blood relatives, affianced
husbands, affianced wives, or to persons de-
pendent upon the members. Such associa-
tions shall be governed by this act, and shall
be exempt from the provisions of insurance
laws of this State, and no law hereafter
passed shall apply to them unless they be
expressly designated therein.
The laws of the National Fraternal Con-
gress declare that no fraternal society,
order, or association shall be entitled to
rejoresentation in it unless the latter " works
under a ritual, holds regular lodge or sim-
ilar meetings, where the purposes are con-
fined to visitation of the sick, relief of dis-
tress, burial of -the dead, protection of wid-
ows and orj)hans, education of the orjihan,
payment of a benefit for temporary or per-
manent disability or death, and where these
principles are an obligated duty on all mem-
bers, to be discharged without compensation
or pecuniary reward; where the general
membership attend to the general business
of the order, and where a fraternal interest
in the welfare of each other is a dut}^ taught,
recognized, and practised as the motive and
bond of organization.'' The mutual agree-
ment between the fraternal society and the
member is not a policy or contract like that
entered into between a life insurance com-
pany and its policy-holder. Fraternal soci-
eties simply issue a certificate of member-
ship, in which the member agrees to comply
with all rules and regulations in force at the
time he becomes a member, and with all
changes in the laws, etc., that may be law-
fully made during his membershij). He has
no vested or property rights while living
and belonging to such societies unless he
should become sick or disabled, and then
only after his claim has been allowed. After
the death of a member who has complied
with the laws, the beneficiary has a vested
or property right to the amount of a de-
ceased member's certificate, as provided by
the society's laws. These orders are co-
operative bodies, members mutually agree-
ing to protect each other and their families
and dependents in case of sickness, disabil-
ity, or death by contributing a . certain
amount of money from time to time to pro-
vide for the jjayment of the sum specified in
the certificate. No term-endowment, ton-
tine, or any other form of speculative cer-
tificates are issued, neither can a certificate
within the objects and purposes of a legiti-
mate beneficiary order be made payable to a
member or his creditor, nor can it be used
as collateral for a loan or have a surrender
value. The holder can transfer it to any
legal beneficiary without the consent of the
person named in the certificate, but the
policy of a life insurance company cannot
be so transferred. The courts hold that a
beneficiary of a member has no vested
rights in the certificate, but that a per-
son named as, the payee has such rights.
The decision of the supreme court of
Pennsylvania in the Dickinson case, " Ella
M. Dickinson vs. Grand Lodge of Ancient
Order of United Workmen of Pennsylva-
nia," defines the objects and purposes of
fraternal beneficiary societies, and holds that
they are not insurance corporations, but
purely benevolent associations, as follows:
'•' The first specification charges error in
admitting the application thus referred
to. This is grounded on the assumption
that defendant (the A. 0. U. W.) is an in-
surance company, and the contract sued
on is a contract of assurance on the life of
plaintiff's husband for her benefit. Such
assumption, however, is unwarranted. The
defendant is not an insurance company, but
belongs to the distinctly recognized class of
organizations known as benevolent associa-
tions. AVhat is known as a benevolent or-
ganization, however, has a wholly different
object and purpose in view. The great un-
derlying purpose of the organization is not
to indemnify or secure against loss; its de-
sign is to accumulate a fund from the con-
tributions of its members for beneficial or
protective purposes, to be used in their own
aid or relief, in the misfortunes of sickness,
injury, or death. The benefits, although
secured by contracts, and for that reason, to
a limited extent, assimilated to the proceeds
of insurance, are not so considered. Such
societies are rather of a philanthropic or
benevolent character; their beneficial fea-
tures may be of a narrow or restricted char-
acter; the motives of the members may be
to some extent selfish, but the principle
upon which they rest is founded in the con-
siderations mentioned. These benefits, by
the rule of their organizations, are paying to
their own unfortunate, out of funds which
the members themselves have contributed
for the purpose, not as an indemnity or
security against loss, but as a protective re-
lief in case of sickness or injury, or to pro-
vide the means of a decent burial in the
event of death. Such societies have no cap-
ital stock. They yield no profit, and their
contracts, although beneficial and protective,
altogether exclude the idea of insurance, or
of indemnity, or of securing against loss.''
Hence it will be seen that the fraternal
beneficiary orders are purely cooperative and
non-speculative, and do not in any sense
furnish life insurance. Neither can they
be classed with the open business assessment
associations; there is nothing in common
between them.
National Fraternity. — Organized at
Philadelphia in 1893 by members of the
Ancient Order of United "Workmen, a fra-
ternal mutual assessment beneficiary soci-
ety, which both men and women between
eighteen and fifty years of age may join.
It pays deatii benefits of from §500 to
13,500 ; total disability benefits of from
$250 to $1,250; and sick and accident bene-
fits of from $5 to $25 weekly, with a cash
distribution at stated periods of all earnings
and accumulations, and a savings dividend
every five years of membership. Lodges
are governed by Sections, corresjtondiiig to
Grand or State bodies, and the Fraternity
at large is under the jurisdiction of the
Board of Control, made iip of its officers
and representatives of the Sections. By the
system of five-year credits it is proposed to
cancel all sick benefits drawn during that
period. Any excess is to be carried over
against a succeeding five-year credit period.
Sick benefits, previously drawn, are de-
ducted from total disability claims, and
likewise all benefits drawn for permanent or
temporary disability are deducted from the
ultimate death benefit, unless already can-
celled by the five-year credits. ''In this
manner those who never draw sick benefits
will not suffer from those who do." The
former A. 0. U. W. plan of fixed assess-
ments of $1.10 characterizes the organiza-
tion, the headquarters of which are at
Philadelphia. The ritual of the Society is
based on the history of the United States,
and its leading emblem is the dome of the
capitol. Like so many other similar fra-
ternities, it has a motto in three words :
-' Charity, Union, and Fellowship. '' The
total number of members is about 3,000.
National Provident Union. — An as-
sessment, beneficiary and patriotic organi-
zation, founded at Xew York in 1883. It
is governed by a Congress ])atterned after
the United States House of Kejiresentatives.
Its 10,000 members are found principally in
New England and the Middle States, but
the Order i.s pushing its way rapidly to the
front and is already establishing new Coun-
cils in Central and Western States. Its
democratic character is shown by there
being 300 ineml)er8 of its Congress. Its
death benefits range from $1,000 to $5,000,
and the live interest taken in securing the
most advanced system of assessments to meet
death benefit payments is indicative of the
exceptional vitality of the organization. It
is very strong in Greater Xew York, where
it maintains permanent headquarters.
National Reserve Association. —
Founded in 1891 at Kansas City, Mo., by
F. W. Sears, 32°, an Odd Fellow, a Kni.sjht
of Pythias, and a member of several f r.aternal
beneficiary orders. It receives acceptable
white men and Avomen on ec[ual terms, to
whom or their beneficiaries it pays, by means
of assessments, permanent, total, and death
benefits. Total membership about 5,000.
National Union. — One of the more pro-
gressive fraternal assessment beneficiary so-
cieties, organized in Mansfield, 0., and in-
corporated under the laws of Ohio, May 11,
1881, by Dr. A. E. Keyes, N. N. Leyman,
E. V. Anders, George W. Cole, and others.
Dr. Keyes, who was elected Medical Di-
rector, had been Supreme Director of the
Knights of Honor and Supreme Eegent of
the Eoyal Arcanum. N. N. Leyman was
also a man of experience among fraternal
societies, and for years was chairman of the
Committee on Laws of the Supreme Council
of the Eoyal Arcanum. George W. Cole
was a Freemason. Among the first Board
of Officers were Dr. W. G. Graham of "Win-
field, Kan. ; George L. Fuller of Bingham-
ton, N. Y., and J. "W". Meyers of Columbus,
0., each of whom had had experience in
similar societies.
The special purposes of the Order, as set
forth at the time of organization, were: That
the National Union is a distinctively Ameri-
can, secret, beneficiary Order, formed to as-
sociate white male citizens of good moral
character, sound bodily health, between
twenty and fifty years of age, to advance its
members morally, socially, and intellectually;
to provide for the relief of sick and dis-
tressed members and their families, and to
secure a benefit fund from which, upon the
death of a member, a sum not exceeding
15,000 shall be paid to such beneficiaries
related to the deceased member as mav have
been designated in accordance with laws
of the Order. Certificates are issued in
amounts of $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000,
or $5,000.
The feature in which the National Union
diflEered from the fraternal societies that
preceded it was in the adoption of a system
of assessments graded according to age,
advancing each year with the age of its
members, on the ^'step-rate ^' principle, by
which each member pays from year to year
the actual cost of the protection afforded.
This system is based on the increasing cost
of insurance as a member advances in age.
The vitality of the Order does not, therefore,
depend upon new members alone, but is also
preserved by the increasing rate of assess-
ments of members, thus overcoming the ob-
jection commonly urged against assessment
societies which do not have reserve funds.
The argument is that the inducement for
new members to join will always be the
same, thereby preserving the life of the
Order by taking in younger members who
have the advantage of paying assessments
at their own ages, but who are not com-
pelled to carry the burden of older members,
as each bears his equitable proportion of
the actual cost.
The National Union is patriotic in char-
acter, and the American flag appears in its
ritualistic work. The government of the
Order is modelled after that of the United
States, its Supreme body being called a
Senate, to which representatives are elected
by the different State Assemblies or Legis-
latures. Eepresentatives to the Assemblies
are elected, in turn, by delegates from the
different Councils in the various States.
The Order thus has a Senate, Assemblies,
and Councils, or Lodges, the latter being
subordinate bodies. The principal emblem.
is a badge representing a shield. A lapel
button is also worn, which, like the shield,
displays the national colors.
The membership has steadily progressed,
but not phenomenally, and in personnel
is unexceptionable, comprising business and
professional men of high character as well
as those in tlie humbler walks of life. The
Order has Councils estal)lished in the follow-
ing States : Ahibama, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, District of Columbia,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Texas, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West
Virginia, "Washington, and AVisconsin. At
the close of 189G there were 48,000 mem-
bers, and at that time there had been paid
to beneficiaries the sum of 87,500,000.
The table of rates of assessments in the
National Union is given in full, owing to
the system constituting a marked t^tep in
advance in the history of the development
of fraternal assessment societies.
eased on all members every year, thus avoidinj;
ing frequency
of assessments.]
Cost of
Cost of
Cost of
Cost of
Age. each
..§0 40
32... SO 64
. . SO 96
.. SI 58
.. 42
33... 66
.. 1 00
.. 1 68
34... 68
.. 1 04
.. 1 78
.. 46 ,
35... 70
.. 1 08
.. 1 as
.. 48
36... 72
.. 1 12
.. 2 00
.. 50
37... 74
.. 1 16
.. 2 12
.. 52
:38.. 76
.. 1 20
.. 2 26
.. 54
39... 78
.. 1 26
.. 2 40
28 .
40... 80
.. 1 32
. . 2 60
.. 58
41 . . . 84
.. 1 38
.. 2 80
.. 60
42... 88
.. 1 44
43... 92
.. 1 50
*The maximum age of admission is fifty years.
tAge at which assessments cease to increase.
No certificates are issued to persons over
forty years of age for more than $3,000.
Not more than ten assessments in one 3'ear
have ever been levied by the National Union
under this system in the sixteen years of its
existence. The Order is prosperous, pays
its losses promjitly, and is recognized as a
beneficiary fraternity of high standing.
Native Sous of the Golden West. —
Founded July 11, 1875, by General A. :M.
Winn and others, at San Francisco, for the
payment of sick and death benefits. !Mem-
bershipis restricted to citizens of California,
and among its 0,500 members are many of
the foremost representatives of the State.
New I^iiglaiKl Order of Protection. —
Organized on October '^H, ls.s7, and incor-
porated under the laws of Massachusetts,
November 12, 1887. The New England
Order of Protection is one of that vast num-
ber of fraternal beneficiary societies which
within the last thirty years has brought hope
to the heart of man by emphasizing brother-
hood and by caring for the widowed and the
fatherless. The founders were William II.
Martin, H. M. Wentworth, Edward L.
Noyes, T. F. Boylen, Charles P. Walker,
William M. Bartlett, B. M. Snow, Samuel
B. Logan, George H. Howard, B. B. Law-
rence, Granville Cash, A. F. Boylen, Charles
H. Burr, Fred L. Pool, and E. L. Noyes;
to which are added, as life members of the
Supreme Lodge, Samuel P. Tenney, John
J. Whipple, AVilliani B. Adams, Albert C.
Loomis, Levi W. Shaw, John K. Thomp-
son, Norman M. Stafford, Milon 0. Cluff,
Charles E. Reed, Eben S. Hinckley, Wil-
liam E. Elliott, Charles II. Thomas, Henry
F. Burrill, James II. Swallow, James II.
Russ, Daniel M. Frye, Salmon A. Granger,
Herbert A. Chase, M.D., Leonora M. ]Mar-
tin, John A. Follet, Mary C. Noyes, Mary
L. AValker, Sarah C. Hinckley, Emma F.
Boylen, Hannah J. Tenney, Helen M. Whip-
ple, Adam W. ^lartin, Sarah F. Boylen,
Maggie Wentworth, Eliza Cash, J. E. Lo-
gan, Mary J. Campbell, Clara J. Bartlett,
Catherine A. Thomas, ^largarette Shaw,
Percy A. Dame, Daniel E. Frasier, Mrs.
Daniel E. Frasier, Leonora F. Lathe, and
Kate D. Chase. The founders were mem-
bers of the Knights of Honor, Ignited Order
of Pilgrim Fathers, United Order of the
Golden Cross, Order of United Friends,
Royal Society of Good Fellows, the Royal
Arcanum, Ancient Order of United AVork-
men. Knights and Ladies of Honor, Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Improved
Order of Red Men, Knights of Pythias, and
the Masonic Fraternity. It may be said to
be an outcome of theKnisfhts and Ladies of
Honor on the question of separate juris-
diction which arose in that Order. At the
Supreme Lodge of the Knights and Ladies
of Honor, in Philadelphia, September 14,
1887, the petition of twenty-one Xew Eng-
land Lodges, with over 1,300 members, for a
New England jurisdiction was referred to
the committee on the state of the order.
A majority of that committee reported in
favor of the petition, and a minority ad-
versely; but the minority rejjort was adopted.
Inspired by the success of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen under a separate New
England jurisdiction, those who had agitated
the question were confident that an order
confined within the limits of the six New
England States could be made successful,
and one month later the new society was
formed. Its objects are to unite fraternally
all white persons of good moral character
and steady habits; to provide for and com-
fort the sick; to establish relief and benefit
funds from which, ujoon satisfactory proof
of the death of a beneficiary member, a sum
not exceeding $3,000 shall be paid to his
or her family as directed by the member.
The first Lodge was instituted November
17, 1887, with 46 members. On April 30,
1888, the total membership waa 2,117; on
April 30, 1889, it amounted to 6,213; on
April 1, 1892, to 11,949; on April 1, 1894,
to 15,656; on April 1, 1896, to 19,722, and
on January 1, 1897, to 21,122. The Order
on January 1, 1897, carried 137,812,000
j)rotection, and had paid out $1,311,000. It
pays $1,000, 12,000, and $3,000 benefits, and
is conducted on the graded assessment plan,
with an increase in the rate of assessment, as
shown in the following table:
18 and
25 "
1 05
30 "
1 20
35 "
1 35
40 "
1 00
1 50
45 "
1 10
1 65
46 "
1 20
1 80
47 "
1 30
1 95
48 "
1 40
2 10
49 "
1 50
2 25
Subordinate Lodges are under the imme-
diate control of a Grand Lodge, Past War-
dens of subordinate Lodges being members
of Grand Lodges. The Supreme Lodge is
composed of officers, standing commitee, all
Past Supreme Wardens, incorporators of the
Supreme Lodge named in the original certifi-
cate of incorporation, and such others as
were elected previous to the session of 1888,
and representatives of Grand Lodges, elected
annually to serve for two years. Each
Grand Lodge has three representatives and
three alternates for the first 1,000 members
in the State, and one for each additional
1,000 and majority fraction thereof. The
Supreme Lodge meets annually, on the sec-
ond Tuesday in May, in the city of Boston,
and as it is the legislative body, only bene-
ficiary members are admitted. Both men and
women have a voice and vote in subordinate.
Grand, and Supreme bodies, and are eligible
to any office. The membership by States
November 1, 1896, was as follows:
Men. Women. Totals.
Maine 1,059 2,033 3,093
New Hampshire. . . . 278 425 703
Vermont 202 726 928
Massachusetts 3,394 6.576 9,970
Rhode Island 205 600 805
Connecticut 1,400 4,15^ 5,553
Totals 6,538 14,513 21,051
The Order has been unusually successful.
It paid its first death benefit of $1,000 at
the end of the first five months of its exist-
ence, when the membership was only 2,117.
Within less than ten years it has made a
record of which any similar Order might be
proud, and the six-j^ointed star, the jewel
of the society, is honored alike by its own
and by members of other fraternities.
Nortli American Union. — A new fra-
ternal beneficiary association, organized at
Northwestern Legion of Honor. — A
benevolent fraternity formed to furnish
members with life insurance at cost, to
which all acceptable white persons between
eighteen and fifty years of age, whose occu-
pation is not extra hazardous, are eligible.
It does business in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa,
Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and
was incorporated March 12, 1884, in the
State of Iowa. It is governed by a Grand
Council composed of its officers and repre-
sentatives from subordinate Councils, thus
avoiding, like the Iowa Legion of Honor,
much of the machinery of many similar or-
ganizations. It issues beneficiary certificates
to men and women members alike for $500,
$1,000, $2,000, or $3,000 each. Assess-
ments are graded according to age, one-fifth
of each assessment going into the reserve
fund from which losses are to be met in case
of epidemics or other causes of increase in
the death rate. This Order frankly admits
it is an offspring of the American Legion of
Honor. Its ritual teaches benevolence.
The total membership is about 2,500. The
emblem of the Order is the six-jiointed star,
with the abbreviations of the names of the
States in the angles ; the motto, '' We
work together," in the centre, surrounding
"N. ^\. L. of IL," the whole overhung
with an encircling chain of seven links.
(See American Legion of Honor.)
Order of Alfredians.— ^Dormant. Ac-
tive at Boston, Providence, and elsewhere
in New England more than twenty years
ago. It embodied beneficiary features, but
was founded for the "descendants of the
wdse and good King Alfred.'' It commemo-
rated April 23d, because on that day in 871
Alfred ascended the throne, and also because
Shakespeare was born on April 23d, "the
poet of all time, the embalmer of the
Anglo-Saxon tongue."
Order of American Fraternal Circle.
— A Baltimore mutual assessment organiza-
tion, founded prior to 18S9. It died in 1S94.
Order of Aniitie. — A Philadelphia mu-
tual assessment insurance society. Died in
Order of Chosen Friends. — A frater-
nal, benevolent, and protective society, or-
ganized under the laws of the State of In-
diana. It was established May 28, 1879, at
Indianapolis, Ind., and has now over GOO
Councils and 26,000 members in the United
States and Canada. It makes provisions
for payment, in addition to sick and death
benefits, one to aged members, and also one
to those who become totally disabled by rea-
son of disease or accident. Its objects are
to unite, fraternally, acceptable white per-
sons of good character, steady habits, sound
bodily health, and reputable calling, who
believe in a Supreme Being; to improve
their condition morally, socially, and mate-
rially by timely counsel and instructive
lessons, encouragement in business, and
assistance to obtain employment when in
need; to establish a relief fund from which
a sum not exceeding $3,000 shall be jiaid,
first, when disabled by old age (provided
seventy-five years are reached); second,
when by disease or accident a member be-
comes permanently disabled; and, third,
when a member dies. The Supreme Coun-
cil makes all laws for the government of
the Order, and -has entire management of
the relief fund. Beneficiary membership is
optional. A medical examination is re-
quired before an apj)licant can become a
beneficiary member. Certificates are issued
for $500, $1,000, $2,000, or $3,000 as de-
sired, subject to the approval of the super-
vising medical examiner.
Beneficiary members are required to pay
into the relief fund at deaths of members
sums graded according to age. By the
equalization plan of paying assessments all
members "pay an equal amount for an
equal benefit.'' The member who lives out
his expectancy of life, or passes his seventy-
fifth birthday, "pays no more for his one-
thousand-dollar benefit than the member
Avho is so unfortunate as to die within a
short time after acquiring membership."
This plan " in this respect is unique.'' It
makes the cost a fixed sum for each $1,000.
Where this is not done, the cost would be
uncertain and assessments frequently come
so often as to be burdensome. In the early
part of February, 1878, Albert Alcon and
T. B. Linn, residents of Indianapolis, Ind.,
and members of several fraternal orders,
were discussing the merits and demerits of
tlie societies to which they belonged. At
that time there Avere a number of organiza-
tions paying death benefits, but none paying
disability or old age benefits to members
through a national organization. It was
believed that there was not only room, but
a demand, for an order with that feature.
They solicited friends to unite with them,
and received half-way promises from some
and refusals from others; but a meeting was
called May 2, 1878, and another on June
1st, at which there were four persons pres-
ent, among them J. B. Nickersou. A third
meeting, June 8th, brought in Emi Ken-
nedy. During the summer and fall of 1878
Messrs. Alcon, Linn, Nickerson, and Ken-
nedy held many meetings and perfected a
plan, constitution, and laws for the new
Order. Mr. Linn acted as Secretary, and
upon him devolved the labor of formulat-
ing the ideas agreed to. The admission of
ladies to the Order was a subject of frequent
and prolonged discussion, but finally it was
decided to admit them on the same terms
and in the same manner as men. Up to
that date a few orders had established a
women's degree, or branch, into which the
wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters of
members could be admitted; but the Order
of Chosen Friends claims the honor of lead-
ing in recognizing the full cooperation of
woman in the fraternal insurance world.
The selection of the ritualistic work gave
the founders much thought and study. The
perfect number "seven" was selected as
the central idea, and Mr. Linn was chosen
to write the ritual. He perfected the plan
and composed the charges. At that time,
November, 1878, Eev. Dr. T. G. Beharrell,
a minister of the Methodist Church, and
well known in Masonic and Odd Fellows'
circles, became interested in the movement,
and to him was assigned the revision and
completion of the ritual. To be in harmony
with the central idea of the ritual, the
" chain of seven links " was selected as the
leading emblem. By May 28, 1879, the
Order of Chosen Friends was declared an
established fact, with twenty-three charter
members on its rolls. The first set of offi-
cers and members is as follows: Supreme
Councillor, Rev. Dr. T. G. Beharrell, In-
dianajiolis, Ind. ; Supreme Assistant Coun-
cillor, Albert Alcon, Sheridan, Ind. ; Su-
preme Vice-Councillor, Emi Kennedy; Su-
preme Recorder, T. B. Linn; Supreme
Treasurer, W. W. Douglass; Supreme Medi-
cal Examiner, Charles D. Pearson, M.D., all
of Indianapolis; Supreme Prelate, Hon. Wil-
liam Cumback, Greensburg, Ind. ; Supreme
Marshal, C. Bradford; Supreme AVarden,
J. B. Nickerson, both of Indianapolis; Su-
preme Guard, C. H. Buttner, Cleveland, 0. ;
and Supreme Sentry, M. C. Davis, Indian-
apolis, Ind. ; Supreme Trustees, W. H.
Page, Hon. J. F. Wallick, Hon. John
Cavin, G. H. Webber, and B. F. Rogers,
all of Indianapolis. Other original mem-
bers were Joseph Greenwood, M. D. Losey,
William H. Partlow, Hamilton McCoy, F. D.
Somerby, 0. S. Hadley, and C. H. Behar-
rell, all of Indianapolis.
On June 30, 1879, the first subordinate
Council, Alpha, No. 1, of Indiana, was or-
ganized at Indianapolis with 30 charter
members present. Ohio Council, No. 1, of
Ohio, was instituted Jul}^ 15, 1879, at Woos-
ter, with 24 charter members present; and
Lincoln Council, No. 2, of Ohio, at Cleve-
land, October 8, 1879, with 34 present. At
the first annual session of the Supreme
Council, held in Indianapolis, October 21,
1879, the Supreme Recorder reported three
Councils with a membership of 150. A
year later this had grown to 60 Councils
and 3,536 members in eleven States. The
Order rapidly increased during the follow-
ing year, numbering 10,133 members in 176
Councils located in 24 States, at the end of
the fiscal year closing June 30, 1881. This
had further increased to 12,392 members
and 221 Councils by September 30th, when
a season full of troubles followed. A dis-
sension arose among the members of the
Grand Council of California, resulting in
schism, by which the Order lost about 3,000
members. The superintendent of insur-
ance in the State of New York attempted to
rule the Order out of that State on account
of its old age disability features, going so
far as to threaten with arrest and inqirison-
ment officers and members if they did not
cease working in Xew York. The Order
appealed to the courts, and after a pro-
longed and bitter contest was sustained in
its position — viz., that it was legally tloing
business in New York. The situation there
called attention to other States, and it was
found that some of them made no jirovi-
sions for the payment of disability benefits
by a fraternal society, and such defects had
to be remedied through the legislatures of
such States. These contests caused a loss
of 7,001 members during the fiscal year
ending June, 30, 1882 ; but 8,126 new
members were added, making a net gain
for the year of 925. The following years
were in the main prosperous, and the Order,
after sixteen years of experience, had on
June 30, 1895, a membership of 38,095, and
had paid to beneficiaries of 4,789 dead mem-
bers 88,839,704; to 613 disabled members,
1)562,980; to 16 members disabled by old
age, $32,000; and 45 advance or immediate
payments to beneficiaries of dead members
whose claims were in process of adjustment,
813,700; in all, 89,448,383. The Order is
eighteen and a half years old, has paid
$10,209,513 to the beneficiaries of 5,579
of its members who have died; 8620,780 to
734 members who became permanently dis-
abled from earning a livelihood; and 8116,-
872 to 61 members disabled by the burden
of old age, a total of 810,947,165. It has
Councils in Arizona, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mary-
land, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon-
tana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York,
Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario, Ore-
gon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, "Wash-
ington, and Wisconsin, thirty-one States,
and in Canada.
Most of the original members were mem-
bers of various leading fraternal beneficiary
secret societies, and some were prominent
Odd Fellows and Freemasons. It is par-
ticularly noteworthy that several of the lat-
ter were members of the higher degrees in
Scottish liite Masonry. The princi2)al em-
blem, a seven-pointed star containing the
primary colors in the angles, with two in-
scribed triangles containing the figure 7
in the centre, is especially significant and
points to the popularity of the mysticism
hedging about these ])articular symbols
among modern ritual makers. The stu-
dent who is also a Scottish Rite Mason will
find something in this to interest him when
considered in connection with the historical
sketch of the Order of the Heptasophs, or
Seven Wise Men. Members of the latter
organization and of the Order of Chosen
Friends have practically identical emblems.
In addition to the foregoing the Chosen
Friends present the clasped hands, a seven-
linked chain, and a representation of the
Good Samaritan. The Order is also note-
worthy for having given birth to five similar
organizations, the results of disaiTectiou and
schism. The first was the secession in New
York State, which caused a good deal of feel-
ing. The trouble between the insurance
department of the State of New York and
the Order of Chosen Friends has already
been referred to. The result was the for-
mation of the Order of United Friends in
New York in 1881. The Chosen Friends
in California demanded a separate jurisdic-
tion in 1882, and it was denied, wliereujwn
they seceded and formed the Independent
Order of Chosen Friends. It flourished for
a few years and attained a membership of
7,000 or 8,000, when it collapsed. The
United Friends of Michigan Avas organized
in 1889, shortly after the meeting of the
Supreme Council of the Order of Chosen
Friends in that 3'ear, at which the repre-
sentative of the Supreme Council from
Michigan failed to secure the recognition
he believed himself entitled to. It was or-
ganized by Dr. G. A. Kirker of Detroit,
and E. F, Lamb of Mt. Morris, Mich., and
has grown and prospered. In the years 1891
and 1892 the Order had some difficulty with
the laws in the Province of Ontario. It was
believed by some members there that a sejja-
rate jurisdiction would remedy the matter,
but before it could be accomplished a schism
occurred, and the Canadian Order of Chosen
Friends was organized. In 1895, immedi-
ately after the passage of the Morse equaliza-
tion laws, a disappointed aspirant for office
headed a division of the German members
in Chicago, and formed a new organization,
called the United League of America.
Whether the movement was a success or
not is not known.
Order of Fraternal Helpers. — One of
the numerous local mutual assessment in-
surance Orders founded in New England.
Letters of inquiry returned unopened.
Order of Fraternal Preceptors. — Mu-
tual assessment, beneficiary society, organized
at Grand Haven, Mich., prior to 1889. Un-
known there now.
Order of Mutual Aid. — Formed at
Memphis, Tenn., where it collapsed a few
years later, in 1878, owing to the ravages of
the yellow fever epidemic. It was a South-
ern offshoot of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen and of the Knights of Honor. Its
only surviving offspring is the Knights of
the Golden Eule, organized at Cincinnati in
1879. (See Knights of the Golden Eule.)
Order of Mutual Protection. — Organ-
ized at St. Louis in 1878, an outgrowth of
the Order of Mutual Aid, and incorporated
under the laws of the State of Missouri.
Men and women between eighteen and fifty
years of age, in good health, not engaged in
hazardous occupations, are eligible to mem-
bership. Members enjoy the social privi-
leges of Lodge rooms, the moral and social
advancement, and the encouragement in
business to which they are entitled under
the " laws and bonds of mutual assistance."
Death benefit certificates of $500, 11,000, and
13,000 are issued, except to women and to
saloon keepers, who are restricted to $1,000.
At total disability a member is entitled to
one-half the amount of his or her certificate,
and on reaching the age of seventy years,
the whole amount. Sick benefits are paid
in the discretion of subordinate Lodges. No
Lodges are established in the Southern States,
excepting the two Virginias, Maryland, in
Kentucky, and in the District of Columbia.
The government of the Order is vested in
a Supreme Lodge composed of representa-
tives of subordinate Lodges. Total mem-
bership amounts to about 5,000, and about
1600,000 has been paid in sick, disability,
and death benefits. The ritual embodies
features found in the secret work of many
similar organizations. The office of the Su-
preme Secretary is at Chicago.
Order of Mogullians. — A "side de-
gree " of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen. (See the latter.)
Order of Odd Ladies. — A New Eng-
land mutual benefit, assessment society mani-
festly named in imitation of the Odd Fellows.
No replies have been received to inquiries.
Order of Protestant Knights. — De-
scribed in the census of 1890 as a mutual
assessment beneficiary organization, with the
office of the Secretary at Buffalo, N. Y.
Not known there now.
Order of Shepherds of Bethlehem. —
Organized "in America," November 19,
189G, by Ira A. M. Wycoff, at Trenton,
N. J., a sick and funeral benefit association
to which men and women between eighteen
and fifty-five years of age are eligible. Its
membership is about 2,000. The Order is
evidently drawn from the same source as the
Order of the Star of Bethlehem, an outline
of which is given in connection herewith.
Compare the latter with the following ex-
tract from the " History of the Order of the
Shepherds of Bethlehem " :
In 1875 a prominent officer named Sir Fred Holt
came to New York and started two Lodges, which
grew nicely until Sir Holt's duties as Scribe of the
Sovereign Lodge called him to Europe, -when they
quarrelled, and under a strange name ran on for a
time, and died out, with the exception of a few small
Western Lodges that had their start from them and
drifted into another snuiU Order not connected with
this.* The eJTort was ill-advised, witii no good re-
sults. The next person who took up t he matter was
a popular antiquarian who went to the Holy Land
to study the Order among the shepherds as it origi-
nally existed and is now in the home of these
jincient people of the Holy Land. lie learned all
the old legends and methods of the Order, and on
his return presented tlie Order in the thoroughly
original form, translated and put in modern shape.
By special arrangement the Supreme Lodge of
Nortli America was formed in 189G, and instructed
in the beautiful ceremonies of this old and won-
drous Order. The Supreme Lodge of North Amer-
ica, by authority of the Sovereign Lodge, is supreme
authority in North America.
There are marked similarities between the
two Orders of Bethlehemites, notably the
provision that membership does not lapse in
either for non-payment of dues, except so
far as the right to share in benefits is con-
cerned, and the custom of addressing mem-
bers by the titles Sir and Lady. The rit-
ualistic ceremonies of the Shepherds of
Bethlehem are declared to be beautiful and
elevating. The first degree is entitled that
of Light, the second the ShephercVs, and the
third the Disciple's degree. (Com2)are with
Ancient Order of Shepherds, Order of the
Star of Bethlehem, and Shepherds of Amer-
ica.) When one reads in the leaflets of these
/ Bethlehemite Orders that each "is without
a doubt one of the oldest in the world, and
was founded as an Order shortly after the
birth of Christ, by the shepherds who
watched over their flocks on that eventful
night, when they were first chosen of God
to hear of the birth of our Saviour and went
at once to see and worship him," he is com-
pelled to wonder at the audacity of the
genealogist who constructed the society's
family tree.
Order of Sparta. — Organized by J. B.
^Moffitt, "Robert A. Welsh, James ^IcConnell,
Alexander J. McCleary, and William H.
* Order of the Star of Bethlehem ?
Smith, all of Philadelphia, in 1879, as a
mutiud assessment, death benefit society.
Its field is restricted to within one hundred
miles of Philadelphia. The founders were
all members of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen, who souglit to establish a com-
pact secret society with the one-dollar assess-
ment of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men. They confined membership to men
between twenty-one and fifty years of age,
of good physical health, " believers in the
Christian faith.'' Its ritual is founded on
the history of ancient Sparta, thus parallel-
ing the English Order of Ancient Eomans
in its search for a new source for its rites
and ceremonies, and the (American) Order
of Heptasophs, or Seven Wise j\Ien. The
Order is managed conservatively, and has
an invested permanent fund with which to
pay the assessments of those who may re-
tain their membership twenty-five years,
and a relief fund with which to pay the
assessments of members who through sick-
ness or financial disability may be unable
to pay them. This is done to keep worthy
distressed members in good standing, and is
accomplished " without the general knoAvl-
edge of the organization." The total
amount of benefits paid exceeds $1,000,000.
The Order is governed by a Great Senate
which exercises jurisdiction over tlie subordi-
nate Senates. Its 7,000 members are drawn
largely from the mercantile and professional
walks of life, although nearly all trades are
represented. The seat of the Great Senate
contains a representation of a shield upon
which is a sword and the words, '' With it
or upon it."
Order of the Black Kiiig^ht. — A Ger-
man (Deutscher Orden Schwarze Ritter)
secret, benevolent society. It claims an
existence here of about thirty years. Its
strength is principally in New Jersey, Penn-
sylvania, New York, and District of Colum-
bia. Like some other German Orders, it
claims great antiquity.
Order of tlie Goldi'u Chain. — Organ-
ized at Baltimore, December 22, 1881, by
members of the Knights of Honor, Royal
Arcanum, American Legion of Honor, and
the Masonic Fraternity, as a mutual assess-
ment beneficiary society to which men be-
tween twenty-one and fifty-one years of age
are eligible. It insures the lives of mem-
bers for $1,000, 12,000, or 13,000, besides
which it pays sick and total disability bene-
fits. It employs the popular step-rate
graded system of assessments, and enjoys
the enviable record of having paid out more
than $1,600,000 to beneficiaries since organ-
ization at an average annual cost to those
insured of about 18 per $1,000. The total
membership is about 11,000, and is steadily
increasing. The ritual seeks to exemplify
the meaning of the golden chain of friend-
ship, which, represented by twelve links of
a chain surrounding a monogram comjDOsed
of the letters 0. G. C. and the motto of the
Order in Greek, constitute the emblem of
the society. The Order is incorporated
under the laws of the State of Maryland,
with its headquarters at Baltimore, and is a
worthy sister of similar organizations which
have had their origin in that city.
Oi'der of the Heptasoplis, or Seven
Wise Men. — This is one of the oldest
benevolent, secret organizations in the
country, and possesses the attractively mys-
tical title of the Order of the Heptasoplis,
or Seven Wise Men. It is far from being
among the larger societies with similar
aims, numbering only about 4,000 mem-
bers in eighteen States. This is all the
more curious when one recalls that it is
nearly half a century old, and possesses an
elaborate and exceptionally beautiful ritual,
based upon some of the ancient mysticism
which, in j^art, had remained unapiarojDri-
ated by older and better known secret
societies. The organization was originally
called The Seven Wise Men, but the title
was changed to its present form, because
of *'the higher excellence " impressed upon
its ritual "by the Hellenic mind,'' the
term " Heptasophs " being derived from the
Greek Hepta, seven, and Sophos, wise. The
Order gives no adherence to any religious
creed, but requires from its candidates the
jirofession of a belief in a Supreme Being.
It bears aloft the motto, ''In God We Trust,"
admitting to its mysteries both the Jew
and the Christian on the common ground of
mutual dependence and universal brother-
hood under the Fatherhood of God. To
this end it inculcates the principles of
''Wisdom, Truth, and Benevolence." The
earlier official history of the Order, as may
have been antici2:>ated, carried the inspira-
tion of the society back to the Persian
Magi, or Seven Wise Men, the initials of
the original title being given in this form,
S. •. W. M. •., the missing letters being
represented by seven dots. In the precise
form in which the Order "now exists in
America," strict succession in ritual, for-
mulge, etc., from the Persian Magi was not
claimed. " In the transfer from Persia to
Greece, from Greece to Rome, from Rome
to Britain and to the Western world, it was
admitted that certain changes had doubt-
less been made in the course of adaptation
to races, times, civilizations, and forms of
government ; " but its legends, traditions,
and teachings were claimed to be " as true
to the ancient tyj^e as are those of its sister
societies to their venerable predecessors."
The original story ran, that the Order of
the Seven Wise Men was " introduced into
the United States" at New Orleans, La.,
April 6, 1852 ; that in June of that year
the Grand Conclave of Louisiana was or-
ganized, and that in 1854 it was incorpo-
rated. It was not stated whence the Order
came, or who brought it to New Orleans.
The society was, however, established at the
Crescent City, and a Supreme Conclave was
organized in 1857, in which year the latter
was said to have held its first " communi-
cation." This body was and is the Su-
preme legislative and governing authority
of the Order. The admission in printed
proceedings that the Supreme Conclave
established the " ritual, regalia, and work-
ing paraphernalia now in use," evidently
appealed to later chroniclers, for they have
since admitted that the Order "had its
origin in the city of New Orleans." When
one recalls the period of Jewish history
which led np to and witnessed the comple-
tion and dedication of King Solomon's tem-
ple, with which the Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons link so many of their tra-
ditions ; the story of David and Jonathan,
concerning which the ritual of Odd Fel-
lowship has much to say ; the friendship
of Damon and Pythias, which is so closely
identified with the ceremonials of the
Knights of Pythias ; the legends of Eobin
Hood and his Merrie Men, which have been
appropriated by the Foresters ; the man-
ners and customs of the American Indians,
which are being preserved by the Improved
Order of Red Men ; and the struggles by
the various Orders of ancient Knighthood to
preserve the Holy Land from defilement at
the hand of the Infidel, which have given us
the Masonic Knights Templars, and various
other secret Orders of Knighthood ; Avhen
one contemplates not only this vast amount
of material in the hands of modern secret
society ritualists, but the use of Druidic
lore by modern Orders of Druids, legends
of ancient Shepherdry by existing secret
societies of shepherds, the symbols of wood-
craft by Modern Woodmen, and of other
and like quarrying for material on Avhicli
to build fraternal and beneficiary secret
organizations, then the antiquity, the ap-
propriateness, the beauty, and the mystical
character of the groundwork of the ritual
of the Order of the Heptasophs challenges
attention. The Heptasophs declared that
" the earliest traces of the Order defy
chronology, reaching far back into the
twilight of legend and tradition clustering
about the Magi of the East, which ante-
date the Druids of Gaul and Britain, and
probably the Masons who existed in Judea."
The first alleged ''^ authentic history" of
the Seven Wise Men is so ingenious and in-
teresting as to merit a permanent record.
It takes the Order back to the period llO-l
B.C., and couples it with the name of the
first Zoroaster, who is said to have been the
head of the Magi of Persia at that time.
From these Magi, Persian kings iuid to receive
instructions in the art of reigning and in worship
before they could come to the throne, and from the
most ilhistrious of their niunbers the king had to
select six wise men as counsellors, who, together
with the monarch, constituted the celebrated coun-
cil of seven. In a subterranean cavern, beneath
the royal palace at Ispahan, the capital of Persia,
was the only spot where it was lawful to impart the
most occult mysteries of the seven, and to which
the heir of the throne was only admitted for merit
and not of right. For many centuries the pliiloso-
pliy of tlie Seven Wise Men formed the basis of the
polity of the Persian dynasty, and without whose
advice the king on the throne determined no im-
portant matter. As one among many evidences of
this, we refer to the language of Feridon (200 years
B.C.), who, under the advice and guidance of the
seven, after twenty years of exile with them, suc-
cessfully revolted against Zohak, the usurper, and
came in triumph to the throne of his fathers. He
said (referring to the S. *. W. M.\) : "Have they
not for centuries been the advisers and counsellors
of the mighty rulers of this spacious realm ?"
Firdisi, the eminent Persian historian, records that
in the time of the illustrious King Kayomers, who
reigned 900 years before Christ, the council of
seven were styled by the grateful people " the
earliest distributors of justice." On his deathbed
this great ruler exhorted his son and heir to the
throne to adhere to the teachings of the Seven Wise
iMen, which was religiously done by him and his
sons after him, until the dynasty of the Kayomers
came to be called Pashdaidans, which means dis-
tributors of justice. It appears that about a.d.
638, Yezdefird, King of Persia, was conquered by
Mohammed, then styled ''Camel Driver of Mecca,"
and with his downfall perished the influence of the
Seven Wise Men in the national affairs of Persia.
They, however, left the impress of their philosophy
and wisdom upon the history of that country run-
ning through a succession of centuries, rendering
their kingdom glorious and its subjects happy by
(heir devotion to justice and the inculcation of
Wisdom, Truth, and Benevolence long before the
brighter and grander glories of Greece dawned.
This brought the Order down to the
golden era of Greece, from whence ''the
transfers ... to Rome, from Rome to
l^ritain and the Western world " were pre-
sumed to follow. It might prove interesting
to speculate on the possibility of the
mysteries of the Seven AVise Men of old
having been carried from Rome by means
of the workingmen's guilds of the early
and middle ages to England, as an inner
circle or cult, in the recesses, as it were,
of ancient craft Masonry, which, some have
declared, crossed Europe in that manner.
Be that as it may, the original Seven Wise
Men in America builded beautifully and
well from a ritualistic point of view. That
their ceremonials and ritual did not imbibe
Freemasonry from Masonic guardians and
protectors on a secret journey from Persia
to Greece, through Italy and iiortli to Eng-
land, but acquired it at New Orleans, where
the Society was formed, may be accepted
as a fact.* That it did acquire Masonic
traditions and symbols is in part shown in
its seven-pointed star enclosing a seven-
branched candlestick, the All-Seeing Eye,
the ark and the altar, its groups of seven,
the adoption of a three-word motto, and
other features. Efforts to learn more of
the origin of the Order than its officials
could furnish have been fairly successful.
The early history of modern secret societies
has too frequently been fragmentary be-
cause of lack of interest in compiling, or
care in preserving, records. An examina-
tion of the "Greek letter," or college
secret society system, reveals the Mystical
* In a letter from George W. "Wright, Supreme
Secretary, S.". W. M.'., Xovember 30, 1896, it is
stated : " The Order was founded at Xew Orleans,
April 6, 1852, by Alexander Leonard Saunders, a
resident of that city, and prominent Freemasons,
among the earlier members being ex-governors,
ex-mayors, etc." In 1855 Mr. Saunders " moved to
Paducah, Ky., where his son published a newspa-
per. It was understood that he died in New York
city in 1869." Members of the Order tell that some
of its ceremonials are based on Grecian liistory.
This impress of "Hellenic influence" is natural
when a connection between this society and the
college fraternity M'orld is contemplateel. The
ritual of the Mystical Seven includes strikingly
original featui-es with traces of Scottish Rite Free-
masonry, which rank it among the first of such
productions by American college fraternities.
Seven as unique among college fraterni-
ties, in that it was not given a Greek letter
title. It was organized at Wesleyan Uni-
versity, Middletown, Conn., in 1837, by
Hamilton Brewer, uncle of Judge Brewer
of the United States Supreme Court, fif-
teen years prior to the appearance of the
Seven Wise Men at New Orleans. Its
chajDters were called temples, and named
after its emblems. The Wesleyan Temple
was the " Wand ; "' that at Emory College,
Georgia, where it was taken in 1841, was
" Skull and Bones ; '' and that at the Uni-
versity of Georgia, where it was established
in 1844, the " Skull.'' In all, there were
ten Temples, eight of them in the South,
two being at colleges in Georgia, and one
each in Mississippi (1857), Louisiana (1857),
Tennessee (1867), and Virginia (1867).
Temples were also placed at two colleges
in North Carolina as late as 1884. Thus,
out of eight Southern Temples, two — those
at Emory College, Oxford, Ga., and the
University of Georgia, Athens — were es-
tablished, respectively, eleven and eight
years prior to the introduction or founding
of the Seven Wise Men at New Orleans in
1852. The mother Temple, at Wesleyan,
became dormant in 1861, but was revived
some years later as a local senior society.
With other surviving Temples it united in
1887 with and became absorbed by the
widespread college secret society. Beta
Theta Pi. The significance of this refer-
ence to the first college secret society to be
established in tlie Soutli * is due merely to
two of its Temples having been j^laced in
Georgia some years prior to the establish-
ment of the Seven Wise Men at New
Orleans and the strength of the society
haying been largely at the South. Baird,
the author of " American College Fraterni-
ties,'' says of the Mystical Seven :
The customs of the Fraternity were quaint and
interesting. Much is made of the number "7,"
and the membership in each Cliapter was for many
* Baird's American College Fraternities, New
York, 4tli edition, p. 60.
years retained at that figure, or a multiple of it.
The badge of the Fraternity is a seven-pointed
star, each point containing a Hebrew letter ; within
the centre field of the star is displayed a caiddron
and ladle over a bundle of burning faggots, encir-
cled by a snake. The color of the J^raternity is
white, and each Chapter was assigned one of the
primary colors." ^
The conclusion is, therefore, suggested
tliat graduate or other members of tlic
Mystical Seven, or of the Rainbow Society,
a college society originating at Oxford,
Miss., in 1848, and strongly resembling the
Mystical Seven, were, in whole or in part,
responsible for the birth of the Seven Wise
Men, especially when secret and jiublic
characteristics of the two societies are
found to have had so much in common.
Even the Greek letter nomenclature of
various subordinate bodies is or has been
similar in both organizations. It was the
" Zeta " Conclave of the Heptasophs, or
Seven Wise Men, in Baltimore, from which
sprung the Improved Order of Heptasophs
in 1878. It is unnecessary to explain why
resemblances of the ritual of the Mystical
Seven (now incorporated within the Beta
Theta Pi) to that of the Heptasophs, or
Seven Wise Men, cannot be given at length ;
but they leave little room for doubt that
the benevolent, and afterward beneficiary,
secret society, the Heptasophs or Seven
Wise Men, of 1852, is an indirect de-
scendant of the Mystical Seven college fra-
ternity, founded in 1837. During the
period 1830-1840 the birth and growth of
college and other secret societies were no-
ticeable, due in part to the reaction which
followed the anti-Masonic agitation. The
latter brought before the public, as never
before, the whole subject of secret societies,
their ceremonials and objects, with the re-
sult that much not secret, but which had
not been discussed out of Lodge rooms,
found its way into daily papers, almanacs,
pamphlets, and other publications, late in
the second and early in the third decade
of this century. When the storm raised
by the ''good enough Morgan until after
election " blew over, there was a reaction.
At Hamilton College, N. Y., in 1832, the
Alpha Delta Phi was born, one of the first
of the great college fraternities, and in the
same year, at Yale College, Skull and
Bones, the famous local senior society, first
saw the light ; Psi Upsilon made its ap-
pearance in 1833, at Union College, stimu-
lated by a desire to rival Kappa Alpha,
Sigma Phi, and Delta Phi, which had been
founded there seven or eight years before,
after which the Mystical Seven appeared
at Wesleyan, with a ritual, as explained,
having distinct Masonic thumb-marks.*
It was about this period, also, that tlie
Ancient Order of Foresters was introduced
into the United States from England, and
that the Improved Order of Red Afen, of
distinctly American origin, was revived
and entered on a career of prolonged pros-
perity. Coincident with these evidences
of appropriation of the secret society idea
by the general jiublic as well as by college
students, the Freemasons and the Odd
Fellows were enjoying seasons of renewed
interest and rapidly increasing member-
shij). It was on this wave that the Mysti-
cal Seven floated out to sea, and from it
undoubtedly arose, substantially as out-
lined, the Seven Wise Men, afterwards re-
christened Order of the Heptasophs, or
Seven Wise Men, the first general secret
society, so far as learned, to find its origin
in one of the American college fraternities.
Several of the larger and better known col-
lege secret societies have found their inspi-
ration in, or have been established by Free-
masons, Odd Fellows, Foresters, and other
general fraternities ; but the springing of
the Seven AVise Men from the Mystical
Seven, which fact is, apparently, known to
or ajipreciated by few, if any, of its living
members, marks the incident as unique
and warrants the space given it. The
earlier growth of the Heptasojihs, or Seven
* This could be made plain to any "mystic"
who is also a Scottish Rite Freemason, S.'. P.".
R.-. S.-.
Wise Men, was principally in the Southern
States, and at the outbreak of the Civil
War it naturally lost many of its members
and much of its influence. It liad always
been conservative, and little effort had been
made to carry it north, east, or west. Its
ritualistic work now consists of an intro-
ductony degree, with beautiful scenes and
impressive ceremonies, designed to teach
due reverence for the Supreme Archon of
the Universe and the beauties of a blame-
less life, whicli " never fails to make a last-
ing impression on the initiates,'' and three
additional degrees, emblematic of the vicis-
situdes encountered in pursuing the course
of duty. To satisfy the modern demand
for a military feature, a uniformed rank has
been introduced, but membership in it is
not compulsory. The life insurance branch
was established in 1880. It is called the
endowment rank, and is composed of
members in good standing who desire to
join and can pass the medical examination.
The amount paid beneficiaries is 1300, and
the total membership is about 1,000. The
Order has also established what is known as
the Heptasophian Mutual Benefit Fund, to
give aid to widows, heirs, or assignees of
deceased members to the amount of $500,
the management being in the hands of a
Board of Directors formed of officers of
the Supreme Conclave. Wives of members
are also eligible to membership in the Fund,
which is met by an assessment of twenty-
five cents.
Membership in the Order is limited to
white men of good moral character, be-
lievers in a Supreme Being, 2:)ossessed of
some known reputable means of support,
free from any mental or physical infirmity,
and having sufficient education to sign
their own applications for membership.
No person under eighteen years of age can
be admitted. Each Conclave is allowed to
determine the maximum age of applicants.
There is no auxiliary branch for women.
The organization of the society is similar
to that of other well-known like societies.
consisting of Subordinate Conclaves acting
under charters issued by Grand Conclaves,
or by the Supreme Conclave when in
territory where Grand Conclaves have not
been formed. Grand (State) Conclaves
are composed of Past Archons (presiding
and former presiding officers) of subordi-
nate Conclaves, and the Supreme Conclave is
made up of Past Grand Archons. After the
conclusion of the Civil War the Order began
to grow again, and early in the seventies took
on something like a rapid increase of mem-
bership. In 1872 it provided that Conclaves
might arrange to pay benefits at option.
Prior to that year the Order had been
benevolent rather than beneficiary, and its
membership had remained small. Its total
of about 4,000 members, within a year or
two, is the largest in its history. The busi-
ness depression (1873 to 1879) checked its
growth, after which a movement gained
headway in favor of a j^lan for the general
payment of death benefits. This excited
opposition, and a number of brethren of
Zeta Conclave, Baltimore, becoming dis-
satisfied with a decision of the Supreme
Conclave, the result was a schism, a number
of members leaving in 1878 to found the
Improved Order of Heptasophs. The an-
tagonism between the two Orders was con-
spicuous for a few years, but gradually died
out. The parent society has continued its
way conservatively, but, as explained, has
vindicated the position of some of its former
members by adopting, in 1880, the system of
payment of death benefits by means of
assessments. While its membership is not
as large as that of its offspring, its paths
are those of peace, and its prosperity is
attested by the loyalty of its members.
Order of the Iroquois. — Organized June
26, 1896, by some of the representative
citizens of Buffalo, N. Y., among them Dr.
Ernest Wende, Health Commissioner ; C.
Lee Abell ; Walter A. Eice, its Supreme
Secretary ; D. Clark Kalph, and others, a
fraternal beneficiary society for men only,
the ritualistic work of which seeks to
perpetuate tlie name and fame of tlic Iro-
quois Confederation, so intimately associ-
ated with the early history of the country.
What the Improved Order of Red Men have
done for the Delaware Tribe the Lenni
Lenape, the Order of the Iroquois seeks
to do for the Tribe from which it takes
its name. The society, wliilo distinctly
patriotic in its teachings, demands no
religions or political tests from those who
seek to join it. The prospectus of the
Order bears upon the title page a cut of the
noted Indian chief and orator. Red Jacket,
who was one of the most conspicuous
figures in the Iroquois Confederation.
The cut of Red Jacket is also used as the
design of the Supreme Lodge Seal and for
gold buttons worn by members. The bene-
ficiary department presents a plan that is
easy to understand. Its feature is a table
of certificates graded according to ages.
Only men between the ages of twenty and
fifty-five are admitted to membership.
The average benefit certificate is $1,500,
and all members pay regular dues of II per
month, or $12 per annum.
Another feature is the accumulation of a
reserve fund for the payment of benefits
in case of necessity. The name of John
E. Pound, Past Snpreme Regent of the
Royal Arcannm, is at the head of the
charter list of the Order of the Iroquois.
The government of the Order is based*
upon that of local, or subordinate Lodges ;
State, or Grand Lodges and a national,
or Supreme Lodge. The first Lodge was
organized with over one hundred charter
members, and is known as Red Jacket,
No. 1. In the first eight months the
Order received over 500 applications for
Order of Red Cross and Kiiigrhts of
the Red Cross. — Usually referred to as
Knights of the Red Cross, founded in
1879 by memJaers of the Ancient Order of
United AVorkmen and other similar so-
cieties as a fraternal beneficiary organiza-
tion, having for its fundamental principle.
charity, and for its motto, "Omnia pro
Caritate." Its ritual .is based on Biblical
incidents, and from the fact that both men
and women are admitted as members, it
may be inferred that its title constitutes
about all the similarity there is between its
ritual and rituals of Masonic and other Or-
ders of the Red Cross. It pays death bene-
fits and numbers about 7,000 members, most
of Avliich are residents of central Western
States. More than $200,000 has been
paid to beneficiaries since the society M'as
founded. The emblem is as pretentious as
those of some older and better known
Orders of the Red Cross, consisting of a
red Greek cross surmounted by a crown,
a white five-pointed star in the centre, with
the motto of the Order on a blue band en-
circling it. The similarity between this
design and the emblem of the Order of the
Golden Cross, a like organization, founded
by Freemasons in 187G, is suggestive, but
no particulars are at hand to show a direct
Order of Select Friends. — One of the
several fraternal beneficiary Orders of
" Friends," inspired, directly or otherwise,
by the Order of Chosen Friends. It was
organized in Kansas in 1888 and incor-
])orated under the laws of that State, to do
a fraternal insurance business in all States,
except those subject to yellow fever epi-
demic. It issues death benefit certificates
for $1,000, $2,000, or $3,000 ; pays sick,
disability, and old age benefits ; and admits
men and women between eighteen and fifty
years of age to membership on equal terms.
Followers of certain extra hazardous occu-
pations are not eligil)]e to mem])ership.
Subordinate Lodges are governed direct by
the Supreme Lodge. Assessments to meet
death benefits are graded according to age
at time of joining (thirty-five cents per
$1,000 at eighteen years of age, and seventy-
five cents at fifty years), and are not in-
creased with advancing years. The Order
has paid over $200,000 to beneficiaries since
it was founded. Its motto is " Friendship,
Hope, and Protection." The total mem-
bersliip is over 5,0Q0, relatively the larger
proportion being in Kansas. (See Order of
Chosen Friends.)
Order of the Sauhedrim. — Organized
at Detroit, July 2G, 1887. A beneficiary
society of members of the press and others
in Michigan and elsewhere. It is divided
into Priests, Elders, and Scribes, together
with ''one who sits in Moses' seat." The
National Sanhedrim is the governing body.
There are also State Sanhedrims and sub-
ordinate or little Sanhedrims.
Order of the Star of Bethlehem.—
'' Permanently established '' in America in
1869, where it was introduced into New
York and Pennsylvania, according to its
official legend, by Albert Gross of New-
castle-on-Tyne, England. At that period
it was known as the Knights of the Star of
Bethlehem. The Grand Commandery of
Pennsylvania was instituted in 1870, and
the Eminent Grand Commandery of North
America in 1871. The Order prospered for
several years, but fell behind in membership
between 1878 and 1884, when an entire
change was made in the officers, and the so-
ciety reincorporated under its present title.
The headquarters are at Detroit, in which
city there are sixteen Lodges of the Order.
It exists in nineteen States of the Union
and reports a total membership of more
than seventeen thousand men and women.
The objects of the society are to unite ac-
ceptable men and women who are respec-
tively eighteen and sixteen years of age or
over, and believers in a Supreme Being, in
social and fraternal bonds, to "perpetuate
the traditions of the Order;" pay death,
sick, accident, and disability benefits ; to
defend the life, limb, and reputation of
members from unjust assault ; and to assist
members to obtain employment and to
settle disputes by arbitration. Members
in arrears for dues lose the right to speak
and vote at meetings, and forfeit pecuniary
benefits, but are not debarred from the
social advantages of Lodge meetings. " The
government of the Order in America" con-
sists of the Eminent Grand Commandery,
Grand Councils, Uniformed Conclaves, and
Subordinate Lodges. Some of the official
history of the organization, prior to its
introduction into the United States, par-
ticularly the more recent portion of it, is
probably founded on fact. Much of it,
particularly that which reaches far back
into the distant past, would seem to rank
with traditions once current, which brought
Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, and
Master Masons in Masonic Lodges, organ-
ized as at present, in an unbroken line
down to to-day, from the building of King
Solomon's temple.
The story of the Bethlehemites, much
abridged, states that it is '"'believed to have
been originated in the first century of the
Christian era," exact date unknown, '''as
all records prior to the thirteenth century
have been entirely destroyed." In the
thirteenth century, we are told, '"it was an
order of monks called the Bethlehemites,
who dressed like the Dominicans, and
wore a five-pointed star on the left breast,"
. . . ''.in commemoration of the star that
shone over Bethlehem," etc. "In the
fourteenth century it was a powerful Order
in England," and during the next two hun-
dred years " seems to have consisted of two
branches, the Monastic and the Knightly,"
evidences of which, it is declared, appear in
the ritualistic work in use to-day. It seems
unfortunate that the expression, " Star of
Bethlehem tradition informs us," or some-
thing similar, is not prefixed to the histori-
cal revelations made. It is probably true
that " the time when the Order in France
and Spain ceased to be purely Monastic,
and became a semi-military organization^
will never be known." Other extracts in-
clude those which identify the Order with
the AYaldenses in 1260, and state that
many of the persecuted meinbers of the
Order of the Temple, after its destruction
by Clement v., in 1313, " united with other
Orders;" "that there are good reasons
for believing that quite a number united
with the Bethlehemites, or Kniglits of the
Star of Bethlehem." What the "good
reasons are " is left to conjecture, which is
to be regretted when one realizes this new
complication jDut upon the various theories
which have been advanced to show a con-
nection between the Knights Templars of
to-day and their fraters who were person-
ally acquainted with Jacques de Molay,
Godfrey de Bouillon, and the rest. The
Bethlehemite legend also relates that the
Knights of Bethlehem (Equites Bethlehe-
mensis) were placed under the ban of the
Inquisition at Salamanca in 1359 ; that
the Order was introduced into France by
Sir Jean Lodet, in 1470, where it was exter-
minated by the massacre of 1572, and that
it was brought to England from Spain, about
1473, by George Henry Percy. Nothing was
heard of it there, however, '' until 1571,"
by which time the Monastic and Knightly
branches "had united and become a benevo-
lent and scientific Order." Here there is
a gap of 180 years, when it is related that
Sir Henry Seymour succeeded Sir Herman
Oviedio as Grand Commander, and after
him others at reasonably short intervals.
As women Avere admitted to some com-
manderies and not to others, a schism took
place in 1813, the seceding party, presum-
ably those who objected to women as
members, " uniting with others at Leeds to
form the ' Eoyal Foresters.' " This will in-
terest the Ancient Order of Foresters, who
omit all reference to this in their account of
the origin of their society. By 1857 it is
declared the Order was well established
throughout England, Scotland, and North
Ireland, but it declined in membership in
later years, because each commandery was
"made a Grand Commandery unto itself,"
and because, owing to the semi-religious
character of the Order, it refused to be en-
rolled under the friendly societies act. It
is of interest to learn that the Knights of
Bethlehem was first introduced into America
in 1G91 by Giles Corey of London, during
the war between England and France, but
was suppressed by the colonial authorities ;
and also that it was brought to New
York city by John Bell in 1849 or 1850,
who established several commanderies at
that city in 1S51, which did not long sur-
vive. A reference to the third and success-
ful effort to bring this ancient society to
America has been given. The ritual of the
American branch is said to retain only the
practical teachings on truth, fraternity,
charity and the moral law, drawn from the
ancient ritual. ; •
There is an auxiliary society within the
Order of the Star of Bethlehem, known as
the Eastern Star Benevolent Fund of
America, organized in 1893, designed to
increase the pecuniary benefits available to
members of the Order. Only members
who have attained the Eastern Star degree
may join it. (See Shepherds of Bethlehem
and Shepherds of America.)
Order of the Triang^le. — Registered in
the United States census reports for 1890 as
a mutual assessment beneficiary society, with
headquarters in Brooklyn. Nothing is
learned of it there to-day.
Order of True Frieiid.s. — Organized at
New York in 1886 to insure its members
by means of mutual assessments. It paid
death benefits of ^200, and weekly sick
benefits of from 12.50 to 85.00. Letters
addressed to it are unanswered.
Order of United Coniiiiercial Trav-
elers of America. — Organized at Colum-
bus, 0., and incorporated September 25,
1890, under the laws of the State of Ohio
by John C. Fenimore, Levi C. Pease, S. H.
Strayer, W. E. Carpenter. John Dickey, C.
S. Ammel, F. A. Sells, and Charles B.
Flagg to unite fraternally commercial trav-
elers of good moral standing, to assist
members and those depending on them,
and to pay accident, sick, and death bene-
fits. In case of sickness members receive
$25 weekly for not to exceed fifty-two
weeks, or during illness, and a like Aveekly
benefit during disabilitv on account uf
accident. The sum of $5,000 is paid to bene-
ficiaries of a deceased member. Tlie total
membership of the Order is about 10,000.
These indemnity features have been main-
tained at an average cost to each member of
$7 per annum.
Order of United Friends. — Organized
and incorporated in New York State in
1881 by John C. Nott, Albany ; William
H. Lee of Boston, Mass. ; A. A. Lamprey
of Lawrence, Mass.; 0. M. Shedd of Pough-
keepsie, N. Y., and others. A secret fi-a-
ternal beneficiary society, paying death and
disability benefits. Men and women are
eligible as members. The ritual is based on
the teachings of the Golden Rule, and
the motto is " Unity, Friendship, and Se-
curity." This organization was the out-
come of a schism in the Order of Chosen
Friends, and numbers more than 20,000
members. (See Order of Chosen Friends.)
Order of United Fellowship. — Covered
by the account of the Golden Rule Alliance.
Order of Unity. — A mutual assessment
beneficiary society, organized at Philadel-
phia in 1889, by members of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen, by Freemasons,
Knights of Pythias, and others, for men
and women, to secure the payment of $500
and $1,000 death benefits and weekly sick
and accident benefits ranging from 13.50 to
130. It is among the smaller organizations
of its class, numbering only about 2,500.
Total benefits paid since 1889 amount to
about $140,000. The Order is non-secta-
rian, and through its ritual teaches strength
in union, justice to all, and protection
through fraternity.
Patriarchal Circle of America. — Or-
ganized at Milwaukee, Wis., in 1880, by
Newell Daniels, General A. B. Myens, and
six others, as a fraternal beneficiary society.
It has 3,000 members and confers three de-
grees : Preparatory, Perfection, and the Pa-
triarchal Feast and Knighthood ; the first
two written by Newell Daniels in 1893, and
the last prepared by G. C. Ridings, the Su-
preme Secretary. The work is largely mili-
tary. The colors of the organization are
royal purple and gold. It has its own tac-
tics for drill and sword exercise, and fur-
nishes life insurance to its members, based
on mutual assessments. Each Temple es-
tablishes sick and funeral benefits at its
oj^tion. The principal emblem consists of
three elongated links, connected so as to
form a triangle, the words "Honesty, Frater-
nity, and Fidelity " and a representation of
a knight's helmet at the top. The auxil-
iary for women is called the Circle of the
Golden Band, Temples of which insure the
lives of its members and establish funeral
and sick benefits if they wish. This society
was originally an organization of Odd Fel-
lows, formed to confer " the new degrees
for Uniformed Patriarchs." It was re]3u-
diated by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in
1885 but has continued to exist ever since in
the State where founded. (See Independent
Order of Odd Fellows.)
Pennsylvania Order of Foresters. —
See Foresters of America.
Protected Fireside Circle. — Organized
at Detroit, Mich. ; a social, beneficiary se-
cret society for men and women.
Protected Home Circle. — While in no
way connected with the Home Circle of
Massachusetts, the Protected Home Circle,
organized at Sharon, Pa., in 1886, and
chartered under the laws of Pennsylvania,
presents a similarity in name and emblem,
the latter being a monogram formed of
the letters P, H, and C. As the first-
named secret fraternal beneficiary associa-
tion was formed seven years before the
latter, the likenesses between them suggest
and has been declared to amount to more
than a coincidence. But it is certain that
the Protected Home Circle resembles the
older society in no other way except in
that it has been successful and in that it,
like its prototype, admits both men and
women to membership. But it makes a
radical departure in that, by placing twenty-
five per cent, of all monthly assessments in
a reserve fund, it maintains a fixed rate of
payment and a definite number of assess-
ments annually for each member. Those
who join the society and preserve their
standing and jiay all dues and assessments
for five years may, at any time thereafter,
take paid-up certificates for the amount
whicli their respective portions of the re-
serve fund warrant, and thereafter, by sim-
ply keeping up the j)ayments of dues, be
entitled to the amount of said certificates at
death. Tlie society was founded by promi-
nent members of the Equitable Aid Union,
the National Union — both secret assessment
beneficiary societies — and of the Indepen-
dent Order of Odd Fellows, and possesses
an instructive ritual based upon biblical
teachings. It pays total and permanent
disability benefits, death benefits ranging in
six classes from $500 to $3,000, with pay-
ments adjusted to age, rate, and risk. Its
motto is " Safety, Economy, Fidelity, and
Purity,'* and its jDrincipal emblem is the
representation of an eagle perched on
the edge of its nest, guarding its young.
The fraternal obligations enjoined are cal-
culated to form a real brotherhood, and its
distinctive feature is. the requiring of a
certain number of payments of a fixed
amount so that each 2)erson becoming a
member may compute the exact cost of his
or her insurance for a given period. The
funds are divided into four classes for
the payment, respectively, of death and
sick benefits, to provide for the regularity of
assessments and for maintaining and con-
ducting the organization. There is a haz-
ardous and an extra-hazardous class of
occupations, followers of which are eligible
to membership at special rates. Subordi-
nate bodies are called Circles, and the
Order is governed by a Supreme Circle
composed of the founders of the Society,
otliers elected to the Supreme Circle, and
representatives from subordinate Circles, as
provided in the constitution. The total
amount of death and sick benefits paid by
the Protected Home Circle since its organi-
zation is about $400,000, and its total
membership is over 2,000. Its permanent
headquarters is at Sharon, Pa., but its
members are found as far west as Missouri
and nortli as far as Miciiigan.
Provideut League of Aniericu. — A
Detroit assessment, mutual benefit Order,
referred to in the census of 1890, but not
known to the postal officials at Detroit to-
Prudent Patricians of Pompeii of the
United States of America. — Organized at
Washington, J). C, under act of Congress,
March 4, 1897, tlie first fratermil Ijeneficiary
association so formed, by Dennis T. Flynn,
delegate in Congress from Oklahoma ; Phi-
lip Walker, Orand Vice-licgent of tlie Royal
Arcanum ; George A. Reynolds, Grand
Secretary of the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks ; W. J. Palmer, Past Noble
Grand Manchester Unity, Independent Or-
der of Odd Fellows, and others. Its objects
are to provide for the payment of death
benefits to white persons of both sexes on
an immediate payment ])lan (the customary
one), or an annuity payment plan, at the
rate of ten per cent, annually ; to pay
members a total and permanent disability
benefit and also an old age benefit ; to
educate members socially, morally, and in-
tellectually ; to establish a bureau of infor-
mation for members to aid them in obtain-
ing employment, and to assist each other in
business. Members who reach the age of
seventy years are -to be free from assess-
ments and receive ten per cent, of the face
of certificates annually. The President of
Prudent Patricians is W. S. Linton, Past
Great Commander of the Knights of the
Maccabees, of Michigan, and tlie oftico of
its prothonotary is at Saginaw in that
Royal Aid Society. — Organized at
Lynn, Mass., early in 1896, to pay $1,000
and $3,000 to beneficiaries of deceased
members, and maintain the usual accom-
panying social and fraternal features. It
differs from most of the later societies of
this character iu that it assesses members at
a flat rate of 50 cents and $1 per thousand
dollars of insurance at each death, instead
of at the graded rate according to age, which
the older and larger beneficiary fraternities
have generally adopted.
Royal Arcanum. — One of the largest
fraternal mutual assessment, beneficiary,
and benevolent secret societies in the
United States, founded by Darius Wilson,
C. K. Darling, W. 0. Eobson, E. M. Craw-
ford, J. A. Oummings, G. W. Blish, W.
Bradley, J. H. Wright, and J. M. Swain,
of Boston and vicinity, in 1877, and incor-
porated as the Supreme Council of the
Royal Arcanum under the laws of the S"fi«te
of Massachusetts. Several of the founders
were members of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen and of the Knights of
Honor and some were members of the
Masonic Fraternity and of the Indepen-
dent Order of Odd Fellows. The title of
the society suggests a '''royal secret," and
the secret is declared to be the method by
which to obtain '^ fraternal society 'protec-
tion ' at less cost than old line insurance
companies furnish it." The Order owns a
handsome building at Boston, where the
Supreme or Governing Council meetings
are held and where the general business of
the organization is transacted. Subordinate
Councils, which ai'e found throughout the
States and Territories in the more healthful
districts of the Union, are governed by
Grand Councils, or by the Supreme Coun-
cil when situated Avhere no Grand Councils
exist, and the Supreme Council consists of
its officers and representatives of Grand
Councils. The Order is composed of ac-
ceptable men between twenty-one ajid fifty-
five years of age, and issues benefit certifi-
cates for $1,500 and $3,000, payable at
death. Starting with nine members in
1877, its membership is now in excess of
200,000, and it has paid out, in death ben-
efits alone, more than 140,000,000. Subor-
dinate Councils provide funds for the relief
of sick or disabled members, and for the
necessities of their families. The Supreme
Council has charge of the Widows' and Or-
phans' Benefit Fund, as the life insurance
fund is called, which is collected by and
paid out on order of subordinate Councils.
The membership of the Order, while drawn
nominally from all ranks of society, aver-
ages higher than in many organizations
and at most of the larger centres includes
some of the best representatives of other
fraternities, as well as of business, profes-
sional and official life. Its chief emblem in-
cludes a royal crown Avithin a circle, on the
circumference of which are ten small Mal-
tese crosses without notches. The motto
of the Order is " Mercy, Virtue, and Char-
ity," which is mystically referred to in a
manner known only to members.
The initiatory ceremony, which has been
changed once or twice, is quite the reverse
of that found in the American Legion of
Honor, being an elaborate ceremonial
" well calculated to impress " the meaning
of the motto of the Order uj^on the minds
of all novitiates, even though they have
passed through the ordeals required by
other secret societies. But the almost un-
exampled jDrosperity of the Royal Arcanum
in its fifth of a century of existence has
not blinded its leaders to the necessity for
remodelling its system of assessments, at
one time the best among those employed
by like societies and now among the most
advanced. Signs of an increasing number
of assessments appeared in 1896, and the
necessary steps were taken to so adjust the
method of collecting them as to continue
the success and prosperity which for so
many years marked the progress of the
* The twenty-first anniversary of the society was
signalized by radical action looking to the more
efficient protection of its members. This was done
by " discarding the old post-mortem system" ol
assessments at deaths of members and establishing
an emergency fund and " i^rOviding for the war
hazard " by laying twenty-one assessments accord-
ing to the existing scale. The twenty-one assess-
ments are based on expert estimates of eighteen
In order to enable members to increase
the amount of their insurance, i>ractically
within the ranks of the Order, the Loyal
Additional Benefit Association was formed
in 1889 and incorporated in 1890 under
the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Only members of the Royal Arcanum,
after an additional medical examination,
are eligible to join the Loyal Additional,
which offers benefit certificates payable at
death for 11,000 or $2,000 as preferred,
and establishes funds for the relief of sick
and distressed members. William E. Hal-
lenbeck of Jersey City founded tlie Loyal
Additional, which numbers more than 6,000
members. The Association is not a com-
petitor of the Royal Arcanum, but is its
supplement. The Supreme Council of the
Royal Arcanum, while not in any way con-
nected with or responsible for the Asso-
ciation, expressed its commendation at
its session in Milwaukee, in 1890, of the
motives that prompted the organization
and extended to its promoters its praise
and encouragement.
Royal Conclave of Knights and La-
dies.— See sketch of Golden Rule Alli-
Royal Fraternal Guardians. — Organ-
ized at San Francisco in December, 1805, a
assessments to meet current mortality within a
year, one to cover war risk, and two assessments to
establish an emergency fund. These assessments
are collected in twelve equal amounts, thus making a
regular monthly call. The new system was adopted
at the annual session of the Supreme Council, held
at Cleveland in 1898 and went into operation
August 1st in that year.
By the new plan, $3,000 protection at the age of
twenty-one calls for an annual payment of, or
twelve monthly payments amounting to, $21.12 ; at
thirty-one years, $30.24; at forty-one, $45.36; at
fifty, $68.40, and at fifty-nino years, $136.56.
These rates promise to produce an emergency fund
of about two-thirds of a million dollars annually.
The Order is to be congratulated on the wise and
conservative action it has taken, the significance of
which lies in the fact that no similar organization
of like age has so low a death rate or is transacting
a like volume of business at so small an c.xihmisc.
regular mutual assessment beneficiary so-
Royal Fraternity, The. — Organized at
Minneapolis, October 16, 1896, by N. W.
Bloss, C. F. Underbill, H. AV. Hatch and
others, to pay death and various other bene-
fits. Women are not eligible to membership.
The chief emblem is composed of three tri-
angles forming a nine-pointed star, with
other details understood only by members.
In less than a year the society reported a
total membership of 1,500.
Royal Knights of King David. — Re-
corded in the census of 1890 as a fraternal
beneficiary society, but no evidence of its
continued existence has been obtained.
Royal League, The. — A glance at the
chief emblem of this mutual assessment
beneficiary fraternity suggests that it is an
offspring of the Royal Arcanum, as it con-
tinues the use of the word ''royal" in con-
nection with the motto, '' Virtue, Mercy,
and Charity." Inquiry corroborates this, the
founders of the Royal League, at Chicago,
in 1883, being members of the Royal Ar-
canum. The former is incorporated under
the laws of the State of Illinois, and its
operation is confined to Ohio, Indiana, Illi-
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and
all the States and Territories west of the
Mississippi River, north of the thirty-sixth
parallel. It was evidently organized to
introduce some modifications of the then
exceptionally advanced method of coopera-
tive life insurance employed by the Royal
Arcanum, and bears practically the same
relationshij-) to the latter as the Iowa Legion
of Honor and the Northwestern Legion of
Honor bear to the parent fraternity, the
American Legion of Honor. The Royal
League offers to unite acceptable men be-
tween twenty-one and forty-six years of age
to provide what it (and the Royal Arcaiuuu)
calls a widow's and orphan's benefit fund,
from which, at the death of members, to pay
$2,000 or $4,000 to their families or depend-
ents. The option of $-3,000 or $4,000 insur-
ance (instead of $3,000 only) constitutes only
one difference between the two fraternities,
as the younger introduced a $50 and a $25
week!}' benefit for permanent disability (to
be deducted from the death benefit), to be
paid at the request of the insured and the
beneficiary, and it prohibited membershiiito
followers of a long list of hazardous occupa-
tions. Following in the footste2:)s of the
Royal Arcanum, the League makes a feature
of the social side of the organization, with
the reading of papers, debates, and other
entertainments. The government of the
latter is vested in a Supreme Council, with
Advisory Councils in States having the
necessary membership. There were about
14,000 members at the end of the thir-
teenth year of the society's existence,
during which period nearly 11,000,000 had
been paid to beneficiaries.
Royal Society of Good Fellows. — An
incorporated fraternal assessment bene-
ficiary society, organized on the lodge
system in Ehode Island, in 1882, by mem-
bers of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, the
Masonic Fraternity, and the